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Default Re: RiverClan Mountain Territory

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Brokenstream | 22 MOONS | HE/HIM ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
sleek golden bengal tom with light green eyes, jet black ears & back legs
header by @/Marigoldwhisper


Letting out a sigh, Brokenstream padded quietly along the new terrain, hating the one the rocks stuck in between his paws. This wasn’t home, but he needed to take a walk to get some air. He not-so-secretly hoped one day they’d return to RiverClan’s original territory, but he would continue to support his Clan even if it meant staying out here forever. His pelt rippled uncomfortably. Forever? He couldn’t help but suppress a shudder and he exhaled yet another sigh.

However, when he went to go take another breath in, a sharp, bitter tang caught on his tongue. Light green eyes widening, he immediately broke into a sprint towards the smell. ’Blood!’ The tom thought nervously zigzagging around the terrain until he finally skidded to a halt. He’d be correct. It had been mixed with the scent of RiverClan.

Biting back a yowl of dismay, Brokenstream had to pause not to heave at the gruesome sight before him. No, he had no time to. He needed to bring her home. ”Wrenseeker. May StarClan light your path.” He murmured, desperately hoping that StarClan could hear him out here. As gently as he could, while trying not to grimace, he hoisted Wrenseeker’s body onto his shoulders and trudged solemnly back to camp.

( @Neptune. - taking back for Fading ! )


pixelgifs by @/SnowheartTC
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Old Today, 02:25 AM
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It took longer than it was supposed to, getting his apprentices out and leading them out towards the woods as Dusklion had requested but it was Seabreeze’s own fault. It’s been a bad morning for him, everything was moving through half frozen water. Though he needed to get this done. He wasn’t going to let his apprentices fail a patrol because of him! Seabreeze hadn’t really missed a patrol either and he could t really afford to miss one either. So he padded out and as the forest approached, he slowed down barely and spoke out to his apprentices, “You guys go ahead of me and start, I want to see your forms from the the last time we went over lessons.” That and he was beyond tired right now. But they didn’t need to know that.
[ @rubberRatroom - Covepaw | @PINTO BEAN - Duckpaw ]
[ So sorry about the lateness! I was thinking just some short posts to tie this up quickly! I got an extension and it’s due on the first. ]

Seabreeze is currently one of Riverclan's Lionhearts!
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Default Re: RiverClan Mountain Territory

duckpaw padded beside his mentor, watching behind him to see if covepaw was coming and she was. They then came to a stop and seabreeze told them to start first so duckpaw looked around for some prey. He saw a rabbit which was the perfect thing, so he got into position, wiggled his little rump and jumped right on top of the rabbit, grabbing it by the neck, waiting for it to become limp.

He then padded back to seabreeze proudly. "Look what i got! A rabbit!!!" the young apprentice said with a proud look on his face.

{ +1 rabbit }
{lmao we gotta finish quickly}
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Old Today, 09:16 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Mountain Territory

Originally Posted by Shade. View Post
Ryesong was used to Eveningthaw by now. They'd known each other for a very long time. Sometimes ge worried about whether the other cat liked him at all or simply put up with him. But he'd caught glimpses of his lip curling when he thought Ryesong wouldn't notice. Surely he liked him just as much. Even if he had an odd way of showing it. Eveningthaw wasn't close to many cats and it worried Ryesong sometimes. Not that he and his illustrious personality wasn't enough. It was just nice knowing that if something were to happen to him, Eveningthaw wouldn't be alone.

At the mention of the wounds a small vein defined on his forehead though he didn't change expression. He hated the stupid, useless battles. They annoyed him to no end. He honestly wanted to throw all the leader's in the river and yell at them a bit. It was so stupid!!!!! He didn't let it affect him though. Positive thinking and all that.

"Fine, let's go pick some flowers. And y'ain't so bad when ya finally stop glowerin' at people" he mused, before hopping in front of Eveningthaw and doing a play-bow.

"Wanna see who can get out there first?"

"I ain't glowering at people," Eveningthaw snorted, his eyes closing as he tilted his chin up in indignation. "I'm glowerin' at you 'cause you get on my nerves, prettyboy." The massive tom snarked with a flick of his tail. How Ryesong managed to pry wit out of him was a sight to behold.

Then there was the proposition of a challenge, and a dark glitter sparked up behind verdant eyes, head lowering slightly in determination. "You love pickin' fights, dontcha?" mused the black-and-white motion picture of a warrior, muzzle twitching upwards in the ghost of a grin.

With that, however, the powerful tom sprung forwards and out of camp, more than willing to indulge his annoying friend in his teasings.

[eveningthaw's roll to beat: 9]

grousepaw is shadowclan's medicine cat apprentice
they and mossfreckle have a semi-closed den policy.

Eveningthaw | Grousepaw | Emberkit | Burningnight | Rush Casket
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Old Today, 10:18 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Mountain Territory


APPRENTICE | Male | 9 moons

"Can you feel it? The ocean has a profound healing energy."


Covepaw crouched, form a bit shaky and looked more like he was claustrophobic than an actual stance. He opened his mouth, something he'd learned from the last time. It helped him take in all the forest smells! Though it was kind of intimidating to smell pine and grass at the same time.

He perked his ears. He was going for another mouse. He knew he could catch those, and if he knew it, it was better off that way. It wasn't like he knew how to climb a tree, either, and that would hinder him if a squirrel were to run off. Covepaw wasn't sure if rabbits were in a forest, but if so, he couldn't run after them at all. His legs still had much too great to grow, if he tried to sprint after a rabbit, he would fear he'd trip!

One he caught the scent of a mouse, or what he assumed to be a mouse, and scurried after it. Fast as he could while crouching, of course! The underbrush barely hid his gray-colored pelt, his blue eyes standing out against the muted greens of the forest leaves. Covepaw then saw it. Was it a mouse? It most certainly looked like one! But with its small size it was far more chubbier than any mouse he'd ever seen. No matter! He was sure he'd be able to catch it, because if it looked like a mouse than it probably would be the same, easy catch.

He went back on his haunches, then powerful kicked up, landing squarely on the mouse. Though he didn't make a proper landing, so instead of just trapping the mouse with both paws, one of the held it tight while the other ached in pain. Covepaw couldn't wrap his head around it, but quickly made the killing bite. He couldn't let this mouse-thingy get away! It squeaked, going limp in his small paws. He laid down for a moment, wincing. He'd landed right on something sharp, it seemed, and it was right in his paw. He figured it'd be alright. It was probably just a thorn or something! He'd never seen a clear thron before. Maybe it was like the mouse-thingy?

Mouse-variant in his mouth, he carried it back to Seabreeze with a limp. He could feel a slight trickle of blood, and he didn't like it much. It was cold, and moving. Covepaw felt like he had a centipede crawling on his pad every moment. It was awful!

"Mouf, I thi- ink."

His words were muffled through the tinier mouse he had in his jaws. He set it down, looking at his paw.

"D'you think Mistyshard'll be able to fix it?"

Covepaw asked his mentor, starting to feel a bit worried. This definitely wasn't any ordinary thorn.


@Oliver - Seabreeze
@PINTO BEAN - Duckpaw

(Oliver lemme know if you're okay with Covepaw getting glass in his paw. It's totally okay if not! ^^)
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Old Today, 11:13 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Mountain Territory

Seabreeze watched as both of Duckpaw and Covepaw set out quickly after he released to do as he had taught. Duckpaw ran off and Covepaw was far behind him. The mentor watched carefully to see if any of them needed help or feedback but he was half surprised to see Duckpaw being back a whole rabbit. Those weren’t common up here, no nearby moorlands to explain its presence but perhaps it was a mountain rabbit? Are those a thing? Seabreeze wasn’t familiar if they were. The lionheart purred at Duckpaw and ducked his head with a small, but proud smile. “Very well done, do you want to hide it carefully under a bush and try and get something else?” He waited for a moment for Duckpaw’s reply when the sound of approaching paws caught his attention and he turned- only to start with a fright as Covepaw came limping over, red, even though not a lot, dripping from his paw.

Seabreeze rushed over to his apprentice, eyes wide with worry as he looked down at him. If Covepaw let him then Seabreeze would carefully reach out and hold the paw, bean side up, in his own. “What happened?” Seabreeze would mumble as he checked over the wound carefully. It was like a thorn, at least, that’s what he thought it was at first glance. An annoying little bugger wedged into soft skin. But on second glance it was… weird. Clear and the blood stained on it didn’t really help in his quest to understand. Blue eyes looked up as his apprentice spoke, and Seabreeze tried to give his best reassuring smile, “Im sure she’ll be able to fix it right up! Though… I might be able to help now, if you want?
[ @rubberRatroom - Covepaw | @PINTO BEAN - Duckpaw ]

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Old Today, 12:54 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Mountain Territory

Riverclan warrior
[SIZE="1"]Purrk: Heightened Perception-Sight(permanently active)[/SIZE

Phew, the apprentice actually caught something, now he wouldn't have to show the deputy a single, measly catch. One vole wouldn't be much of a contribution. "Good job, I guess. Now, c'mon. Let's go back to camp." He mumured briefly before rising to his paws and leading the way back home. Now he could have a nice nap, he needed one after this fiasco.

(We can report and turn in the prey now )


Nightgaze kit finder!

Please tap on the eggs and small dragons!^^
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Old Today, 01:01 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Mountain Territory

6 Moons


Beaverpaw nodded.
Okay, he did good.
That's great.
Falconflight said good job, thankfully.

Beaverpaw followed Falconflight back to camp.

[okee dokee!]

Rapid Recovery-Raccoonsun(RiverClan), Silver Tongue-Whitekit(ThunderClan), Chill of Death-Leopardpaw(WindClan), Dreamwalker-Ravenpaw(ThunderClan)
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