She tilted her head and flicked her ear...``I have no idea if i am, i would prefer to just stay here.``She shook her head unaware of her tresspasing.
The large warrior was tiring of this. “What is your name, and how many moons are you?” he inquired. If this cat was younger than warrior age, it would be acceptable to bring her into the clan as an apprentice. But if she was older, he’d have to assess to see if she possessed any skills whatsoever that would make her useful to the clan.
“And,” he added, “Where did you come from?” Motivation was also important. He needed to know he could trust this feline before bringing her into the clan.
With small huffing sounds, the elderly molly found herself finally back in the RiverClan territory. She wasn't really too sure where she was, she was so confused! With a sigh, she sat down to rest, golden tabby flanks heaving. She was so tired out now. "Oh, dear.. Gotten myself quite in the bind today." She murmured to herself, confusion clouding her one good eye.
once the strings are tied, you are nothing but a puppet
Characters | RP Tracker and Bump Policy
velli was here <3
dracarys - dani <3
dino dropped a stolen treasure chest here and ran
Webkit knew that going out again was a bad idea, especially since he had been caught so many times. But camp was what it was. And he couldn't stand it any more. His apprentice ceremony didn't seem to be coming anyway, so there wasn't anything to lose.
Ain't much that I know what to put 'ere...
"And that, my friends, is how a revolution dies." - Haymitch
Swiftsplash's stance became defensive. "It...he...he's seen me before on the border and gatherings and stuff." she meowed with narrowed eyes. "Plus my son was in Shadowclan of course they would have known about him." she meowed and looked to the side.
Gingerfrost didn't appreciate the sudden defensive stance she took, as though hiding something from him. But the explanation lined up... Kind of. He sigh. A lot of shady things had been happening around ShadowClan lately, he'd have to keep an eye on that. He shot Swiftsplash a stern look - one that said she better not be avoiding any truths - then dismissed the feline with a flick of his ear.
Originally Posted by birdie
Truth be told, Indigo wasn't sure. They weren't really sure of anything since having been dropped off - except for the fact that there were two they could trust, that had shown them kindness when they hadn't needed to. Death and violence weren't something they were blind too; faint memories of life before having been scooped up by twolegs were painted in the darkest red, though they hadn't determined exactly what it meant. But they had made it through all of that somehow, and now here they stood with a chance to start over. A fresh, new beginning.
"I'll be honest, I've never been much of a fighter. But I do work hard. I can learn I'm sure. And... well, I would do whatever was asked of me." That, she was sure of. A flicker of determination flashed through, and doing her best Indigo managed to stop the slight quivering of her paws. Was she nervous? Yes. Anxious beyond all belief? Yes. But this was the fresh start she had been unknowingly looking for, for quite some time. A family was never really something she'd had, but always something she'd coveted.
There was determination. Shakiness, but determination. A determination even he could see and appreciate. Her words were clear, audible. And honest, too. He didn't often believe someone when they way they're a hard worker -- it's something they have to prove, something he has to prove. But he had a feeling that this one might not fail, not the way many others did. That's why, despite all better judgement, he was willing to give this a chance. Give Indigo an actual chance to prove herself and become a clan cat. He stood rigid in front of them, eyes narrowing slightly as he mulled over these thoughts, before coming to a conclusion. If this is truly what they wanted, then so be it. He hopes they're prepared for what's to come. "Then welcome to RiverClan. Your name will be Russetpaw -- at the next meeting, you'll be given a mentor, who will evaluate your skills. Once they believe you're ready, you'll be given a warrior name and status."
[ Done! Please submit them to the allegiances ]
Originally Posted by StormySong
Silverstone sighs softly. "I understand, Gingerfrost" The cat mews. "I should have watched my surroundings and found someone before walking back to camp... That's the best I can even say at this point" They chuckle slightly but it's not a happy chuckle.
(Btw, I'm grounded so I probably won't be online for a few weeks or months lol)
At least he admitted his mistake. And was willing to hunt for the clan. "Don't let this happen again."
Even so, Gingerfrost nodded. If it was an honest mistake, he'd let it slide. With a nod, Silverstone was dismissed.
[ All done! I'll pull him out of the missing ]
Originally Posted by Catherine
Petuniafire and Heronflight
*⋆*❀❁❀*⋆*❀❁❀*⋆*❀❁❀*⋆*❀ ❁❀ Both Females[she/her] - Missing
Petuniafire felt embarrassed, but didn't show it, since it was kind of her fault for not paying attention. Two-legs were weird and cruel. There was no way she'd go near a single one ever again if she had a say in it. She looked to Heronflight then back at Gingerfrost. "I'll make sure it'll never happen again.", she meowed and she meant every word she spoke.
"And I'll make sure to let others know before going to save a clanmate.", added Heronflight. She tried not to look her daughter in the eye. Hopefully she didn't take it the wrong way. he wasn't just a clanmate. Petuniafire was her daughter, but next time even though there wouldn't be a next time she'd ask for help.
Gingerfrost nodded, listening to their statements. Good. He knew very well it was difficult leaving a clanmate; but truth was that it was difficult saving them from twolegs alone, at least when put in those strange contraptions and if there are several twolegs. They'd stand a better chance going together. With a nod, he dismissed both felines, welcoming them back into RiverClan.
[ All done! Please resubmit them to the allegiances ]
Originally Posted by Amber2010
Shellpaw returned from her hunt, "I think I went missing" she padded over to the prey pile and dropped her mice, rabbits and voles she caught.
"You sure did."
The tabby replied, not looking particularly happy; another apprentice had left camp and for what? A hunt? He appreciated the thought, but these things couldn't keep happening. Was it that hard to find a willing warrior to come with them? "Mind telling me where you've been."
Originally Posted by Snowyfeathr
Snowfall kept staring down at her paws. "I don't expect to be let back into RiverClan . . I know I made a mistake . . I- " Snowfall looked up at Gingerfrost, sadness in her eyes. "I'm sorry . . we were acting like kits . . If you want me to leave . . I'll leave RiverClan . . "
"Your actions were immature and stupid."
Gingerfrost started, buying some time to think this over. Snowfall admitted mistake, but her behaviour was dangerous. If this happened with anyone.. He mentally shook his head. That couldn't happen. "If you want to leave RiverClan, then leave. As for Pebblefur;"
He turned towards the feline. "How come you didn't stop the fight yourself? This is not a type of behaviour RiverClan needs. Hollytail, you can go."
He briefly told the third feline.
Originally Posted by Brightstorm☆
Lightwing would look around...she had a large scar on her right seemed new.
Gingerfrost grimaced as he padded up to the feline, clearly injured with a new scar. His brows knit, mildly alarmed. "What happened?"
With small huffing sounds, the elderly molly found herself finally back in the RiverClan territory. She wasn't really too sure where she was, she was so confused! With a sigh, she sat down to rest, golden tabby flanks heaving. She was so tired out now. "Oh, dear.. Gotten myself quite in the bind today." She murmured to herself, confusion clouding her one good eye.
It was rather late, and Gingerfrost had opted to go for a walk -- perhaps to escape the business of the clan's end-of-evening routine. It was rather calm, until heavy breaths broke the silence. Gingerfrost's ears twitched, eyes widening in brief recognition when he saw where those breaths came from: one of their missing elders, ...Ranch Dressing. Strange name. "Are you alright, ..Ranch dressing? Where have you been?"
He might've butchered the name a little, on accident.
Originally Posted by ~LeafRabbit~
Webkit knew that going out again was a bad idea, especially since he had been caught so many times. But camp was what it was. And he couldn't stand it any more. His apprentice ceremony didn't seem to be coming anyway, so there wasn't anything to lose.
Another kit that left camp. This was exasperating, and for the second time too. They seriously needed to up their security if even kits kept getting out somehow. With a deep sigh, he looked down at Webkit, not looking too pleased. "Where did you run off to this time?"
Sleepysunrise is ShadowClan's current Medicine Cat.
She has a Semi-Closed den policy.
Gingerfrost didn't appreciate the sudden defensive stance she took, as though hiding something from him. But the explanation lined up... Kind of. He sigh. A lot of shady things had been happening around ShadowClan lately, he'd have to keep an eye on that. He shot Swiftsplash a stern look - one that said she better not be avoiding any truths - then dismissed the feline with a flick of his ear.
There was determination. Shakiness, but determination. A determination even he could see and appreciate. Her words were clear, audible. And honest, too. He didn't often believe someone when they way they're a hard worker -- it's something they have to prove, something he has to prove. But he had a feeling that this one might not fail, not the way many others did. That's why, despite all better judgement, he was willing to give this a chance. Give Indigo an actual chance to prove herself and become a clan cat. He stood rigid in front of them, eyes narrowing slightly as he mulled over these thoughts, before coming to a conclusion. If this is truly what they wanted, then so be it. He hopes they're prepared for what's to come. "Then welcome to RiverClan. Your name will be Russetpaw -- at the next meeting, you'll be given a mentor, who will evaluate your skills. Once they believe you're ready, you'll be given a warrior name and status."
[ Done! Please submit them to the allegiances ]
At least he admitted his mistake. And was willing to hunt for the clan. "Don't let this happen again."
Even so, Gingerfrost nodded. If it was an honest mistake, he'd let it slide. With a nod, Silverstone was dismissed.
[ All done! I'll pull him out of the missing ]
Gingerfrost nodded, listening to their statements. Good. He knew very well it was difficult leaving a clanmate; but truth was that it was difficult saving them from twolegs alone, at least when put in those strange contraptions and if there are several twolegs. They'd stand a better chance going together. With a nod, he dismissed both felines, welcoming them back into RiverClan.
[ All done! Please resubmit them to the allegiances ]
"You sure did."
The tabby replied, not looking particularly happy; another apprentice had left camp and for what? A hunt? He appreciated the thought, but these things couldn't keep happening. Was it that hard to find a willing warrior to come with them? "Mind telling me where you've been."
"Your actions were immature and stupid."
Gingerfrost started, buying some time to think this over. Snowfall admitted mistake, but her behaviour was dangerous. If this happened with anyone.. He mentally shook his head. That couldn't happen. "If you want to leave RiverClan, then leave. As for Pebblefur;"
He turned towards the feline. "How come you didn't stop the fight yourself? This is not a type of behaviour RiverClan needs. Hollytail, you can go."
He briefly told the third feline.
Gingerfrost grimaced as he padded up to the feline, clearly injured with a new scar. His brows knit, mildly alarmed. "What happened?"
It was rather late, and Gingerfrost had opted to go for a walk -- perhaps to escape the business of the clan's end-of-evening routine. It was rather calm, until heavy breaths broke the silence. Gingerfrost's ears twitched, eyes widening in brief recognition when he saw where those breaths came from: one of their missing elders, ...Ranch Dressing. Strange name. "Are you alright, ..Ranch dressing? Where have you been?"
He might've butchered the name a little, on accident.
Another kit that left camp. This was exasperating, and for the second time too. They seriously needed to up their security if even kits kept getting out somehow. With a deep sigh, he looked down at Webkit, not looking too pleased. "Where did you run off to this time?"
Hollytail nodded his head and padded off.
"I physically couldn't have stopped the fight because she tackled me at Lionsbeach and I hit my head on a rock." Pebblefur looked at Snowfall, who was sitting, looking down at her paws.
"I'll leave . . I know I'm not welcome in RiverClan . . " She sighed. "I'm truly sorry Pebblefur . . I really am . . " Tears we're running down her face. She looked up at Gingerfrost and Pebblefur, before getting up. "I'll leave . . " She then slowly padded off, her tail dragging on the ground.
A cat joined her, one that was familiar. Oh, dear, what was his name again? Greenfrost.. or was it... She felt her cats brows furrow in thought. She knew his name... What... Gingerfrost! There it was! He'd asked her if she was alright and she nodded softly. "Yes.. I think so. Out of breathe and.. very confused, dear. I wasn't aware I had even been gone long. Oh, I went to take a walk and then everything got twisty turny and I couldn't find my way back." She looked up at Gingerfrost, and she tilted her head. "How is Pikestar- er.. What's his new name again? I can't seem to remember..." Her words drifted off and she looked at the ground, embarrassed. She was starting to have some issues with her memory and it upset her.
once the strings are tied, you are nothing but a puppet
Characters | RP Tracker and Bump Policy
velli was here <3
dracarys - dani <3
dino dropped a stolen treasure chest here and ran
Gingerfrost didn't appreciate the sudden defensive stance she took, as though hiding something from him. But the explanation lined up... Kind of. He sigh. A lot of shady things had been happening around ShadowClan lately, he'd have to keep an eye on that. He shot Swiftsplash a stern look - one that said she better not be avoiding any truths - then dismissed the feline with a flick of his ear.
There was determination. Shakiness, but determination. A determination even he could see and appreciate. Her words were clear, audible. And honest, too. He didn't often believe someone when they way they're a hard worker -- it's something they have to prove, something he has to prove. But he had a feeling that this one might not fail, not the way many others did. That's why, despite all better judgement, he was willing to give this a chance. Give Indigo an actual chance to prove herself and become a clan cat. He stood rigid in front of them, eyes narrowing slightly as he mulled over these thoughts, before coming to a conclusion. If this is truly what they wanted, then so be it. He hopes they're prepared for what's to come. "Then welcome to RiverClan. Your name will be Russetpaw -- at the next meeting, you'll be given a mentor, who will evaluate your skills. Once they believe you're ready, you'll be given a warrior name and status."
[ Done! Please submit them to the allegiances ]
At least he admitted his mistake. And was willing to hunt for the clan. "Don't let this happen again."
Even so, Gingerfrost nodded. If it was an honest mistake, he'd let it slide. With a nod, Silverstone was dismissed.
[ All done! I'll pull him out of the missing ]
Gingerfrost nodded, listening to their statements. Good. He knew very well it was difficult leaving a clanmate; but truth was that it was difficult saving them from twolegs alone, at least when put in those strange contraptions and if there are several twolegs. They'd stand a better chance going together. With a nod, he dismissed both felines, welcoming them back into RiverClan.
[ All done! Please resubmit them to the allegiances ]
"You sure did."
The tabby replied, not looking particularly happy; another apprentice had left camp and for what? A hunt? He appreciated the thought, but these things couldn't keep happening. Was it that hard to find a willing warrior to come with them? "Mind telling me where you've been."
"Your actions were immature and stupid."
Gingerfrost started, buying some time to think this over. Snowfall admitted mistake, but her behaviour was dangerous. If this happened with anyone.. He mentally shook his head. That couldn't happen. "If you want to leave RiverClan, then leave. As for Pebblefur;"
He turned towards the feline. "How come you didn't stop the fight yourself? This is not a type of behaviour RiverClan needs. Hollytail, you can go."
He briefly told the third feline.
Gingerfrost grimaced as he padded up to the feline, clearly injured with a new scar. His brows knit, mildly alarmed. "What happened?"
It was rather late, and Gingerfrost had opted to go for a walk -- perhaps to escape the business of the clan's end-of-evening routine. It was rather calm, until heavy breaths broke the silence. Gingerfrost's ears twitched, eyes widening in brief recognition when he saw where those breaths came from: one of their missing elders, ...Ranch Dressing. Strange name. "Are you alright, ..Ranch dressing? Where have you been?"
He might've butchered the name a little, on accident.
Another kit that left camp. This was exasperating, and for the second time too. They seriously needed to up their security if even kits kept getting out somehow. With a deep sigh, he looked down at Webkit, not looking too pleased. "Where did you run off to this time?"
Swiftsplash gave a sigh as she huffed her way off her ass and got up. Damn this was going to be an akward entrance.
Oceanstar is the leader of Beachclan!
"You did a great job today and I hope you smile a little by thinking about me at the end of the day" -Kim Hongjoong
Webkit started as he was caught unawares. Gingerfrost obviously recognised him from the last time he was caught. Just his luck to be caught by the same person twice. "Nowhere in particular," he mewed coolly. "But I don't see it as any of your business. I wasn't lost or anything, and I am almost apprentice aged." He stared up at the deputy defiantly. @Estelle
Ain't much that I know what to put 'ere...
"And that, my friends, is how a revolution dies." - Haymitch
Gingerfrost didn't appreciate the sudden defensive stance she took, as though hiding something from him. But the explanation lined up... Kind of. He sigh. A lot of shady things had been happening around ShadowClan lately, he'd have to keep an eye on that. He shot Swiftsplash a stern look - one that said she better not be avoiding any truths - then dismissed the feline with a flick of his ear.
There was determination. Shakiness, but determination. A determination even he could see and appreciate. Her words were clear, audible. And honest, too. He didn't often believe someone when they way they're a hard worker -- it's something they have to prove, something he has to prove. But he had a feeling that this one might not fail, not the way many others did. That's why, despite all better judgement, he was willing to give this a chance. Give Indigo an actual chance to prove herself and become a clan cat. He stood rigid in front of them, eyes narrowing slightly as he mulled over these thoughts, before coming to a conclusion. If this is truly what they wanted, then so be it. He hopes they're prepared for what's to come. "Then welcome to RiverClan. Your name will be Russetpaw -- at the next meeting, you'll be given a mentor, who will evaluate your skills. Once they believe you're ready, you'll be given a warrior name and status."
[ Done! Please submit them to the allegiances ]
At least he admitted his mistake. And was willing to hunt for the clan. "Don't let this happen again."
Even so, Gingerfrost nodded. If it was an honest mistake, he'd let it slide. With a nod, Silverstone was dismissed.
[ All done! I'll pull him out of the missing ]
Gingerfrost nodded, listening to their statements. Good. He knew very well it was difficult leaving a clanmate; but truth was that it was difficult saving them from twolegs alone, at least when put in those strange contraptions and if there are several twolegs. They'd stand a better chance going together. With a nod, he dismissed both felines, welcoming them back into RiverClan.
[ All done! Please resubmit them to the allegiances ]
"You sure did."
The tabby replied, not looking particularly happy; another apprentice had left camp and for what? A hunt? He appreciated the thought, but these things couldn't keep happening. Was it that hard to find a willing warrior to come with them? "Mind telling me where you've been."
"Your actions were immature and stupid."
Gingerfrost started, buying some time to think this over. Snowfall admitted mistake, but her behaviour was dangerous. If this happened with anyone.. He mentally shook his head. That couldn't happen. "If you want to leave RiverClan, then leave. As for Pebblefur;"
He turned towards the feline. "How come you didn't stop the fight yourself? This is not a type of behaviour RiverClan needs. Hollytail, you can go."
He briefly told the third feline.
Gingerfrost grimaced as he padded up to the feline, clearly injured with a new scar. His brows knit, mildly alarmed. "What happened?"
It was rather late, and Gingerfrost had opted to go for a walk -- perhaps to escape the business of the clan's end-of-evening routine. It was rather calm, until heavy breaths broke the silence. Gingerfrost's ears twitched, eyes widening in brief recognition when he saw where those breaths came from: one of their missing elders, ...Ranch Dressing. Strange name. "Are you alright, ..Ranch dressing? Where have you been?"
He might've butchered the name a little, on accident.
Another kit that left camp. This was exasperating, and for the second time too. They seriously needed to up their security if even kits kept getting out somehow. With a deep sigh, he looked down at Webkit, not looking too pleased. "Where did you run off to this time?"
Silverstone dips their head to Gingerfrost
(Aright, thanks!)
__________________ "Your age dont define your maturity, your grades dont define your intelligence, and rumors dont define who you are"
"Mirror is my best friend because when I cry, it never laughs"
Bump me in 4 hours