Re: November Gathering
Splashleap was present, shivering and doing her absolute best to stay to the center of the crowd lest Deadmoon be about. She knew the other molly would stick towards the outside of the crowd, not being the most.....socially competent. Best to stay somewhere with lots of other cats, and she was nice and warm as an added benefit. (Open)
Splashleap had been correct in her assertion that Deadmoon would avoid other cats like they carried greencough. The newer Windclan fury was sticking close to the edge of the clearing, not wanting to risk a chat with....just about anyone. She supposed she could manage it if need be, age had taught her that sometimes forced politeness was a necessary skill, but it wouldn't be her favorite activity of all time. Owlpaw's disappearance had left her feeling a bit raw, and she wasn't sure how much conversation she could make. Whatever. She would manage it if need be. Perhaps she could make another friend. Yeah right. YEAH. RIGHT. Marigoldpaw, Rookscreech (though she'd lasted longer than the others), Creeksplash. All gone. Other-clan friends didn't work. Then again that might just be the world they lived in. Most friendships ended up with someone dead eventually. Deadmoon sat in rather sullen silence, shivering and doing her best to keep herself warm with her tail. It wasn't working great, but the attempt was worth something. (OPEN)
All hail the Rat Queen's!!
Shrewstep has Silver Tongue and Mind Reader purrks
Pit has Just a Scratch and Beefed Up Tier 2