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Old November 6th, 2022, 09:54 PM
xavier. xavier. is offline
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Default Re: ShadowClan Joining & Rejoining

| Birchpaw |
| She/Her |
| A small grey she-cat with darker grey lynx-point markings; Deep blue eyes |

~ Birchpaw had to groom herself multiple times to try and get that stupid twoleg scent off of her. After one last groom of her coat the molly slowly made her way to the border of Shadowclan and sat down, her tail swaying back and forth as she nervously awaited for the current leader of Shadowclan to make her rounds and see the waiting apprentice. ~

| @Undertaker |

Last edited by xavier.; November 6th, 2022 at 09:54 PM.
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Old November 8th, 2022, 07:01 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Joining & Rejoining

Ginger'Step nudged Cricket'Kit forward, as her daughter had stopped walking. Silent'Paw bristled beside her, his nose twitching. " What is it Silent'Paw? " Ginger'Step mewed. The young tom turned to look at her. " I smell shadowclan. Maybe Dawn'Star will let us re-join? Surely she would understand? " he mewed hopefully. Ginger'Step nodded, doubt pricking her pelt. The padded closer into the forest, and then came upon the clan entrance. Silent'Paw bolted into the camp, running over to Dawn'Star. " I'm sorry we left. Ginger'Step took me to meet my father, and then Cricket'Kit followed us. I-. I'm sorry. " the tom said, ducking his head.

( If you are wondering why it was Ginger'Step that took Silent'Paw to meet his father, it's because Silent'Paw is Ginger'Step's kit from a past mate. And his father was a rogue. So, all of Ginger'Step's kit's father is a rogue. But Silent'Paw and Cricket'Kit are half siblings. Sorry if this doesn't really mean anything, just felt like it was important. XD )

If I haven't responded within 48 hours of a post, let me know.
My cats:
Shadowclan: Cricket'Kit and Silent'Paw
Thunderclan: None
Windclan: Wild WInd
Riverclan: None
Rogue/s: Lucy
Kittypet/s: Duke
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Old November 8th, 2022, 07:04 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Joining & Rejoining

Beetle'Kit followed his adopted mother, Ginger'Step, and kept his gaze down. His whiskers twitched, and his tail flicked from side to side.

@Ember Paw
If I don't respond within 48 hours of a post, then let me know!

TC: Shiver'Blaze
SC: Beetle'Kit
RC: None
WC: None
Other: Marvin ( kittypet )
Shiver'Blaze is my main, let me know if you want to rp with him!
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Old November 9th, 2022, 08:27 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Joining & Rejoining

Willowheart smiled "Thank you very much!" She said "I shall call him Whisperkit!"
--------- @Undertaker @shadefur or liko

Thunderclan: ThunderHeart + CederSparrow
Shadowclan: OwlKit + WillowHeart
Riverclan: LilyLeaf + GoldenPaw
WindClan: SplitMeadow
Outsiders: Camila

Last edited by ~Half-A-Witch~; November 9th, 2022 at 08:28 AM.
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Old November 10th, 2022, 07:04 PM
Burning'Flame Burning'Flame is offline
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Default Re: ShadowClan Joining & Rejoining

Name: Shade
Age: 6 moons
Gender: Tom
Rank Request: apprentice
New Name: Shadepaw
Reason for Joining: Shade has always been curious about the clans and when his mom abandoned him, he went to join the first clan he could find
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Old November 13th, 2022, 04:05 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Joining & Rejoining

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Name: Violetpaw
Age:8 moons
Gender: Female
Rank Request: Apprentice
Reason for Joining: She has been gone from the clans for awhile and is missing them.
“If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.” —Toni Morrison

Last edited by itzgreystar; November 13th, 2022 at 04:05 PM.
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Old November 14th, 2022, 04:24 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Joining & Rejoining


Female nebelung with a scar trailing from her left eye, and a scar on her back right ankle

Age: Six Moons

Last seen: July 2022


Her breathing was ragged as she dragged herself through the forest. The blood dripped from her eye left, the skin swelled and torn. The brown orb was no longer able to be seen, the remnants of it long scattered to the winds. Her gray fur was turning brown now, flecks of brown dirt dotting her pelt here and there.


The leaves scrunch under her, the winds blow with their fangs gnawing at her face, worsening the splatter of blood against her face. It's growing chillier as the seasons shift, and she doesn't know if she'll be able to make it home. Then again, if Dawnstar had it her way (which she would, no questions asked), she would never be able to step another paw into camp ever again.


Did Mother care where she had gone? Did her siblings care? Did anyone care? Probably not- she had been quiet when she was still in camp, and no one had cared for her. If she was worth something, a patrol would have been sent out. After all, it was her own stupidity that landed her in this predicament.


Mistkit (could she still be called that?) didn't know how long or where she should be headed, but she's so tired, all she wants to do in lay down and rest. Her old badger bite is acting up, and if she didn't need to keep moving she would have tried to claw the discomfort away. But she can't; if she does, she'll run the risk of damaging her leg and end up getting stranded in the forest as easy prey for whatever predators that were out that night. She hasn't had much to eat within the past two moons or so, and it had impeded her growth a little. She wasn't as big as she was supposed to be, but she definitely wasn't as small as when she was younger.


Home did sound nice right about now. Problem was... would she be allowed to come home? To consider Shadowclan her home?

She was getting closer to the place. She could feel it; the same sense of security, and the hints of fear and timidness.

Only one way to find out.


She sucked in a breath, and called out to the inky blackness of the night.



[ @Undertaker ]
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Old November 15th, 2022, 03:37 PM
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Exclamation Re: ShadowClan Joining & Rejoining

Age:1 moon
Status:clinging onto dawnstars hindleg(LOL)
Description:Speckled gray white she-kit with piercing red and blue eyes
Enormuos wound on back(Badger attacked and killed mother(Was rouge))
Biteing Dawnstar's hindleg with her tiny dagger teeth

Last edited by Cloudpuff; November 29th, 2022 at 09:34 AM.
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Old November 20th, 2022, 02:07 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Joining & Rejoining

Strawberrykit had been gone for a while. After being hidden in a stale fox den for a couple days she had gotten out to go home and then she was taken by disgusting twolegs who would hit her if she didn't eat the rubbish food they gave her. She had eventually grown old enough to jump over the fence and escape. Now she was aimlessly wandering the forest too scared to make any noise. She had her top half of her left ear ripped off and had a lot of scars on her back. 'Screw it!' She thought and mewed out "Hello?"


Thunderclan: ThunderHeart + CederSparrow
Shadowclan: OwlKit + WillowHeart
Riverclan: LilyLeaf + GoldenPaw
WindClan: SplitMeadow
Outsiders: Camila

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Old November 21st, 2022, 10:51 AM
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Undertaker Undertaker is offline
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Default Re: ShadowClan Joining & Rejoining

[Sorry for the wait, all, I'm trying to get back into the habit of replying to re/joinings weekly.]

Originally Posted by Teddie Horror View Post
++ Flame = He/His/Him = Outsider ++

[ @Undertaker ]

I'm hungwy... Flame thought as he padded around the murky forest, his stomach growling loudly, his left ear gone from scrapping his head on a rock when he tripped and fell down just a few inches. "..." He heard the footsteps of another cat approaching. Fear took over and the ginger tom-kit started covering himself in mud, his missing left ear still bleeding. Flame covered himself in mud and tried to hide that way. I shows have wan... He realized what a terrible plan this was as the footsteps got louder and closer.

Dawnstar's nose twitched as she prowled through the pine forest, head ducking underneath a low-hanging branch. She wasn't certain where it was coming from but she could pick up the faint scent of blood somewhere. It wasn't a large amount of blood, but it was enough for her and any other predator within the vicinity to catch. Clan warriors and apprentices knew not to spill too much blood when catching prey for obvious reasons. Perhaps something was injured? Her amber eyes scanned a marshy area, mud still not frozen over as leafbare persisted. The scent she had been tracking disappeared, all she smelt was the wet muck. Giving up on using her nose, her eyes found what she was looking for. "Found you," The giant she-cat's gaze rested on what looked like a muddy scrape of fur a fox-length or two ahead of her. "If you're going to hide with mud, you need to hide your paw prints, those are a dead giveaway." The scarred cat meowed with a sneer on her maw.

Originally Posted by SplashyLumi View Post
“Well, I thought you would be grateful but no, you're SELFISH! Let me back in or I'll force my way.“ Ratstrike hissed.

Dawnstar let out a haughty laugh at the tom's insolence. "It seems that I've been too soft on you lot, you've forgotten who I am." It seemed that Ratstrike needed a reminder. The she-cat lashed out with a paw aiming at the side of the tom's head, claws out with the intent of doing some serious damage.

Originally Posted by WhiteDawn View Post
There it was, Hades opened his eyes, he saw Dawnstar's murderous fury had just come out, he smiled viciously when the she-cat jumped on him, claws and fangs outside, he was delighted to do this fight, he dodged the claws and the fangs that wanted to sink in his flesh, then leaning on a stone right next to him, he retaliated "Too slow!" throwing himself from his position, he passed over her to land a little further, he released his claws and charged Dawnstar's side...

Lovely, it was like fighting with WindClan bunnies all over again. Dawnstar remained unphased as the cat avoided her attack, seemingly uncaring for his taunting. As he leaped over her head, she whipped around instinctively keeping him in her line of sight. He immediately threw himself at her and instead of dodging she took the full brunt of the tom's attack. The pain in her flank made her flinch but instead of recoiling or yowling in pain, she merely parted her maw and struck out as quickly as a snake, aiming to sink her fangs into the tom's shoulder before he had time to react and pull away from the collision.

Originally Posted by TheDragonGoddess View Post
Echo proweled silently through the forest, looking for someone, yet trying to stay by the border as caution took place. @Undertaker

"Lost rat?" The bushes trembled as broad shoulders pushed aside the brambles in front of her. The large she-cat with piercing amber eyes strolled out of the shadows, tail twitching. Dawnstar peered at the other cat as if she had just found a new mouse to play with.

Originally Posted by jupiter View Post
// @Undertaker
As luck would have it (it worked occasionally for her, it seemed) Dawnstar's tall form appeared in the undergrowth, and it wasn't long before the molly was ducking into view. Grinning a bit in greeting, the taupe tabby apprentice ducked her head to the leader. Good thing Dawnstar was still around. For a moment Daintypaw had been worried that the lady had kicked the bucket like ThunderClan's leaders had done multiple times since she had been gone (she had had an interesting gossip session with a ThunderClanner on the way over her), so it was a good thing that this portion of ShadowClan's authority was stable. She wondered if Shadestorm and Bounceberry were still around. Hopefully not Shadestorm. She hated that stuck up jackass.

"What gave it away?" This was accompanied by a snort as the apprentice poked at her mangled, ratty collar that hung limply from her neck. Obviously she wasn't trying to sass Dawnstar. Hopefully it was seen as the joke it was, or she wasn't going to enjoy where this conversation would be going. As the leader moved forward, Daintypaw's instinctive senses flared as she saw a flash of the leader's jaws parting, but she stayed still. In a few moments, the bright pink collar was pulled off, and the molly glanced down at it with a fairly disgusted sneer. She felt a lot better after getting that off, once it was gone, her ties to her temporary imprisonment were officially broken. "Thanks." She said after looking back up at the shadow queen, collar forgotten.

The question about her leg garnered a grimace from the tabby, and she sighed lightly. "I pulled a muscle, I think. They had me shut up in this tiny little cage, and so when I finally got out, I probably moved too fast for my muscles. There was only so much stretching I could do in preparation. I think it'll be okay after a week or so, then I'll be back all the way." She wasn't going to lie, she had been treated pretty mid over there. Yes, she had plenty of good food, but if it came at the cost of sunlight, freedom and privacy, then it wasn't worth it. She missed the furry prey and drinking from rain puddles. She missed annoying warriors and dropping bird eggs on her denmates in their sleep (she didn't miss the snoring and kicking though. eugh)

"I got stuck in some Twoleg box near the border, in case you were wondering about how I got myself into that situation. Almost took out the Twoleg's eye when he took me out of the box." She said, wondering if that would be taken as disrespectful. Dawnstar hadn't asked, but if it meant that Daintypaw could go chase some newb out of her nest as fast as she could, then it was worth it. "I can promise you I won't be going back there again. Now I know what kind of trap to look out for." Instead of boldly asking the question like she usually would, Daintypaw just let it hang there. Can I come back? Instead, she asked something simpler. "How's Vixensnarl?" Was her old mentor still around? She sure hoped so.

How long has this one been gone? Dawnstar had to go pretty far back in her memory to recall when it was the last time she saw her. Moons, many moons ago, however, despite the collar Daintypaw didn't look too bad. She was going to be very behind in her training. The large feline twitched her ear in reply to the other's gratitude. Dawnstar's tongue flickered out licking her maw as if she tasted something foul while Daintpaw went on to explain how she messed up her leg.

Oh, Dawnstar supposed the younger cat had lost quite a bit of muscle. The leader flattened her ears as she faintly recalled how she had gotten stuck in a similar position as Daintypaw. She hadn't gotten stuck long though. Regardless of what the paw said, it would be a good idea to have Elmshadow or Ivsnake take a look at her leg when they returned. The news about the twoleg box had her tail twitching behind her. She hasn't heard anything about any traps in the territory, but considering how long ago it was... ShadowClan already had enough trouble with twolegs.

"You'll have to tell me more about this box you were stuck in. It will be good to make sure the clan knows to look out for them. I don't see why you can't return, Elmshadow will need to look at your leg to be sure that nothing is wrong with it. As for Vixensnarl, she's training a new apprentice and busy with Enforcer work. It will be up to her if she wants to pick up on our training again, otherwise, you'll be assigned a new mentor." Dawnstar explains, waving her tail to beckon the apprentice to her side. "Come on, let's go."

Originally Posted by Quietheart View Post

|10 Moons|

Grit scowled at Dawnstars initial comments before his face readjusted and curled into a smirk that left his mouth half open. His long teeth were visible on the right side where his mouth was opened the widest. The gap showing his natural weapons slimmed on the left side until at some point his lips were almost pursed. The amber light of his eyes rested on ShadowClan leaders heavy form as she pressed her weight into the dirt with a stretch. Her front claws made the earth shudder and peel away. Both the leaders actions and words egged on his competitive spirit. "Look either take me or don't take me I'm not here to play cat and mouse word games. I'm a warrior not a philosopher."

Grit leaned his body forward too, as a means of showing his lack of fear. He kept his eyes locked with the calculating she-cat. She seemed to be despite her words, considering something in the back of her mind. Her many scars were more visible as she moved her body and Grit wondered which of them had been in more battles. His skin too was littered with scars beneath his pelt, he had the weird sense of almost staring into a reflection in a pool of water. The tall pines were casting shade over both cats as they swayed with an eerily slow dance of noises. Their soft rattling filled the void of the small clearing they both resided in.

Her next words rung with the truth behind them, and her pride as a fighter in front of them. Dawnstar's challenge made his heart race with excitement but the tom stayed where he was. "I'm either someone you could fight with, or against. I'd be happy either way but, If your clan can make me stronger then I can also make your clan stronger." He folded his ears teasingly as he delivered his next line "Your claiming to be strong but interrogating me like your afraid I might bite. I have no interest in attacking cats when their back is turned, only cowards do that." He slowly closed his eyes, the images of his adopted father Tallow filling the dark corners of his brain. I will never stoop to such treachery, nor will I ever let my guard down again.

As his eyes slipped calmly back open, they were filled with buried cold anger. He rested in that feeling for some time before finally deciding to give Dawnstar his name. "My name is Grit. Don't expect much else from me, I'm not here to be anyone's friend so I don't plan on sharing stories." I will fight for you and learn from you if you want, that is if you really can teach me anything." His voice was skeptically taunting, yet he meant every word.

So hasty, but Dawnstar could relate she didn't like wasting time with words when she had claws and fangs that could do the talking. The she-cat's ears shot up at the words warrior. How cocky, she's never heard of an outsider refer to themself as a warrior before. She was rather insulted right now. A mere outsider, no matter how interesting them may seem, had no right to call themselves a warrior. "You live, hunt, and fight for no one but yourself and your own goals, you have no idea what a true warrior is, and quite frankly it's rather insulting that you think you are one." Dawnstar hissed, powerful muscles flexing underneath her scarred brown coat.

A cruel sneer formed on the leader's maw as the tom stated that he'd be fine with being an enemy or ally of hers. "You do not want to be my enemy, not unless you never want to feel the thrill of battle again." She spoke this as if it was a fact of life, however, it was difficult to tell if her words were meant as a death threat or something worse. "Whether or not you can give back what my clan offers you can only be told with time. I've had so many cats tell me that they can make my clan stronger and I've been disappointed by every single one save... two." Talk was cheap, Dawnstar knew that as a fact of life by now.

"Do you smell fear on me?" Dawnstar asked, cocking her head and rolling her golden orbs. "Your words and actions can change given the circumstances, I've got no reason to trust you. You're impulsive and overestimate yourself, you think too much like an outsider if you're going to even think about joining a clan, you're going to have to fix that. If it was just me, and you just wanted a fight, you'd already be bleeding and tongueless. However, unlike you, I have many counting on me. I can't just bring in every single arrogant hairball that crosses my path." Outsiders were problematic like that, their single-minded mentality to think of nothing but themselves and their own survival made adjusting to clan life difficult.

"Well, Grit, I'm not looking for friends, I'm looking for cats, loyal, trustworthy cats willing to lay down their very lives for something far bigger than themselves. My Clan prides itself on our fierceness, our strength, and our loyalty. Your willingness to give me your story helps build a bit of trust, regardless of how many lies you add in. A lack of trust is a weak clan, and my clan is anything but weak. However, I'm not going to force you to give me it. You've got a lot to learn, but you're clearly too eager to get your claws dirty, so shall we begin? Perhaps a good ass-kicking will help us get somewhere." Dawnstar huffed, arching her back once more in a stretch. the she-cat shifts her weight and falls into a simple battle stance.

Originally Posted by candy hearts. View Post
| Birchpaw |
| She/Her |
| A small grey she-cat with darker grey lynx-point markings; Deep blue eyes |

~ Birchpaw had to groom herself multiple times to try and get that stupid twoleg scent off of her. After one last groom of her coat, the molly slowly made her way to the border of Shadowclan and sat down, her tail swaying back and forth as she nervously awaited for the current leader of Shadowclan to make her rounds and see the waiting apprentice. ~

| @Undertaker |

Kittypet? Dawnstar's nose twitched as she padded towards the border. She found a small cat sitting at the border, a gray she-cat with blue eyes. This one had vanished not that long ago. "Birchpaw, why do reek of twoleg?" Dawnstar already had an idea of what had gone on, but as usual, she needed to hear the story to be certain.

Originally Posted by Ember Paw View Post
Ginger'Step nudged Cricket'Kit forward, as her daughter had stopped walking. Silent'Paw bristled beside her, his nose twitching. " What is it Silent'Paw? " Ginger'Step mewed. The young tom turned to look at her. " I smell shadowclan. Maybe Dawn'Star will let us re-join? Surely she would understand? " he mewed hopefully. Ginger'Step nodded, doubt pricking her pelt. The padded closer into the forest, and then came upon the clan entrance. Silent'Paw bolted into the camp, running over to Dawn'Star. " I'm sorry we left. Ginger'Step took me to meet my father, and then Cricket'Kit followed us. I-. I'm sorry. " the tom said, ducking his head.

( If you are wondering why it was Ginger'Step that took Silent'Paw to meet his father, it's because Silent'Paw is Ginger'Step's kit from a past mate. And his father was a rogue. So, all of Ginger'Step's kit's father is a rogue. But Silent'Paw and Cricket'Kit are half siblings. Sorry if this doesn't really mean anything, just felt like it was important. XD )

Originally Posted by X marks the spot View Post
Beetle'Kit followed his adopted mother, Ginger'Step, and kept his gaze down. His whiskers twitched, and his tail flicked from side to side.
@Ember Paw

Dawnstar's nose twitches and the huge she-cat swings her giant head in the direction of the camp entrance and stares at it for a long moment. She stares long and hard when finally the group of cats shows up. A whole family of missing cats. They had better have a good reason for leaving, Dawnstar wasn't wasting space on deserters. "Gingerstep what!" Dawnstar hissed, fur bristled as she lifted her head and shot a seething glare in the queen's direction. "I don't remember approving any outing, Gingerstep. Who the hell told you that you just up and leave the clan as you please? Not only that, but you took a paw in training and a kit."

Originally Posted by ~'Ace of Spades'~ View Post
Willowheart smiled "Thank you very much!" She said "I shall call him Whisperkit!"
--------- @Undertaker @shadefur or liko

"Whisperkit, that's acceptable. Take him and get out of my face." Dawnstar growled, obviously irritated with the pair. "And get rid of that kittypet trash!"
[Done, go ahead and submit him @shadefur or liko ]

QUOTE=ImSoTired;1305504]Name: Shade
Age: 6 moons
Gender: Tom
Rank Request: apprentice
New Name: Shadepaw
Reason for Joining: Shade has always been curious about the clans and when his mom abandoned him, he went to join the first clan he could find[/QUOTE]
Originally Posted by itzgreystar View Post
Joining Form

Name: Violetpaw
Age:8 moons
Gender: Female
Rank Request: Apprentice
Reason for Joining: She has been gone from the clans for awhile and is missing them.

[ShadowClan is closed to Outsider Joining ]

Originally Posted by lonely.lilyx View Post

Female nebelung with a scar trailing from her left eye, and a scar on her back right ankle

Age: Six Moons

Last seen: July 2022


Her breathing was ragged as she dragged herself through the forest. The blood dripped from her eye left, the skin swelled and torn. The brown orb was no longer able to be seen, the remnants of it long scattered to the winds. Her gray fur was turning brown now, flecks of brown dirt dotting her pelt here and there.


The leaves scrunch under her, the winds blow with their fangs gnawing at her face, worsening the splatter of blood against her face. It's growing chillier as the seasons shift, and she doesn't know if she'll be able to make it home. Then again, if Dawnstar had it her way (which she would, no questions asked), she would never be able to step another paw into camp ever again.


Did Mother care where she had gone? Did her siblings care? Did anyone care? Probably not- she had been quiet when she was still in camp, and no one had cared for her. If she was worth something, a patrol would have been sent out. After all, it was her own stupidity that landed her in this predicament.


Mistkit (could she still be called that?) didn't know how long or where she should be headed, but she's so tired, all she wants to do in lay down and rest. Her old badger bite is acting up, and if she didn't need to keep moving she would have tried to claw the discomfort away. But she can't; if she does, she'll run the risk of damaging her leg and end up getting stranded in the forest as easy prey for whatever predators that were out that night. She hasn't had much to eat within the past two moons or so, and it had impeded her growth a little. She wasn't as big as she was supposed to be, but she definitely wasn't as small as when she was younger.


Home did sound nice right about now. Problem was... would she be allowed to come home? To consider Shadowclan her home?

She was getting closer to the place. She could feel it; the same sense of security, and the hints of fear and timidness.

Only one way to find out.


She sucked in a breath, and called out to the inky blackness of the night.



[ @Undertaker ]

The hoots of an owl have Dawnstar's head darting upwards toward the trees tower above her. She heard no wingbeats and saw no owl. Night had descended as it did every day, moonlight shone upon a restless and frost-covered clearing. Insects were buzzing and chirping as a bone-numbing breeze stirred the tall grass, spooking the small creatures within. If she had been in the mood she would be hunting, but she swore she had heard her name whispered somewhere nearby so her attention was drawn elsewhere.

Ignoring the bugs and the critters, the Clan leader weaved her muscular form around the still guardians in front of her. Dawnstar parted her and breathed in the cold night air, sharing for something out of the ordinary. The nights were getting so cold that she found it strange to see a cat out lurking as she did. The leader slowly wondered if she had been imagining the call when she finally locked on to a faint scent.

Her large paws picked up the pace as she shut her maw and moved in the direction of the faint scent. It was closer to the camp than she had originally thought. She might have missed the cat entirely if she hadn't noticed the stench of blood clinging to them. Young, but no longer the same kit that had resided in ShadowClan's nursery. The hazel eyes still managed to glow in the night, and Dawnstar could make out the gray-blue pelt unwashed and filthy.

"Mistkit, this feels like deja vu, honestly, after your run-in with the badger I would have thought you learned your lesson." The clan leader padded closer, sniffing around the kit's body as she spoke. "Apparently not, I really should just leave you out for something to eat. It doesn't seem that you care to remain in ShadowClan." Dawnstar was not known for her forgiveness, it had been only moons before she had brought the kit back to Elmshadow and Ivysnake to tend to after her first stunt.

Originally Posted by ~'Ace of Spades'~ View Post
Strawberrykit had been gone for a while. After being hidden in a stale fox den for a couple days she had gotten out to go home and then she was taken by disgusting twolegs who would hit her if she didn't eat the rubbish food they gave her. She had eventually grown old enough to jump over the fence and escape. Now she was aimlessly wandering the forest too scared to make any noise. She had her top half of her left ear ripped off and had a lot of scars on her back. 'Screw it!' She thought and mewed out "Hello?"


Another runaway kit, the Clan leader strolled out of the forest and glared at the young cat who had clearly had quite the adventure. She reeked of twoleg and faintly of something else. She wouldn't smell of anything if she had stayed in camp where she belonged. Dawnstar's claws were halfway out as she padded over to the fearful kit, nose wrinkling at the stretch she carried. "You have some explaining to do, Strawberrykit." Dawnstar snarled, actually giving the kit a real reason to be fearful.

siggy art by redshiftreign
Dawnstar is the leader of ShadowClan and will shred you if you enter her den. She has a semi-closed den policy.
ShadowClan Resources ||| Dawnstar ||| ||| Kit Curriculum Finder
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