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Default Re: In Our Homes We'll Burn [ EVENT - OPEN TO ALL ]

Former TC ~*~ Kittypet
The cream-colored tom sat with his tail laying across his paws on the plush seat of his Twoleg's nest (couch). A warm purr thumbed in his throat as his watched his Twoleg peacefully drift off to sleep. She had been leaving him alone more frequently and she had been coming back more exhausted than ever. He was worried about her. Often time she'd stay up late staring at her glowing box (TV) or her none glowing box (book). Tonight had been no different. She still had so much to learn. Duck felt a tinge of pride as he watched her. She seemed to have grown up an awful lot since she had first rescued him from his catnapers. He shook his head as he laid it down on his front paws. Taking care of a Twoleg was a lot of work.
His head shot up, ears twitching a hiss escaping his throat. Shock reached creeping cold fingers around his mind. Fortunately, old warrior instincts worked their wonder and forced him to his feet. He felt his Twoleg shake and move underneath him. She pushed him off balance and he landed with a thump on the floor. “What is that!” The sound made his voice seem so small that even if she had been able to understand him Duck doubted she would have.
His Twoleg swept him up by the scruff and began carrying him out. At this point in his kittypet career he was used to being picked up by her, but never had she held him so tightly or moved so fast with him. He felt her heartbeat rapidly. This mousebrained noise was scaring her! He purred and licked her hand, two things which usually helped but she didn’t even look down. His tail flicked back and forth as he trained his green eyes on her worried face. What did this noise mean?
He didn’t have to wait too long for an answer. When his Twoleg opened the door to their room thick hot smoke came rushing in. It took up space greedily trying to force its way down his throat. Duck coughed and choked. He heard his Twoleg doing the same. One word entered the scrambled mess that was his mind. Fire. His Twoleg fell to her knees. Pain flared up his back but he ignored it. You can’t stop now! You have to escape! He wriggled in her grip and started licking her face. “Get up! Get up!” She wheezed something at him in Twoleg and then set him down. He felt weight on his collar as she began to crawl. He suspected she meant to drag him with her, but he trotted alongside her so she never got the chance. “We’re going to make it.”
They crept like that down the hallway. Duck checked their surroundings, but he couldn’t see the source of the blaze. The pressure on his collar slackened, she needed both hands to keep going now. Her labored breathing made Duck forget about his own. He brushed his tail along her side. “Just a little more I promise.”
They made it to the Twoleg slope (stairs). Duck knew that after descending from these, getting out would be as easy as walking forward. They truly were almost there! As they made it to the first step, Duck felt hope begin to rise in his chest. They could do it! Crack. Duck swung his head toward the source of the sound. Crack, crack. His Twoleg looked down beneath her as the old wood of the slope was beginning to give way. She tried to scramble forward, but it was too late. Crash! There was a sickening thud and a yelp as his Twoleg fell downwards. He was left staring blankly at the empty spot in the floor.
No no no. “No!” He rushed to lean in and, peering through the hole, he saw his Twoleg rubbing her head, and getting up. She looking shaky, but she seemed alright.
Relief washed over him like a waterfall. He rushed down the slope, faster even then he ran when he heard his kittypet food being poured. Be ok. Be ok. Be ok. He made it to the bottom and whirled around the corner. Red hot pain seared his paws. He stumbled back yelping and gasping for breath. He had just walked straight into fire. The pain didn’t stop. He looked down expecting to see himself on fire, but he didn’t. He fell back onto his rump the pain subsided a bit but didn’t stop. He looked towards the inferno that stood between him and his Twoleg. How could he save her like this?
His eyes drifted towards the front door standing inches away. He couldn’t leave but, maybe if some Twoleg or cat heard him they could come to his rescue? He grit his teeth. It’s for her. He got up on his feet with a yelp, and scurried towards his door (the cat door). He stuck his head out. “Help! Help!” He yowled as loud as he could. He just hoped any passerby would be able to hear him over the constant noise.
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Old Today, 02:24 PM
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Default Re: In Our Homes We'll Burn [ EVENT - OPEN TO ALL ]

Originally Posted by PINTO BEAN View Post
{ 21 moons | She/her }
Seastone was still sprinting as she heard another kitty pet yell about a dog that they need to hide from. So she ran away from the kitty pets, running to a big oak tree with a hole in it that was her den. So she ran towards it and went to the entrance. Flicking her tail to tell the other kittypets to get inside. "Get inside my den! It's plenty of room! The hole can open and close so it's like a door! The perfect hiding spot for hiding from that dog!" she said, as she watched the kittypet run inside her den.

As she was sitting in her den with the other kittypets she remembered another kittypet who was no where to be seen, raider. So she ran out of her den without saying anything, running out of the woods, not seeing the dog. She sprinted towards raider's house, she saw his humans outside, watching her run in. She looked around for him, while flames touched her flank. "RAIDER IT'S ME SEASTONE! I'M COMING TO GET YOU!" she said as she kept looking around until she saw a cat hiding in a corner. She sprinted towards him grabbing the cat by the fur and sprinting out while flames touched her back legs, she was hurting like crazy but she had to get this kittypet to safety.

She looked at the cat's humans and ran away, not seeing the dog. She sprinted for her den, paws getting pricked by splinters, she winced but she had to get raider to her den. As she got to her den she pushed the door open, running inside to the other kittypets and sitting raider down, shutting the door.


Max fought back panic, but he nodded at the other cat and followed, trying to help the other cats as much as possible. Once they were settled, the cat that led them there raced off again. He jumped to his paws but stopped. Someone needed to stay and guard their hiding spot, and the injured cats who sheltered there now.

He let out a quiet hiss of frustration. This whole thing made him feel useless. He slashed at the ground with claws unsheathed, then took a breath. He looked to the other cats in the hiding spot. "Is everyone here in one piece?" He asked. He could hear the barking in the far distance, but it sounded like Twolegs were running after it to try and control it again. It may not end up being a threat in the first place, but it would probably be best to remain hidden until it was controlled.


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Old Today, 02:49 PM
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Default Re: In Our Homes We'll Burn [ EVENT - OPEN TO ALL ]


[note: Scrappish uses a word called "Dyableman", which is a lesser swear that means "Danged"; its a word i picked up from a book called pax! ]
Scrappish rolled over in his nest. Mission go-to-heckin-bed seemed to have failed, and at this point all hope was lost. He'd always recognize when he was finally starting to sleep, and then he'd think: 'Wooo!', in turn, waking him up. Scrappish let out a hefty sign, just laying there like an extra deflated pancake. Maybe he should go ask around for help, specifically with the words "How do i sleep, please, i beg, on my knees, screaming crying begging how do i sleep?". But who would listen to him? No-one. Maybe he should eat something. He sure could do with a sandwich right no- Scrap shot right up with a "nyahahaahahaggaagga huh what?" in startle as a ringingbeepingannoying sound pierced they're ears, making them want to literally explode on the spot. A foreign scent, trailed from somewhere, and cheerily grazed his nostrils. A memory decided it didn't like being in a grave anymore. When he'd newly been brought home from the shelter, and had immediately settled down like he was the one paying rent, one of his two humans had gotten their grubby little raccoon-like hands on a weird, metallic sheet of a material that was atrociously wrinkled. The little human had seemed rather ecstatic, leaving the little magical glowing rectangle of nightmares, fever dreams and everything in between just moments before retrieving the curious sheet of soft-metal. At first, little baby Scrappish hadn't though much of it: humans being humans, and just continued digging in his litterbox to bury his prey of the sandwich he sneakily robbed. But then, when he was almost finished, he'd heard the little child scream. The little kitten had immediately darted over; he may not act like it around them, but he really cared about his human. Only to see the crumpled sheet in a ball form, inside the cooking square of human magic, sparking violently and the child sobbing. Their mother had come, hearing the commotion, and turned the magic box of cooking off. The soft metal sheet inside had stopped kindling. She'd opened the rectangular box, and a gas had burst out, with the same scent he was smelling now. Then the bigger human had given the smaller human a very, very long lecture about something he couldn't understand in an oddly serious voice. But Scrappish had barely paid any attention, he was trembling violently at why the spark in the magical box had scared his humans so much.

Scrappish smelled the same scent the weird, sparking orange's gas had given off. He felt his heart rate pump faster, adrenaline shooting to his head as he remembered his human's (Scrappish liked latching onto one person at a time, it made it easier to deal with humans he didn't like, the solution being to run to his favorite human.) shouts and sobs, and their mother in the strict, angry voice, waving hands and talking at lightning speeds to her child. "Elfin!" His first thought was to call his human's name. Scrappish only knew a few human words; his name, his humans name, and a variety of other common phrases they used to attempt to communicate to him. The hit of sudden cortisol and worry, mixing with his already beating heart, made him frantic. He scrambled out of his nest, calling his human's name over and over again as he searched the entire apartment. And then, as though from a very long distance away, "B-But Mommy! Please! He's o-our cat - We can't just leave him!". A responding, rather pissed off sounding response said something along the lines of "cats are smart" with the tiniest note of sarcasm.

As he bolted towards where he thought the sound came from, out the door, into the hallway, the boards beneath Scrappish' paws seemed to be ten times as creaky, and every sound seemed to be amplified to the max, even though he could barely hear them over the blaring siren coming from above. He was running, running like his life depended on it, when suddenly everything, the floors, the walls, the roof - everything - turned black. The first thought of indignation to shoot through his head was: 'Oh great dyableman! Come on, i can't be dead already! I'm like, what? Two days old? I was born yesterday, yeah, yesterday, you can trust me on that one'. And the next thought was him realizing: you most likely couldn't think if you were dead. Scrappish was stunned for a moment. This was the sheet-gas, and from what he could smell, it was all around him. But this one was blackish grey, and was coiling around him like his litter pebbles around a buried sanwich. Scrappish took the time to be momentarily distracted by the thought of a sandwich. In his trance state of "sandwich", he took a step.

Weakened floorboards snapped beneath his paws, and for a moment, he felt his front paws plunge down and his hind-legs dragged along. He had barely a moment to process it, so he was mostly confused when he started plunging down. What was this weird feeling? What was going on? But when it hit him, it him rather hard. Scrappish yowled with fear and pain as he whacked into melting, metal stairs and fire licked at his thin fur and tail. The heat was unbearable, and breathing felt equivalent to climbing a mountain, even though he felt as if he'd need to take gasps upon gasps to get the horrid, somewhat doo-doo smelling smoke out of his lungs. A handrail stabbed right into the space between his shoulder-blade and his fur. And even if just for a moment, it hurt. He'd never felt pain like this; so potent that it might just block the blood to his heart, so clear and tingly that he might just stop breathing, so fierce that it felt like that even if he escaped and found his human again, even if everything stopped doing whatever it was doing at the moment, even if he felt like he lived up to his human's parent's standards and she'd stop hitting him, the spot would still hurt as though a trillion ants crawled right into the triangular alleyway between his shoulder and pelt, and were tearing his very fibre from his flesh, and all he could do was grunt and try to cram it all in the weak sound. He was still reeling as he used his instinctively used his hindlegs to free his stabbed shoulder from the rail, and tumbled further down the still-burning staircase.

He was close to blacking out. Scrappish had noticed blood welling up furiously by his shoulder, and the pain hadn't gotten anymore better, if only worse. Scrappish realized something. He wanted to have an existential crisis, let his emotions develop him through it, but he didn't have the time for that. He flashed through as many memories as possible, as though to carry them with him after he passed, so fast and fiercely that he didn't notice his spine arching and his body twisting so his paws were aimed at the ground. He felt himself crying as he plummeted, and he let his tears come, even though it was probably just the smoke flooding into his hues. Scrappish couldn't think, some part of him wanted to scream his humans name just before he hit the ground, just to go out dramatically, but his brain would not comply. He didn't even muster getting a sound out of his maw as he smashed violently into the ground, his hindleg letting out such a crack, as though it'd become one of the floorboards above. His mind rippled with furious pain, every single cell screaming so loud he felt he could barely hear his own thoughts that had started rapidly rolling in. 'Is Elfin alright? I hope she's alright. I hope her mother burned though, burned through and through... but Elfin wouldn't like that. Would she like that i died? Her dyableman mother would though.' He could barely muster to think, his scorched body occupying most of his mind's attention. But he demanded it. He needed it. He needed all the attention now; his human always gave it to him, why couldn't Scrappish give it to him? He forced his maw and his larynx open, even though it caused such a rivet of pain in his seared lips, and his throat felt as though fire (suddenly, he had a name for the thing) was inside him.


Scrappish shrieked as loud as he could, imagining that somehow, in some universe, it reached his human's ears. And now content that he'd said his favorite word as his last, he let himself fall into the now scorching arms of passing out, certain that he was screwed, dead, and would never see light again.

[ Semi-closed post; please VM, and that i approve, before replying!! ]
"We cannot change our destiny. We just have to have the courage to know what it is, and accept it."


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Old Today, 03:04 PM
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Default Re: In Our Homes We'll Burn [ EVENT - OPEN TO ALL ]

{ 21 moons | She/her }
Seastone was still worked up, happy to feel a kit on her fur. She then let out a little disappointed purr in protest of the kit being took away from her, she knew it was someone else's, and she knew she had basil. so she looked over at overwhelmed basil in the corner, so she called out to her. "Basil! over here, everything is ok." she said with a firm tail flick, beckoning basil to come to her. She didnt know most of these cats, so she was protective of basil because of how many cats there were, it probably got basil's anxiety all the way up to skyclan.


"Baby who cares."
୨୧ My Pookie ୨୧ Seastone ୨୧ Toyhouse ୨୧
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I live in elaif's attic with a stick
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Old Today, 04:09 PM
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Default Re: In Our Homes We'll Burn [ EVENT - OPEN TO ALL ]

This Ray of Sunshine
// Kittypet // He/Him // 17 Moons // Aro //

Act I, Scene I — The Flames

Raider lay on a windowsill, his Twolegs banging around inside his house, resting in the late afternoon sunshine. Everything was peaceful, and quiet. Everything was comfy, and Raider expected his dinner would be delivered in the porch in a little bit. Not that he enjoyed his dinner. The new crunchy pellets he got lately tasted a little bit like grass. Ray didn’t like the taste of grass. He liked peanut butter. yes. Peanut butter. What a yummy thing, that. Maybe He would get some!

WeeOOooOOh. WeeOOooOOh. Ray’s head snapped up. Siren? he sniffed the air. Smoke?! Raider stood up and bounded across his garden. He looked out over the neighborhood, and with alarm noticed gray mist rising from some houses not far down. Ray peered over into his friend Ramen Noodle’s house. No lights shone. “His house folk must have already noticed,” Raider said to himself, then OOP—he fell off the fence into Ramen’s garden. “Oof..” he grumbled, then stood up and OH—stared right into a blazing wall of flames.

Ray scrambled back from the blazing hydrangeas, panting with fear. His black, fluffy fur stood on end, and his wide paws got stuck in the tough dirt. Raider sprinted and flung himself into the next yard; Duck’s. More flames licked at the grass, and Ray screeched as a dog barked in the next garden. Ray squeezed under the fence and ran back towards his house—but two dogs took to his heels and chased Ray up a tree.

“Help! Help!” Ray yowled; the flames crackling around him. Embers flew into Raider’s eyes, and he started to shake with fear. He saw Annie, his favorite of his housefolk, the youngest, sprint into their monster. “Annie! Annie!” but she didn’t hear. Her parents gig in and shut the doors, and his housefolk rode their monster away.

[ @Oliver @rubberRatroom @Luna16 @PINTO BEAN @Bean @Bonsai @Myling ]
c o ns t e l l a t i o n


Snowyfeathr, Myling, Desert Rain Frog, and AritheFiremaiden all live here. (they get wifi, books, snacks, treats, and all the awesome things)

Last edited by constellation; Today at 04:09 PM.
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Default Re: In Our Homes We'll Burn [ EVENT - OPEN TO ALL ]

What the hell? APPARENTLY, some weak little kitty whiskers was basically immune to fire and took the kit before she could. What the... no time for that. The fire Scorched her fur, singed her paws, scraped her paws, hurt her nose. But she couldn't get out from here. Hungry flames blocked the way. All the ways. Except up. Jacking ferociously, she climbed up the scorching stairs, ignoring the pain. Her eyes stung horribly, and her pelt was covered in soot. But that didn't matter right now. She had to find a way to get out. Had to help the cats still in the building. Had to help. Her thin breaths couldn't stop her, it was like she was undaunted by anything around her. She just had to get up. Third floor. "Ay! Whose left in here! I'm here, let me hack help you!" Her rough and Scorched voice broke off in a chorus of coughs and hacks. But she wouldn't be helped. Wouldn't accept it. She was a lone wolf. She didn't need anyone. She was able to help herself. And others. Thay was it.
Open to those who need rescuing!

isla, Alec, Bean, phantom, Morrigan, Dolomedes, Marigoldwhisper, and iliri all reside in here. They will never escape :>

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