12 moons || she/her || RiverClan Warrior || Silver Tongue long furred silver smoke she-cat; blue eyes
One does not need eyes to note the lack of prey in RiverClan's stores. Wrenseeker was barely back in the Clan and it seemed she had more sense than most of the morons who were lucky enough to not be dead (how they'd managed that when she hadn't was impossible for her to know) because not a single one of them seemed to have enough sense to restock it themselves or, better yet, get a bunch of apprentices together to do most of the work for them in their eagerness to get more training done.
Her main issue in coming up with this plan, and something she only really figured out minutes before she would make her call, was the prize whoever wins this arbitrary game would get. Now, Wrenseeker has no real sway over things like chore distribution or whatever might be enticing, but first pick of all prey caught? Hungry bellies might be fond of that.
"OI! APPRENTICES GET OVER HERE! NEED SOME WARRIORS TOO!" She shouts, hopefully gaining their attention. "We need food. Let's get some huntin' parties out now 'nd make it a game." And then she waits for the eager to gather. Perhaps this would be enough for the lazy sacks of fur to actually start doing something. Plus, the weather was warming up some, if all the birdchatter was anything to go off of, there should be plenty of land prey to account for as well.
this is a hunting event meaning if ur cat has no hunting training, this CAN be used to fill that training requirement !!
next post will be in a couple days where wren will explain further + assign teams/patrols
- we're using dice rolls baybeeeeeee
- essentially, every post looking for prey will get you a base of 1 d20 rolled, any number 1-10 will be a failed catch while any roll 11-20 will be a successful catch!
- any post 50 words or more will earn you another d20 for a total of TWO rolls made with advantage - which just means I roll 2 d20s, and take the higher number of the two !! This does not guarantee a success, but it makes it more likely !!
- But, uh oh, what's this? Some numbers have differing affects? Oopsies, seems some of my dice are a little odd!! Each round, there will be TWO cursed numbers, resulting in an automatic fail, or some other minor inconvenience, and ONE blessed number, resulting in an automatic success on the current hunt, or a permanent +1 d20 to all future rounds !! These numbers will change every round, so don't get too comfortable !!
The clans Caretaker Daisypaw came over. It was her job to help and supervise as she could
Oceanstar is the leader of Beachclan!
"You did a great job today and I hope you smile a little by thinking about me at the end of the day" -Kim Hongjoong
Primroseadder touched her nose to Sunpaw's head as the apprentice approached. ''Do ya remember what I taught ya, Sunny?'' she murmured, wrapping her tail around the apprentice after beckoning Flickerpaw and Mosspaw---her current apprentices---over to her with a flick of her ears. ''You're goin' ta need those skills.''
Riverclan | 9 moons Mind Reader, Lucky Duck 3
Starrypaw padded hesitantly over. She noticed immediately Fogmask and Primeroseadder in the little group of cats, but didn't know anything about the cat who was now speaking in front of everyone. Who's that..?
She came closer to hear what the young gray molly had to say. It seemed they needed apprentices... and warriors, too.
A... hunting game? Wrenseeker was the she-cat's name, and it seemed this would count as an opportunity for training with less tension than ordinary training sessions. Maybe it was her chance.
"Uhm, hello... I would need.. some water hunting... Would that be okay..?" She asked with her head slightly lowered and her ears held back, anxious that she might be rejected. She knew the river had frozen some time before, but maybe now the weather was good enough to start again...?
She really wished to go to the river.
After all, Primeroseadder had already taken her for swimming.
@Rowan (might be a good chance for them to bond and train together for 1st time)
Winterpaw made a prescence. Hunting. It felt good enough to do something for its clan. It looked around for someone to speak to, before then just sitting down because everyone else was already friends with other cats and gave up on speaking to someone new.