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Old January 1st, 2024, 12:17 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Alright this was getting ridiculous! Kits were crying, warriors were arguing, and the leader was dealing out exiles faster than a flash of thunder. This was no way for Windclan to live! Leaf bare was much too miserable to have any other drama adding itself into the equation.

"Woah now hang on a sec." The molly started, finally inserting herself into the conversation. "I'm no expert, but isn't exiling our murderous medicine cat here a bit risky? Like... doesn't this just give him free reign to find whatever poisons he wants and stick 'em in our prey? Or even worse, what if he finds his ol' pal Peachfrost and they both come back for revenge? That chick had serious bloodlust in her eyes, and I'm sure this one here is on his way to becoming the same." A nod in Cowtuft's direction, before turning to look to others for approval. Would they agree with her? Praise her for her good ideas? Littleshock tried to look strong and uncaring, but the way her heart thudded in her chest made her think otherwise.

"All I'm sayin' is instead of escorting him off the territory like he is just some lost loner, we treat him like he is! A killer. A... ridiculously large and unnervingly knowledgable killer." How many bodies had gone still due to Cowtuft's negligence? How many more could drop at any second? Her eyes flashed over towards Lightningstorm for a brief moment - fear and apprehension shining within them. And how are we supposed to just trust that this one is truly innocent?

"I guess what I mean is why not let us feel safe in our own home again? Give this guy a days head start, and then he's fair game." Her claws yearned to unsheathe for dramatic affect but, with great restraint, they stayed put. Tensions were high, and she didn't feel like being exiled too. "I have been honing my tracking skills after all."
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Last edited by Poprock; January 1st, 2024 at 12:23 AM.
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Old January 1st, 2024, 12:41 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

he/him | 46 moons
[Deep russet tabby with blue eyes and a white chest muzzle and paws]
And there it was. The final judgement cast by their leader. Cowtuft was to be stripped of his title, his name, and his home. Cast out into the moors to live the rest of his life as an outsider. Reasonably, it was just.

So why did he feel so horrible?

Hawkfur cast one last look at the cats gathered around Cowtu--Cow, and decided he needed to get out of here. His legs ached to run across the moors, and his lungs burned with phantom dust from the tunnel collapse not long ago. He felt like he was suffocating in this camp, surrounded by death and sorrow and anger. He needed to do something, be useful, but he certainly wasn't going to escort Cow to the border. Perhaps he would go hunting to take his mind off of everything. Plan made, he slipped out of the crowd towards the entrance and disappeared into the night.

Mistlewhisker is ShadowClan's current Deputy!
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Old January 1st, 2024, 01:14 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

s o f t s o n g
she/her - 98 moons - WindClan - aroace - tags; @Poprock
Softsong listened as Twilightstar spoke. She was glad her suggestion of guards for the den was taken on board, as well as the herb supply being inspected and replaced as well as they could in leafbare. Her stomach churned at the thought of being hit with sickness now, with Lightningstorm only just stepping into her full role and their supplies as good as useless.

She held her tongue as her leader announced that Peachfrost's exile would stay in place. It was understandable, and Twilightstar's words made sense, but Softsong couldn't help feel she was being judged too harshly for things said in the heat of the moment, mere minutes after seeing her daughter laid dead before her paws. Peachfrost had cared for Cowtuft, and a betrayal from someone you trusted cut deeper than any claws - it was no wonder she'd said such cruel things.

She whirled on Littleshock at her words. "Do you have bees for brains? I'm serious - did you crack your head open and replace your brain with bees? Be honest - I will happily take them out for you," Softsong hissed, looking at her in sheer disbelief. "I've never heard something so ridiculous or fox-hearted in my life. Release him into the moors and then hunt him down like prey... are we now doing cruel things just for the fun of it?" she spat. "And in case you didn't notice, Peachfrost's aggression was pointed directly at her 'old buddy' - intentions aside, he gave her daughter the herbs that ended her life. It sounds to me like you're the one lusting for blood here."

What was WindClan coming to? Someone had poisoned those herbs if not Cowtuft, and with this horrific suggestion... Could she still trust her clanmates?

Last edited by lesbianism; January 1st, 2024 at 08:28 AM.
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Old January 1st, 2024, 03:15 AM
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✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚ [ COWTUFT ‼ ] ˚。⋆ ༘˚✧
✩。°°。✩ he . . him ➔ massive white tom with black splotches and floppy ears. scars cover his neck. x-marks on his shoulders and his left hindleg is covered in burn scars
╭₊˚purrks﹕monkey's paw, the collector, herb knowledge, kitty softpaws ₊˚੭
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
⌦ .。.:* ✮ @BEAR. @Dark @Alchemist Kitsune @Rani @Moonraven @Lillith @TheNyanCatMinecart @/anyone else
when cowtuft was younger he used to think he would make it to be an ancient age; lasting as long as twilightstar if he was lucky. nine medicine cats later and he's the next to fall. it was always coming. it's the strange thing. he had came to this conclusion that to last a full twelve moons in one's rank was a rarity.

expect. he didn't think this would happen, never, it was never a thought. it was as if everyone had knew, only now deciding to pull him into the same reality but it was too late. the damage was done, there were blood on his paws and he was stained. soul forever tainted; whether or not he wished to join the stars did not matter. they were far out of his reach but of course he knew this.

he had to have known. it had always been there. always after he (someone) administered the herb. (he hadn't noticed the scent or the red tint but it had been there all along but he doesn't understand - how could he think someone would do such a thing?)

Cowtuft takes in a shaky breath as if his ribs are bruised; like if he took in too much, he would crumble into dust. Cats are yelling at him, stepping up to him. They want an answer, they want to know something other than what he's presented them. He isn't sure what's he presented them; a full entrée of rotten dishes would be alike.

It had always been there in front of his eyes but for some reason, he is only now looking into the flames. The after had always been fuzzy, everything had happened fast. Fast, incredibly fast. Even now, his eyebrows furrow together - tugging after the sensation the deathberries prickled in his mind. He had only one goal when everything had happened, get everyone away from the bodies before more cats fell sick.

Someone speaks up in a rough and raspy voice that can only be Crowtooth. Cowtuft looks to the warrior, and his expression becomes brittle. He doesn't want to cry, but he cannot help but feel as if his chest was set aflame. Every word stung, his eyes filled with thick, watery tears that threatened to spill.

Anger would've been fitting, satisfactory, it was something he deserved. This is not that, it is sadness, it is hurt, it is betrayal. And that isn't something he can handle. He wasn't built for such things. Even the mercy the scruffy tom offered was far more than he deserved. It twisted into his side, cracked open a bottle of messes.

he had killed his cousin. he had taken two -- three young lives.

Had anyone else had his position they would not be here.

Cowtuft brings his paws up once more, sliding his dominant paw across the bottom of his paw pad to the top of his toes. "Failed, " it is all he can offer, there was no excuse. no reason that would lessen the burn. That was all too much for him and the tears that had welted up started to spill. His shoulders shook, and he blinked in rapid succession to relief. They fell, and they fell. His vision grew watery, but his body becomes still while his mind is wracked with assaults.

His heart had sunk into the very bottom of his chest, a heavy weight. It thumped, and thumped, but if he could he would pull it out with his own claws as retribution and again, and again, and again, and again and again . An eternal punishment, a cycle. Instead it is becoming that there would be no punishment to satisfy his own hunger.

Had he been so blind? Where had he lost his thought?

Cowtuft jerks back at the sound of Lightningstorm's anguish voice rippled through his ears. He turns to look at her, and oh, god, all the air in his lungs is taken away and he is choking - he had hurt her. Out of everyone, he had hurt. His apprentice. He was the same as the others they shunned; neglectful warriors. He was worse. He killed seven cats. They were all dead. She deserved better. All of it, and he sniffles helplessly. The tears still won't relent.

He moves to speak, opens his mouth as if he might spill the true secret.

The true secret is Cowtuft simply forgot. Until now, he did not realize. He hadn't even told himself. Such an excuse was disgraceful, it wasn't acceptable, he didn't know how to express such a lacking. (His mind was still reeling, screaming at him because everything seemed wrong but he had to believe this and he had to accept it there was nothing else to accept this was all that there was) To know it was never her, could never be. He didn't leave her behind intentionally, but did that change the core of it all? She did not know. His failure resulted in it all.

He shakes his head back and forth, back and forth, looking down and at his paws. As if to scream silently, it will never be because of you, never, never, never please understand this.

The yelling becomes background to his ears, and becomes him and himself and the burning fire. He has the privilege of the accused - he knows he did not poison his herbs. He didn't remember, but he clings to that because he can't believe anything else. Someone in WindClan had did so, and he only aided their destruction. ,, They were likely here. Watching their plans final unravel into a ending. Cowtuft's eyes dart around, looking for them. He wanted to try and catch something, to see if someone showed enjoyment but nothing showed. It was him, and simply him.

but someone had did this, someone had wanted to cause harm. they wanted blood. it shakes him to his very center.

The tears are still streaming down his face, his bottom lip wavering but he keeps his legs cemented where they are. He cannot move them, he is a witness. He would look, and he would remember everything of this. He would remember how the fire burned through his veins, the smoke that clouded his throat. His head is pounding, and Cowtuft tries to stay in the moment. Peachfrost's name gets mentioned and he is doused with gasoline. She had been right all the along — he was wrong, he should've let her killed him then. She had knew the truth, he had looked up to her. Why would he not listen?

he remembered the before, but not the after. he remembers now; it all shattered in front of him. splintering into little bits. he is standing in front of the cracked plate, looking at the fragments as he pushes them to place to reveal the final painting. he looks at the pieces he did know and discovers they are not the shade he thought they were. they are red, dripping crimson red.

(Screams, it was all screams. The blood bubbled up from their mouth, they fell over. Limp, and still. Lifeless, but their bodies were still warm. )

Another warrior speaks to him, pointing out his carelessness to not monitor the poison. He numbly nodded in agreement, he had laid his sins out in front of them all - there was no defense. He knew it seemed unlikely. He had his truth but that would not be the same as his clanmates. If there was anymore evidence it would be found but not by him. His contributions ended here.

He hears Fallownose's voice. Cowtuft lowers himself, not by much, but he appears smaller while the deputy speaks. He can't disagree, but the tears prickle in his eyes at hearing someone he cared for call for his own death. There is no question or hesitance. He could not figure out whether the tom believed he had did it himself, he doesn't know what the other thinks. He never wants to know.

It's Firestorm the next time. Her voice is filled with despair. She's speaking to him but he only hears bits and pieces. She wants something from him that he does not have. Cowtuft couldn't take her pain away. It was his damnation. A sob wrecks through his body, he can't tell her. He can only give silence. It is far what she deserves.

It's hard to look at everyone. To exist both here and there and no where and everywhere. Another cat calls for his exile. His gaze shifts numbly to them, swallowing. He nods, because he understands. WindClan came first. It was the logical conclusion, but he can't help to see the trust they put in him. They trust him to not poison WindClan further in said exile,, or survive long enough to do so.

He would die alone, it was suitable.

The tears dampen his pelt, a quiet pitter-patter as they hit the floor. He's standing, he has not moved. He wants to speak, to say more, to express that some were far too biased; demotion or temporary would be not enough. disrespectful if otherwise, but his fate was not his. He would not assist it. Cowtuft meant his words in full. He might as well throw the match himself - stars knows he would gladly do it. At the end of it all, pass the confusion and the hurt there was the shame. The sick, ugly feeling that consumed him. It had always been there but now it shined. Brightly and fully.

He must've fooled them. A performer, tricked them all into believing he was good and righteous when he was a fraud. He's tired, his body hangs on him heavy, but he turns to Twistedpaw who speaks bravely out. Her heart is strong, he knew this - it was no surprise. He simply wished she hadn't put such faith into him. He wished he could've fulfilled his promise, but it is all gone. It was crushed.

Cowtuft moves, taking a small step. He approaches her but he doesn't meet her gaze. Far too much. He tries to gently touch his nose against her shoulder if she would allow it, pulling back. "It's, okay, " He signed slowly, looking at her. He couldn't explain it all to her, but he wanted to reassure her. WindClan would prevail with or without him.

A few moments later Twilightstar calls his fate. He pulls back, twisting his body to look forward, looking for his leader. Cowtuft will be stripped of his rank as WindClan's medicine cat and exiled from the clan. It repeats in his head, over and over and over and over - the fire in his chest dies out and his chest freezes. And the connection he tried to firmly hold onto breaks, his body is sluggish - adrenaline does not help him, he has accepted his fate. There is no fight. He made peace with it. He would have to make peace with it every dreadful morning he happened to wake up. He would have to learn to coexist with the ugly creature that inhabited his body, his mind, and he knows not if that will happen. He does not think so. He does not think there is any peace in this.

He sluggishly weaves through any cats that might block him, stepping back up to her. He looks out to the camp entrance, out into the territory. He looks around the camp, trying to remember it but it might all be futile. He waits to be escorted.


❝ hold on tight to this time,
this place 'cause everything you know will be erased.
you were born inside your head.
and that is where you'll be when you are dead. ❞

-- the sleepy consumes me --

Last edited by wolfie; January 1st, 2024 at 03:22 AM.
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Old January 1st, 2024, 04:50 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing


Thriftfall sighed. He refused to believe Cowtuft could have poisoned any of the herbs. But, they were still part of the blame for keeping poor track of them. He was just glad he never went to the medicine den. He bowed his head quickly to give small respects to the poor cats who died.

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Old January 1st, 2024, 08:12 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Moonraven View Post

High Rank Announcement [#hrannouncement]

As the clan began talking, Twilightstar ignored most of the chattering about Cowtuft's poisoning the herbs. They had no solid evidence that Cowtuft had poisoned the herbs, no witness, only speculations. Twilightstar was only concerned about the facts right now. No matter how you flipped it or looked at it the medicine cat was guilty for indirectly feeding poisoned herbs to their clanmates and killing them. That was set in stone, whether it was a mistake or an accident, cats were dead because of his carelessness.

"How much of the herbs have been poisoned is undetermined at the moment. However, I believe it might be wise to simply scrape most if not all of the herbs and focus on resupplying as best we can. Unless there is a clear way to scent or tell which herbs are poisoned and which are not I'd rather not take any chances." Twilightstar replied to Scorchedfang in a measured tone.

"I do plan to place at least two guards stationed at the medicine den from now on. This can not happen again." Twilightstar told Softsong after her comment.

The leader offered Bravebird a grateful nod of her head at her off to bury their fallen clanmate. "You can take Leafspot whenever thank you." She felt a little bad having Bravebird get stuck burying another one of their clanmates, but the molly offered and Leafspot deserved a burial.

Driftingsoul's voice called for the leader's attention. A thoughtful frown sat on the leader's maw as they went into why they believed Lightningstorm should be held responsible for all of this as well. "I understand what you're saying, but I'm not looking at who poisoned the herbs at the moment. I'm more concerned about the fact they were poisoned under Cowtuft's watching. Lightningstorm does hold some accountability, as she is also a medicine cat of WindClan. However, I don't think she has had half of Cowtuft's experience, Cowtuft also holds seniority, at the end of the day as the eldest medicine cat he holds the most responsibility when it comes to the clan's health and care. At least that's how I look at it. If you wish to help Bravebird bury Leafspot, I'll appreciate it."

When it came to problems in the clan, was it not Twilightstar cats often sought out first, was it not she who tended to have to deal with any backlash when things went wrong in the clan, even though they had Fallownose? He was expected to take over after her, if they wanted to some of the reports they gave to her could as easily be given to Fallownose to deal with.

But as far as Twilightstar was concerned she held seniority and was expected to hold the majority of the responsibility when it came to the Clan. She didn't think anything she'd ever done wrong or considered wrong by the clan had ever correlated to Fallownose's wrong. They were both expected to guide, lead, and take care of the clan, yet Twilightstar bore the majority of the weight of responsibility when it came to the clan. Was that not the same with medicine cats? If lightningstorm was Lightningpaw would they still be willing to have her bear the same accountability as Cowtuft?

As Cowtuft arrived and approached her, she blinked slowly as he "spoke" of his regret and failure and went on to explain that he had brought in the deathberries. The deaths and how each one happened, three moons ago... she was a little surprised that he hadn't figured there might be something wrong with the herbs after cats dropped dead directly after eating them, but what's done was done. There was no going back and no fixing it, there was a certain admiration that bloomed in her chest as the medicine cat decided to take full responsibility over giving an excuse. Having to live with that sense of failure, that guilt, that remorse, Twilightstar knew from experiences no punishment given would ever be as bad as the punishment one inflects on oneself.

Crowtuft spoke next, believing that demotion was simple enough of a punishment. Twilightstar would have agreed, but the more she thought about the cats, the kit, that died, she started wondering, was that enough?

Wolffang spoke up next and she was honestly surprised by his take on this. A temporary demotion after everything that's gone wrong. Perhaps if the deaths were fewer and the mystery solved by Cowtuft, but he remained clueless about everything and has already admitted to bringing in the poison into the clan. There was no way she'd ever allowed him to serve as WindClan's medicine cat again. Despite all the good he's done, this mistake was too big to overlook.

Then he went on saying Lightningstorm should communicate with StarClan... Twilightstar's never been all that fond of StarClan, but now any faith she had in them was gone the moment they decided to speak to ThunderClan about solving a WindClan problem just to get the clan out of the trouble that they started. It felt like the stars were playing favorites. Had WindClan not suffered enough to deserve their aid? StarClan had turned its back on WindClan when an inkling of knowledge could have saved so many lives!!! Any omens or prophecies brought to WindClan from the stars would be taken with a grain of salt from now on. She no longer trusted the ancestors who were supposed to be looking after all of the clans! No playing favorites!

Peachfrost exile was brought up next by Softsong. She heard some truth in what the molly was saying, but none of it enough to sway Twilightstar's decision or feelings about exiling Peachfrost. "No," Twilightstar told Softsong without an ounce of regret on her face. "Peachfrost suspicions may have been correct, but what she said was not. No one has any proof or evidence that Cowtuft has or had deliberately coated the herbs in poison. Cowtuft was not sent to WindClan from the Dark Forest, and if she had killed him moons back, WindClan would have suffered worse for it. She was dead set on killing Cowtuft without giving him a chance to even speak for himself? I've heard more than a few cats comment on his execution as he stands trial now, at the time of her exile she was a danger to the medicine cat, there is no wrong to right." She told Softsong with a tip of her head.

"Not to mention, she never voiced a single suspicion against Cowtuft to me or Fallownose. If she was so certain he was a harm to the clan, I would have expected her to speak up rather than let him continue to harm the clan, even if it was just a suspicion. Her anger also extended beyond Cowtuft, regardless of how grief-stricken she was, there are ways to handle things and the way she handled herself was not it. She will remain in exile." No one else has spoken or acted as volatile as Peachfrost had and no one else had been looked at the high ranks with such murderous rage. Twilightstar's life was one thing, but she would not have anyone endanger Fallownose's life over mere emotions and at the time, speculations.

Bravebird's boom voice added to the commotion as she called for Cowtuft's exile, and soon more voices followed after her. Firestorm seemed to regress to a kitten as the truth was revealed. Twilightstar felt for the warrior, but couldn't pay her as many minds as she would have liked, Swiftfire was putting forth a suggestion. She heard what he was saying, but this went beyond mere incompetence. Incompetence is failing patrols, lazying around camp, not indirectly bringing in deathberries, without telling anyone, and causing the deaths of several clanmates.

Fallownose was calling for Cowtuft's death, which didn't surprise her. She expected that from him, but more than a few refuted seemed to believe that exile was the way to go. Leechscar made sure to elaborate on why he believed exile over execution was a more fitting punishment and Bravebird swiftly backed him, believing it far worst to die with no clan to mourn him. Which was a really sad way to go, Twilightstar didn't think she could live through that, but the way Leechscar described the clanmates' deaths was troubling.

The leader stood, raising a paw to silence any other comments. "You have spoken at length about this, and I have heard you. Despite Cowtuft's contributions to the clan, this should not have been overlooked and that poison should never have been brought into the clan without at least my and Fallownose's approval. I don't believe deathberries have any reason to be in a clan. Cats have claws and fangs for a reason, poison should be a last resort. There is more honor dying by tooth and claw than succumbing to poison."

"As we currently have no evidence to support that Cowtuft has done anything with malice intent or purpose, I will not be humoring any words that he purposely poisoned the clan or that he is completely innocent, as he had admitted himself he is not guiltless. His crimes are bringing in a dangerous, poisonous herb into the clan, choosing against informing anyone that such an herb was within the clan, neglecting to properly supervise the herb stock after bringing deathberries, and feeding poisonous herbs to the clan. Whether it was just a large oversight on his part or a big mistake, we lost seven cats, two being mere kittens. This goes beyond mere incompetence and will be punished as just."

"Cowtuft will be stripped of his rank as WindClan's medicine cat and exiled from the clan." Twilightstar would have settled more certainly on execution if there had been solid proof that Cowtuft had been purposely harming the clan, but for now, living in exile would be enough. Some seemed to think that he might be able to return after some time in exile, but they seem to forget aside from Cowtuft's injuries that resulted in disabilities, he also had no training to survive on his own. It was very likely that the few calling for his death would get it. This would most likely be the last time they saw him, and although it killed the leader inside, she could not and would not go back on her word.


They/He~Windclan~24 Moons
"I don't need the world to see
That I've been the best I can be"

"It's for the best" he said looking up to the leader. "We will be safer without a traitor in camp".


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Old January 1st, 2024, 08:41 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing


Swiftfire stood at attention when the final decision was being made, and she felt a sense of relief fill her as she realized that no more death would be had inside of their camp today. A couple of warriors offered to escort Cow to the edges of the territory.

It wasn't a happy ending, but it was the best ending that left others a chance to mourn their lost loved ones. Swiftfire watched as the cats began to break away, and she too would turn and head for the camp entrance, hunting on the mind.
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Old January 1st, 2024, 09:59 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Swiftwind gasped, her eyes wide with shock. “WHAT?!” She exclaimed, it slipped out her mouth. A growl rose in her throat for a second and she glared at Twiglightstar.
Silverpaw stared up in silence, Cowtuft was exiled?! She would miss him!!! She glared at Twiglightstar; hissing at her.
Nightheart gasped, then began to panic; Cowtuft had been one of her friends, and now he was being exiled!!! She hyperventilated, her eyes wide.
Moonfall gasped. She was shocked at this.
Poppysnow’s eyes widened, but honestly? She could see where her leader was coming from.
Icedapple scoffed, her eyes widened in surprise though.
Ivykit mewled in shock, scared. Cowtuft was to be exiled? She whimpered.
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Old January 1st, 2024, 10:03 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Swiftwind gasped, her eyes wide with shock. “WHAT?!” She exclaimed, it slipped out her mouth. A growl rose in her throat for a second and she glared at Twiglightstar.
Silverpaw stared up in silence, Cowtuft was exiled?! She would miss him!!! She glared at Twiglightstar; hissing at her.
Nightheart gasped, then began to panic; Cowtuft had been one of her friends, and now he was being exiled!!! She hyperventilated, her eyes wide.
Moonfall gasped. She was shocked at this.
Poppysnow’s eyes widened, but honestly? She could see where her leader was coming from.
Icedapple scoffed, her eyes widened in surprise though.
Ivykit mewled in shock, scared. Cowtuft was to be exiled? She whimpered.
( @Moonraven - mentioning you so you see this :3 )
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@Thechaoticdigitalcircus drew a turtle here @Festive Snowyfeathr drew a battleship here. There is a message that says: “Here’s 20 mangos! : D” -@Thankful4seonghwa Vix drew an evil kitty here. A ghost scribbled a emo girl and a bunch of flowers "I will rise 2024" - @_Eclispe_ @~Mothdust~ drew Willowpaw, Mothdust , and Rainpaw playing @blxze drew a rat here /Vm me to be added to the list

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Old January 1st, 2024, 10:53 AM
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ChaosBringer. ChaosBringer. is offline
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Status: Elaif and Kat are the best
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing


With his head buried in Snowybreeze's fur, he listened to his new... friend(?) offer to take him away on a walk. They were... nice. Maybe he wouldn't be alone. The orange apprentice watched as Stempaw jumped to his paws. Letting out a small chuckle to try and make himself feel better, he felt a nuzzle on his head. He looked up at Snowbreeze, his dull eyes flickering over his face. Nodding back, Whisperingpaw moved out of the warrior's fur and looked to Stempaw. Before he could say anything, Wolffang spoke. Then Twilightstar. Cowtuft was being exiled. 'I need to leave. Now.' "Yep, let's...go, Amigo.." Hearing the adults speak, it made him even more stressed. Hisses came from one end, and protests shouted from somewhere else.

Whisperingpaw jumped to his paws, his fur slightly bristling because of everything that was happening. "Thank you, Snowybreeze.." He whispered to the warrior before stepping over to Stempaw, waiting for his denmate to lead him away from this havoc and chaos.

[ @elaif ] (Stemboi) [ @Alchemist Kitsune ] (Snowybreeze) [ @tallulah ] (Just because I want you to see it^^ Vm me if you want me to stop)

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Last edited by ChaosBringer.; January 27th, 2024 at 07:28 PM.
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