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Old July 24th, 2024, 09:42 PM
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Default Re: Nosy Neighbors [p]

Find my eyes with yours
+ she/her + 45 moons

Snowbush had no idea as to where the others on their original patrol went off to, probably off dilly-dallying. Them going missing before they left was their loss, they wouldn't get another chance to see the vacant land. She was interested in knowing what secrets may lay before them, see if something could be brought back. What the large feline didn't like was how humid it was walking through the forest nor how wet the ground felt. How the hell did those River rats travel across the land like this? Her fur was getting all wet mainly her paws as they made the most contact with the ground beneath them. She lifted a white paw to shake it out so that it wouldn't be so sopping wet when they eventually made it to dry land. Snowbush eyes the new patrol mates that joined theirs, oh nice they weren't a tiny patrol anymore. This would make any future problems easier to deal with, especially if they ran into rogues or any riverclanners that got left behind.

The molly didn't say anything to them as they followed along, no words seemed to even be exchanged that much anyway. To her, it would seem no one had anything to say besides Crowtooth up ahead of them all. She was sure that the tom could probably talk for everyone in the patrol if he so chose to do so. Nothing to add to what she assumed was rambling she veered off to the other side of what used to be the camp. Like those before her, he eyed what once were dens but was nothing left of being a mess. Right this moment she didn't see anything noteworthy besides the materials used to make the dens. the lilac point did notice seeing little trinkets lying strewn across the ground. A part of her contemplated taking it but didn't make a move to grab any of it. Unlike the river rats, she wouldn't stoop low to take away something that a cat held dear to them.

She took the moment to stand and look around the desolate camp, to take in the state it was in. The warrior hadn't been involved in the battle, having chosen to stay behind. What was the point of her joining in when there were plenty of battle-ready cats already there? There were already enough cats to handle a rogue-like clan, it had already felt like it was overkill to behind with. Just from thought alone she could guess that Riverclan most definitely had a heavy loss. Some part of her wondered when said clan made their return if they would try to seek revenge. Snowbush had a tiny bit of hope for them to for once use their heads and realize that was a bad option. They wouldn't know till they eventually came back and they would have to watch their backs with the exiled clan.

@Alchemist Kitsune @Rani @Mica @Neptune. @Idiotic.Bean101 @gs29513
Any actions or words said by my characters are not a reflection of how I feel!!

Feel free to hit me up if you want to rp with me
Springburst/ Sunpaw / Wispypaw

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Old July 25th, 2024, 08:37 AM
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Default Re: Nosy Neighbors [p]

16 moons || she/her || WindClan apprentice || honed skill [INACTIVE]
scrawny calico with one blind eye; blue eyes

One of the patrol's first stops was to the RiverClan camp, and Lichenpaw sniffed with disgust at the remaining dregs of RiverClan scent clinging to the rocky ground and walls. The dens were half destroyed, and there was drying blood all over the ground. It hadn't been washed away by any of the rain that had come through? Hm. Maybe that was StarClan's doing. Maybe they were upset at RiverClan too and wanted this as a reminder. Well, that didn't matter to Lichenpaw much, but she nosed her way throught the dens anyway.

Many of them looked a little destroyed, but the one she poked her head into first was pretty intact. She knew RiverClan cats liked to collect trinkets more than the other clans, so the assortment of shells and feathers and pretty rocks lining some of the nests didn't surprise her much. What did surprise her was... was that a shrivvled up tongue?? Ew... Lichenpaw was certain before this that ShadowClan would be the only ones with gross trinkets, but she should never have underestimated RiverClan, she guesses.

Nothing really caught her attention here, though, and there wasn't anything she thought she could take that wa\ould really screw with RiverClan once they eventually returned, so she decided just to stick to snooping around the dens...

[ @Rani || @Mica || @gs29513 || @Idiotic.Bean101 || @Alchemist Kitsune || @Kix ]
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Old July 26th, 2024, 02:36 AM
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Default Re: Nosy Neighbors [p]

Windclan Tunneler/Fury | He/him | 50 Moons
Power Card: Cold Gust

The group seemed to mostly stick to silence as they investigated the desecrated camp, probably recalling what'd occurred here not long ago and even Crowtooth got caught up in the feeling. The found himself at the base of the tree he'd flung of their warriors agains, still splattered and caked with blood wondering about what that cat mightve been had things been different. Crowtooth had offered the chance to run but the tom had stayed and payed the price, and yet it still felt like a waste of life.

He was rather happy to have that thought interrupted by Hawkfur's question.
"Ta be honest friend Id eat my tail if the other clans havent snooped. Question is when they did it though, we shoulda done our own before thunderclan snagged ta take a looksy buuuut thats how thin's go.

Lets move on now! Places ta be!"
Its not like anyone had any reason to wanna linger here afterall.

Traveling to the next location the cats passed through a rather.... Odd location. The camp, but an old one, long destroyed by a flood and abandoned even longer then the camp they'd come from but so old it was ingrained into land itself. A camp like this only came about by years and years of living in it and only feel by a natural disaster, not the action of any cats best efforts.

The group wouldnt linger in this still dampened ruined long given how little was here, it being just an encounter to note as they passed through.

The hotsprings though? Those were more of a point to investigate.

Haven Springs

Home to two natural hot springs, that are filled with hot water. To get to it, cats will have to cross a rather rundown looking Twoleg bridge that goes over an empty streambed.

Perfect for a day of relaxation, especially in the colder moons. Surrounded by smooth pebbles and rocks with a mound stretching above, providing an overhanging ledge. This is the one source of water that doesn't seem to freeze over...

Not much water prey can be found here, but a few birds, lizards, and some land prey can be seen scurrying about. A perfect place to hang out, relax, and great for warriors to unwind after a strenuous day.

Coming to the steaming water crowtooth for a time was... Baffled because why did it do that??? It was warm but still ever so slightly misty and so so warm here, it just looked strange. The twoleg bridge was one thing, easily discarded as twoleg junk but the springs?

Hesitant but curious as any cat the tom approached, pushing through the thick foliage of plants and greenery that thrived around the spring the tom rasped a "Do yall notice somethin'.... odd?" as he reached a paw out, almost unable to stop himself from poking.

Here though the tom froze, caution and curiosity warring in his mind, leaving the rest of the group to make their own choices on investigation as he tried to decide for himself. Perhaps one would even poke first or notice the few familiar herbs mixed in with the unknown ones in the area while the tunneler was distracted.

@Mica @Alchemist Kitsune @Kix @Neptune. @Idiotic.Bean101 @gs29513
Have an outsider who needs healing? Pm me!
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Headers/ art credits here & pfp by ZenoOfDreams~
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Old Yesterday, 11:05 PM
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Default Re: Nosy Neighbors [p]

| Snowybreeze |
28 Moons - WindClan Warrior

Heightened Perception [Smell] - Active | Rapid Recovery - Inactive | The Collector - Inactive | Not Skiddin' Around - Active

Everyone kept mostly to themselves, surprising the gentle giant. WindClan was not known for their bouts of silence, good humours usually running rampant through the moor dwellers. Yet it seemed the wetlands that composed RiverClan's previous domain had everyone somber. Perhaps it was the memories of what they had done. A necessity, yes, but one with a massive cost to the losing side. Snowybreeze certainly couldn't be the only one wondering how they were. If they would come back alright. If they would come back at all. And that was saying nothing about the ever present question lingering in the back of his mind.

What if WindClan was next?

A shudder ran down the Maine Coon mix's spine and he instinctively loomed closer to Deadmoon, a mixture of protectiveness over her and seeking comfort from her radiating from his every step. She was the only family he had left. If... if WindClan were to be chased out of the moors by the other clans... Stars above, what would they do? Where would they go? Would they all be able to stay together? Would... would they be able to stay in touch with StarClan? So he could meet his beloved again when his time came?

Snowybreeze's trail of thought soon deviated, a strange scent reaching his nostrils as they walked. It was... water. Yes. But... this was like no water he had ever smelled before. Mismatched ears twitching curiously, the long furred warrior did something he never allowed of himself, his nose far too sensitive for such things. He took a deep breath, trying to make sure he was right before they reached their goal.

"H-how. Peculiar," he stated softly as he walked besides his former mentor, his sniffing simply reinforcing that the strange scent was indeed some form of water... simply... not a stream... or pool... or river. What other types of water could there be, really?

His words scarcely left his mouth before they reached them. The pools of... heat? That... that wasn't right, though... Right? It certainly felt... warmer the closer they had gotten to these pools, in any case. And there was just a strange... scent to them. Like water, yes, but harsher. Warmer? Warily, he stepped over the bridge, the strangeness of it nothing when compared to the pools just beyond it. He couldn't really describe it, only wrinkle his nose as he cautiously stepped by the edge of one of the springs, toes far more secure than they would have been earlier in life as he glanced inside, feeling the condensation forming on his nose even as he looked within.

"Most. Peculiar... In-indeed."

@Rani [Crowtooth] | @Mica [Hawkfur] | @gs29513 [Deadmoon] | @Idiotic.Bean101 [Scorpionsight] | @Kix [Snowbush] | @Neptune. [Lichenpaw]
| I'm not saying that I am willing to overlook Snowybreeze's Not Skiddin' Around purrk if someone wants to prank the overgrown marshmallow and have him dive head first into the pool, but I am willing to overlook Snowybreeze's Not Skiddin' Around purrk if someone wants to prank the overgrown marshmallow and have him dive head first into the pool. |
Lightningstorm is WindClan's current medicine cat.
She has a semi-closed den policy.

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Old Today, 02:58 PM
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Default Re: Nosy Neighbors [p]

Find my eyes with yours
+ she/her + 45 moons

Snowbush followed after the two other cats, gleaming blue eyes taking note of each area they passed through. She was intrigued by the sight of a very old camp that was taken over by nature. Judging by the area something tells her that it seemed what took this away from the exiled clan was nature itself and not one of the other clans. Like the other camp from just a glance, she saw nothing of value anywhere strewn about. Nothing much besides the few shells and pebbles lying about. If she so needed to bring back shells she was sure there were other spots to get said objects. Like the others she also caught the strange scent of water, very misty like water. That was indeed odd, she's never seen water like this before, only as waterfalls yes but not...hot?

Snowbush had never seen water get like this before, what kind of secrets did Riverclan have hidden elsewhere? "How... is it warm?" she questioned aloud, watching as snowybreeze started to make way across the bridge. "Careful now, don't think anyone wants to go for a swim now?" she gave a little chuckle. Though she hoped no one fell in, she wasn't sure who here knew how to swim and who didn't. One thing was for sure was that she could vouch for herself for not knowing how to swim. "You don't think that they swam in these?" if they did, were they able to handle water that looked like it was ready to torch a cat.

@Mica @Alchemist Kitsune @Rani @Neptune. @Idiotic.Bean101 @gs29513
Any actions or words said by my characters are not a reflection of how I feel!!

Feel free to hit me up if you want to rp with me
Springburst/ Sunpaw / Wispypaw

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Old Today, 04:43 PM
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Default Re: Nosy Neighbors [p]

24 Moons


Haven springs definitely seemed different.
She heard one of the others mention that the water was warm.

Her curiousity caused her to poke it herself with a paw.
Oh, yeah no, that was weird.

She moved away from the water to look around a bit more, but she didn't notice too much.

@Kix - @Alchemist Kitsune - @Rani - @Mica - @Neptune. - @gs29513

Rapid Recovery-Raccoonsun(RiverClan), Silver Tongue-Whitekit(ThunderClan), Chill of Death-Leopardpaw(WindClan), Dreamwalker-Ravenpaw(ThunderClan)

Last edited by Idiotic.Bean101; Today at 04:44 PM.
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Old Today, 07:03 PM
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Default Re: Nosy Neighbors [p]

Heh?! Deadmoon had been perfectly content to follow the now rather large group (though not unreasonably so, there were plenty of things they could run into out here) but when they got to the springs, it was difficult to stay in line. Because water! But warm! What? Bubbling and steaming and oh so very warm, far too warm even for the relatively sweltering greenleaf they had been experiencing. Deadmoon did not approve. She didn't approve of water period, but this water looked especially suspicious.

But. But. Snowybreeze. He was testing her goodwill. Because, well. The floofy tom was standing quite close to the edge of the water, and it would take but a slight nudge to send him tumbling in. And he wouldn't even get mad about it! And Deadmoon's ego was still smarting slightly from her own tumble into the river, which left her STILL a bit damp. Wouldn't she like to see another in a bit of a predicament? She very much would, especially if the deed could be done with few repercussions. And Snowy wouldn't get mad, he never did. But she also didn't want to hurt him. At all. Obviously! He was her friend! And in the past that had always included pranks, with Rookscreech, just not so much with Snowy. But.......it couldn't hurt to try. Right?

First, Deadmoon sauntered onto the bridge with him. She was in position, and dabbled at the water a bit with her paw. It was warm, but not unpleasantly so. No harm befell her. It didn't look too deep? She stuck her paw in a bit deeper, allowing it to rest in the warm water a bit longer. The water itself seemed safe enough. It's very warm. Not.........painful though. Not yet anyway. If there were any nasty things that would afflict her later, Deadmoon was fully unaware of them at this point. And it didn't really make sense that there would be. After all, if anywhere would have nasty things it would be the muddy river, surely.

Having rationalized her frankly diabolical actions to herself with typical Deadmoon selfishness, the molly made sure she was standing right behind Snowybreeze. He probably wouldn't even by bothered by her presence, they were friends! And then, BOOM! With as much strength as she could muster (admittedly not that much) she lurched forward, aiming the knock into him with her shoulder and send him flopping into the warm water. She wouldn't be the only one wet, no siree, not if she had anything to say about it!
@Mica @Alchemist Kitsune @Rani @Idiotic.Bean101 @Kix @Neptune.
All hail the Rat Queen's!!
Shrewstep has Silver Tongue and Mind Reader purrks
Pit has Just a Scratch and Beefed Up Tier 2
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