What would you like? - sig pic
Character Name? - pinepaw
Character Reference? -
Personality? - Bubbly, easily excitable, loves to play
Pose/Reference pose/BG Reference - he should have a puppy dog bow
Clan? - THC
Extra Details - he's a silly little autistic boy
Mention Me! @Marigoldwhisper
❝ It's just me myself and I, stuck in my bedroom livin' in this world you left behind❞
What would you like? - Header Bundle + Ref Sheet (both sides shown, one mini) Character Name? - RowanMane Character Reference? - Majority of him is in this album! EEK he’s the darker one. His description is: large midnight charcoal agouti tabby tom with bright blue eyes, many scars, messy medium-length fur, underbite. Simply looking up ‘midnight charcoal agouti tabby’ tends to find me an example I really like. The example is also a photo on this website, if which it is under ‘The Agouti Gene’ and is the second cat example image.
Eye Color : #3E56FF
RowanMane has an ear that’s torn in half as well as a scratch over his jaw (of which his jaw is slightly to the side/crooked). He has a long scar on his belly and one going from below his (remaining) whole ear to his shoulder. Scars:
Underbite jaw with scratch over his mouth
HIS left ear ripped in half
Droopy tail end due to a dog stepping on it
Scratch straight on his back
Both right (front+back) legs are nicked all over due to a barbed fence moons ago Personality? - He’s a noble warrior of RiverClan, who used to be sure and confident and secure but ever since RiverClan was driven out, he hasn’t been the same. He’s…a wreck I can’t even explain rn.
Pose/Reference pose/BG Reference - Nope! Go crazy in the bundle heh…for the angry I do want his ears pinned back, same for startled if possible! Clan? - RiverClan Extra Details - nope ^^ Mention Me! @Marigoldwhisper
What would you like? - Header + header bundle Character Name? - CrowPaw Character Reference? - EEK Personality? - Nervous baby who struggles with trusting others and PTSD. Pose/Reference pose/BG Reference - Nervous/Uncomfortable/Forced Smile for her header Clan? - RiverClan Extra Details - Mention Me! @/Marigoldwhisper
What would you like? - Header + Reference Sheet Character Name? - TurtlePaw Character Reference? - A light pale creamy she with the same head markings as her mother except with gray, along with her paws and underside of her tail fading into gray. Her eyes are the same greenish color as her mothers.
Personality? - She’s a lively apprentice, especially in her younger first 1-2 years, she is all sass and class. She would constantly entertain other kits with fun games and his prideful she is. She wants to prove she’s better than everyone and doesn’t like getting dirty. She considers herself royalty, but underneath her better-then-everyone attitude, she’s really a sweetheart who will go out of her way to help others, doing so humbly without acknowledgement for it. This may often cause some sadness and envy in her as other cats would tend to often get credit for her own work. Pose/Reference pose/BG Reference - Happy, youthful grin Clan? - RiverClan Extra Details - Mention Me! @/Marigoldwhisper
What would you like? - Header Bundle + Reference Sheet Character Name? - Vixen! Character Reference? -Bap! Personality? - A very sly, most definitely evil madam that has family almost everywhere, and a few grudges with the world! Pose/Reference pose/BG Reference - For the reference sheet I want it to be her sort of before she died, so a heavily scarred kitty. You can honestly throw scars anywhere and everywhere, as she was murdered rather brutally by multiple cats! One that I just want is a large scar over one of her eyes and the eye missing, everything else can be randomly up to you, but don’t be afraid you’re adding too many, as there’s no such thing for her! Her headers can be normal, unscarred Vixen ^^. Clan? - Dark Forest Extra Details - She’s insane! Mention Me! @/Marigoldwhisper
What would you like? - Header Bundle Character Name? - DarkPaw Character Reference? -Bap Personality? - He’s quiet…odd…traumatized. He had a rough past with an abusive mother and only found solace in a select few things…BlackberryBat, Herbs, Healing, and the Quiet. He tries to stay out of the eye of attention but he’s unsure how that will go after becoming an aid. Pose/Reference pose/BG Reference - Clan? - ShadowClan Extra Details - Mention Me! @/Marigoldwhisper
What would you like? - Header Bundle + Fullbody scene-ish
LionPaw in the snow with a lil pile of snow on his head or through his fur, mini snow fight with HawkBite
I’ll pay anything for this-
Character Name? - LionPaw Character Reference? -eep + eep Personality? - Ambitious, feisty, hardworking kiddo that honestly just wants to be the best and impress his adoptive parents. Yep. Pose/Reference pose/BG Reference - a bit more grown and less kit-like than in my ref, just more mature in general! Clan? - ShadowClan Extra Details - Mention Me! @/Marigoldwhisper
my characters opinions are not my own!
_____________________________________ RowanMane is one of RiverClans Lionhearts. If He is Needed, PM/VM or Mention Me. DarkPaw is one of ShadowClans Aids. If He is Needed, PM/VM or Mention Me.
vm me to enter my lair. it has infinite movies and wifi! snacks will be given. sometimes..
@/Eucalyptuspaw came for the movies and snacks!! @/snowflake. enters, carrying a whole buncha snowballs @/ChromeSilver_Hwaa enters carrying a Tiramisu Cake @/Clamfish came for the drama, fruits, and macaroni and cheese
What would you like? - Can I header bundle? I LOVE the look of them!!! Character Name? - Crowtooth! Ive been looking to update his stuff now that he's deputy Character Reference? - Boop! Personality? - The bundle has the full range but can the 'happy' be slightly more of a smirk? Crow smirks or 'gives a crooked grin' more then he smiles Pose/Reference pose/BG Reference - N/A Clan? - Windclan~ Extra Details - Crow really snarls when hes mad so feel free to make it fangy~
Mention Me! @Marigoldwhisper
Crowtooth is Deputy of Windclan, If he's needed mention me at any time~
Have a kittypet/outsider who needs healing? Post here!
What would you like? - Header bundle !
Character Name? - Wispypaw
Character Reference? - boop
Personality? -mean, stand offish, and snappy attitude all around, but does have a soft side.
Pose/Reference pose/BG Reference -
Clan? - Shadowclan
Extra Details -
Mention Me! @Marigoldwhisper
Any actions or words said by my characters are not a reflection of how I feel!!
Activity going to be extra low, dealing with moving issues
Character Reference? - i dont have an image ref yet so..Overall: Oceanhorizon is a large, majestic tom with a sleek, muscular build. His coat consists of bluegrays, dark grey, orange, and tans and browns. His eyes are a greenish blue, with golden flecks near the center of his eyes. He has medium length fur and his pelt is sleek, but all over the place. Oceanhorizon's ears are tufted, and their whiskers are long and white.
Detailed pattern description: Oceanhorizon has a marking resembling a wave on both sides of his body that starts at his shoulder and stops at his back thighs. His underbelly is speckled. His tail is striped, alternating between 2 different colors. He has markings around his eyes that are spiked.(closet ref for facial markings here) He has a stripe down his back that meets his tail. His underbelly and chest is a cream color. His legs are the same color as the wave like marking, besides his toes which are same color as his underbelly and chest.
I have no idea where i want what colors, so feel free to color his markings however you envision it!
What would you like? - header bundle, sig picture, pfp
Character Name? - Acornleaf
Character Reference? - Medium hair brown tabby with stripes, green eyes. (add acorns and leaves in his fur ic u can :3)
Personality? - A little stubborn, very happy and playful
Pose/Reference pose/BG Reference - I dont have one yet 3:
Clan? - RiverClan
Extra Details - N/A
Mention Me! @/Marigoldwhisper
"It is better to poop in the sink than to sink in the poop" -Master Oogway
What would you like? - signature picture
Character Name? - rookfire
Character Reference? - xxx
Personality? - um. you know him. and im really bad at descriptions
Pose/Reference pose/BG Reference - either lean into the act he puts on (super snarky, prideful etc) or something neutral.
Clan? - shadowclan
Extra Details - errrr im super uncreative regarding the pose, would it be possible for you to offer me options on discord and i just pay extra for every one lol?
Mention Me! @Marigoldwhisper
✮" in all timelines, in all possibilities,.. only you. "✮
What would you like? - Header
Character Name? - Foxkit
Character Reference? - https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums...ictureid=58017
Personality? - Calm, collected, a bit snappy at times
Pose/Reference pose/BG Reference - Transparent Background
Clan? - ThunderClan
Extra Details - Nothing I can think of, go wild!
What would you like? - Header Character Name? - Primrosepaw Character Reference? -Click on the white tab named Primrosepaw! Personality? - Sweet and Bubbly, though very Headstrong (quoted from Stormstar ) Pose/Reference pose/BG Reference - N / A Clan? - RiverClan! Extra Details - Add a primrose beside her left ear Mention Me! @Marigoldwhisper
art by star !! Primroseadder is a RiverClan Warrior. If she is needed, mention me!