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Old July 1st, 2024, 02:09 PM
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Default the final flight.

she/her | windclan fury
Lately it seemed that all Bravebird did was rest in the nursery. It felt like she had missed so much lately, hearing the commotion but not being able to get up and join it. Every time she got to her four paws she got struck by a wave of nausea that caused her to sit right back down. The Fury was still seething over not being able to join the fight against RiverClan. At least Hawkfur had come back alive and safe.

And he was spending the day with her in here, which was... nice. The lilac she-cat hated to admit it but... he'd become pretty important to her - and his excitement over their kits never failed to amuse her. Now as she lay sprawled out in her nest, the she-cat turned her head to look up at Hawkfur. "I can't wait until I'm not fat anymore and we can have a proper race - I miss running on the moors," came the pouty remark from the queen, clear displeasure written across her face at her current state.

She parted her jaws to add to it when a sudden sharp pain had her squeaking. Her entire body froze as her eyes widened a bit. The pain had been something she had been feeling a lot of these last couple days but this one... It passed through again and had Bravebird flailing to get into a more upright position. Once she was on her site, breaths coming in gasps and ears pinned back, she gave a single lash of her tail. "I think... I think they're coming," she hissed through gritted teeth, immediately regretting ever considering the idea for having kits. This sucked, with a capital S. Bravebird hated her life right now. "Stars dammit, stop that pushing!" she snarled towards her own belly, already disliking these kits. Ugh, the things she did for WindClan... "Go... get Lightningstorm..." Stars she was hopeful the medicine cat would actually help. Her memory situation was... odd, to say the least.

[ Hawkfur - @Mica ] [ Lightningstorm - @Alchemist Kitsune ] [ Crowtooth - @Rani ]
[ it is time i'll mention the kits once the birth starts! i will be primarily skipping over it in a timeskip ]

dusklion is riverclan's deputy; if you need her, mention me!
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Last edited by taillow; July 1st, 2024 at 02:10 PM.
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Old July 1st, 2024, 10:16 PM
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Default Re: the final flight.

WindClan Fury
he/him | 52 moons
[Russet tabby with tuxedo markings and sky blue eyes]
Purrks: Flock Together T3, Beefed Up T1
· · ────────────── · ·
[Bravebird - @taillow ] [Lightningstorm - @Alchemist Kitsune ][Crowtooth - @Rani ]
· · ────────────── · ·
"I've done it all for her... put up each wall for her..."

Hawkfur had spent every waking moment the last moon either hunting, hovering over Bravebird, or obsessively patrolling the territory to keep potential intruders at bay. While the tom was running on significantly less sleep than usual, his ragged appearance was outshone by the glow of an expecting father. He smiled more, his laugh was louder, he joked more. He seemed... alive. More alive than he had in moons. Years, maybe.

Bravebird moving into the nursery only alleviated a small portion of his pre-kit jitters, but it did mean that whenever he was back from hunting or patrolling, he knew just where to find her. Whenever nighttime fell and Hawkfur was booted back to his nest by a rather annoyed Crowtooth, prevented from scouring the moors under the moonlight to ensure no night predators were nearby, the Fury would slip into the nursery and curl around Bravebird, burying his nose into her neck and just... being. The lines between them were so blurred now, but he hardly cared. He would confess once the kits were born. They could raise them together, as a proper family.

His dreams had never been happier.

"All the plans I laid, all the options weighed, every price I paid... For her."

It was a lovely day, when everything started. Hawkfur was sprawled next to Bravebird, letting her rest her head on his flank so she could be more comfortable. An idle purr rumbled in his throat. Bravebird's irritated comment had a low laugh breaking up the purr. "Soon, I'm sure. We'll go hunting rabbits the moment Lightningstorm gives you the all clear." Stars, it really would be soon, wouldn't it?

He had no idea how soon.

Hawkfur sprang up as Bravebird grimaced in discomfort, heaving herself upright and groaning. Oh, crap--Hawkfur's vision swam as the realization hit him. Oh stars, oh stars oh stars "CROWTOOTH!" Hawkfur bellowed, slipping out of the den. Bravebird's best friend should be here for this. His azure eyes were wild as he beheld his friend. "It's happening!" Without another word, he sprinted for the medicine den. Nearly catapulting himself into the entrance, Hawkfur sought out the familiar calico pelt of Lightningstorm in the dimness. "L-Lightningstorm!" He gasped, "Bravebird--she--it's happening!"

Mistlewhisker is ShadowClan's current Deputy!
Hawkfur (WC) - Mistlewhisker (SC) - Eaglepaw (Outsider) - Birdpaw (SC) - Hillstrider (SC)
Mistlewhisker header and sig art by @/redshiftreign
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Old July 2nd, 2024, 07:50 PM
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Default Re: the final flight.

Windclan Tunneler/Fury | He/him | 50 Moons
Power Card: Cold Gust

Hmmmmmmmmm..... Bird or mouse.... Bird or mouse....
Crowtooth was locked in contemplation, staring at the prey pile as his head darted between the options, tail flicking behind him. It was a low stakes turmoil really, but one the tom was happy to have in this peaceful time.

.....Almost too peaceful after Wolffangs death. It just didnt feel fair. theyd won! Riverclan was put down and gone and shown that their actions would not stand and shadowclan was settled for once in their history! Dawnstar was even taking action to deal with those that went against her will and killed windclan rather then rewarding them! Thunderclan was peaceful, this should be a time of joy!
But instead Wolffang was dead to some freak accident and Lightningstorm didnt even remember his name. Didnt remember her kittens either.

This was supposed to be a happy time and Crowtooth was silently grieving inside now more then ever. He felt like a dam, building all this sorrow behind a front of strength for his clan but he could hold it, releasing tension in quiet moments alone if things could just stay happy for a bit.

In that way Hawkfurs cry, panicked but joyous, was a balm to Crowtooths fractures self.

A beaming grin burst over the tunnelers muzzle as he crowed out a raspy "Theyre a bit early aint they? Eager ta be free like their mother!" before the tom abandoned the fresh kill pile and darted to the nursery like his tail was on fire.

Not caring at all about his space invasion the toms head was shoved right under the nursery walls (so he didnt block the entrance for Lightningstorm and Hawkfur or cramp the space for Bravebird) and pushed right up to the queens, still grinning like a loon.
"Theyre really comin'??? Stars yer huge! They mustve run outta space in there, how many are ya havin' again?"
The tom didnt even seem aware of how he'd just baited a punch he well deserved, back half stuck outside the nursery wiggling in excitement as he rasped a "Ah my niblin's are comin'! Im gonna be an uncle today!!!!"

@taillow @Mica @Alchemist Kitsune
Have an outsider who needs healing? Pm me!
Rani's Characters for adoption.
Headers/ art credits here & pfp by ZenoOfDreams~
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Old July 10th, 2024, 10:45 PM
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Default Re: the final flight.

| Lightningstorm |
20 Moons - WindClan Medicine Cat
Flock Together [Tier 3] - Inactive | Mind Reader - Active | Dreamwalker - Inactive

The medicine cat had been at the entrance, grooming her fur clean. Thank the stars she did not have a long coat. The amount of dirt that would get stuck to it on a regular would probably drive her mad. A cat bursting through the den's singular entry was a commonality for the healer at this point, and Lightningstorm failed to so much as look up from her task, her nose sensing neither injury nor infection. A personal call then, perhaps? She didn't get many of those, but the ones she did get were... not her favorites to be honest. Cats seemed more interested in what power they could gain by becoming her apprentice - news flash, that would be none - than in actually paying her a visit proper, making her rather unfazed at the thought of a visit by a random warrior of the clan by this point in time.

It wasn't until the feline in question spoke that she raised her gaze, lapis hues landing on a by now familiar red coat. Eyes softening in a friendly fashion, the calico perked her ears, surprise clear in her gaze. She didn't need much context at this point, having spent the moon she'd been without memory silently taking in conversations. Memorizing names and placing faces to them. This was of the utmost importance to her. To blend in. To have no one realize what had happened to her. It made her feel vulnerable in an uncomfortable way, and until she knew more, she preferred to keep her guard up. It never hurt to be cautious.

And yet even her mask of smug delight that she so usually wore crumbled at his proclamation. The kits were here. But how? They were... early. Far too early. StarClan... had it been a sign? That she had first deduced this queen's pregnancy at the site of a near fatal one? No. It couldn't be. That was simply paranoia getting the better of her. Correlation did not imply causation. Still... best take some herbs. Some burnet would work wonders. Some honey as well. Anything that would help her keep her energy up. In an instant, she picked up some mushrooms as well. If this turned as bloody as the last time... she needed to be prepared.

"'ead 'eh ay," the calico mewed, her mouth filled with herbs as she twitched her tail, silently reinforcing that she would be following after the father-to-be... or so she hoped. For his sake as well as Bravebird's.

@taillow [Bravebird] | @Mica [Hawkfur] | @Rani [Crowtooth]
Lightningstorm is WindClan's current medicine cat.
She has a semi-closed den policy.

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Old July 20th, 2024, 01:08 PM
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Default Re: the final flight.

she/her | windclan fury
Pain, pain, pain - and Bravebird hated every single moment of it. Crowtooth's remark about her size was met with a snarl and a flattening of her ears. "And I can still claw your ears off, so watch it feather-brain," came the sharp retort, the ending of her words stolen by a breathless gasp as another ripple of pain rolled under her. Claws came out and dug themselves into the ground until finally the fury-turned-queen lay completely on her side. "I'm gonna kill him," she spat as she glared at the entrance of the nursery. She wouldn't, not really. But stars above how had her mother done this???

[ la la la, skipping this part! alch you're welcome to have lightning do whatever she needs to! ]

Three kits. Three of them. Now that they were out into the world, Bravebird felt like she could breathe again. The lilac lynx-point, with the help of Hawkfur, hauled herself up into a somewhat upright position, glancing down at them. "They're so... tiny," she huffed, lifting a slightly shaky paw to poke at the nearest one - a ginger and gray-cream kit that quite honestly looked like the front half of Hawkfur and the back-half of herself. When she reached out a slightly shaky paw to poke the kit, he seemed to let out a rather annoyed noise that had Brave's whiskers twitching. "This one is Crowkit. He makes weird noises just like his uncle," she snorted as she glanced up at the other Fury, amusement glittering in her gaze.

Looking over the other two kits now, then up at Hawkfur, Bravebird gave a small smile. "...You can name the other two, if you want..." The notion of wanting to kill him before was gone, along with the pain that had come bringing these kits into the world with them. And she remembered how excited he had been to be a father. Even though she didn't quite... understand the desire - even now after having her own kits - Hawkfur had grown on her quite a bit. She wanted him to have his moment in naming them.

[ Hawkfur - @Mica ] [ Crowtooth - @Rani ] [ Lightningstorm - @Alchemist Kitsune ]
[ Crowkit - @Dolomedes ] [ Gracklekit - @ophelia ] [ Egretkit - @furrensic ]


dusklion is riverclan's deputy; if you need her, mention me!
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Old Yesterday, 09:27 AM
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Default Re: the final flight.

WindClan Fury
he/him | 52 moons
[Russet tabby with tuxedo markings and sky blue eyes]
Purrks: Flock Together T3, Beefed Up T1
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽ The Hanged Man ☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
· · ────────────── · ·
[Bravebird - @taillow ] [Lightningstorm - @Alchemist Kitsune ][Crowtooth - @Rani ] [Crowkit - @Dolomedes ] [Egretkit - @furrensic ] [Gracklekit - @ophelia ]
· · ────────────── · ·
"I went to war, for her. Braved foreign shore, for her."

Hawkfur was a mess. He followed Lightningstorm into the den, noting Crowtooth poking his head through the space between the den wall and the ground--he would have to patch that later--and giving his friend, his brother, a nervous smile.

Bravebird growled as he entered the den again, making Hawkfur flinch. Oh, she was looking at him with so much hatred in her eyes... For a moment, Hawkfur was back in his nightmares, Bravebird spitting at him as she stormed away. But then it faded, and his friend was merely in pain. Pain he caused her. Hawkfur shook his head to clear the cobwebs of memory, a nervous chuckle escaping him. He knew any words were probably going to make her madder, and frankly if he was kitting he too would be foaming at the mouth.

Hawkfur stayed far enough away to let Lightningstorm do her work without him hovering, even though it was agony watching Bravebird suffer.

And then, it was done.

"Bottled up the guilt, then I went full tilt, rivaled Vanderbuilt..."

Hawkfur didn't know the feeling that overtook him once everything was done. It was all-consuming, warming him from the tips of his tufted ears to the flicking end of his striped tail. It sent his heart cartwheeling in his chest, pumping faster and faster until the energy it flooded him with slipped out in a great big beaming smile.

His kits. His kits. He looked at Bravebird's exhausted form. Their kits. The red tom leaned into Bravebird, helping her stay upright while studying each tiny, squirming form with a fascination and love only a father could muster. Tears built up in his azure eyes, and he chuckled weakly as Bravebird prodded a kit and gave him the honorary name of Crowkit. Hawkfur looked up at Crowtooth, smiling. "What'd we tell you. One named after his uncle."

And then... Bravebird was giving him the option to name the other two. Hawkfur blanched, meeting Bravebird's gaze. "Are-are you sure?" He whispered. At her nod, he swallowed and looked at the two other kits. One, the only female, was a tabby just like him but with a dark brown coloring and grey splotches. Hawkfur nearly wept at the sight. Dark brown... just like his sister. "Egretkit." He whispered, bending down and lapping his tongue over the teeny form of his daughter. "You don't usually see them on the moors," he explained softly, "so she'll be one of a kind."

The last kit... a tom with markings just like his mother. These were a deeper grey, and reminded him of the plumage of a grackle. Grackles were beautiful birds, with feathers that changed colors in the light. He wondered how this little tom would grow up, if he too would shift his colors in the light and become a rainbow of a personality. The thought had Hawkfur smiling. "Gracklekit." The little tom was already wiggling around his littermates, making a ruckus. "Look at that personality."

Leaning down to give Gracklekit and Crowkit each a lick over their ears, Hawkfur's emotions bubbled over. He pulled back, a soft sob burbling in his throat. He turned his attention to Bravebird, tears rolling down his face. He absolutely glowed with pride and love. "They're incredible. You're incredible, Bravebird." He whispered, tentatively nosing her cheek. "Thank you." He murmured, soft enough where she was the only one who could hear.

Hawkfur settled around Bravebird, using his large form to curl around her and his tail to sweep over their kits. His gaze moved to Lightningstorm, gratitude beyond anything he had ever experienced shining in his gaze. "Thank you, Lightningstorm. Thank you so much." He had been terrified, frankly, when this began. The last kitting he had been around had ended in a dead queen, a miracle revive, and a medicine cat without her memories. He never doubted Lightningstorm's skill, but he feared that Bravebird would fall victim to the whims of StarClan. But here she was, okay. Here the kits were, okay.

Everything was much, much better than okay. Everything was wonderful.

"... for her."

Mistlewhisker is ShadowClan's current Deputy!
Hawkfur (WC) - Mistlewhisker (SC) - Eaglepaw (Outsider) - Birdpaw (SC) - Hillstrider (SC)
Mistlewhisker header and sig art by @/redshiftreign

Last edited by Mica; Yesterday at 10:01 AM.
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Old Yesterday, 09:55 PM
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Rani Rani is offline
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Default Re: the final flight.

Windclan Tunneler/Fury | He/him | 50 Moons
Power Card: Cold Gust

...... Crowtooth had no clue THAT was what kitting was like! Like seriously, why did anyone ever willingly go through that, the tunneler was scarred for life just watching! Some queens even did it multiple times!?!?!? Oh god the tom was aware he'd kinda shoved himself in here to be a support and distraction for Bravebird during this kitting but he was gonna have nightmares for weeks, the things he'd seen could not be forgotten......

At least the newly born kittens were adorable?

Crowtooth was pretty sure he still looked shell shocked, sitting there silently as the new parents basked in the glow as Lightningstorm wrapped up, eyes fixed on the kittens and mind distant. He was roused by the sound of his name, or, not his name, but one of the kittens. Crowkit... They were really gonna name one of them after him? He'd been making fun really, there'd be no hard feelings if indeed they named one of their precious gifts something different at all!

But no, Crowkit after their uncle.

Oh god Crowtooth was crying now.
The tom, usually so good at hiding tears and grief in times of strife folded under happy tears, ugly sobbing and blubbering, no words able to be made out through it. It was mainly a whole lotta 'thank you's and 'I love you guy's and such as the tom nosed down to properly great the newly named kittens.

"H-Heya kiddos! Im yer uncle Crowtooth, Im gonna be teachin' ya all the bad habits that'll drive yer parents batty an' spoil ya'll rotten 'cuz thats the uncles job. So I bet we're gonna get along great."
It was a still a very wet and sob-y promise but heartfelt meant, not that they could really understand him yet. Ah, he'd have to hang back on teaching them to tunnel and giving Bravebird and Hawkfur a heart attack then, it'd come later. The tom leaned down and, making sure to not accidentally nudge the kittens away from their mother, rasped a tongue over their head, sealing the deal before looking back up at his best friend and sister by bond.

"Theyre perfect ya two. Dunno how ya did it but in the end ya did amazin'. Brave yer appetite up yet? I can get ya a rabbit or somethin' ta share wit' Hawkfur, he's been so nervous I dont think he's eaten fer a full day." yes he was selling out his buddy, if it got Bravebird to eat it'd be worth it. She needed the strength after all of that and the kittens needed heart milk to grow strong enough to be the proper nuisances Crowtooth would be teaching them to be.

@taillow @Mica @Alchemist Kitsune @Dolomedes @ophelia @furrensic
Have an outsider who needs healing? Pm me!
Rani's Characters for adoption.
Headers/ art credits here & pfp by ZenoOfDreams~
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