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Default Re: Dawnstar x Slytiger Litter Applications

"Bite my tongue, bide my time
Wearing a warning sign
Wait 'til the world is mine"
~~⋮°˖✧ ✧ ✧˖°⋮~~
Vixenkit Vixenpaw Vixenrose
Potential Purrks: Shadow Fiend, Silver Tongue, Heightened Perception (Touch/Sight?)
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽ The Magician ☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
~~⋮°˖✧ ✧ ✧˖°⋮~~
Pos +
Passionate, cunning, loyal

Neu =
Confident, protective, headstrong

Neg -
Sadistic, manipulative, vengeful
~~⋮°˖✧ ✧ ✧˖°⋮~~
"Visions I vandalize
Cold in my kingdom size
Fell for these ocean eyes"
~~⋮°˖✧ ✧ ✧˖°⋮~~
A single eye of molten gold comes into focus through a tangle of thorny vines, slitted pupil flicking between each curved hook. The eye flicks down without blinking, comparing a single hooked claw to the thorns in front of it. The feline makes a decision, reaching into the twisted vines without concern for the barbs catching on her striped chocolate foreleg. The scent of blood hits her nose, and almost in temptation a pink tongue comes out to lick her maw. Later. Ever since she had become able to eat solid prey, she had developed a taste for fresh blood. Much like their writer has a taste for strawberry cheesecake ice cream.

Which was exactly what this was for. The kit sliced off a curling vine, gently clamping her teeth around a smooth portion of it and dragging it across camp. She stuck to the edges off the shadows, following her Mother's pawsteps and becoming one with the shadows like expected of her. The apprentice den rose above her, but the older, massive kit could clear the height with no problem. The vine trailed behind her, snagging on the bark of the rotted stump and tugging her back. She grinned around the thin vine, ripping it off the bark with a delicious tearing sound. That's how she knew this was going to do good damage.

The kit slipped inside the den without issue. While being stuck inside of camp was regrettable, at least being unable to leave with the rest of the apprentices--which she had tried. Many times.--meant that turning peak training hours, she could get in and out of the apprentice den without being noticed. Her target's nest lay empty, as expected. The oaf was off training, not that that would do them any good.

The kit slid into the nest, carefully turning so she could coil the thorny vine within the moss and stick nest. Her forearm stung from where it had scraped her, and her paw pads twinged any time she accidentally stepped on a thorn. But a short while of circling later, it was done.

Emerging from the den, Vixenkit sought out the familiar pelt of her sibling. Hopefully their bully problem would be solved now... but she could always get more thorns.

~~⋮°˖✧ ✧ ✧˖°⋮~~
"You should see me in a crown
I'm gonna run this nothing town
Watch me make 'em bow
One by one by one
One by one by--"
~~⋮°˖✧ ✧ ✧˖°⋮~~
Sunlight streamed through the forest canopy, lightning the mossy clearing in a soft golden glow. A small blackbird sat unaware in a patch of grass, tugging insistently at a blade of grass. Sunlight gleamed through its feathers, reflecting onto pools of gold that watched every twitch of a feather, every blink of the blackbird's beady little eyes.

Dappled shadows fell across a soft, plush pelt and cast her mackerel stripes in stark relief of the lighter parts of her fur. A beam of sunlight trickled into her eye, and the apprentice hissed in frustration and pain. The blackbird jerked up, a warning call primed in its throat that was silenced with a clean slit through the neck.

In the aftermath, a single black feather drifted onto a dark brown paw, earning a cool look from the apprentice attached to it. Blooded claws pierced the barbed stem, bringing it up to her face to study it intensely. A hum of displeasure rumbled through her muscular body. A vein was broken, making the feather lopsided and ragged-looking.

Not good enough.

Vixenpaw discarded the disappointment of a catch with the others, striding back into the bushes surrounding the clearing and searching for another test subject. She would deplete this entire forest of prey if it meant getting Mother the perfect offering. Her mentor's stern words fell on deaf ears. She knew what she was doing. Mother's will superseded all others, and Vixenpaw was not going to let her down. She had asked for a gift from her first hunting lesson, and she was going to get one.

So what if it wasn't from her first catch? She would rather it was beautiful. It would represent her and her love for her Mother. It would be perfect.

~~⋮°˖✧ ✧ ✧˖°⋮~~
"You should see me in a crown
Your silence is my favorite sound
Watch me make 'em bow
One by one by one
One by one by one"
~~⋮°˖✧ ✧ ✧˖°⋮~~
Once again, her siblings seemed intent on ruining their status and name. Vixenpaw followed behind her sibling, keeping to the shadows and downwind so she wouldn't be heard. Always protecting her siblings from the consequences of their actions. What was a big sister's duty if not to clean up the messes her younger siblings created? She couldn't afford to let anything mar the reputation of her or her family.

As they got closer to the border, Vixenpaw began to get a little concerned. Were they meeting someone under the cover of darkness? Were they running away? Vixenpaw couldn't affort to let them get too far otherwise they would be lost forever. "Love," she called out, closing the distance between them. Her sibling flinched, but almost seemed grateful to see her. "Dearest one, what troubles you?" She asked, voice strained as she noticed their tears glimmering in the moonlight. "Who did this?"

An explanation was given, one that had her tail lashing hatefully behind her. Cruelty from another... snarled words and threatening gestures. Jealousy at their life, at their kin. Vixenpaw felt her heart thrum with adrenaline. Her sibling's sobbed question rang through her head, causing Vixenpaw to start.

"No, darling." Vixenpaw murmured, nosing into her sibling's tear-stained cheek. "Nothing is wrong with you. Don't cry. You are perfect." Her gaze focused on a spot distant over their shoulder, the sisterly instinct hardening into something vengeful and cold. "I'll take care of everything. Don't you worry."

~~⋮°˖✧ ✧ ✧˖°⋮~~
"Count my cards, watch them fall
Blood on a marble wall
I like the way they all
~~⋮°˖✧ ✧ ✧˖°⋮~~
"Count yourself lucky that a shredded ear is all you will get out of this confrontation." Vixenpaw murmured, eyes glowing with barely contained rage. "The next time you and I come face to face..." She let her words trail off. The message was clear.

Next time, one of them would not be walking away alive. And she knew who it would be.

The other apprentice whimpered in fear, sending a thrill of satisfaction through Vixen's chest. Good. The fear in their eyes were exactly what she wanted to see. It was the same fear she had seen in her sibling's gaze when they came crying to her about someone making fun of them. A few simple questions was all Vixenpaw needed before she lured this cat out of camp and to a place where no one could hear their... talk. "Leave. My family. Alone."

Vixenpaw stalked away, tail lashing behind her. No matter what it took, no matter how many cats she had to cut through, her siblings would grow up happy and unbothered by the cruelty of the clan around her.

~~⋮°˖✧ ✧ ✧˖°⋮~~
"Tell me which one is worse
Living or dying first
Sleeping inside a hearse
I don't dream"
~~⋮°˖✧ ✧ ✧˖°⋮~~
Shouts and laughter filled the air around her, bolstering Vixenpaw's mood and making her steps light as she circled the training clearing filled with apprentices. It had taken a little convincing, but eventually she had been allowed to run a small training group where apprentices were able to share moves with each other under the supervision of older warriors. She enjoyed the collaborative nature of the event, and was pleased to see everyone getting along and sharing ideas.

A yelp rang trhough the clearing, and Vixen's head whipped to face it. An apprentice was on the ground, wincing and holding their paw close to their chest. Vixenpaw crossed the distance between them, noting another apprentice--presumably their opponent--standing on the sidelines, looking stricken. An accident.

"I-I didn't mean to!" They cried, their whining voice irritating Vixenpaw's sensitive ears. "I tried that lunging move you showed us, but they moved and--"

Vixenpaw stared down at her opponent for a moment longer before carefully bending down and nudging them up. "Next time, block with your shoulder instead of your leg." She meowed, her sharp gaze softening to that of a peer. "Just like we talked about. Take a break, make sure your leg isn't hurt, then try again. Don't give up."

It was incredibly important to her that the apprentices of this clan were trained efficiently. They couldn't be the strongest clan in the forest if the younger generation was full of weaklings. As the daughter of the Death Queen and her cunning consort, it was her duty to ensure their legacy lived on.

If Vixenpaw had her way, the entirety of ShadowClan would be perfect for her Mother and Father. They would never be let down again.

~~⋮°˖✧ ✧ ✧˖°⋮~~
Vixenkit, regardless of her age ranking (though eldest/second eldest would be preferred) will act as the eldest sister of the entire group. She will be bossy, insistent, and protective of all of her siblings. She will attach to one and defend their happiness with almost sadistic cruelty to those she deems deserve it.
~~⋮°˖✧ ✧ ✧˖°⋮~~
you should see me in a crown - Billie Eilish
Fire Drills - Dessa
Feeling Good - Michael Buble
Therefore I Am - Billie Eilish

Mistlewhisker is ShadowClan's current Deputy!
Hawkfur (WC) - Mistlewhisker (SC) - Eaglepaw (Outsider) - Birdpaw (SC) - Hillstrider (SC)
Mistlewhisker header and sig art by @/redshiftreign

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Default Re: Dawnstar x Slytiger Litter Applications

now... burn

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¨•┈꒰ა ♡⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ Springkit - Wyvern - Hawkcatcher - Pigeonpaw - Saturn ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ ♡ ໒꒱┈•¨

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Old Yesterday, 05:12 PM
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Default Re: Dawnstar x Slytiger Litter Applications

Spiritkit > Spiritpaw > Spiritphase
Physical Aspects:
A longhaired braided tabby with a warm cinnamon pelt. His eyes burn a pale yellow and with more knowledge than his years. Their paws are too large for his tiny kit frame but he will grow into them with time. Ears stand tall with fur at the tips, the inner color of his skin a pale salmon. With age their tail will feather into a beautiful plume. His face is slender and sculpted, skin clinging to his skull in a pleasant way.
Gender: Male > Nonbinary
Pronouns: He/They
Eye Color: Pale yellow
Coat Color: Cinnamon
Coat Pattern: Braided tabby
Fur Length: Long

Mental Aspects:
A protector of the natural world. Spiritkit is quiet, absorbing information the world whispers all around him. Everything has importance in the heartbeat of the forest, from the trees' roots to the branches reaching for the sky above. He is inquisitive and a bit mouthy, not afraid to speak their mind or ask the wrong question. Loyalty to the living world is his priority, Shadowclan is second. If the clan or someone does something to disrespect it... The young phantom will take it upon himself to speak for Mother Nature. As they age he becomes somewhat of a speaker for the natural world in his own way, obsessed with preserving it's purity. It is difficult to gain his respect but not impossible. Once it is gained, however, he is devoted.
Positive Traits: Observant, Respectful, Curious
Neutral Traits: Dutiful, Outspoken, Particular
Negative Traits: Judgmental, Messy, Blunt

Social Aspects:
Things to note:
- Familial bond is a strange concept to them. They don't really feel a connection in the same way, therefore their loyalty isn't automatically expected.
- Respect is earned, not expected, even when it comes family, as well.

Respect & Devotion
Spirit respects their mother more than anyone else, especially when he is young and knows very few others. She is strong and outspoken like he is, and he admires her ability to speak clearly and freely without fear of retaliation. He hopes to get her on their side when he grows older to help preserve the land since she is powerful and knowledgeable.

Disinterest & Confusion
He doesn't dislike his father by any means but he does not give the same amount of respect as his mother. If anything he is confused as to how someone like her had grown a soft spot for someone like him. Uninteresting and not as impressive as mother but not terrible company he supposes.

Blank & Growing
At base his relationship with his siblings is a clean slate. It depends on their personalities mixing with his own. But at present he would have little care for them and be more interested in watching them develop to see which ones he could trust.

Secondary & Duty
Though the son of the leader, he has little love for the clan. His loyalty first and foremost is to the forest and the land. Those that disrespect the natural world are worth nothing in his mind and he will hold a grudge until their insolence is rectified. He will never outright deny his lineage but he doesn't think it an automatic way for him to earn the respect of others.

Goals or Plot Ideas:
- Slowly losing their sight and relying on sound and the feeling of the Earth. He depends heavily on nature to guide him.
- Denouncement of Starclan, not needing their blessings or omens.
- Learning new ways to preserve fresh kill or herbs in the clan from whisperings of the forest (understanding of the world around him), leading to longer lasting supplies.
- Being the main suspect in a murder case in which he looks very, very guilty, but turns out to have nothing to do with it.

Possible Purrks:
- Silk Spinner
- Dreamwalker
- Heightened Perception
- Herbal Knowledge
- Monkey's Paw

my favorite flavor of ice cream is cookie dough :>

" oh the places you'll go, little love of mine "
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Default Re: Dawnstar x Slytiger Litter Applications

Placeholder ♡

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Old Yesterday, 07:08 PM
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Default Re: Dawnstar x Slytiger Litter Applications

Final Duet
soulkit || soulpaw || soulredacted
leopardkit || leopardpaw || leopardredacted

Soulkit is a light colored cinnamon braided tabby, with mid length fur that gets slightly longer and thicker at his chest, cheeks, and tail. He has light, almost pea green/yellow eyes. His fur is thick and silky soft, and he spends a lot of time grooming so he looks perfect.

He is stocky in stature and reasonably tall even from birth, with rather large ears and paws.

personality description

Oh! It's your laptop! What do you want to do?
relationship with parents

relationship with the clan

Do you want to look inside your sketch book?
relationship with starclan

relationship with self

There's a lightbulb!
glimpse into the future... va

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Old Yesterday, 07:17 PM
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Default Re: Dawnstar x Slytiger Litter Applications

@Ian // @Undertaker - Mentioning you in this, too.

Rahhhhhhh. We have a dawn in ShadowClan, now we need a dusk.

So, I’m introducing…..

Duskkit! (Duskpaw, Duskglow) (kit 2 please :0)

Duskkit will be a mottled, brown-and-cream mackerel tabby she-kit with amber eyes. She’ll be hot-headed like her mother (Dawnstar) but will have that same broad-shouldered, long-legged form as Slytiger.

(I need to find a proper design grrrr but she basically looks like dawn but with more of a braided-stripe tabby look and a soft, cream underbelly and other places on her pelt, so i gotta work that out)

Gotta figure out persona and stuff, too, so WIP

Foxglovestar is BerryClan's current Leader. She has an open den policy.

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Larkswoop is a ThunderClan Warrior. If she is needed, mention me.

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Old Yesterday, 07:18 PM
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Default Re: Dawnstar x Slytiger Litter Applications

^ Click me for main bio !! ^
credit: FennecFoxAim

Bear: Fur colour and a hope for him to grow into a large, strong cat.

Alternative prexies: Buzzardkit or Falconkit fur colour, hoping for a swifter attacker. Treekit Same as bear, strong like the thick trunk of a tree. Pinekit Same as Tree, but specific to ShadowClan territory - unsure since this name has a softer sound (to me at least).

I prefer to have a leader pick out my cats' suffixes because I'm a loser nerd, but I can suggest a few for the sake of the application: Bearfoot or Bearstep for size and strength. Bearclaw for strength in battle and hunting. Bearpounce or Bearnose for hunting skills

+ Friendly, driven, organised
= Bossy, refuses clan drama unless the case is extreme (seen as disloyal in friendships)
-- Tendency to snap, impatient, rude to those whom he doesn't respect
[can be subject to change based on upbringing/ how things play out]

Skills and weaknesses
+ Hunting, brute strength, charisma
-- Agility, speed

Bear will grow to be a sturdy and muscular warrior like his mother. Small white patches appear in his cinnamon brown fur - these can be seen on his muzzle, chest and tail. Somehow both comforting and soul staring, the cat has deep green eyes.
It seems that Bear is a firecracker ready to explode, such feelings best be put into training and hard work.

Gait: Of Laban's efforts I would assign him punch or slash, I'm not fully decided between the two :3c
Voiceclaim: Rainbowdash (mlp)
Kit voiceclaim: Scootaloo (mlp)

My favourite icecream is vanilla <3
my character's thoughts are not my own! Please talk to me if an interaction makes you uncomfortable!

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Old Yesterday, 08:27 PM
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Default Re: Dawnstar x Slytiger Litter Applications

bad things happen to good people,
good things happen to me.

click on the red underlined text for snakekit's carrd application.
thank you for reading and considering me and good luck all!

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Old Yesterday, 08:51 PM
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Default Re: Dawnstar x Slytiger Litter Applications


hemlockkit | hemlockpaw | hemlockheart
alternative names - stormtwist, ghostfury, morningshade

rasberryswirl (shc), beastflame (rc), gracklekit (wc), orion (atari), autumn & kestrel (outsiders)
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Old Today, 12:32 PM
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Default Re: Dawnstar x Slytiger Litter Applications

Hope you enjoy my app! I had so much fun making it !! :3 @Ian


Hawthornkit > Hawthornpaw > Hawthorncall

The Morally Grey

Possible others;

Ivykit > Ivypaw > Ivystorm

Oakkit > Oakpaw > Oakhaze


{The reason behind "Hawthorn" is because the berries on a hawthorn bush are poisonous. I thought it might be a good idea to have my character's name be that, as it refers to the poison being some sort of "defense" or a strength. The other two are options based on Poison Ivy and Poison Oak. The poison theme is simply just to refer back to "strength." The symbolism behind Hawthorn can be optimism, so I thought it might be interesting for Hawthorn's character arc to reflect that. As it doesn't refer anywhere to his personality, but rather that he was given a second chance, as he does for others.}



A short haired kitten with orangey brown green eyes. (so technically like a hazel, but a way more saturated brown.) He has a cinnamon colored pelt with mackerel markings. He has a tiny white patch on his chin, as well as several "splotches" on his stomach. (it's more of like a fading in and out small patch of white on the center of his stomach.)


His picture design is a bit scuffed, so here's my version<3 (I'm not very good at realistic markings so just pretend it looks like mackerel markings )





Hawthorn is a slightly manipulative cat with an incorrect moral compass. He can't easily tell right from wrong and ends up in tricky situations because of it. His one weakness is how forgiving he is. He likes to give every cat a second chance even when they aren't deserving of it. He is also a critical thinker, and is very goal-orientated. He's also very analytical, though blind-sighted as well. If a cat hasn't wronged him, why should he dislike them? His whole purpose is trying to figure out what's morally correct. Though, later, he realizes that wasn't it at all.


He's quick to forgive cats that have wronged him in the past. This can be seen as a "weakness" but to him he just likes giving cats second chances. It doesn't feed his ego, or even make him happy at times. It just feels like the right thing to do. And that's very, very important to him.
Hawthorn often thinks ahead, trying to think of solutions to a problem that has just started. He's also extremely goal-orientated and comes up with plans constantly to complete them. He often thinks before he acts and has a strong sense of responsibility.

He's more likely to follow his head than his heart, unless it's a cat he's at mutually good odds with. Then he'll often do a "trade-off" type thing. Like a "I'll do this for you but you'll need to do something for me."
This is neither a good nor bad thing. He can be easily influenced into thinking something is morally correct or incorrect. Though he still has his own opinions, they can still be easily influenced. He's also often prone to manipulation and can practically be molded either way.

Hawthorn will believe cats that haven't wronged him. Or he'll be completely blind to something they're doing if he believes it's for the greater good. It's less extreme, like if a cat up and murders another, he won't side with them.
He's not like the "evil mastermind" type of cat but he'll occasionally meddle with cats to get his way. It's not something he does often, and he typically tries to find other morally correct ways.

Moral alignment:

- Chaotic good

Hawthorn is a less extreme version. He really wants what's best for the clan (when he's a warrior), and he doesn't go for extremes when doing it. He knows when they've actually been wronged, and when it was a much needed right.


The Character

Views: They develop slowly over time as he overcomes his morally grey attribute, but his views are on the better side. He wants nothing but the best for his clan and becomes a loyal and devoted warrior to ShadowClan, finding many cats along the way to help him. His whole motivation was to help his clan, though his ways showed less empathy and care. Through his character arc he's constantly questioning his moral stand point. And the cats in his life are crucial, as he's easily influenced by their morals and actions, whatever they say as well. His views are developed on ideas he might've had, but ultimately were shaped by other cats.


Xenophobia; the fear of the unknown. Hawthorn hates when he isn't in the know, or when he lacks proper control. He doesn't like the fact that he doesn't get to decide what happens because of one variable. It sickens him to his core.


Other info

Theme song(s)

Morality Lesson by Will Stetson

Icarus by Bastille

Voice Claim


Bennett (Christina Vee Valenzuela) - (this but like a higher pitch? His voice is sort of squeaky but not in like a super high pitched way)


Hunter (Zeno Robinson)


Espresso Cookie (Zach Aguilar)


Hawthorn's whole point is that he's a morally grey character. Through his life, he's constantly being pulled in either direction, no idea whether what he's doing is morally correct. And these cats will teach him to be good, hence why his alignment is "Chaotic Good." And his traits are possibly going to shift and change as he grows into a loyal warrior of ShadowClan.


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