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Old July 7th, 2024, 01:55 PM
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Default Re: On the Wings of a Dream... [Private]

Originally Posted by Rizo View Post

Hawkblaze's eyes widened as the young tom recounted his story. An incredulous expression came over him.

They threw you out over one thing? That's not even that severe?

Shaking his head in disgust, he fixed his amber eyes on Crow.

"Twilightstar has never been one to be easily swayed by the words of outsiders. She's a cat who needs evidence, thorough evidence, before she would make a decision such as that, and she does not make decisions like that lightly..." he trailed off, thinking back to how the leader had executed his sorry excuse of a father after finding out about his heinous crimes. With a flash of a grin, Hawkblaze stood and padded to the young cat, gently laying his tail tip on Crow's shoulder.

"Tell you what, dude. You can come back to Windclan with us. I'll vouch for you. We'll meet with her and you can stay with me and Leopardfire," he purred before looking to his companion for her assent.

{ @Silverfur & Co @SpiritedWarrior }

Leopardfire nodded in agreement and looked at Hawkblaze and mews "What is a great idea. We will vouch for you." She looked at hawkblaze wandering if he figured out if this cat was related and she thought {did we just become a item? I dont mind i Love Hawkblaze..} she prurs and follows over to crow nodding. She felt bad for Crow as he retold his story and had thought the same thing that Hawk did but she hadnt told him. It was like he knew that she was gonna make that same suggestion before she did. She looked between the both of them and smiles lightly ready to go. She hoped that Crows life was only gonna get better from here on out if Twilightstar took him into windclan.


Snowstripe- RC Featherspirit-RC ~ ~ Lightpaw {Sunshine}- WC Leopardfire- WC

Last edited by Silverfur & Co; July 7th, 2024 at 02:01 PM.
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Old July 8th, 2024, 05:34 PM
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Default Re: On the Wings of a Dream... [Private]

Purrks: Heightened Perception, Agatha Kitty, and Hulk SMASH
@Rizo @Silverfur & Co

"T-thank you... you've no idea how much this means to me. I- I have plenty of evidence to... give her in terms of why I wanted to leave ThunderClan in the first place. D-do you mind if I... tell you? I don't want you two to vouch for me without having the full story... right now it's my word against ThunderClan's to convince Twilightstar of my worthiness to be a part of WindClan and that is... not good odds." Gratitude echoed in his voice through a sigh of relief. But he sat up and got to thinking... he'd need as much help as he can get, and neither Hawkblaze nor Leopardfire knew the truth of what had happened to make him even want to leave RiverClan in the first place.

"If you want the short version of my story... basically, my parents never once said they loved me or my siblings. They never once comforted me after my littermates went missing while I was still a kit. And when I finally became an apprentice, my mentor didn't let me talk about my littermates and how ThunderClan didn't do crap to try and get them back. When my smallest littermate returned, my parents spent one night with her and then acted as if she didn't exist until I came into camp after having just watched her get shredded by a fox and die in my paws. My mother cursed my sister's body... saying she shouldn't have died. Implying that- that I should've... y'know: died instead." At least that's how he took it. How could he not have taken it that way? He was the only other one to fight the fox. "My sister was only out of camp because her mentor... didn't take the care to tell her that it was against the rules to go out of camp alone even though I had told him to give my sister the best damn quality of training he could. I nearly attacked my mother the day my sister died because she was in no way worthy of mourning the kid she never cared to raise properly. Only one cat held me back- my friend, Cinderpaw, who was the medicine cat apprentice at one point in time."

"And then... when I was struggling to cope with the loss of my sister and my new appearance after multiple moons, my parents went off and got my mother pregnant. A moon later... my mo-mother died. I watched her die giving birth to my youngest sister and still-born brothers. That was probably the only time I ever wanted my father, so when I called for him, I was hoping we could console each other somehow. But he was just pissed... called Bluekit an 'it' and told me to do something with her so we could bury the bodies. I should have never had to bury my mother... or my siblings. But I did because of my father's own selfish desires to get a do-over. My mother dying... turned my father into someone I never thought he'd be. A moon after- after that, my... my father and I had a giant argument. In front of everyone in the Clan. He admitted to not wanting to be a father after the family fell apart and openly disowned my innocent little sister and me. Blamed me for it because I ws refusing to patch up the relationship... but in reality, I was just... struggling. Hating the world too." Crow wrinkled his nose at the memory. What part of that made ThunderClan think it was okay to even refer to him as Thrushkit? Everyone he was once on good standing with were gone, only to be replaced by assholes and murderers alike. He didn't care if they were physically murderers... to him they were equal.

"After that, he... he left ThunderClan and never returned. Quite frankly if I ever saw his face again, I... I don't know whether I'd ignore his presence or kill him for tearing my family and Clan apart. because that's what he did... Bumblestar is destroying ThunderClan even though she thinks the opposite- apprenticing kits under the age of six moons, she was killing traitors instead of exiling them, she... she exiled me the day I reunited with my youngest sister after seven moons, and she probably did other horrific things. I wouldn't put it past her. What's funny is... I told Sparrowstar- Thrushstar's predecessor- that my father would destroy the Clan. After she disappeared... and my father took control of my home Clan, the forest swallowed our camp. That was the day I saved my little sister's life because Thrushstar completely neglected her after she tried to get to him out of fear- and... that was the same day I was... disowned. That was the day everyone turned against my father. At least I did one damn thing right and made sure my father didn't sit atop the Clan anymore."

"My entire family is... dead. At least I think it is. I don't know if my RiverClanner grandfather ever had any kits, don't know if any of his kits are alive... my sisters are dead or missing, my parents are dead and missing, my grandpaw is dead, and the only blood relative I've got probably hates my guts because I wanted to move to the Clan that gave her scars- both mental and physical. 'Course I only found that out when I was being renamed after my damn father because Bumblestar only saw me as a liar, traitor, and horrible brother. I've ignored that name change though... no purpose in keeping it if I'm not a ThunderClanner."

Why would he keep it? Crow was already reminding himself of his father through his reflection... his mohawk was quality that he grew to hate simply because it was the same color of his father's fur. In fact, the creamy color was the color he had for his chest, paws, throat, and mouth. On top of the looks, no one would refer to him as Crowpaw anymore. Only Thrushkit, the replica of the leader everyone grew to hate.

"I've felt endless anxiety- a longing to have Quietpaw back- had nightmares of Quietpaw's death, and I'm one of the only living members of my bloodline. Bumblestar... I want her dead. Not out of revenge, though that is tempting... but for my sister's safety. Bluepaw was assigned to her, and I... I don't want her to get hurt because of something I did. I don't want her to hate me or RiverClan. I don't want her to turn out like... like her. Like Bumblestar. Why? Bumblestar's a killer, I've never seen her actually kill someone, but she was one of the cats that shredded my family to bits. I don't want my sister to end up dead or as heartless. Because I'm the only family she's got, I still have the need to protect her. I didn't manage to protect Quietpaw or the rest of my littermates from the dangers of the world, or even protect my family from itself, but I will fight to protect Bluepaw from anyone who dares threaten her."

The endless anxiety has cost him more nights of sleep than he would ever care to admit. Every so often, he'd spend an entire day sulking, remembering Quietpaw's death. Of course he remembered her living days, but those weren't nearly as often. He was haunted by the growing shadow of his past, and an attempt to join WindClan was perhaps the only chance he has at turning things around for the better. Crow was not born to be a loner, and he sure wasn't born to be a ThunderClanner or RiverClanner. In fact, for all the young tom could care, ThunderClan would be better off as a lone Clan, far away from everyone and everything.

"I saw my father for what he was, I saw my mother for who she was. Damn it- I saw ThunderClan for what it was and they couldn't swallow the truth and change for the better. One day I will enact my revenge, but I'm no where near strong enough. The only battles I've been in... I fought foxes. Both times! But I need experience fighting against another cat to even have the slightest chance against Bumblestar."

It was kind of badass to have survived two fox attacks, but Crow didn't once think of it that way. He thought of it as just a game of survival. A game it was, too. At least to the high ranks that destroyed their own Clans. That's what Crow thought, though he didn't know how true that was. One of these days, I will turn the tide and be the one to enact rightful justice to protect the innocent and weak. Someone has to, and no one has stepped up yet.
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Default Re: On the Wings of a Dream... [Private]


The stocky tabby nodded solemnly as he listened to Crow's story. His own issues regarding his father, Dusktalon, flashed through his mind. Hearing about the negligence of Crow's parents caused a hard stone of guilt to form in his belly. Hawkblaze cursed himself internally. After all, he had only left Windclan to search for his own missing son, Rainshock, after his disappearance, which he blamed himself for. Had he been a better father, perhaps Rainshock wouldn't be missing. He had always told himself he would not be like Dusktalon, but the striped warrior had gone about it in the wrong way.

His breath caught when Crow mentioned his own mother's death, and the deaths of his siblings. This poor young cat had gone through a very similar experience to himself, mother leaving or disappearing, siblings dying, an abusive father... His amber eyes full of empathy, Hawkblaze gently placed a paw on Crow's shoulder. He, too, knew the desire for true vengeance and justice against the wrongs dealt to him. The poor kid just needed some understanding. Some empathy. A family. The amount of potential Hawkblaze saw in this poor young tom was immense. He would make a fine warrior some day, with the right guidance.

"You and I have a lot in common, son. I appreciate you telling me what you've been through. I'll share my own story with you once we get you home and settled. You've been through a lot, and I imagine you're tired," Hawkblaze speculated, slowly rising to his paws. With a lopsided smile, Hawkblaze added, "I'll offer to mentor you when we make introductions to Twilightstar. If she'll allow it, I'll help you become the warrior you want to and deserve to be."

Turning to look towards Windclan's territory, Hawkblaze let out a cleansing sigh. He hadn't found Rainshock, but perhaps this young cat could help him atone for being a lackluster father. He hoped that Twilightstar would show them both sympathy, and perhaps a little mercy. After all the leader had done for him, he revered her as a sort of matriarchal figure. It would be good to see her again.

He turned his gaze back to Leopardfire and gave her his signature lopsided smile. After his first mate's death from greencough, Hawkblaze hadn't been certain if he could find happiness again, but Leopardfire had proven him wrong and become a true friend and confidant. He padded over to her and bumped her dappled gold shoulder with his muzzle. "What do you say the three of us head to the border and flag down a patrol? I think it's time we get home."

{ @Silverfur & Co @SpiritedWarrior }
~Riverclan~ Wolfsong & Moonfrost ~
~Thunderclan~ Embertalon | Moosecrash ~
~Windclan~ Hawkblaze | Pinestrike ~
~Shadowclan~ Spiritfire ~

I apologize for any delay in my replies, I work nightshift at the hospital.
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Old Today, 06:15 PM
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Default Re: On the Wings of a Dream... [Private]

Originally Posted by Rizo View Post

The stocky tabby nodded solemnly as he listened to Crow's story. His own issues regarding his father, Dusktalon, flashed through his mind. Hearing about the negligence of Crow's parents caused a hard stone of guilt to form in his belly. Hawkblaze cursed himself internally. After all, he had only left Windclan to search for his own missing son, Rainshock, after his disappearance, which he blamed himself for. Had he been a better father, perhaps Rainshock wouldn't be missing. He had always told himself he would not be like Dusktalon, but the striped warrior had gone about it in the wrong way.

His breath caught when Crow mentioned his own mother's death, and the deaths of his siblings. This poor young cat had gone through a very similar experience to himself, mother leaving or disappearing, siblings dying, an abusive father... His amber eyes full of empathy, Hawkblaze gently placed a paw on Crow's shoulder. He, too, knew the desire for true vengeance and justice against the wrongs dealt to him. The poor kid just needed some understanding. Some empathy. A family. The amount of potential Hawkblaze saw in this poor young tom was immense. He would make a fine warrior some day, with the right guidance.

"You and I have a lot in common, son. I appreciate you telling me what you've been through. I'll share my own story with you once we get you home and settled. You've been through a lot, and I imagine you're tired," Hawkblaze speculated, slowly rising to his paws. With a lopsided smile, Hawkblaze added, "I'll offer to mentor you when we make introductions to Twilightstar. If she'll allow it, I'll help you become the warrior you want to and deserve to be."

Turning to look towards Windclan's territory, Hawkblaze let out a cleansing sigh. He hadn't found Rainshock, but perhaps this young cat could help him atone for being a lackluster father. He hoped that Twilightstar would show them both sympathy, and perhaps a little mercy. After all the leader had done for him, he revered her as a sort of matriarchal figure. It would be good to see her again.

He turned his gaze back to Leopardfire and gave her his signature lopsided smile. After his first mate's death from greencough, Hawkblaze hadn't been certain if he could find happiness again, but Leopardfire had proven him wrong and become a true friend and confidant. He padded over to her and bumped her dappled gold shoulder with his muzzle. "What do you say the three of us head to the border and flag down a patrol? I think it's time we get home."

{ @Silverfur & Co @SpiritedWarrior }

Leopardfire smiles and nods at them both. She smiles back at him. " Yeah let's go home and flag a patrol." Leopardfire felt bad for the young Tom and hoped that the both of them could help him and maybe they could sorta be a happy little family. {so he does feel the same way... Maybe or maybe not how do I tell him how I feel?} . She purs as he boops his muzzle to her spotted shoulder.

Snowstripe- RC Featherspirit-RC ~ ~ Lightpaw {Sunshine}- WC Leopardfire- WC

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