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Old July 6th, 2024, 02:20 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Mountain Territory

| she/her | RiverClan | Warrior |

“It would seem so.” The fish here really seemed to pale in comparison to the ones back home. Heroneye sighed. What she wouldn’t do for a salmon at that moment! But there were no salmon here, just those winding little things at their paws. Don’t be ungrateful, Heroneye. Just take what you can get. She furrowed her brow, turning back to the river.

“They’re hardly enough to feed a squirrel, really.” She made an attempt at humor, though still stone-faced. Her eyes fixed once again on the churning, fruitless waters of the mountain’s river.

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Old July 6th, 2024, 02:28 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Mountain Territory

26 Moons


"Yes, they won't do much." Caveclaw replied.

They looked around, wondering what other prey was around in these mountains.
What kind of creatures lived around here?


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Old July 6th, 2024, 06:08 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Mountain Territory

There were SO many ROCKS! Splashleap honestly couldn't believe it. Rock upon rock upon rock upon MORE ROCK. Even the RIVER was surrounded by rocks. And it seemed Mudsmoke didn't want to deal with the Rocky River. Splashleap understood to an extent, taking an apprentice into unsafe water was probably not the way to go. And it did mean she got to do some fishing, which she hadn't done in a hot minute. So maybe this was a great thing! She chose to be optimistic, and purred Sounds good to me! before making her way to the pebbly riverside.

It took her a few moments to find a suitable place to fish from, but once it had been spotted it was a simple matter to clamber onto the boulder and assume her fishing stance. It was muscle memory. There wasn't anything she remembered doing better. And, it seemed there were fish to catch. A silvery shape flashed before her eyes, and her paw darted into the water almost as fast. This time it missed, but Splashleap was fully willing to wait a moment if required. She would sharpen her gaze, and she would catch a fish. And, not even a minute later, she had the chance. This time her paw flashed out and hooked the fish onto the boulder she was perched upon, and she was able to kill it quickly. Victory was hers!

Another fish made the same mistake of swimming too close to Splashleap's perch after the blood from her first victim had been dispersed by the water, and she was able to swoop it up too. With two fish (presumably enough for one cat to be expected to contribute) in her maw she clambered off of the rock and headed back in search of Mudsmoke and Fishpaw. She had fulfilled her end of the bargain, she just had to hope they had been as successful. @PINTO BEAN@burntToast
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Old July 6th, 2024, 08:33 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Mountain Territory

Originally Posted by Marigoldwhisper View Post

She, Her\Queen\30 moons\Riverclan
"Venus, planet of love, was destroyed by global warming. Did its people want to much too?"

Baby Boomer - [INACTIVE]

· · ─────── ·· ─────── ·
Huh. Well, that was quick. Willowtail handled the tall rabbit with a level of skill the queen genuinely wasn't even expecting. Most times when seeing new prey like this there was more struggle. Apparently, this wasn't the case. She then looked to Jaggedpaw, tilting her head to the side as she observed the apprentice. Swanberry wasn't sure how much help she could be given her swollen belly. It was almost impossible to do a proper hunting crouch with a belly as wide as a kittypets. A light snarl escape her maw before she finally adressed the tom.

"I'm sure you'd like to hunt something as well, wouldn't you dear?" She queen shuffled around for a moment, her ears perking up. Maybe more rabbits were near, but they may have scattered by now given how far the stench of death travels. "Follow me, I'm sure there's something else around here."

She was right, surprisingly. Another oddly lengthy rabbit stood, it's brown eyes locked on the cats before them. Swanberry winced. This one may give a chance. A few other hares hopped along the mountain, though it wasn't long before their gaze locked onto them as well. "There's enough for the each of us. I saw we all pick one, hows that sound?" She spoke to the whole group but allowed her gaze to rest on Jaggedpaw as if asking him directly.

She then glanced to Willowtail, wracking her brain trying to figure out where to put the prey she'd just caught. Swanberry furrowed her brow. Adding this to the endless disadvantages of living on a mountain. No possible way to burry prey.

@SeonghwaBerry // Willowtail
Willowtail gave a gentle, sympthetic look to the queen and nodded. Willowtail's abnormally long tail gently streching over and brushing the queens shoulder to show respect as she spoke. Drawing it away gently Willowtail meowed, "How about.... sense there's clearly no way to bury this, We go to the other rabbits, me and Jaggedpaw can hunt at least one rabbit per cat, sense your a more experienced warrior, this will give us more training and practice so could you perhaps.... maybe make a pile? If not I could watch it, I'm just afraid of some animal stealing our prey sense we know..... pretty much nothing about this place. You can correct us or give us advice afterwards if you'd like. Not that we'd have a choice regardless" Willowtail purred, "Jaggedpaw can try and take two of the rabbit, sense he's an apprentice I think it'd look good for him if he came back with two rabbits. If one runs I'll catch it. " Willowtail offered kindly, her big blue eyes bright with excitment and commitment to the hunt. Her one rabbit should have been a decent demontration to the apprentice. Hopefully the queen got her message in helping the queen rather than offending her or calling off her abilites. Willowtail simply wanted the queen to be safe and the prey to be protected.

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Willowtail of Riverclan is Tier 3 Beefed up <3

Last edited by SeonghwaBerry; July 6th, 2024 at 09:08 PM.
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Old July 7th, 2024, 08:29 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Mountain Territory

|[ Mud'smoke ]|
he/him | 24 moons | RC warrior | more of a hunter
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
once splashleap departed towards the river, mudsmoke lead Fishpaw away from the river and deeper into the treeline. Still too much rocks, it was a pain to traverse through. he tried to ignore how all this walking was putting strain on his leg, it was quite painful but it would heal! Hopefully. "Okay, the territory may be different but basic steps of hunting stay the same" he informed his apprentice, once they neared a more earthy and less rocky area.

"scenting the air is the first step in hunting, one that should become natural to you." he explained in a lowered voice. "Once you caught scent of you prey; you either alert you patrol, if your hunting in a group, or you immediately start your hunt. When alerting your patrol that there is prey nearby do so with tail signals. Informing them verbally will alert the prey that you are there and that's the last thing you want when hunting. Another thing is you always want to be downwind so that the prey can't scent you." He added, he would go over the rest after demonstrating some of it. Mudsmoke raised his head and opened his maw breathing in the different scents of the mountain, it was so different to the ones back home. He caught wind of a nearby vole. He raised his tail signalling for Fishpaw to stay quite before pointing it in the direction of a nearby shrub demonstrating what he had just taught her.

Dropping into a hunting crouch, he held his tail close to the ground but while hovering it there and making sure it didn't brush an leaves. Slowly he crept forward towards the shrub, focusing on the placement of his paws. Hopefully Fishpaw was watching and taking note of what he was doing. Mudsmoke waited staying completely still until he saw the vole, it seemed to be distracted. Eating something. Perfect! Directing all weight into his haunches he pounced! Snagging the vole in his claws he gave it a swift bite to neck killing it. Lifting the limp vole he walked back over to where Fishpaw stood and dropped it at her paws. "I hope you paying attention, it's you turn now."

Mudsmoke sat down and waited for his apprentice to give it a shot. "bend all four of your paws until you stomachs almost touch the ground, keep your tail low but don't let in drag through leaves. That would alert you prey. With that being said when stalking forward pay close attention to where you step- and don't pounce onto your prey too quickly, wait till your sure it's distracted" For his first time teaching someone hunting he things he did pretty good, thinks being the key word. Hopefully Fishpaw understood what he said and that it made sense. Did he leave out anything?

[+1 Vole]
||[1/5 ; 1 Vole]||

- Splashleap ( @gs29513 )
- Fishpaw ( @PINTO BEAN )
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Old July 7th, 2024, 03:08 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Mountain Territory

7 moons | she/her | Riverclan

I'm a guppy

Fishpaw watched as her mentor caught a vole. She was really surprised about
how good at hunting he was. "Wow! your very good!" she said as she
looked up at her mentor. He told her to give it a try, so she was going to give it her all.

She sniffed the air trying to sniff out some prey, she smelt a rabbit, she got into
the position that mudsmoke told her to. She flicked her tail in the direction of
the rabbit. She walked slowly towards it. She then pounced onto the rabbit,
grabbing it by it's neck and waiting for it to become limp. "Look! Look! I got
a rabbit!!!"
she said with a squeal in her voice. She sat down the rabbit
Infront of her mentor proudly.

[+1 rabbit]
[2/5 1 vole | 1 rabbit]

-i hope i'm doing the patrol right lol-

"Baby who cares."

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Old July 7th, 2024, 09:06 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Mountain Territory

He/him | Riverclan Lionheart | Moons: 21 | Purrks: Go with the Flow | The Collector | Ultimate Predator |
“Ocean waters rising above your neck
You feel the glass start to crack.”

Seabreeze watched as his apprentice immediately set to work replicating his moves. It made him happy to actually see a lesson through. He hoped he didn’t lose this apprentice too. The warrior sighed inwardly. The lionheart watched and actually smiled as Duckpaw managed to nail the pounce the second time around. “Nicely done. Pouncing and hunting in general will come with more ease with more practice. Let’s head down the mountain a bit to get to some more greenery and see if we can find anything live to practice your new skills on. Tracking prey is also something that comes with experience but I have a few tips to help you out at first.” Seabreeze spoke lightly as he started to walk down the mountain path. Slowly at first until he knew Duckpaw was at his side and then he moved to a more walking than slow.
[ @PINTO BEAN - Duckpaw ]

Seabreeze is currently one of Riverclan's Lionhearts!
[ Seab is open to giving kit/app lessons || Seab is closed to all RPs currently!
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Old July 8th, 2024, 06:36 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Mountain Territory

|[ Mud'smoke ]|
he/him | 24 moons | RC warrior | more of a hunter
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
mudsmoke felt a sense of pride as Fishpaw did exactly has he instructed her too. She was a good listener, and he could tell she had really been paying attention to his teachings. Her hunting crouch could use a bit of work but for a beginner it was very good! When he spotted the prey she was stalking he felt a bit doubtful. There were different ways to hunt different prey more effectively, he had forgotten to tell her that. If she didn't catch this one then he would explain why. Fishpaw managed to surprise Mudsmoke, despite using the wrong hunting style she had caught the rabbit! It was a clean kill too-

"I see, I see. Well done, guppy!" he praised her, padding over to her and inspected her catch. That was quite impressive, at this rate he was sure his apprentice had a natural gift for hunting. Though it could also have been luck. "that was quite impressive, one day you might even better than me at hunting!" The sound of some cat approaching them caught his attention, facing the direction of the sound he spotted splashleap. She carried two fish in her maw, so the river was fishable then. Between hiss apprentices rabbit and splashleaps fish's, his tiny vole was kinda embarrassing.

Mudsmoke left Fishpaw with the two pieces of prey the had caught and walked a bit of a distance away until he spotted something worth his while. A dove. Dropping into a hunting crouch, he slowly crept towards it making sure his paws didn't make too much sound. Once at a close enough distance he calculated his pounce, waiting for the right moment. Just as the bird was about to take of Mudsmoke leapt at it, he claws raking across its wings and dragging it back down. He managed to find its neck snap it though it's frantic flapping had been quite annoying. Making his way back to the group, with now dead dove in his jaws, he set it down next to his vole.

"this looks like a good enough haul, we can head back to camp with this unless either of you would like to give another shot at hunting some more?" he asked, looking at both Fishpaw and Splashleap. Usually he would have suggested they hunt a bit longer, it was something he really enjoyed after all but if they stayed any longer Mudsmoke was sure if he would be able to hike back to camp. Though he didn't show it, his leg was starting to feel too painful and standing on it was difficult.

[+1 Dove]
||[2/5 ; 1 Vole, 1 Dove]||

- Splashleap ( @gs29513 )
- Fishpaw ( @PINTO BEAN ) {btw pinto, the thing at the bottom of my post is just to keep track of what I'm carrying since each character can only carry up to five pieces of prey or anything. So for you it would be 1/5; 1 rabbit. Since Fishpaw only caught one rabbit. You don't have to do it but I just like writing this to keep things organised for me /w\ I hope that made sense, otherwise your doing great :3}
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Last edited by burntToast; July 8th, 2024 at 06:37 AM.
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Old July 8th, 2024, 11:58 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Mountain Territory

| she/her | RiverClan | Warrior |

Heroneye’s ears twitched. If the fish were so pathetic in this river, then maybe it would be better to try elsewhere. She decided to vocalize this thought. There was really little point to continue trying here; though Heroneye would have been more comfortable hunting in the water as she was used to, the important thing was finding a decent source of food. She would just have to adapt to this, too.

“Perhaps we could try somewhere else,” Heroneye offered, rising to her paws. “Perhaps there are birds and rodents that may provide more food.” She tilted her head with a flick of her tail.

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Old July 8th, 2024, 12:23 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Mountain Territory

7 moons | She/her | Riverclan
I'm a guppy

Fishpaw looked up at her mentor, happy that she was praised for her good work.
She looked over to see splashleap coming up to them with some fish in her maw.
She looked at the fish, giggling because fish was in her name and splashleap has
her practically in fishpaw's little brain.

Fishpaw looked at her mentor again after he asked if they wanted to go since we
got a good bit of food for now.

"Yes pls! I'm tired." she said as she grabbed her rabbit.

@burntToast -sorry for such a short post I got lots of posts to do today.-

"Baby who cares."

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