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Old July 21st, 2024, 09:51 PM
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Default Re: Fadingstar's Den (Only open to RiverClan cats)

24 moons || she/her || RiverClan Warrior || Kitty Softpaws, Mind Reader, Beefed Up T2
scarred, scrawny dilute tortoiseshell; green eyes

He'd gone missing as well... why? Where had he gone? What drew him away? They may not have been close, hell, Lark didn't even know he was kin until just before her own vanishing act, but anyone could see plain as day how dedicated Rushwater was to RiverClan. He wouldn't just disappear. Rushwater of all cats would never do that willingly.

Her expression gives little way about her thoughts on the matter, the only acknowledgement being a flick of her ear and the minuscule tightening of her pursed lips. "Alright," is all she says, and, with a nod of her head Lark ducks out of Fading's den.

[ @occultation ]
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Old July 25th, 2024, 11:08 PM
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Default Re: Fadingstar's Den (Only open to RiverClan cats)

She, Her\Lionheart\44 moons\Riverclan
"Are you listening, starchild?"

Purrks: Agatha Kitty [ACTIVE]

- - -
"Aye, chief? It's Owltalon. I'm comin' in, al'ight, chap?"

Owltalon had just set down the two kits in the nursery. She still gave them a stern few words before padding off, but didn't see it fit to scold them into oblivion. That warrior however... Oh, it made her blood boil. Especially with the issues surrounding kits and young apprentices out of camp, Owltalon would've thought somecat would have half the brain to make sure that they stayed in camp, like they were supposed to.

The large cat ducked underneath the rock and crawled into the shade. She felt oddly comfortable in the space yet homesick. She looked around the den with a wide amber eye. It looked bare, empty. Replaceable. Not home, Owltalon reminded herself. Once they got back to Riverclan she'd give Fadingstar so many dismembered heads shells and skulls he wouldn't be able to contain them. Right, right, she could focus on gifts later. There were more important matters at paw.

"I've come ta ya regarding a recent departure of kits. Two had some rendezvous outta camp. Willowkit and Wolfkit. They were accompanied by Starrypaw and Floodsight." Owltalon's jaw began to tighten but she held her gaze with the leader. "Ya know the drill, chief, stuff like this shouldn't be happenin'. I scolded 'em and dragged 'em back inta camp walls. The kits might be a bit frazzled, but they'll be fine." Hopefully.

"I just wanted ta let cha know. It's a serious issue. Gee, it seems one cats always gotta do... Somethin' stupid, yeah? I gave Starrypaw a punishment though, a quarter moon confined ta camp."

@occultation // Fadingstar

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Old Today, 01:50 AM
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Default Re: Fadingstar's Den (Only open to RiverClan cats)

Originally Posted by phantom View Post
Seakit walked in. "Mister Fadingstar, can I talk to you about my name?"
(Just remembered and went: guess imma toss this here lazily)

Fadingstar shifted into a sitting position as Seakit entered his den. This was the first time anyone had come to him to discuss their name, so his interest was certainly piqued. "Of course."

Originally Posted by isla View Post

“I understand, Fadingstar,” Rosehawk murmured, dipping her head.

{ @occultation - sorry it’s short. First time I’ve been on in a few days. }

Well, that seemed to be easy enough. Hopefully Rosehawk meant what she said and didn't run off doing the opposite. With a curt nod, Fadingstar dismissed her. "That's all, Rosehawk. You're dismissed."

Originally Posted by Goopysharkboi View Post

Skypaw slowly made his way in, slightly angry with himself for letting himself use his impulses as a distraction.

"...Dusklion told me to come talk to you. She's had me demoted for a few moons just cos I wanted to help my friend find something while waiting for my patrol leader to show up." He meowed quietly, showing he was really in a bad place.

Ah, Skyfall. Or, rather, Skypaw for now. Fadingstar had overheard Dusklion issue the punishment from his sunning spot several tail-lengths away. Granted, he'd been half-asleep, but he'd certainly been awake enough to hear what punishment Skypaw had been given.

That's why it surprised (and frankly angered) him to hear Skypaw try to tell him that Dusklion had demoted him for a few moons, rather than the half moon she'd said. The leader took a deep breath and let it out in an annoyed huff.

"If you'd come in here with honesty instead of a lie and an attempt to get me to pity you, you'd be much better off," he muttered. Voice raising to an annoyed, snappy level, he continued, "I heard what Dusklion said. She demoted you for half a moon, not 'a few moons'. And you didn't just get a little sidetracked, you chose to go help your friend instead of doing your job as a warrior."

Fadingstar lashed his tail. He understood that Skypaw had been going through a lot of struggles, but his patience was wearing very thin. "I've tried giving you chances, Skypaw, but my tolerance for your problems is running thin. First you botch the Appleberry situation and put Dusklion at risk in the process, then I hear from Crowglow that you're moping around about Appleberry instead of helping the Clan while we're reeling from the worst disaster to hit us in modern history.

"Then Crowglow comes in here and says that apparently you aren't helping Moonpaw and Grimpaw as you should. I remember you saying that you wanted to help with Moonpaw's training when she joined, so I'm not sure when or why that suddenly changed. But it seems like Crowglow has taken up the slack, on top of trying to keep up with Grimpaw's training. That isn't fair to Moonpaw or Crowglow.

"And now, you've missed a patrol because you decided to wander off and help your friend with what didn't sound like any sort of urgent situation. On top of that, you just lied to my face. Frankly, Skypaw, I have half a mind to actually demote you for a few moons, and make you repeat your training so that you can remember how to actually be a warrior. I don't tolerate cats who constantly cause problems; I get that you have emotional issues, but ultimately your mental health is your responsibility. I've tried to be understanding, but I'm starting to feel like that empathy is being taken for granted.

"Do you have any sort of explanation for yourself?"

Originally Posted by finley !! View Post


purrks ; the collector , herbal knowledge t2
she / they . riverclan
15 moons . missing back leg
tags ; @occultation - fadingstar
trigger warnings for this post: none

cobwebfern coughed, shifting her paws and not looking fadingstar in the eye. her uncomfortableness was due to worry for dusklion's mental state, mostly, but she mostly felt hyperactive and tired, somehow at the same time. she twisted her mouth and glanced up at fadingstar, finally looking him in the eye. ' hello. hey. fadingstar. how are you? would you like. would you like to spar? i'm pretty.. ' she hummed, collecting her thoughts, before continuing with a soft lilt in her voice. ' i'm weirdly energetic right now, and i think i probably should.. get the energy out someway, lest i get rude or violent. '

cobwebfern swallowed. ' i don't think the violence is going t' happen, i was just, like.. goodness. you understand. sorry. i just think a spar would be nice. ' she quickly amended, then dipped her head to apologize. she smiled at fadingstar hesitantly.

Fadingstar wasn't expecting Cobwebfern to ask him for a spar; he would've assumed she'd go to Dusklion for that sort of thing. Had they had some sort of falling out? No, Dusklion was probably just busy.

He didn't have anything planned for the afternoon aside from spending time in his den in case anyone wanted to speak with him, so a spar sounded like a good idea. He blinked a few times at her proclamation that she might get violent if she didn't get a spar in soon; it sounded eerily similar to what a ShadowClan cat might say.

Based on how she followed up, however, it sounded like a quick choice of words rather than any sort of potential issue. Relaxing, the leader nodded in agreement to the offer. "A spar sounds nice. Care to lead the way?"

( You can post a starter and tag me whenever! )

Originally Posted by Marigoldwhisper View Post

She, Her\Lionheart\44 moons\Riverclan
"Are you listening, starchild?"

Purrks: Agatha Kitty [ACTIVE]

- - -
"Aye, chief? It's Owltalon. I'm comin' in, al'ight, chap?"

Owltalon had just set down the two kits in the nursery. She still gave them a stern few words before padding off, but didn't see it fit to scold them into oblivion. That warrior however... Oh, it made her blood boil. Especially with the issues surrounding kits and young apprentices out of camp, Owltalon would've thought somecat would have half the brain to make sure that they stayed in camp, like they were supposed to.

The large cat ducked underneath the rock and crawled into the shade. She felt oddly comfortable in the space yet homesick. She looked around the den with a wide amber eye. It looked bare, empty. Replaceable. Not home, Owltalon reminded herself. Once they got back to Riverclan she'd give Fadingstar so many dismembered heads shells and skulls he wouldn't be able to contain them. Right, right, she could focus on gifts later. There were more important matters at paw.

"I've come ta ya regarding a recent departure of kits. Two had some rendezvous outta camp. Willowkit and Wolfkit. They were accompanied by Starrypaw and Floodsight." Owltalon's jaw began to tighten but she held her gaze with the leader. "Ya know the drill, chief, stuff like this shouldn't be happenin'. I scolded 'em and dragged 'em back inta camp walls. The kits might be a bit frazzled, but they'll be fine." Hopefully.

"I just wanted ta let cha know. It's a serious issue. Gee, it seems one cats always gotta do... Somethin' stupid, yeah? I gave Starrypaw a punishment though, a quarter moon confined ta camp."

@occultation // Fadingstar

Fadingstar perked his ears as Owltalon entered his den. He couldn't remember the last time this particular Lionheart had paid him a visit. Unfortunately, she came bearing bad news.

Apparently a warrior and apprentice had seen fit to bring two kits out of camp. The news got the tips of the leader's claws scraping against the stone, irritation flashing through him. What in the stars was going on with the nursery lately? It seemed like that particular part of the Clan was devolving into chaos.

Starrypaw had been rightfully punished, although it seemed that Floodsight had been let off with only a scolding. Fadingstar would've preferred that the warrior be punished as well, but he supposed a scolding was fine for now.

"I'm not sure what's going on with this Clan and its kits these days," he grumbled. "They hardly caused any problems for ages, and now all of a sudden we're having multiple problems. I'll address this at the next Clan meeting; hopefully if I start threatening to delay apprentice ceremonies that will be the end of it. Apparently I also need to remind our older cats to act intelligently and not bring small, untrained children out into the wilderness."

He had no clue why anyone would think it wise to bring kits out of camp, where they were at risk of falling, getting attacked by predators, or some other calamity. Kits belonged in the camp, plain and simple. If there was one thing that got his blood boiling without fail (aside from the other Clans), it was any sort of unnecessary risk brought to the kids in this Clan.

"Thank you for letting me know, and for handling the situation. Please rendezvous with the other Lionhearts and Dusklion and let them know to continue keeping an eye out for kits leaving camp, with or without an older cat. Let me know if anything else happens." Even though Dusklion still hadn't been found, he refused to accept that she might never return. She had to be alive out there, somewhere.
Fadingstar is currently RiverClan's leader. He has an open den policy; his den can be found here. If you have any questions or concerns about RiverClan, or any plots to propose, feel free to leave me a VM or DM! Please do not take my characters' IC opinions as reflective of my own.

Last edited by occultation; Today at 01:35 PM.
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Old Today, 03:30 PM
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Default Re: Fadingstar's Den (Only open to RiverClan cats)

Originally Posted by occultation View Post

Fadingstar shifted into a sitting position as Seakit entered his den. This was the first time anyone had come to him to discuss their name, so his interest was certainly piqued. "Of course."

Well, that seemed to be easy enough. Hopefully Rosehawk meant what she said and didn't run off doing the opposite. With a curt nod, Fadingstar dismissed her. "That's all, Rosehawk. You're dismissed."

Ah, Skyfall. Or, rather, Skypaw for now. Fadingstar had overheard Dusklion issue the punishment from his sunning spot several tail-lengths away. Granted, he'd been half-asleep, but he'd certainly been awake enough to hear what punishment Skypaw had been given.

That's why it surprised (and frankly angered) him to hear Skypaw try to tell him that Dusklion had demoted him for a few moons, rather than the half moon she'd said. The leader took a deep breath and let it out in an annoyed huff.

"If you'd come in here with honesty instead of a lie and an attempt to get me to pity you, you'd be much better off," he muttered. Voice raising to an annoyed, snappy level, he continued, "I heard what Dusklion said. She demoted you for half a moon, not 'a few moons'. And you didn't just get a little sidetracked, you chose to go help your friend instead of doing your job as a warrior."

Fadingstar lashed his tail. He understood that Skypaw had been going through a lot of struggles, but his patience was wearing very thin. "I've tried giving you chances, Skypaw, but my tolerance for your problems is running thin. First you botch the Appleberry situation and put Dusklion at risk in the process, then I hear from Crowglow that you're moping around about Appleberry instead of helping the Clan while we're reeling from the worst disaster to hit us in modern history.

"Then Crowglow comes in here and says that apparently you aren't helping Moonpaw and Grimpaw as you should. I remember you saying that you wanted to help with Moonpaw's training when she joined, so I'm not sure when or why that suddenly changed. But it seems like Crowglow has taken up the slack, on top of trying to keep up with Grimpaw's training. That isn't fair to Moonpaw or Crowglow.

"And now, you've missed a patrol because you decided to wander off and help your friend with what didn't sound like any sort of urgent situation. On top of that, you just lied to my face. Frankly, Skypaw, I have half a mind to actually demote you for a few moons, and make you repeat your training so that you can remember how to actually be a warrior. I don't tolerate cats who constantly cause problems; I get that you have emotional issues, but ultimately your mental health is your responsibility. I've tried to be understanding, but I'm starting to feel like that empathy is being taken for granted.

"Do you have any sort of explanation for yourself?"

Fadingstar wasn't expecting Cobwebfern to ask him for a spar; he would've assumed she'd go to Dusklion for that sort of thing. Had they had some sort of falling out? No, Dusklion was probably just busy.

He didn't have anything planned for the afternoon aside from spending time in his den in case anyone wanted to speak with him, so a spar sounded like a good idea. He blinked a few times at her proclamation that she might get violent if she didn't get a spar in soon; it sounded eerily similar to what a ShadowClan cat might say.

Based on how she followed up, however, it sounded like a quick choice of words rather than any sort of potential issue. Relaxing, the leader nodded in agreement to the offer. "A spar sounds nice. Care to lead the way?"

( You can post a starter and tag me whenever! )

Fadingstar perked his ears as Owltalon entered his den. He couldn't remember the last time this particular Lionheart had paid him a visit. Unfortunately, she came bearing bad news.

Apparently a warrior and apprentice had seen fit to bring two kits out of camp. The news got the tips of the leader's claws scraping against the stone, irritation flashing through him. What in the stars was going on with the nursery lately? It seemed like that particular part of the Clan was devolving into chaos.

Starrypaw had been rightfully punished, although it seemed that Floodsight had been let off with only a scolding. Fadingstar would've preferred that the warrior be punished as well, but he supposed a scolding was fine for now.

"I'm not sure what's going on with this Clan and its kits these days," he grumbled. "They hardly caused any problems for ages, and now all of a sudden we're having multiple problems. I'll address this at the next Clan meeting; hopefully if I start threatening to delay apprentice ceremonies that will be the end of it. Apparently I also need to remind our older cats to act intelligently and not bring small, untrained children out into the wilderness."

He had no clue why anyone would think it wise to bring kits out of camp, where they were at risk of falling, getting attacked by predators, or some other calamity. Kits belonged in the camp, plain and simple. If there was one thing that got his blood boiling without fail (aside from the other Clans), it was any sort of unnecessary risk brought to the kids in this Clan.

"Thank you for letting me know, and for handling the situation. Please rendezvous with the other Lionhearts and Dusklion and let them know to continue keeping an eye out for kits leaving camp, with or without an older cat. Let me know if anything else happens." Even though Dusklion still hadn't been found, he refused to accept that she might never return. She had to be alive out there, somewhere.
Skyfall's ears immediately went down. They... told Fadingstar he had been doing all that? His eyes began to fill with tears, and in a fearful tone he quietly began trying to explain himself.

"Fine. You wanna know why I'm like this? Fine, ill break. I had to protect the clan somehow, so when I saw Appleberry had snuck back in I lost Control of my temper and killed him. I couldn't stop myself in time. Now he's dead because of me..." His tail swished. "...I can't stop thinking about it, I've not had any asleep because I've regretted it. I... I don't even feel like I belong here anymore from my actions... I'll leave RiverClan- if, if thats what it takes..."
Skyfall had completely broken at this point.
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