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Old July 5th, 2024, 09:20 PM
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Default Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Brokenstream | 21 MOONS | HE/HIM ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
sleek golden bengal tom with light green eyes, jet black ears & back legs
header by @/Marigoldwhisper


Brokenstream snarled as the Atari poised to attack, ears flat against his head as he lashed his tail, daring one of them to take a step closer. 'We will not be chased off again!' He thought to himself, green gaze flashing between enemies. His eyes landed on a cat that seemed a bit smaller then the rest of the rogue group. 'Must be an apprentice.' The thought didn't really sit right in his belly, attacking a cat so young. But in the end it didn't matter- it was his Clan or them. He already felt he had let his Clan down enough with his failure in the last battle- he would not lose now.

With a yowl of rage, the bengal tom launched himself at the young cat, claws extended as he aimed to land on their shoulders, hoping to crush them with his greater weight.

( @redshiftreign )


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Last edited by JellyCat; July 5th, 2024 at 09:20 PM.
Old July 5th, 2024, 11:55 PM
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Default Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]


[Minku has given themselves pp permission to kill their own character /silly]
yippie @alec Emberfang death.... Also I wrote all of this (yes, all of it) on my phone in the morning so...probably not the best it could be

Shiira | Atari Claw
"Watch your back I'm comin' for you, My, Friend."
[No purrks]
And-…huh..? HUH? How dare that idiot go for a completely separate cat rather than HER!? She wanted to fight someone. Her claws keep wanting to dig into someone’s flesh by now. Yet this girl completely IGNORED Her attack as if it was nothing!? She was NOT accepting that. Shiira turned her head towards Rosehawk, sharp claws ready jump at the other she-cat while she was fighting another Atari member. Even better if she managed to break a bone. She wasn’t gonna accept on getting ignored like that. Never never never. “You dumbass” the low growl came out of her throat into the air near her as her tail lashed behind her. It shouldn’t be audible. But she wouldn’t mind if the she-cat heard it. It would probably make for a great distraction anyway.

It was only then she felt a pair of claws came in her way. The grey furred claw jumped away from the direction of the attack, the small blades in the river cat’s paws piercing her shoulder. Or at least that’s where the sudden surge of pain came from. Oh yea, it was definitely the shoulder. She definitely felt it bleeding little by little. Scars and wounds wasn’t something new to her; she did take it as a good thing. Better to take it with pride than to complain about. Onto the main topic. Black and orange tom. Why the HELL did he think it was a good idea to target her!? “Oh another one? You just keep raining out of the sky” she hissed, her fur bristled; teeth bared. New target. New cat she wanted to chuck back in the sky where the spirits where. But she wasn’t forgetting about the other river cat anytime soon. Yea, she sees his annoyed expression. Good. Stay like that.
Her leaped forward, and the other moved back out of instinct. Though her claws was already gripping onto the his neck, ripping through his skin as he jumped back. The attack wasn’t exactly as she planned and it wasn’t as damaging either. But she grins in the thought that this. This stupid river cat in front of her tried to dodge but was too late to. Who was this guy? Cause he seemed like he would make for a nice punching bag. He doesn’t even seem like he wants to be here.

Both cats stared at each other, their gaze not slacking off. Shiira was just slightly bigger. Slight stronger. And she harder to break through. She could lose this one if another cat falls out of the sky out of nowhere and ambushes her, and she knew that would make the tom rather smart. But he didn’t seem like someone to have thought of that. Let alone anyone who has actual friends to fight with. This is her entertainment for today. She jumped forward again towards his right. And he did fell for it. His orange eyes focused on her attack; he jumped left as soon as she acted like she was aiming for his right. Shiira made a sharp turn (or at least as sharp as she could make it be), she opened her jaws, teeth wrapping and sinking in his throat. She let her weight pin the tom down. A feeling of pain coming from a part of her head started taking away from the one on her shoulder; a deep red running down her face. If that gets in the way of her vision, she’ll…well, she doesn’t know what she’ll do about it but she’ll figure it out.

She opened her jaws back up, letting go of the tom’s throat as she lets him bleed out on the ground below her paws. Not a single thing has change about her. She’s thought so once when she killed another cat at one point. And still believed that. Her mind has deteriorated. She still thinks so as well. She’s not wrong and she knew it. Her soul was stained, just like those who wronged her in the past? She became just like them. Yeah, and she was proud of it. Hahah. A small laugh escaped her maw. Life truly is just a game that anyone could win if they’d get their paws bloody. The light bulb had shattered. Urgh, alright, alright enough of the raging storm that was her mind she and everyone else was starting to get bored of her own thoughts. Now, where did the blood come from? It had to be somewhere above her head. It was during then she felt one of her ears missing. She didn’t even notice him going for her ear. He probably left some scarring there too. Idiot. The pain was going to get her butt as soon as the adrenaline wears off but what matters is who her next victim was. She hadn’t forgotten about Rosehawk yet.

[ @isla | Rosehawk mention, no need to reply if you don't want to ]
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Last edited by Minkuu; July 5th, 2024 at 11:56 PM.
Old July 6th, 2024, 12:17 AM
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RiverClan Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]


Rosehawk's ears flattened against her head, ice-blue eyes widening as she witnessed the death of her Clanmate at Shiira's claws.

The RiverClanner's neck and shoulder fur bristled, her tail bushing up. The she-cat flexed her claws, letting them scrape the stone beneath her. Rosehawk's gaze flicked over to her opponent.

''You..'' The warrior's lips curled back in a snarl. ''You...You monster!'' She hissed.


Rosehawk has rolled an exact 100!

Without a second thought, Rosehawk lunged for Shiira, grabbing the Atari she-cat by the scruff. The RiverClanner shook her opponent in between her jaws before throwing her on the ground.

An irritated hiss left Rosehawk's maw as she glared daggers at her attacker through ice-blue eyes.

''I swear by StarClan that I am going to tear you to shreds, kill you, and throw your body down the nearest gorge that I can find.''

The she-cat lashed out with a forepaw, letting her claws open a deep wound on Shiira's chest. She did the same for the Atari Claw's shoulders and flanks. Rosehawk circled her opponent, tail lashing. She nicked Shiira's ear, tearing the tip off.

The RiverClanner then grabbed Shiira again and threw her over her back, letting the Atari Claw slam into the ground behind her. Rosehawk turned and raced over to her attacker, pinning her to the ground with a forepaw on their head and the other on their hind quarters.

She leaned down and hissed in Shiira's ear. ''I want you to run. I want you to run, and never to return. The moment I see your pelt again, I will not have mercy on you. Consider yourself lucky you met with me instead of Dusklion or Fadingstar, because they would have for sure killed you.''

Rosehawk raked the Atari she-cat's flank once more. ''Get out of here, and do not return unless you wish to die.''

The warrior glared after Shiira. She would've killed her - would've killed her if the warrior code didn't say that true warriors didn't kill to win their battles.

[ the warrior code ruins everything lol. ]

{ @Minkuu
@Luminous - just in case you want Saturn to see and be the next cat Rosy fights.
@occultation - I'm making it where they're fighting beside fading and Saturn xD }

Foxglovestar is BerryClan's current Leader. She has an open den policy.

Larkswoop is a ThunderClan Warrior. If she is needed, mention me.

Last edited by isla; July 6th, 2024 at 12:32 AM.
Old July 6th, 2024, 12:33 AM
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Default Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]

[ Sincerely apologize for this, but something has come up regarding the Atari, RiverClan, and this plot. While it is being worked out, I ask that you please pause your roleplays in this thread. Thank you! ]

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Old July 6th, 2024, 01:31 AM
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Default Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]

Originally Posted by poppy View Post

Birdsnow let out a deep chested snarl as a cat lunged at her, attempting to slash her claws at the other mollys side as she twisted back to avoid getting absolutely bodied.
Btw, star is a really good fighter, but has no purrks.
¨Dont pretend the past never happened, Lionblaze. Its like my shadow. Always following me¨ Hollyleaf in The Last Hope
Mangroveheart is Rootclan's medicine cat! Find her here!https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums...33#post1593933
VM me to become a BeAn.

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Old July 6th, 2024, 07:04 AM
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Default Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]

Originally Posted by Goopysharkboi View Post
Grimpaw, who had been trying to locate Moopaw, let out a startled yell as a massive tom tried to ram him. "OY! IM LIKE HALF YOUR SIZE MATE! BUZZ OFF! IM TRYING TO FIND MY FRIEND AND SHE'S PROBABLY GOTTEN HERSELF INTO A SITUATION! I KNOW MY SKELETAL PELT MAKES YOU THINK I'M WORTH FIGHTING BUT PLEASE! I'VE GOT A WOUND I'M RECOVERING FROM RIGHT NOW!" He snapped at the massive tom after dodging with swift speed.
Originally Posted by squidz View Post


lithe, stone-gray tabby tom with deep bluish eyes; one side blinded with a scar

[ small mountain group | ex-atari, ex-claw of the crown | stoic, wise, cautious ]

Hawkeye's brows raised in alarm. So, these cats really were holding to their bold claims. They truly were insisting on taking a piece of the Atari's territory... and expecting a peaceful resolution out of it. He could almost snort with amusement.

His heart stopped for a moment when he saw Saturn catch his eye. His fur bristled, staring back coldly at her, raising himself to his paws. His own kin... the leader of the group that'd been killing all of his friends. Someone he would've been leading many moons ago, had he not been exiled.

He'd been seemingly hiding against the rock, blending in with his fur; but now he stood tall, letting her see the allegiance to this emboldened Clan. What else did he have to lose? He'd been hunted by the Atari since the day he was exiled; if siding with these feather-brains was to be his downfall, at least he'd go down fighting. And not have to watch the rest of his dwindling group die one by one.

Brave, bold... and stupid.

He echoed the words in his head as the fight rang out, seeing Saturn's wordless signal for attack. At first, Hawkeye hung at the outskirts, hesitating. Did he want more Atari blood on his claws? In a way, yes. They'd been relentlessly hunting his small group, tearing them to pieces. But what was the point? Could this new 'Clan', whoever they were, truly be able to stand against the formidable force of his former family?

Hawkeye's lips drew back in a snarl, his resolve hardening. As cautious as he was, battle was never a time for hesitation. He'd grown to know that much in his long years. And if this were to be it... just as he thought before, he'd much rather go down fighting.

He saw some hefty cat bursting through the sea of fighting cats, declaring something in the third-person. Hawkeye snorted with dry amusement, already wanting to humble this bumbling oaf. He was larger than him, but... what Hawkeye lacked in brute force and strength, he made up for in quick, agile movements. Perhaps he would still be able to best a younger cat after all, if his experience held through.

Hoping to get the drop on Skirmish, Hawkeye leapt down from his perch, attempting to go unseen until he landed — but the Atari tom had turned to him at the last second, barreling into Hawkeye's lithe form. Letting out a hiss of frustration, the gray tom scrambled to his paws, his one-seeing eye blazing in bluish-purple fire. Perhaps Skirmish would see the old, pink scar on his shoulder that spoke of his previous role as a Claw of the Crown, many moons ago. Hawkeye seemed to pause for a moment of this recognition, letting it settle in; Skirmish wouldn't know, but there was a tale of betrayal behind that scar, one that Hawkeye paid for everyday despite being innocent. One that had him fighting agains the Atari for his entire life since... and looks like it would continue today.

Then he lunged towards Skirmish, his curved claws stretching out as he attempted to land a flurry of vicious swipes at the tom's face. Whether successful or not, he'd quickly leap back, trying to use his agility to avoid whatever counterattack this cat may have.

[ @Luminous - Saturn mention hehe | @Fritter - hi friend!! perms to give light/average wounds and some scarring. no permanent or life-altering injuries, as hawk is already blind in one eye and i need him alive and well enough for the other battles and to be able to walk after this xD but other than that go off! ]

The Atari / No Purrks /34 moons/ he-him

Skirmish felt his body smash against someone else’s as his paws barrelled and beat against the ground, the scent of blood flared up all around him but from the lack of claws against his fur he knew it wasn’t his. Someone shouted right in his ear as a shape flicked out of his way and to the side, a blurr that caused him to briefly pause his powerful body-wrecker (but not his body) of a movement. They yipped on about some moon paw, shouting in his ears was not appreciated, not at all. With a flash of his teeth as the weaker cat openly stated their own weak point he attempted to clamp his jaws down on said wound if he could locate it, even if he missed the snap he still barreled on past them. A quick snap would surely shut up their pathetic yowling. Skirmish knew that he would come off as someone whose “stupid and a big dog-brain” as he could recall the exact words, but honestly he was so far from dog-brained that it was a fright for others to see a horrific tactical thinking wall barge straight into them so they concluded that he must have the flaw most larger cats do out of sheer fear and desperation. His violent thoughts were nothing more than a burdening fuel for his rage and actions. Tearing through flesh, feeling the way that blood- warm and flowing like a river- would soon be raining itself against his claws all these thoughts made his whiskers quiver in anticipation.

When his ram finally slammed into another cat it was one that was particularly grey, and his eyes skittered over their appearance as it was made clear this would be the target of his attacks as of now. When skirmish battled he looked for old-wounds or weak-points amongst a cat, something that snapping his jaws n’ claws on would instantly throw the fight to his advantage. One pause from the grey cat allowed Skirmish his own moment to eye the scar on the cats shoulder, something he knew he’d seen on cats in the Atari. High ranking cats in the Atari. Oh no- was he fighting someone on his side? They didn’t smell like his side… his mind failed to retrieve the information on which side this cat was from, and such forced him into a freeze. Freezing like a scared goat was something that Skirmish hated and yet when he felt overwhelmed and confused the indecision took control and pressed a big red button that said “freeze time!!” forcing him to look foolish in both battle and day to day life. His freeze popped as pain rippled across his face in streams, letting out a sharp hiss he snarled, nose wrinkling as fury bubbled and snaked itself into his every movement. If seeing red was possible Skirmish would be blinded by it. Blood scent coated his nose as the swipes set in a pulsing agony of pain, his own blood shedded when he hadn’t even landed the first hit.. Skirmish let out a hiss and drew up his strength parting his jaws and in an attempt to hinder this cat tried slammed his teeth straight into the shoulder-scar. Even if he missed the scar itself, if he managed the bite he’d still be biting into somewhere that could be extremely painful (and dangerously close to the throat). He watched the grey-cat leap backwards after the strike in an attempt to dodge but Skirmish wasn’t a cat stuck in one place, in reaction he additionally leapt forward.

[Got a bit confused with two cats at once so skirmish may focus on Hawk-eye instead of GrimPaw! Hope that’s alright with you! In terms of the bite and continue that skirmish attempted it was more of a reaction to the shouting!
And for skirmish’s permissions he’s perfectly fine with having some scars and attacks, but no blinding ir breaking of bones pretty please! ]

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Last edited by Fritter; July 6th, 2024 at 07:05 AM.
Old July 6th, 2024, 09:26 AM
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Default Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]

Originally Posted by chickadee View Post
29 Moons || RiverClan Lionheart || He/Him
Beefed Up Tier 1 || . . .
The Paladin
. . .

And so it began.

His blue eyes were trained on the Atari leader (at least, he was pretty sure that was what Dusklion had called them) as they flicked their tail. It was a blink and you miss it moment, as all the Atari seemed to spring straight into action. Riverclan followed and fights began to break out everywhere around him. Cats were yowling and shouting and the sounds of the rocky terrain flooded his ears.

He grimaced. He really, really didn’t want to fight, but in the moment all he could think of was the raid, and how many warriors and especially apprentices were lost. His morals didn’t matter in the moment. Only defending and protecting his Clanmates.

[bearsnout rolled an 8!]

Bearsnout charged in the battle as fast as he could carry his large body would carry him, attempting to be mindful of the rocks beneath him as he found his target. He swung one of his large paws at his opponent, but missed, slamming it right into the ground instead. Damn this rough mountain terrain. He was lucky he didn’t slice his pad.

. . .
@Shade. - Locke
The stunningly beautiful Atari Claw made a very not beautiful face of panic and let out a half-squeak, half-honk of shock as they got jumped randomly by whoever this was. Thankfully their opponent missed. Locke took the opportunity to move sideways and try to bite into the other's shoulder, ther indignation at being invaded and almost smacked in the face fueling their attack.
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