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Old February 16th, 2023, 11:55 AM
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Default Re: February Gathering

Originally Posted by Estelle View Post

WHOOOAAAAA everything was so big and smelly!! Vixenpaw scrunched up her nose, shaking her head against the nasty smell. Yucky yucky yuck yuck! What was that? It was all mixed and fumbled and weird! And where was she supposed to sit? Was this like a super meeting? Who were all those other cats? So many questions, so little answers! Vixenpaw actually felt a little intimidated here, if only Turtykit could've been with her - but stinky was still on adventure (she lightly shook her head at that thought, in exasperation). Well in that case she at least got to settle with the next best thing:
Vixenpaw chirped excitedly, bounding over to her amazing mentor.
"Who are all these cats? Why does it smell weird? Where are we supposed to sit? What is this??"
Rapid fire questions shot from her mouth, likely while blocking part of the passage way, staring straight up at Batblood with curious round eyes. It was all so strange and exciting and kind of a little scary, she didn't know what to do!

[ @Spotty - Hope you don't mind! I wasn't certain whether Bat would be attending, but it felt only right for Vix to go with him -- if he isn't attending that's fine ofc!! She'll just cause her mischief else where hehe ]

[oh that's fine, love myself some bat and vixen interactions]

After becoming a Keeper, he had tried to attend the gatherings more often (he hadn't actually been on a single one before his promotion), and this time he had made sure to pad at the head of the Thunderclan group as the arrived at the gathering. Sparrowstar mewed some orders Batblood made sure to take note of, and though he would always try and step in if he saw something happen (it was his job now as a Keeper) he made a mental note to escort any Thunderclanner back who decide it was a good idea to be an annoyance.

A familiar, light, cheerful voice pulled Batblood out of his thoughts and the black tom looked down to see his apprentice exictdly coming to his side. Why Vixenpaw was so darn eager to spend time with with Batblood of all cats was beyond him (he certainly had never had any particular desire to be around his mentor, or any cat for that mater for anything other than training), but as his mentor he supposed it was part of his job. Then the flashflood of questions came, and the Keeper slowly nodded to himself. So that was why she had seemed out his company, made sense.

Taking in a deep breath and rolling his shoulders back he mentally prepared himself before begging to pick off the questions one by one. "These are all the four clan gatherings. You can see Shadowclan is over there, they seemed to be the first ones to come, and they tend to smell a little rotte- ... like the marshland where they live. Riverclan has come too, you'll recognize their fishy-smell. And Windclan has just arrived too it seems, they tend to be leaner than the rest of us since they run so much." Two in one there. What was next? "Sit wherever you'd like, talk to whoever will lend an ear, gatherings are meant to strengthen the bonds between clans and share news, maybe meet friends and relatives, so who you talk to doesn't matter, just make sure not to-"

Silence. Not another word came as the Keeper fell quiet, realizing he had been about to warn Vixenpaw about talking to Shadowclanners. Why? So what if she talked to some meaner cats, it would be about time she grew out of that nativity. Yet... he didn't want her to talk to them. Maybe she was still too young...

Clearing his throat, Batblood gazed out over the gathering, not looking at the apprentice. "Any other questions?" He had intended for his voice to have that casual, somewhat detached but still mater-a-fact and no-nonsense feel to it, but as the words left him... they were less so than he had planned.
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Old February 16th, 2023, 12:59 PM
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Default Re: February Gathering

Originally Posted by Soldier View Post
"I was looking forward to seeing a cat that I know. I passed by two RiverClanners. Believe me, it will not happen again." Fallenstep mews, and he bows his head in a sign of submission before he curses himself silently. He should have known not to walk ahead of the others - he's a Warrior for StarClan's sake! He should have not did that. But like he said, it will not happen again. He kind of hopes that he won't attend another meeting in a while, but if he wants to see his. . . friends. . . then he will have to.


Listening to Fallenstep talk was like listening to an overgrown apprentice, but just this once she'll let the warrior go. As much as she wanted, however, Flameheart could not send Fallenstep back home to ThunderClan because he hasn't caused any trouble that she had seen aside from sitting right outside the Gathering and smelling of RiverClan.

"It better not. Go sit with whoever you want and behave yourself. Sparrowstar is not in the mood for any sort of trouble from our side, so I suggest if you want to stay at this Gathering and attend the next one, you listen." she lashed her tail and walked away, her eyes set on finding her mate. Luckily, she had found him sitting atop some rocks. Not a bad spot, I suppose. she hummed to herself and zig-zagged through the crowd of Clan cats to get to Sootfur.

Originally Posted by Wingnettle View Post
╔═══*。❅*⋆⍋✧ ✦ ✧⍋⋆*❅。*═══╗
Sootfur (he/him)
Light grey tabby with blue/grey eyes
╚═══*。❅*⋆⍋✧ ✦ ✧⍋⋆*❅。*═══╝

Sootfur followed quietly Sparrowstar and Flameheart as the leader led the clan to the Seastones. Rain drizzled on his pelt and a light, cold breeze ruffled it. All my attempts to groom myself and keep the fur in order... ruined. He forced down a snort. The real reason he was so agitated was that the last Gathering he had managed to stir up quite some trouble on his own, and that had unnerved Sparrowstar enough. Now he almost winced at the leader's cold glance that she threw him as she warned her clan to behave better this time.

Sootfur also feared that Flameheart might feel uncomfortable with him after that event, especially while she assured Sparrowstar that she would be ready to escort out any trouble maker and deal with them. But he was so thankful (and relieved) when she looked at him with kind, affectionate eyes. Then, the excused herself for a moment and walked directly through the crowd toward a cat that was slightly familiar to Sootfur.

...Fallenstep? Yes, he was a Thunderclan warrior. And by the posture and tone of Flameheart's voice, he realized he must be the reason why the warrior had been so keen to reaffirm her duties for the night. Well, at least one of the reasons. The gray tabby still feared that she might want to keep an eye on him tonight, although he had really no intention of opening his mouth in front of everyone like last time.

No. He repeated to himself. This is a chance... to repair that "mistake". Tonight I just want us to relax and chat about the leaders' announcements. Yes, that was it. They were going to enjoy the evening together, and no Shadowclan cats will ruin their time.

As the clan scattered around, Sootfur chose a spot at the edge of the beach where there wasn't too much crowd - at least, they would be able to hear well each other's voice and hopefully no one would disturb them. Although he feared that her Keeper duties might take her away again. He pushed the thought away and sat down on a flat rock, saving some space for his mate. At least they wouldn't be sitting on the wet sand.
As his eyes spotted Flameheart leaving Fallenstep with an angry glare, he waved his tail at her and signaled her to join him.

»»————- ☀︎︎ ————-««

[ @SpiritedWarrior ]


Sootfur seemed to be a little... distracted tonight, and that was slightly worrying the young Keeper. Could it be that he was worried about what ShadowClan would think when they saw him? Nonsense. He's no coward, of course, he'd come here to represent ThunderClan along with some of his Clanmates. Coming beside her mate and wrapping her tail around his legs to keep him warm (beings that he has shorter fur than she does), Flameheart licked his ears and jumpstarted a rumbling purr in her throat.

The pair hadn't gotten the opportunity to sit with each other last Gathering and the young classic tabby and Maine Coon had missed it more than she thought she would. Flameheart had a feeling that with how she reacted and got into that argument with Sootfur and had a near-death experience with quite a few ShadowClanners looming over them, the gray tabby had enough of a learning experience to learn that there was a time and a place for challenging a leader's orders. Gatherings were certainly not one of them.

Her green eyes gazed into his colorless orbs for a few moments, relishing her at the moment. The rain pelting against their fur and the rest of Seastones seemed to slow down, and it wasn't until she got hit on the nose with a raindrop that she remembered they were at the Gathering, not back at camp. "I've missed this. The rain doesn't help at all, but... it's peaceful regardless. The waves of the endless lake in the distance, the chattering of Clan cats exchanging pleasantries... if only every Gathering was like this."

She lowered her head slightly and leaned it against her mate's shoulder. Flameheart quite honestly couldn't remember a time when she had relaxed this much. But... after everything she's done to help ThunderClan stay afloat when Sparrowstar and Thrushfur were unable to lead ThunderClan, every bit of relaxation was worth it.
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Old February 16th, 2023, 01:22 PM
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Default Re: February Gathering

╔═══*。❅*⋆⍋✧ ✦ ✧⍋⋆*❅。*═══╗
Sootfur (he/him)
Light grey tabby with blue/grey eyes
╚═══*。❅*⋆⍋✧ ✦ ✧⍋⋆*❅。*═══╝

Sootfur's dark gray eyes followed happily the flame-colored pelt of his mate in the huge mix of cats that crowded the center of the sand clearing, letting himself escape a smile of satisfaction as she took seat beside him and surrounded his cold body with her long, feathery tail.

He breathed in her sweet scent, realizing how much he'd missed feeling it so close. It mixed a little bit with the rain's scent, but it didn't bother him. The sound of raindrops was actually relaxing, and now he felt like he could ignore the cold forever and stay here all night, if just Flameheart stayed too.

Sootfur let her head lean on his shoulder, relishing the tickling feeling of her cheek fur on his. "Yeah... I've missed it too." It had been some time since the tabby warrior hadn't been able to feel such peace inside his mind. Not even Shadowclan tonight would be able to ruin it; he was sure of that.

"You know... you did a great job at helping Thrushfur and Sparrowstar lately." He whispered in her ear with genuine pride in his voice, hoping that she had already realized how incredible she'd done. "It would be so good now if we could have some free time together. You know, we could always go somewhere and hunt together..." it had been so much time since they had last done it. And honestly, Sootfur was looking forward to find some excuse to play, too.

He looked at her beautiful green eyes, and a thought escaped his mouth before he could think of it: "Your eyes preserve the color of new-leaf even now, in leaf-bare..."

»»————- ☀︎︎ ————-««

[ @SpiritedWarrior ]

Blood is one of the Atari healers. He has a semi-closed den policy.

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Old February 16th, 2023, 07:27 PM
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Default Re: February Gathering

Frisk She-cat 7 moons Mapple colored she-cat with slightly darker stripes on paws, and loads of scars all around her body

Frisk sneaked in from the bushes. Remembering her "Clan" Name. Twigpaw. She left her torn sweater aside, she felt freezing cold without it. Hoping no-cat thought her giant scars and ripped paws and bit off ear strange for an- What was it again? Appleentice? Apprentice? Oh yea- and im from..... Oakclan? Fishclan? No Windclan- erm- Thunderclan?


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I'm nonbinary, I use they/them pronouns. Idc if you don't use them, but i would prefer if you do :3

Last edited by Spookez.; February 16th, 2023 at 07:39 PM.
Old February 16th, 2023, 07:38 PM
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Default Re: February Gathering

Originally Posted by Sp00k3z View Post
Frisk sneaked in from the bushes. Remembering her "Clan" Name. Twigpaw. She left her torn sweater aside, she felt freezing cold without it.

| Blackdawn |
| They/Them |
| A large long-furred white cat; yellow eyes |

~ Blackdawn had arrived with their clan and had taken a seat. The cat had looked around to see if their apprentice had decided to join aswell. It would be good as it was a requirement to become a warrior. Though before their eyes could find Batpaw the moment by some bushes caught the attention of the warrior. They quickly looked over to see a apprentice sized cat. Though something wasnt right. The white-furred cat stood up and approached the cat before realizing they didnt have any clan scent on them. Blackdawn stood in front of the new comer.

"Who are you?" ~

Last edited by xavier.; February 16th, 2023 at 07:39 PM.
Old February 16th, 2023, 07:42 PM
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Default Re: February Gathering

Originally Posted by Le Batteur View Post
| Blackdawn |
| They/Them |
| A large long-furred white cat; yellow eyes |

~ Blackdawn had arrived with their clan and had taken a seat. The cat had looked around to see if their apprentice had decided to join aswell. It would be good as it was a requirement to become a warrior. Though before their eyes could find Batpaw the moment by some bushes caught the attention of the warrior. They quickly looked over to see a apprentice sized cat. Though something wasnt right. The white-furred cat stood up and approached the cat before realizing they didnt have any clan scent on them. Blackdawn stood in front of the new comer.

"Who are you?" ~

Frisk looked up. "Erm- Twigpaw." She said, looking them straight in the eye. She may be able to fight them off if it wen't that way. She would aim for the heart. Or the lungs. For a easy kill. But only if needed. She need to act like a wimpy Apprentice. She kept her ears down and looked shaky, like she never seen any cat besides her clan before.

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I'm nonbinary, I use they/them pronouns. Idc if you don't use them, but i would prefer if you do :3
Old February 16th, 2023, 07:45 PM
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Default Re: February Gathering


Maybe it wasn't a good idea to stop and stare at frosted grass when one's Clan was in the midst of trekking to the Gathering. But Berryfrost could not help it! How had she never noticed how pretty frozen things looked? So now, as the speckled molly arrived very late at this Gathering, at this Gathering where she was probably going to be announced as one of WindClan's newest warriors, the damsel skidded to a sudden stop with fear.

Because of the two cats directly in her path, one of them was the rogue who'd murdered Fireflame. "What- W-What are you doing here?" The newly named warrior stammered, mismatched eyes wide with disbelief. Surely no Clan had accepted her into their fold?

[ @Sp00k3z / @Le Batteur ]

Leaving them feeling betrayed.
Breaking the bonds that you've made.
Old February 16th, 2023, 07:47 PM
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Default Re: February Gathering

Originally Posted by Sp00k3z View Post

Frisk looked up. "Erm- Twigpaw." She said, looking them straight in the eye. She may be able to fight them off if it wen't that way. She would aim for the heart. Or the lungs. For a easy kill. But only if needed. She need to act like a wimpy Apprentice. She kept her ears down and looked shaky, like she never seen any cat besides her clan before.
| Blackdawn |
| They/Them |
| A large long-furred white cat; yellow eyes |

~ "Twigpaw is it? Now. Which clan are you from? Please do tell a curious soul."

Blackdawn said as they continued to stare down at this so called 'Twigpaw'. See how many lies they could squeeze out of the cat. Then a new voice joined them. Blackdawn looked over to see what smelt like a windclanner. Oh? Had the two had a run in before?~

Last edited by xavier.; February 16th, 2023 at 07:49 PM.
Old February 16th, 2023, 08:00 PM
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Default Re: February Gathering

Roosterflame had been one of the cats who entered the Seastones directly after Sparrowstar, and he’d really been intending to stick near the middle of the throng. Chat with cats from other clans. Y’know, fun stuff.
But… there was a strange cat near the back, and two cats were already suspicious. Roosterflame, curious and wanting to try to find a way to keep things quiet (Because he didn’t want to put more chaos on Sparrow’s plate.), padded over.
“Hello friends,” Roosterflame trilled, a cheerful smile on his face, he dipped his head in greeting to the WindClan warrior and the ShadowClan respectively before turning to the odd, scarred molly, “Who’s this, then?” He sniffed, “You don’t smell like a clan cat,” He observed helpfully, speaking now to the molly.

@Le Batteur @Rose @Sp00k3z
Probably permanent roleplay hiatus, though I’ll be around nonetheless. Might make some throwaways every now and then for people’s plots + Non-Clan cats and Nonwarriors roleplay characters.
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Old February 16th, 2023, 08:00 PM
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Default Re: February Gathering

Frisk groaned in annoyance. Almost loud enough for them to hear. Did this cat really had to show up? "Do I know you?" She said calmly to the cat, a growl almost escaping her. "Thunderclan. I moved here after my sister was killed by injuries from some battle.. I miss her." She lied, hopefully her "Sister" Would make the cat think it was Frisk who died. And she was just her sister.
@Rose @Le Batteur

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I'm nonbinary, I use they/them pronouns. Idc if you don't use them, but i would prefer if you do :3

Last edited by Spookez.; February 16th, 2023 at 08:01 PM.
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