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Old June 24th, 2024, 04:47 AM
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Default My Greatest Blessings Call Me Momma [p]


Ultimate Predator: Inactive | Burn Baby Burn | Monkey’s Paw

A fresh start, that’s what this was. Having come back to life for the express purpose of raising her kits, that’s what Firestorm was attempting to do. Motherhood not at all being what she expected, she was still trying to learn things. Her kits, while young, each had their own distinct personalities and individual needs – a lot to keep up with. The nursery was… cramped. Or it fel that way. The orange queen wished to once again race along the moor, or go out with Spots and just enjoy one another’s company… but she couldn’t. Lightningstorm didn’t remember her, Lightningstorm didn’t remember the kits, and Lightningstorm didn’t remember the feelings that they shared during their time together.

It was sickening, depressing even, but she tried her best to not let it show to the kits she shared with the healer. She would be all smiles with them, however, in the fleeting moments she was able to get to herself, her cheerful exterior broke and she often found herself crying. She accomplished her goals so she couldn’t really complain, however, she couldn’t help but feel it was all unfair. When she asked to be brought back to life, she intended on raising her kits with the pretty calico. But now? Now she was stuck raising them on her own. Is this what her mother had felt like before her death? Stuck to raise her and her sister after her father died prior to their birth? It was… sad. All of it was just sad.

At the moment, Firestorm was keeping careful watch over her son and daughters, making sure they didn’t get into too much trouble within the confines of the den. With Laurelkit being the explorative type, it was only a matter of time before she was hit with a “Momma! Momma! Can we go outside!?” And to be frank, she was dreading that. What if something bad were to happen? What if they got stepped on? She still couldn’t get over the possibility of something happening to her little ones. Was it a silly worry? Well, maybe, but she had to keep them safe and well so she could show Lightningstorm the fruits of their (hers, really) labor when the healer got her memories back.

Speaking of the calico… A familiar scent wafted into the nursery from the outside, causing the fur along her back to stand on end. Lightningstorm was close. Was she coming to visit her? Did she want to see their kits? Would she remember them all? Anxiously, the young queen glanced towards the entrance. Lightningstorm, her love, her whole world, was just out there. The oceanic hues of those beautiful blue eyes were right outside of the den. Should she… should she get up? Should she greet her? Did she look presentable? A bit uncharacteristically self-conscious, Firestorm quickly began to smooth down her fur. Even if things were… confusing between the two of them, the least she could do was make sure she looked all pretty for her!

[ @Alchemist Kitsune @Starfall @ellie @beau @Weekend-Wondering @Poprock @SuspiciousMindz AHHH SORRY THIS IS SO LATE – Also uhhh whatever order I guess? Go crazy]

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Old July 4th, 2024, 10:59 PM
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Default Re: My Greatest Blessings Call Me Momma [p]

| Lightningstorm |
20 Moons - WindClan Medicine Cat
Flock Together [Tier 3] - Inactive | Mind Reader - Active | Dreamwalker - Inactive

Stars, it had been a few moons, hadn't it? Since she had blinked and found herself in this strangely familiar place. Where everything made no sense while being perfectly logical. Things were the way they were because... yes. That was just the way things worked. And Lightningstorm found herself okay with this. It helped things move along at a smoother rate, in any case, than if she'd had the panic attack she had felt bubbling within her in front of the many cats she had seemingly woken up in front of. All of them looking at her expectantly. The blood soaked tabby more horrified than any of the others.

She had been in surprisingly good health for the amount of blood loss she had evidently suffered. In fact... in far too good health. If the medicine cat hadn't known any better, she would have thought the blood must have come from some other place entirely! But at least she had survived... Her and the kits. The little balls of fluff that had stirred an odd, protective feeling over them that day. Like she'd wanted to cry at the mere sight of them. Perhaps the sheer joy of knowing she had saved their mother somehow had messed with her head. That was the theory she was holding on to in regards to the events of that day, in any case...

Come to think of it... she had barely seen the queen since. No. Scratch that. She hadn't seen the queen at all since that day. Curious. She really must have been in perfect health if she had never been sent back to her for a checkup. Or worse... she had somehow died and no one had informed her. With the RiverClan raid having taken place so soon after her whole... whatever it was that happened that displaced her memories happened, she had gotten distracted. Forgotten the pale tabby until now. Somewhat. The look of horror in her face still swam in the back of her mind sometimes whenever she closed her eyes.

Lightningstorm's whiskers twitched as curiosity overtook her, even as she lay in her den, pawing away at the beetle that had seemingly made its home there. Lapis hues gleaming, the lithe calico stood, stretching lazily before heading through the tunnels, following the trail of light. Nobody would blame her for entering the nursery for a bit of a check in, would they? It was the medicine cat's job to ensure the well being of all, after all. With a cheery grin plastered on her maw, the thought of encountering the tabby making her far giddier than she would have expected, the spotted she-cat poked her head into the nursery, the scent of milk and warmth wafting over her. So different to the smell of moss and herbs that overtook her own den.

"Well, would you look at that? What a lovely sight for sore eyes you lot are! Hope I'm not intruding too much on your family time?" she mewed, even as she approached the queen and sat besides her with ease, making it perfectly clear that even if she hoped she wasn't intruding she wasn't exactly in the caring mood as far as that went, the thought of being in the company of this admittedly large family making her heart beat in an odd yet not entirely unwelcomed fashion.

Lightningstorm's eyes danced from one kit to the next, making certain they were all in good health. The mother certainly seemed to be doing much better than before. Tired, perhaps, with something else seemingly bringing her down... but the herbalist wouldn't pry. It wasn't her place. Perhaps something had happened to her. Maybe not. If she wanted to talk, she would of course comply... but to put her in a tough spot in front of the kittens seemed needlessly pushy. Arrogant to an extent she was certain she never leaned towards, even with her limited knowledge of herself. Still, a bit of small talk never hurt, right?

"Lovely day today, innit, love?"

@Dark [Firestorm] | @Starfall [Brightkit] | @ellie [Laurelkit] | @beau [Sunnykit] | @Weekend-Wondering [Blazingkit] | @Poprock [Sunkit] | @SuspiciousMindz [Littlekit]
| If I got any of the kit names wrong... no I didn't. I'm innocent I tell ya. Innocent! Have mercy on a poor, amnesiac mother. |
Lightningstorm is WindClan's current medicine cat.
She has a semi-closed den policy.

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Old July 9th, 2024, 12:17 PM
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Default Re: My Greatest Blessings Call Me Momma [p]

​WindClan Kit
No Purrks

Innocence was the only thing Littlekit was associated with. She didn't understand or know what was happening or what had happened with her mothers. She was too young. They'd been too young to even remember when Lightningstorm didn't know them. Sometimes she was still confused on whether Lightningstorm was her mother or not, the feline hadn't interacted with her much. The closest family member she had was Blazingkit! They'd recently taken a digging class together! Met Dustbunny! It was amazing!

She was utilizing the lesson, digging through the moss nest Firestorm claimed for them. The moss was scattering around her until she found a treasure. A real treasure! An object she actually didn't know the name of, but it was soft and light and seemed like the greatest toy! "Blazingkit, Blazingkit! BLAZINGKIT!" the tiny calico would scream through the nursery as she discovered a feather amongst the bedding. If anyone was going to appreciate the treasure, it was her sibling! "Come lookit!" Littlekit picked the feather up and held it in her mouth. As she poked her head up out of the moss, a long piece would hang from around her ears as she looked up towards Firestorm and Blazingkit -- and whomever else she caught the attention of. "Waf isth it?!" She'd inquire to anyone around her with a muffled voice.

Just after finding the feather, Lightningstorm would walk into the den. Littlekit did know something about her mama Fire. Anytime mama Light came around, she was distracted and probably wouldn't pay attention to them. That was okay! Littlekit didn't know the difference and as long as Blazingkit -- or anyone else -- noticed her, she would hold up that happy-go-lucky attitude about her feather find.

@Dark - Firestorm | @Weekend-Wondering - Blazingkit [only mentioning anyone she's directly interacting with]



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Old July 13th, 2024, 08:02 AM
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Default Re: My Greatest Blessings Call Me Momma [p]

No Header Yet / Female / About 2 Moons / WindClan / Sexuality Unknown
Simple red she-kit with dark mackerel markings, bold blue eyes, tortoiseshell/white points, and soft fur

Oh. My. Feathers. You are literally the most prettiest-handsomest-lookiess-looker in the WHOLE WORLD. Literally.


Blazingkit, with her muzzle stuffed in between her two front paws, lay snoring for the entirety of WindClan to hear. Buried in the moss of her nest, the red mackerel she-kit’s paws shifted restlessly in her sleep as she dreamed of the craziest of things, including herself fighting against flurries of butterflies and dragonflies that had somehow managed to invade WindClan’s tunnels. Despite the lack of sense and realism in this scene, it made complete sense to Blazingkit’s dream self, so the mackerel was having the time of her life while she slept. Her dream self was swift, calculated, and an absolute genius, and each and every swipe that the red she-kit made at one of the invasive bugs landed with undeniable precision, sending the majority of the remaining unwanted bugs darting out of the way. It was quite odd that her dream went as it did, seeing as Dustbunny had made it pretty clear that bugs were harmless, but Blazingkit was too happy to care. Unfortunately, something awoke her just when she was almost finished fighting off the obnoxious bugs and critters, the sound of moss moving hear her ears. Sleepiness hanging underneath her eyes a little bit, Blazingkit’s eyelids rose slowly, and she found the lovely sight of a blurry, splotchy nursery. The mackerel she-kit could still feel her heart beating unusually fast from the energy felt during her dream, but it began to die down as she faded back into reality. Blinking away the blur, she allowed her maw to widen in a large, long yawn, before clumsily wobbling up onto her feet.

The simple red she-kit shook some stray bits of moss from her pelt, sending bits and pieces flying in every direction. Then squinting at the nursery entrance and exit with tired blue eyes, she brushed off the remaining bits with the wispy tip of her tail, and with that, she mumbled, “Momma, ey- I had the funniest dream, ‘cause… there were bugs hanging out in the tunnels and stuff, but that’s weird, because Dubsunny- Dustdunny- Dus- sorry. Bunny said that bugs don’t cause any problems, but my dream sure didn’t think so, ‘cause…” Blazingkit was about to mumble up an entire monologue about dream-nonsense before she caught sight of a familiar dilute calico felt, and she gasped at the sight of it. It was almost as if this was the first time she had seen the she-kit in the nursery with her, despite waking up with the whole family each and every morning. At the sight of her sister, Blazingkit squealed with excitement, and joy flooding through her, she completely forgot about her dream. The mackerel whipped around to gape at Littlekit as her sibling did whatever she was doing, bold blue eyes dashing in every direction until she caught sight of the moss scattered in front of her paws. Blazingkit tilted her head in confusion for a moment, hesitantly wondering, Man, I sure wonder why she’s messin’ up our nest, but I mean, she’s smart, so I shouldn’t- OH- The realization hit her, and Blazingkit’s jaw fell even further, her eyes shooting open wide. With another shrill gasp of pure, true joy, she piped, “Oh my gaw, Littlekit- you’re digging! You’re practicing with moss- Littlekit, I told ya’ you were a genius, don’tcha know?!” Then snickering, she padded towards the scene, plopping down beside her sister and her digging efforts to watch with admiration. As Littlekit began to uncover the feather amongst the puffs of moss, the mackerel narrowed her eyes to and leaned forward slightly to get a closer look at it, puzzled for a moment at the sight of it. Heck is that… an ol’ thing, maybe, dead… moss…?

But byt he time it was fully uncovered, Blazingkit had absolutely no idea what it might be. It looked soft, it looked fun, and it looked… treasure-worthy. The she-kit’s jaw would have fallen even lower, if only it hadn’t already reached its lowest point, but a smile zipped across her face. It obviously didn’t look dangerous, so curiously, she named the first dangerous thing that came to her small mind. “WHOAUH. IT’S A BUG!!!” As Littlekit screamed her name across the nursery, Blazingkit scooted closer to make sure her presence was known, and with interest gleaming in her eyes, she pawed at the mysterious new toy that her sister had found buried up in the soft moss. She nodded hastily when Littlekit told her to come look at it, and when Littlekit lifted in up in her mouth, Blazingkit poked at the parts of it that weren’t trapped in her sister’s teeth with a careful paw. It bobbed a little bit when she flicked at it. It was soft, sort of like fur. A starry gleam bursted in her gaze as she stared at the fuzzy object with awe dazzling in her eyes, and jaw still fallen, she nodded in quick agreement as Littlekit’s muffled voice rang out again, questioning the older cats about what this precious thing might be. Blazingkit spoke uo about her opinion, scanning the feather again briefly. “Okay, okay- I change my mind, I don’t think it’s a bug, because… it hasn’t got any eyes, or a creepy lil’ face… maybe it’s a worm with… wings! ‘Cause Bunny said that when diggin’ we’re gonna find all kinds’a worms n’ things, so maybe they can FLY, TOO!!!” Now that was soemthing that would certainly be sneaking it’s way into her next dream, then; Worms would be flying through the tunnels like planes.

But just after they made their sudden discovery, a new cat walked into the den. Curiosity levels increasing, Blazingkit turned her head around slightly to gaze at the incoming warrior, only to realize that it was not a warrior at all once they entered again. No, this was Lightningstorm, a medicine cat, rather than your standard battle-kitty. Yet again, Blazingkit gasped, jerking her head back a little at the sight of her second mother. Her reaction to the calico she-cat was much different from Littlekit’s, as her sister had practically just ignored the medicine cat as she walked into the nursery. No, Blazingkit screeched and jumped up and down repeatedly at the sight of her other, less-seen mother, bubbling up with joy as she identified her. “H-H- HI!!!” She stammered a little out of excitment, but in the end, she got there. “Litnerstorm! Ligh-Lightningstorm, sorry! Littlekit, Littlekit- Little-” Then finally, after more struggles, raising her already noisy voice, she squawked, “LITTLEKIIIIT! Lightningstorm, Mama number TWO, can prolly tell us what the flyin’ worm thing is, couldn’t she? I betcha she could, bein’ a smarts medicine cat n’ all, so let’s ask!” Confidentially, the red mackerel strode towards her mother, smirk wide across her face. “Why, hi there, Mother! So… I’ve gotta question, ‘cause you’re all smart n’ stuff, so… thought you’d know the answer for sure, hehe! Er- what’s you think this… flying-worm-bug-fluffy-fuzz-critter is?” She pointed towards the feather, then continued. “Littlekit found it while digging, and I’m thinking that it looks really cool! And… fun!” Then when Blazingkit remembered hearing an unfamiliar word leave her other mother’s mouth, hesitantly, she repeated it without knowing its full meaning. “…innit!


// I’ve specified the characters who Blazingkit interacted with directly here ^^ \\

~ @SuspiciousMindz { Littlekit } ~
~ @Dark { Firestorm } ~
~ @Alchemist Kitsune { Lightningstorm } ~
~ @Starfall ~ @ellie ~ @beau ~ @Poprock ~

How’s it going?

- My characters’ opinions, thoughts, and behaviors are not necessarily a reflection of my own. I can assure you that we are certainly separate beings. -

// WIP Character Biographies * Training Tracker \\

Have a nice day!
~ Fritz ~
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Old Yesterday, 10:44 PM
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Default Re: My Greatest Blessings Call Me Momma [p]

@Dark [Firestorm] | @Alchemist Kitsune [Lightningstorm] | @ellie [Laurelkit] | @beau [Sunnykit] | @Weekend-Wondering [Blazingkit] | @Poprock [Sunkit] | @SuspiciousMindz [Littlekit]
(big ol copy paste from Alchemist Kitsune uwu)

She demanded to escape. To go off and see the outside, what all that noise was. Why it was so noisy even. Squirming as she attempted to make her way towards freedom before, oh! The odd one. One that made mom start acting funny!

The Kit wrinkling her nose as the other molly looked at her. She was blocking her exit. A huff, followed by a stomp. Ears angled fully forwards as she stomped her way towards the funny smelling molly. "Moof." she demanded.

"As long as I exist, you will always be loved."
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Let's get lost at sea
Where they will never find us

Got stars at night to guide us
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