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Default Re: RiverClan Mountain Territory

Originally Posted by Astraea View Post


A huff of relief left the cat’s mouth. She had never felt comfortable with the instabilities of RiverClan but this time it felt different. And way way worse for her now. Staring at the deputies eyes now, she begun to speak.

”I feel as if RiverClan is going to crumble under Fading. Now I don’t want to insult him as much as I want to now but, me and a few others feel as if he is taking a dark turn. Refusing to accept defeat, and now after a part of the clan addressed how they don’t feel comfortable with the way he handles any situation. He will still go along with his plans to do whatever. Fading lacks any self control and it’s beginning to pile up with the clan. We don’t even have a home anymore because of him. RiverClan is on its last limbs, we’ve been exiled from the other clans due to him refusing to address the foreign affairs we had with the other three clans.”
Thunder allowed for those words to float in the air for some time before finishing.

” I was hoping you could talk to Fading about these issues, maybe talk some sense into him. If he doesn’t want to fix our current situation there will most likely be a rebellion against him.”
The shecat gave that last part as a warning. She would start one if need be.

Ears flicking, and tail waving the warrior awaited a response.

she/her | riverclan deputy | 30 moons
go with the flow, rapid recovery, beefed up t3, mind reader
At first, the deputy had been curious to see what it was Thunderchaser had wanted. She rarely saw the warrior around camp much, outside of meetings. Maybe asking to be put on patrols? Or when RiverClan was going to return - that was a popular question. So when the first words out of her mouth were an insult to her brother, Dusklion felt herself stiffen.

"First off," the dark tabby replied, tone curt, "Fades had nothin' to do with us gettin' kicked from our home. If you want someone to blame, you can place it on me." Fallownose's murder had been the final straw. Sure, other things had led up to it, and sure, there was still a small part of her that tried to find ways to justify it, but the facts were facts; her snap decision to attack the WindClan deputy - a cat who had been at his position for longer than Dusklion had been in the Clans - was what drew the majority of Twilightstar's ire; her jagged flank scare was proof of that. "I get that my brother's got issues - trust me, I grew up with him - but unless you've gotten your head stuck in a rock somewhere along the way, we're on our way to stability. Nothin' like... like the Fogmuzzle situation has happened recently, 'n he called for a retreat before we could lose anymore cats than we already did."

...Despite her own disagreements with her brother, and how she still was frustrated over his dismissiveness towards her during their private conversation regarding what Twilightstar had said, Dusklion wasn't about to just let anyone speak about him like that. Eyes narrowing briefly, the dark tabby turned to face Thunderchaser head on. She knew a threat when she heard one. "You, or anyone else, cause this Clan to lose the beginnin's of stability we've started to gain, 'n I'll see to it personally that you never set paw on RiverClan land again. Even now you're on thin ice - what kind of fluff in your brains do you have to tell me that you're plannin' a rebellion, hm? For your sake, I hope it's just hot air your spewin' right now. I've got no problem draggin' those who only want to continue to see us suffer out of this Clan by their damn ears."

Tail lashing behind her, she wondered whether it would be best to exile Thunderchaser on the spot. At the very least, she would be bringing this up with her brother. Head lifted she stared down the warrior, wondering what else she would try and speak on. "He's been tryin' to fix our current situation - we both have. But stars dammit, if a rebellion pops up in this Clan every time a new leader is announced 'n tries to get their footin', RiverClan might as well die out altogether."

[ felt after writing this that i should state a obligatory "dusklion's thoughts and opinions don't reflect my own! i love thunder and her sparky personality <3 ]

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Old Yesterday, 01:10 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Mountain Territory

Originally Posted by taillow View Post
she/her | riverclan deputy | 30 moons
go with the flow, rapid recovery, beefed up t3, mind reader
At first, the deputy had been curious to see what it was Thunderchaser had wanted. She rarely saw the warrior around camp much, outside of meetings. Maybe asking to be put on patrols? Or when RiverClan was going to return - that was a popular question. So when the first words out of her mouth were an insult to her brother, Dusklion felt herself stiffen.

"First off," the dark tabby replied, tone curt, "Fades had nothin' to do with us gettin' kicked from our home. If you want someone to blame, you can place it on me." Fallownose's murder had been the final straw. Sure, other things had led up to it, and sure, there was still a small part of her that tried to find ways to justify it, but the facts were facts; her snap decision to attack the WindClan deputy - a cat who had been at his position for longer than Dusklion had been in the Clans - was what drew the majority of Twilightstar's ire; her jagged flank scare was proof of that. "I get that my brother's got issues - trust me, I grew up with him - but unless you've gotten your head stuck in a rock somewhere along the way, we're on our way to stability. Nothin' like... like the Fogmuzzle situation has happened recently, 'n he called for a retreat before we could lose anymore cats than we already did."

...Despite her own disagreements with her brother, and how she still was frustrated over his dismissiveness towards her during their private conversation regarding what Twilightstar had said, Dusklion wasn't about to just let anyone speak about him like that. Eyes narrowing briefly, the dark tabby turned to face Thunderchaser head on. She knew a threat when she heard one. "You, or anyone else, cause this Clan to lose the beginnin's of stability we've started to gain, 'n I'll see to it personally that you never set paw on RiverClan land again. Even now you're on thin ice - what kind of fluff in your brains do you have to tell me that you're plannin' a rebellion, hm? For your sake, I hope it's just hot air your spewin' right now. I've got no problem draggin' those who only want to continue to see us suffer out of this Clan by their damn ears."

Tail lashing behind her, she wondered whether it would be best to exile Thunderchaser on the spot. At the very least, she would be bringing this up with her brother. Head lifted she stared down the warrior, wondering what else she would try and speak on. "He's been tryin' to fix our current situation - we both have. But stars dammit, if a rebellion pops up in this Clan every time a new leader is announced 'n tries to get their footin', RiverClan might as well die out altogether."

[ felt after writing this that i should state a obligatory "dusklion's thoughts and opinions don't reflect my own! i love thunder and her sparky personality <3 ]


Thunder trying to hold back a laugh, tilted her head at the deputy. What an interesting choice of words! Dusk seemingly blaming herself for what happened made the female warrior give a little smirk. Opening her mouth to speak she stared at Dusk.

”If you’re the one to blame for this whole mess, then why have you not been casted out of the role of deputy? You say you don’t want cats suffering and yet there are warriors in this clan who are now dead or worse have to retire because they can’t even walk straight after the battle. The Exile I might add. There’s no stability, and there won’t be any until you and your brother make amends with the other leaders and deputies. Now, I have two questions, do you believe you deserve to be deputy? Do you think that all those cats suffering in the medden or now starclan deserved that all because you made a selfish decision?
The shecat huffed at the other clanmate.

Knowing when to question the judgement of someone in a powered position was important. The actual real question she was asking is did Dusklion have enough self respect to understand the position Fading and her put the clan in? There was nothing saying that the other clans would be actually willing to allow us back. Nothing was ever set in stone, so what was the backup plan? Did they even have one? Thunderchaser shook those thoughts off her mind and addressed the rest of what she had to.

” The clan has been torn trying to figure what they can do to you know fix the situation and what to do when we do get back to the main clan. We’ll still have borders with the clans that hate our guts, how are we to stop them from murdering our cats like we once did to them if you both don’t even want to talk to the other leaders? Have you as a deputy ever once had a civil MEANINGFUL conversation with another clans deputy? Be truthful to yourself.”

Talking this much gave Thunder a dry mouth,ew. She yet she kept her eyes fixated on the shecat in hopes for an actually good response.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
✭ "The hardest thing in this world... is to live in it... Be brave.Live!" ✭

Last edited by Astraea; Yesterday at 01:24 PM.
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Old Yesterday, 02:35 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Mountain Territory

[ Stepping in here with tal's okay because this is a public thread and Thunderchaser poses a threat to RiverClan ]

Fadingstar had been out for a solo patrol when he overheard the voices of Thunderchaser and Dusklion. Curious, the leader made his way toward them, albeit staying behind a rock so as not to be seen. At first, he figured this was just some typical conversation, but given that Thunderchaser had hardly shown any interest nor effort in being a warrior, his curiosity was piqued.

Imagine his anger, then, when Thunderchaser began threatening rebellion, because supposedly the exile was suddenly all his fault? What a stupid conclusion she'd drawn.

He waited behind the rock, expecting Dusklion to exile Thunderchaser right then and there. To his surprise, however, she didn't, instead choosing to trust for the moment that this was just a threat rather than a promise. His heart did lift, however, at her quickness to defend him. It was the first time he'd heard her defend him without knowing that he was there; it made the recovery of their relationship seem more... real?

Thunderchaser kept going on, about how apparently the whole exile and their Clanmates' injuries were Dusklion's fault, and calling into question whether she should still be deputy. Stars, some cats couldn't move on, could they?

The idea to try to work civilly with the other leaders was downright laughable. Then again, nothing that Thunderchaser had said was at all sensical.

Emerging from his hiding spot, Fadingstar approached Thunderchaser with a sneer. "I find it funny that you suddenly care about RiverClan after spending the past few moons being hardly anything more than a useless lump on a log. You don't do anything for this Clan, yet you think you have the right to judge Dusklion and I? Aside from the battle, all I've seen you do is sit on your lazy ass doing nothing productive.

"Dusklion and I are the most stable pair that RiverClan has had at its helm for seasons. You claim to want stability, yet you think a rebellion, that casting me out as leader, is the key to that? All that will do is create more chaos. Further, I think you must have your head screwed on backwards to think trying to talk to the other leaders civilly is the answer. We tried to work with Bumblestar, and she laughed in our faces and crapped all over us. Twilightstar made it clear that she'll never see RiverClan as allies, and Dawnstar is a rogue of a leader who can't be trusted as far as she can be thrown.

"As for the Clans they lead, it was those cats, not Dusklion, who killed our children and tortured our cats. After that, I have zero interest in having a friendly, civil little chat with any of those leaders like we're suddenly all friends. I won't stand here for a second and listen to my sister's reputation tarnished like that, especially after she's worked harder than virtually anyone else to help this Clan since we were driven out."

His voice had risen to a snarl at this point, fury edging it. "Dusklion is a greater warrior than you could ever dream to be, Thunderchaser. Her care and love for RiverClan isn't just smoke and water, unlike yours. Yes, she made a bad decision, but the Clan made the decision to let her stay as deputy. If you can't accept that and move on, that isn't Dusklion's fault nor problem."

Fadingstar let his claws slide out. "I'm not going to let a mouse-brain like yourself threaten this Clan's safety and stability with a rebellion. You're no longer a warrior of RiverClan. You have one minute to get out of my sight and head out of this territory, or I'll end you where you stand. If I ever see you anywhere on or near RiverClan territory again, I'll kill you. Go."

[ Thunderchaser has been permanently exiled from RiverClan. If she does not leave RiverClan territory in your next post, or if she is ever seen on/near RiverClan territory again, I will be seeking HR PP perms to have her killed without further warning. If you haven't made a post by July 22, Thunderchaser will be treated as non-compliant with Fading's orders and I will be seeking HR PP perms to have Fading execute her.

Please remember that my thoughts do not equal Fading's! If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to me or tal ]
Fadingstar is currently RiverClan's leader. He has an open den policy; his den can be found here. If you have any questions or concerns about RiverClan, or any plots to propose, feel free to leave me a VM or DM! Please do not take my characters' IC opinions as reflective of my own.

Last edited by occultation; Yesterday at 10:40 PM.
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Old Yesterday, 07:42 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Mountain Territory

she/her | riverclan deputy | 30 moons
go with the flow, rapid recovery, beefed up t3, mind reader
...Did this cat have fluff in her ears? Dusklion blinked once, then twice, before sky-blue eyes narrowed. "It doesn't matter what I think; there was a whole meeting, fluff-head, 'n I put it to the Clan to vote. I offered to step down, if that's what the Clan wanted - 'n it turned out it wasn't. Which meant I knew I had to work twice as hard to regain their trust. I owned up to my mistake, 'n I made sure I'd never do it again. I'm brash, 'n hot-headed, 'n sometimes I say the wrong thing - but don't you dare for a second think that I'm okay with any cat in RiverClan sufferin' from the wounds they do now." Fury burned hot in her blue eyes, the mention of a possible rebellion long forgotten now. Her heart thumped heavily in her chest, blood roaring in her ears. A visceral bodily reaction, one that erupted whenever any cat questioned her heart to RiverClan. Yeah she had made a dumb mistake, but despite that the deputy had never once let her loyalty to the Clan waiver.

"I have, but it's hard to talk to the other Clans when all they've ever seen us as is no-good rogues. Should we've done more at the gatherin'? Yeah, we should've. 'N trust me, I've tried to talk to my brother 'bout what Twilightstar told me at the battle. I-" Suddenly the approaching sound of paw steps cut her off and the deputy turned and - oh, well look who was here. Ears folded back as Fades burst onto the scene, barging right in like he always did. Stars above, he was her brother, and she loved him, but if he kept sticking his nose into situations she was trying to handle she was going to rip his tail off and shove it down his throat.

Ears flattening against her head Dusklion pointedly took a step back as if to allow her brother the front spot, annoyance sparking in her gaze. His defense of her would've been nice if she hadn't felt undermined yet again. She was no leader, no, but she was this Clan's deputy, starsdammit, and she could handle a mouthy warrior or two. Thunderchaser was nothing more than a snarky sparky looking to stir up the cobwebs of discontent. Huffing as she stood to the side, the dark tabby glanced back at Thunderchaser - when her eyes widened at her brother exiling the warrior.

Now, the deputy didn't necessarily disagree with it... but she didn't agree with it either. She would always be the first to jump to her brother's defense against anyone, but even she knew that parts of his leadership had been... rocky, to say the least. To Dusklion it seemed like Thunderchaser's quarrel was moreso with her than it was with RiverClan or Fades, and if word got around that they were exiling cats because of petty disputes... the deputy wasn't sure how much stock to put into the threat of rebellion when Thunderchaser hadn't, outside of the battle, done much outside of sit in a slump at meetings.

But her brother was the leader, and just like with Antlermutter and the queens, he made it clear that this was going to be handled his way. Stifling a growl, the dark tabby simply huffed and lashed her tail, looking at the ground as her paws scuffed the dirt, brows furrowed in irritation.

[ Fadingstar - @occultation ] [ Thunderchaser - @Astraea ]

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Default Re: RiverClan Mountain Territory

Originally Posted by taillow View Post
[ takes place at a different time from the above dusklion post! ]

she/her | riverclan deputy | 29 moons
Having scooped up Breezy for this outing and figuring the Lionheart would understand where her head was at with this idea, Dusklion tossed him a glance. "Figure we can collect sticks, rocks, whatever we can find, 'n use 'em as border defense. Scent markers may work - well, may be designed to work in the Clans, but here it's any cat's guess. So I wanna make sure RiverClan is well defended." Silently, she added that she didn't want them to ever be caught off guard like how they had been when all three Clans had descended upon them. But, for now, she kept it to herself.

"Wish there was a beach or somethin' nearby - shells were always my go-to for border defense. Sharp, small, but pack a powerful punch." She already knew she would be doing that along RiverClan's borders once they returned home. Spotting a couple of sticks nearby Dusklion broke away from Breezy to pick them up, returning to his side as she kept looking.

[ Seabreeze - @Dolomedes ]

He/him | Riverclan Lionheart | Moons: 21 | Purrks: Go with the Flow | The Collector | Ultimate Predator |
“Ocean waters rising above your neck
You feel the glass start to crack.”

Seabreeze padded out beside the deputy and it had him thinking. It has been awhile since they two of them have just been out together... or actually have they ever? The lionheart went through his memories and sure enough he doesn't think that he'd ever been in a full encounter with Dusklion without someone else. Which wasn't bad or even odd or wrong, it was just an observation and it made him wonder why it was just him that she asked to bring along while doing something so important. Most likely because while they would be collecting things to strengthen defense it was more about locating and planning than actually finishing any of their 'borders.' That made him nervous... borders... he wasn't sure if it was fair to even call them that... could Riverclan claim to have any land here? No, they don't. But so far they hadn't run into anyone else really... and if there was a problem it wasn't like it would hurt to move again, after all that was all that was fair for Riverclan to do, just move further away.

The lionheart nodded at the deputy as she finished her explanation and opinion on the matter... "[B]I agree... though... if we do encounter anyone else here I think

Seabreeze is currently one of Riverclan's Lionhearts!
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