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Old July 2nd, 2024, 03:55 PM
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Default Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]

Male / Claw / 33 Moons / Atari / Cousin to the Crown
white fur with fiery red patches on legs and head, accented by tabby stripes, icy blue eyes–side of his face around his mouth was torn, revealing his back teeth through rotted flesh—often wears a coyote skull over his face
Purrks: None
Interaction For: @Luminous

He walked somewhat close to his cousin as she called for the Atari, soon seeing the cats, disdain filled his eyes and he let out a small group. “Here we go again. Who the hell do they think they are?” He snarled to Saturn, scoffing a bit as his eyes narrowed on easier targets, before spotting a familiar cat. He flicked his tail towards Clover. “Saturn. There’s a traitor here.” He said in a low voice. He was the one that figured out that Clover was having an outsider affair. Then he left to try and kill the Atari. But hell—Ares thought he died. What was this?

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Old July 2nd, 2024, 04:08 PM
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Default Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]

Female / Trapper / 25 Moons / Atari
medium fur-length she-cat with messy dark gray fur and ice blue eyes. She has a thin build, being rather short.
Purrks: None
Interaction For: @burntToast (sorry for the unplanned rp. You can totally ignore this-)

She, for the first time in forever, felt nervous. Not because she was afraid of fighting or anything—she loved it. It was because of her stupid weak leg that wouldn’t go away. Ever since she injured it a few moons ago, it hasn’t been the same. She tried to hide it, but the more she walked normally the more it hurt.

She went to one of the few cats she actually sought comfort in. Nyx. Now—she was nervous, especially not wanting to interrupt her and the Crown speaking. She slowly and carefully creeped up, walking closer to Nyx where she could be noticeable, but not a disturbance. She tried to look stronger, especially around the Crown, as her small size could be embarrassing to her at times. She—hoping Nyx would notice her—gave a slight, pleading look.


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Old July 2nd, 2024, 04:11 PM
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Default Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]

Male / 36 Moons / Outsider Group
white and brown spotted tom with bright green eyes and plenty of scars, recent and old
Purrks: None
Interaction For: @taillow (for dusk mention)

He was ready to live—giving up the little faith he had in this clan now. “Whatever. Think what you will. I hope you all learn. And learn fast.” He narrowed his eyes a bit at Dusk’Lion. He said what he said harsher, but it oddly didn’t sound like a threat. It wasn’t meant too.

He had turned around, ready to make his leave when he scented them, and heard that evil, horrible voice of Saturn, his ears now against his head completely. “This ought to be interesting…” he mumbled, glaring at the Atari.

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Old July 2nd, 2024, 04:51 PM
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Default Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Brokenstream | 21 MOONS | HE/HIM ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
sleek golden bengal tom with light green eyes, jet black ears & back legs
header by @/Marigoldwhisper


Brokenstream's ears twitched uneasily as he followed his Clan to face the Atari. Their leader didn't seem to pleased to see the Clan cats there. Were they going to be driven out of their home twice? The bengal tom flexed his claws into the dirt, settling down into a crouch with his ears flattened as he waited for Fadingstar to respond to the Crown. In the meantime, his eyes were caught on his Clanmate, a large grey tabby who looked ready to take on the world.

Brokenstream shuddered. Though healed, he felt as though his wounds still stung from the previous battle. Were they really to fight again so soon? Shaking his head as if to dismiss his misgivings, the warrior slunk over to Beastflame, bowing his head respectfully to the more experienced warrior before speaking. "Hello, my name is Brokenstream." He introduced himself first before his green eyes cast a glance back at Fadingstar and the clearly agitated Atari. "What do you think Fadingstar will call to do?" He dared to ask quietly, turning his head to face Beastflame, but keeping his ears slightly swiveled towards their leader.

[ sorry for short starter ! hope this is okay <3 | @ophelia ]


pixelgifs by @/SnowheartTC

Last edited by JellyCat; July 2nd, 2024 at 05:35 PM.
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Old July 2nd, 2024, 05:13 PM
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Default Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]

Originally Posted by squidz View Post

very large, muscular, & scarred light brown tabby tom with stark blue eyes and a torn ear; beefed up tier 2 | just a scratch

[ riverclan warrior | tomcat | 51 moons | gruff & battle-hardened, yet thoughtful; loyal to a fault ]

Stagheart had stepped forward, willing to pad into the border with Fadingstar, but two cats had already volunteered. He settled back down on his paws, claws scraping the cold stone beneath them as his blue gaze surveyed the terrain. These mountains were... harsh. Cold. They were certainly out of their element. Would an attack on mountain cats who'd lived here for StarClan-knows-how-long really be the best idea?

Then again... sending a message could be preventive. Scaring off the threat before it even had a chance to get the drop on them. It could be smart... or foolish. Guess that verdict just depended on if it worked or not.

Fadingstar's decision hadn't seemed too rash — just strong, blunt, to the point. He could respect that, even as his paw pads pricked with wariness at the idea of being the ones to instigate battle.

The large tom sniffed before padding over to Bearsnout, another bulky warrior whose opinion he had grown to appreciate. Settling down beside him, Stagheart let a few moments pass before he spoke.

"...You think this is right?" He asked lowly, keeping his voice quiet so just the Lionheart could hear.

[ @chickadee - Bearsnout ]


small & nimble dark brown she-cat with darker flecks and light, leafy-green eyes | the collector

[ riverclan mc apprentice | she-cat | 9 moons | timid, kind, hardworking ]

Berrypaw's brow creased with worry, shooting her mentor a worried glance as she padded away with the group. They were going off to battle these mountain cats? So soon? Her heart tugged with a pang of fear. She slunk back towards the herbs, murmuring something to herself in an incoherent babble as she began shuffling around, organizing the herbs. She hadn't really heard Cobwebfern approach at first, lost in thought as she worried over their meager supply.

Stars... we barely got everyone treated in the last battle. Now there might be more? There's hardly any herbs up here! What do I do, whatdoidowhatdoido...

Worry swirled in her head and she found herself quiet, unaware of her friend's approach. She glanced up at Willowtail, momentarily broken from her stupor and letting out a sigh.

"I... I don't think so. Cobwebfern will be here, too," she mewed, her voice a bit shaky as she dwelled on what to do. But she didn't want her adoptive sister to worry on her own behalf, placing her tail briefly on Willowtail's shoulder. "You should go fight... in case they need you. But be careful, okay?"

As soon as Willowtail would (potentially) walk away, Berrypaw lowered her head again, mumbling to herself and oblivious at first to Cobwebfern's presence due to the noise in her head.

[ @finley !! - Cobwebfern | @SeonghwaBerry - Willowtail ]
Willowtail looked at Berrypaw, hearing the quiver in her tone and nodding sympathetically. Touching her muzzle wordlessly to Berrypaw's muzzle she purred. "It'll be fine. me and Stagheart will be fine. Were strong, were Riverclan." Willowtail attempted to reassure gently. Accepting the touch on her shoulder with a gentle smile, Willowtail flicked her ears in goodbye. "See you after." She purred softly.

Seeing Stagheart, Willowtail padded to him, just in time to overhear his worries. Freezing in place she let out a small mew to announce her presence. Her eyes worried as she'd clearly heard his worries and her body rigid.

"If this moment is our wave. Dont' be afraid, face it with more strength"
lio lurked here
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I love Seonghwa to Mars and back. I love his smile, his laugh, his amazing genderless, sleek style. I love everything about this man and nobody can change my mind. Park Seonghwa my joy I love you <3
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Old July 2nd, 2024, 05:24 PM
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Default Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]

15 moons | she/her | Claws
maine coon with brown fur and white freckles everywhere
I'll let the world burn
I'll let the world burn for you

Pondfreckle looked around, still mad as she could be. then she saw rattler, the
cat who she met in the Atari territory. She was going to go over to him and say

She trotted over to rattler.
"Hey guess who got in the Atari big guy?"
she said with a smirk.

-imagine I get some flirty action in here omg-

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Old July 2nd, 2024, 05:40 PM
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Default Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]

35 Moons



He really couldn't wait to-
What the-
He stared at Pondfreckle for a moment.

Rattler was surprised, to say the least.
She hadn't seemed like mountain-cat material to him, you could say.
"Congrats, I guess." He said "Must be rough immediately being thrown into battle after joining."
So, since she was Atari now, he would do what he always does.
Seem friendly.


Witheredstar is the current leader of SunClan, she has an open den policy!
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Old July 2nd, 2024, 05:47 PM
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Default Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]

15 moons | she/her | Claws
Maine coon, brown with white freckles all over
I'll let the world burn
I'll let the world burn for you

Pondfreckle walked beside rattler as they got to the riverclan boundary.

"Y'know these damn clan cats don't know what the hell they are doing."
she said as she let out a low growl.


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Old July 2nd, 2024, 06:00 PM
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Default Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]

35 Moons



What an odd term.

"Clan cats?" Rattler chimed curiously "Can't say I've ever heard of 'em."
He flicked his tail.
Speaking of which, there was the group.
Just standing there.

How interesting!


Witheredstar is the current leader of SunClan, she has an open den policy!
Join SunClan!
Rapid Recovery-Raccoonsun(RiverClan)
Silver Tongue-Whitekit(ThunderClan)
Chill of Death-Leopardpaw(WindClan)
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Old July 2nd, 2024, 06:17 PM
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Default Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]

She/Her | Purrk(s): Just A Scratch

Normal everyday clearing stuff. Talking, running around, yowling, Fadingstar - yikes, she couldn't even think of his name without wincing as it brought up memories of having to hurt Dusklion and Antlerbranch... all because her heart had chosen a tom that was well and truly out of reach. Wait, rewind a teeny tiny bit... yowling???

Gold-flecked blue eyes clearing with a little clarity, Wisteriawren raised her head.

'Warriors and battle-trained apprentices who are healthy enough to fight, follow me.'

She was one of those, but didn't have the necessary requirements to accompany the group. Fighting..? RiverClan was fighting... again? But she couldn't go. She had to stay behind and watch as the cats she loved marched straight into something unknown. Were they really that fearless? All Wisteriawren, all Melody ever felt was fear. She wished so hard to belong here, but she didn't... all she'd seemed to bring with her was bad luck.

Her heart shrank, hurting as if someone had wrapped their claws around it and squeezed. Wide eyes locked onto Dusklion and Fadingstar as they left camp; her former best friend and the cat she was hopelessly in love with. She wanted to go to them, to wish them good luck, to bid them farewell, to make them promise that they'd come back home safe and alive and unhurt.

But her self-doubt worked wonders against her, it seemed. They'd already gone by the time she'd risen to her paws, leaving Wisteriawren bereft, expression rife with longing. She'd never felt more an outsider than in that moment.

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