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Old July 20th, 2024, 10:43 AM
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Default Kestrelpaw's Warrior Assessment

▪︎The Bronze Knight▪︎
Purrks: Beefed Up T1 | The Collector


A tight sigh escaped the Spotted knight. Previously, he had truly wanted Kes to grow up. But now? Sproutfleck felt as though he would be perfectly happy if she stayed at this age, as his apprentice, for stars know how long. Not forever, but... longer. He would miss having her in all honesty. She had grown very dear to him and Sproutfleck couldn't imagine her being a warrior. Not at the age of 7 moons. But... she was. And he felt all sappy thinking that but he couldn't help himself. The primary white feline blinkedhis verdant hues before rising tentatively to his paws. Her assessment. KesStress was going to be a warrior. And it was his turn to call her old.

The thought It didn't give Sproutfleck the expected satisfaction.

The little lady had worked hard after he had forced her to train. A smile on his lips. A sad smile. A thinking smile. She was going to have many adventures as a warrior and he hoped she wouldn't forget him. Wouldn't think of him. Well Sproutfleck wouldn't give her the option. The patterned apprentice would be forced to talk to him. He'd drag her over. Because he felt like he had a responsibility over Kes, to make sure she was okay and safe and happy. Was that was fatherhood felt like? He wasn't a father, and didn't intend to be, but .. he really did love Kestrelpaw. Cared about her a lot. Her and her wellbeing. So he padded toward the apprenrices den. Well, that was only if she passed. A small laugh. "Kes." He said briskly. "I've got a surprise for you. I'm going to give your warrior assessment." A massive grin spilled on the warriors maw. "BUT before you say anything let let tell you how this works. You'll hunt at least 2 pieces of prey, and I'll be watching you the whole time. You won't see me. At some random point I'll jump out and attack you, claws sheathed. You have to beat me-- or just ot fantastic-- to pass. Okay, now you can talk." Sproutsketeer was so proud. But what he was not proud of was that his roleplayer can't stop giving him more nicknames. But that was impossible.

isla, Alec, Bean, phantom, Morrigan, Dolomedes, Marigoldwhisper, and iliri all reside in here. They will never escape :>

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Old July 20th, 2024, 05:59 PM
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Default Re: Kestrelpaw's Warrior Assessment

She/Her | 70/100 | [ #flocklitterkestrel ]

Wait. What? Really?! GASP! Kestrelpaw was up and out of her nest like a rocket, a squeal of excitement escaping her maw. She'd done it! Almost. YAY! Deep breaths, Kes, calm down. (It was too late, she'd already run two excited circles around Sproutfleck and began chattering excitedly the second the splotched tom told her she was allowed to speak). "Thank you, Mr. Fleck! Thank you thank you thank youu! You're my favorite mentor ever!" Oh wait, she'd only ever had one. "You're the best mentor ever!"

Tail thumping wildly against the ground, Kestrelpaw bounced on her paws as she tried to remain still. "Let's go! Pleasepleasepleaseplease, I can do it! Promise!"

[ @Blaaze - Sproutfleck ]

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Old Yesterday, 12:24 PM
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Blaaze Blaaze is offline
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Default Re: Kestrelpaw's Warrior Assessment

Originally Posted by Rose View Post
She/Her | 70/100 | [ #flocklitterkestrel ]

Wait. What? Really?! GASP! Kestrelpaw was up and out of her nest like a rocket, a squeal of excitement escaping her maw. She'd done it! Almost. YAY! Deep breaths, Kes, calm down. (It was too late, she'd already run two excited circles around Sproutfleck and began chattering excitedly the second the splotched tom told her she was allowed to speak). "Thank you, Mr. Fleck! Thank you thank you thank youu! You're my favorite mentor ever!" Oh wait, she'd only ever had one. "You're the best mentor ever!"

Tail thumping wildly against the ground, Kestrelpaw bounced on her paws as she tried to remain still. "Let's go! Pleasepleasepleaseplease, I can do it! Promise!"

[ @Blaaze - Sproutfleck ]

▪︎The Bronze Knight▪︎
Purrks: Beefed Up T1 | The Collector


A purr in the form of a sigh huffed from his lungs, and he felt his muzzle grow a bit sore from his massive grin but whenever he shrank it it out immediately sprout up again. Coming up closer to the uniquely marked molly he tried to raise one forepaw and ruffle the fur between KesStress’s ears. “I’m very, very proud of you, Kestrelpaw. I couldn’t have asked for a better apprentice.” Sproutfleck internally admitted he mayyyyy be emotional when Kes became a warrior. Not that it was ideal. No he didn’t want to get all soppy like an old man, then his apprentice would be right. “Alright, let’s head out. Don’t run ahead.” The Bronze Knight tried his best to predict her thoughts. It wouldn’t surprise him. As he trotted toward the camp entrance with a flick of his bobtail. Anxiety bloomed in the spotted felines chest. What if she didn’t pass? What if her spirits were crushed. Come on, Sproutsalot, have a little faith! But the attempt to boost his own spirits failed.

They were approaching the center of the territory. Sun kissed creek would be to the left, and he forced his claws to sheathe. He would be watching. Nothing would happen to her. He would watch. Oh, what a stupid worrier he was being! It would be alright. He had to trust her. His muscles relaxed a bit. Gotta stop stressing. She would be a warrior! He felt a lightning bolt of pride. Heck yeah, that was the thief who stole his sleep at night! ”You won’t see me, Kestrelpaw, but I’m here. You got this. Good luck.” With a grin, he padded off into the bushes. Step one- wait for her to hunt at least two pieces of prey. Step two- jump out and begin their spar.

isla, Alec, Bean, phantom, Morrigan, Dolomedes, Marigoldwhisper, and iliri all reside in here. They will never escape :>

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Old Today, 02:41 AM
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Default Re: Kestrelpaw's Warrior Assessment

Originally Posted by Blaaze View Post

▪︎The Bronze Knight▪︎
Purrks: Beefed Up T1 | The Collector


A purr in the form of a sigh huffed from his lungs, and he felt his muzzle grow a bit sore from his massive grin but whenever he shrank it it out immediately sprout up again. Coming up closer to the uniquely marked molly he tried to raise one forepaw and ruffle the fur between KesStress’s ears. “I’m very, very proud of you, Kestrelpaw. I couldn’t have asked for a better apprentice.” Sproutfleck internally admitted he mayyyyy be emotional when Kes became a warrior. Not that it was ideal. No he didn’t want to get all soppy like an old man, then his apprentice would be right. “Alright, let’s head out. Don’t run ahead.” The Bronze Knight tried his best to predict her thoughts. It wouldn’t surprise him. As he trotted toward the camp entrance with a flick of his bobtail. Anxiety bloomed in the spotted felines chest. What if she didn’t pass? What if her spirits were crushed. Come on, Sproutsalot, have a little faith! But the attempt to boost his own spirits failed.

They were approaching the center of the territory. Sun kissed creek would be to the left, and he forced his claws to sheathe. He would be watching. Nothing would happen to her. He would watch. Oh, what a stupid worrier he was being! It would be alright. He had to trust her. His muscles relaxed a bit. Gotta stop stressing. She would be a warrior! He felt a lightning bolt of pride. Heck yeah, that was the thief who stole his sleep at night! ”You won’t see me, Kestrelpaw, but I’m here. You got this. Good luck.” With a grin, he padded off into the bushes. Step one- wait for her to hunt at least two pieces of prey. Step two- jump out and begin their spar.
She/Her | 72/100 | [ #flocklitterkestrel ]

She was probably too excited right now. But Sproutfleck was telling her he was proud of her (something in her mind clicked that Mountaintalon had… never said the words. for a moment, it felt odd, and then she pushed it away), and Kestrelpaw’s heart was swelling twice its size. He was proud! And maybe Papa would be proud too — but she had to pass this assessment first. If she didn’t… Papa would not be happy whatsoever. Would Sproutfleck still be proud of her even if she failed?

A seed of doubt, of anxiety, burrowed itself in her mind, and then Kestrelpaw was forcefully plucking it out. No weeds would grow here! Her figurative garden was immaculate. There was no such thing as Kestrelpaw and wrong in the same sentence. Letting out a happy mrrow of pleasure as her mentor ruffled the fur on her head, Kestrelpaw hopped after him and out of camp.

Forcing her bouncy gait to slow into a more measured one - she realized she had to save her energy - Kestrelpaw kept a keen eye on her surroundings. She needed to make sure where they were going, so that… okay, she didn’t know, but it would probably be helpful. They didn’t seem to be going in any direction, or so she thought until they reached the heart of ThunderClan territory. Kestrelpaw was aware Sunkissed Creek was nearby, but to be honest, for hunting, the territory was just fine.

Oh! And Sproutfleck was gone! He’d been with her a moment ago, but now she was alone. Or… oh, the assessment had started! This was particularly nerve wracking, but Kestrelpaw intended to ace this thing! She could do it! Just two pieces of prey, and she was good. Easy peasy-

Mouse. Kestrelpaw went stock-still as the scent hit her nose. She had been walking in a random direction from where Mr. Fleck had left her, and now she lowered herself into a crouch, bushy tail hovering inches from the ground, not brushing it but not too high either. It didn’t have to be anything fancy, right? They didn’t give points for, oh, the more appealing the meal, the higher you rank in your assessment? Okay, now she was being silly— oh no, jump.

Biting her tongue to keep from hissing out loud in disappointment as she missed the mouse because she’d gotten distracted and waited too long, Kestrelpaw pinned her ears back in disappointment and shame, her face burning with embarrassment. That was, until the chipmunk that had been nibbling away at an acorn nearby - somehow neither predator nor prey had noticed one another until the vibrations from Kestrelpaw’s leap startled the little animal - and on pure instinct did the apprentice change her target, lunging towards the furred creature and pinning it down under paws, fangs sinking into neck.

“One.” Kestrelpaw whispered to herself, crouched over the chipmunk for a moment as she wondered whether she was supposed to call out to her mentor or not. When he didn’t appear, she quickly buried the chipmunk and cast a furtive glance towards where the mouse had disappeared.

[ +1 Chipmunk ]

She knew it would take far too long to wait it out until it emerged again, but now Kestrelpaw was dead set on catching a mouse for her second piece of prey, if only to prove to her mentor that she could, and that the first time had just been a fluke. Weaving silently between trees, Kestrelpaw parted her maw, following the nearest mouse scent trail that was not, well, stale. It took a few minutes, but eventually the smell got stronger, and the mottled molly slowed her pace, making sure to circle around so that her scent blew away from the prey as she made her approach. This time, Kestrelpaw lunged quick, and right on target, claws slamming down onto the unsuspecting mouse before it could even let out a squeak of alarm.

[ +1 Mouse ]

By now, she was vibrating with energy, internally celebrating as the mouse was quickly buried. Now what— wait oh no, Sproutfleck had said he’d attack her— the beige-base molly whirled as he felt a shift in the wind behind her, and then ducked into a roll with a yelp of surprise, scrambling back to her paws when she was a safe distance away to drop into a defensive crouch. One Sproutfleck himself had taught her.

[ @Blaaze - Sproutfleck ]

Leaving them feeling betrayed.
Breaking the bonds that you've made.
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