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: Mistlewhisker
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: Fadingstar
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Old June 25th, 2024, 06:30 PM
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Default Re: Fadingstar's Den (Only open to RiverClan cats)

Originally Posted by taillow View Post
she/her | riverclan deputy | 29 moons
Her ears perked up as her brother reacted to the news of another group in the mountains. Leaving them alone was an interesting choice, but one that Dusklion could get behind. The Clan was in no state to be picking fights with anyone, and it was clear by the scent markers that whoever this group was had settled down first. She was curious about them, sure, but the deputy wasn't going to go around and stick her nose into places, especially when she was still trying to get in her Clan's good graces.

His sigh stopped her muttering, and she looked up. Something about it seemed... "...No, that's it." Outside of that discovery the patrol she had been on hadn't discovered anything else report-worthy. For a moment she stared at her brother, whiskers twitching as she thought about telling him. Stars, she just wanted to spill everything. She wanted to break down and sob to him, and cry about how unfair it was that Wisteriawren liked someone else. She wanted her brother to be there and comfort her.

...But she thought back to his sigh, and instead swallowed the words. With another nod and no other words, the deputy turned back towards the entrance and left her brother's den.

[ Fadingstar - @occultation ]

Mind Reader activated

Something about the way that Dusklion hesitated, the way that she answered him, had his eyes narrowing. Something really was bothering her- and it had to be something that was affecting her deeply. If it had anything to do with troublesome Clanmates or the new group she'd discovered, she would've come out and said it.

So, as she left his den, he followed.

"Stop," he said, his voice coming out stronger than he'd anticipated. "I don't believe you. There's something else that's on your mind, and I want to know it. Not as your leader, but as your brother. You don't keep things to yourself unless they're really bothering you, or you don't think it's important. If it wasn't important, you wouldn't be muttering to yourself. So out with it."

Originally Posted by Bean View Post
He/Him - 18 Moons - RiverClan Warrior [Formerly ThC]
Purrks: Ultimate Predator
A large russet tom with green eyes

The large russet tom nodded as his leader responded. The large tom squeezed his way into the den, green eyes lay on his new leader. "I'm going to start this off by saying I am loyal to RiverClan and RiverClan only. ThunderClan has had many wrongs, and have proved during the battle they are a bunch of rat-hearts. I will say I did get in a fight with one of your wa- our clanmate. Don't worry, I didn't injure him too badly, but he gave me this," he said calmly, pointing to the scar on his face. "I was tasked with destroying dens. If i didn't follow Bumblestar's command, she would have my head. So, with that out of the way, I have a few things I would like to say," Russethowl said, seating himself.

"Firstly, I know that I will not immediately be accepted as a clanmate, and I am going to work three times as hard to prove myself. Give me every task from hunting to cleaning the elders den - I want to do everything. And that is not a joke. If you wish, You can demote me to an apprentice and have me do my training again. I am sure there are a few things that a RiverClanner does differently then a ThunderClanner. I'm willing to do whatever it takes," he said, his face revealing no thoughts.

"Secondly, I have information about ThunderClan if you wish to know. I learned information about other clans can be valuable when planning for attacks and whatnot. I lived in ThunderClan my entire life until a few sunrises ago - when you allowed me to join RiverClan due to me and the other cats saving you and that kit from a fox. So if you ever want information about ThunderClan, I'm your guy." After that, the tom felt more confident that he could fit in here.

"Thirdly, and I apologize if it is none of my business, but I was wondering about the accusations against the clan. Killing the WindClan deputy, torturing an apprentice, and what the hell is with all of your high ranks evaporating into thin air? It seems with the last few gatherings I attended, you had a new leader. I know Larkstar, mainly from your announcement of her return. I wish to know the reason behind these, and possibly lend a paw if there is anything you need help with. It did seem odd to the former ThunderClanner. Piratically having a new leader every moon seemed odd.

[ @occultation ]

Although Fadingstar personally didn't have any significant doubts over Russethowl's loyalty to his new Clan, it was nice to hear him officially renounce his former Clan. It took guts to do something like that, and to do it nobly (unlike Rookpaw...).

He was right that it would take the Clan time to accept him and trust that he was genuine in his intent to be a loyal RiverClan warrior. Fadingstar had no reason to doubt him, but everyone else surely did. His ears perked at the offer for information about ThunderClan; he hadn't really thought too much about it, but that could prove useful. He made a mental note to get Dusklion, him, and Russethowl together later so they could discuss the tom's knowledge.

As for training, the only thing he needed to do was learn how to swim, and that didn't require taking on an apprentice name.

"I appreciate the effort to declare your loyalty to RiverClan. You're right that your new Clanmates are going to take time to warm up to you, and I'm glad you've shown a willingness to do whatever you need to be accepted. I think you're going to be a great RiverClan warrior, Russethowl, and with time everyone else will do the same. Your decision to save Dovekit and I took guts, and I can admire you for that.

"I see no reason to put you back to an apprentice rank. The only thing you need to learn is how to swim, and fish I suppose, but those things can be learned once we're back in our old territory. Or, at least, somewhere where the river doesn't rage so intensely. For the time being, you can focus on being helpful for the Clan. Complete the patrols you've been assigned to, help defend us when the time inevitably comes, and see about helping the apprentices with their training. Those things will go a long way toward proving yourself. And I certainly will be seeking your knowledge about ThunderClan."

Originally Posted by Neptune. View Post

24 moons || she/her || RiverClan Warrior || Kitty Softpaws, Mind Reader, Beefed Up T2
scarred, scrawny dilute tortoiseshell; green eyes

Cream colored paws knead at the ground anxiously, the cat attached to them sits debating if this is truly the right course of action. She'd told him, when he allowed her and that kit... Dovekit... to return that she'd tell him everything that happened, but now that they finally had a... relatively quiet minute, familiar anxiety once again rears it's head and Lark finds herself stuck between action and inaction.

Assertiveness and taking initiative are not things that come naturally to her, and she'd had to work to implement them into her behavior during her time as leader - it always felt like a charade to her, though, and in some ways it was. The minute she was out of the clan, she essentially shifted back to the cat she'd been those precious four moons she'd been only a warrior. Heart pounding and ears ringing, Larkwing approaches the monster's den.

"Fadingsun," she calls out, voice barely reaching above a whisper before she clears her throat and tries again. "Fadingsun! If I could take a moment of your time? I'm ready to fill you in on my... circumstances... if you'll allow it..." She trails off at the end, swallowing around the nerves that suddenly bubble up again. It's just a conversation! She's never had problems having conversations before! Relax!

[ @occultation - fadingsun ]

Fadingstar wasn't used to Larkwing sounding so... reserved. He was used to the strong, albeit troubled, cat who had been in RiverClan before. Perhaps the outskirts had done quite the number on her. "Come on in, Larkwing, I'm free."

Originally Posted by Weekend-Wondering View Post

Male / About 5 Moons / RiverClan / Sexuality Unknown
Pale bluish gray tom with tufts on his ears and nose and sandy patches with bright/light gray eyes

O-Okay. I’ll swim the rivers, climb the mountains, reach the skies… yeah… but first I’ll have to learn to walk without falling on my face, I think,

TW: This character experiences frequent attacks of nervousness, panic, anxiety, and similar emotions that may be triggering to some readers.


It was after the millions of awkward interactions Beachkit had suffered through during his very first few days as a member of RiverClan when he decided to put his problems into his own paws and gain some control. Beachkit, the socially-troubled and anxious Beachkit, was going to try and speak with the leader of the Land of the Rivers himself, and even about something as stupid as the issue with Seabreeze. Beachkit could feel reluctance trying to drag him backward by his aching paws as he slumped on over in the direction of Fadingstar’s den, gray eyes locked on the ground and ears lying flattened against the top of his head. He had gone over the idea of doing this over and over again, back and forth thinking to himself about its benefits and that slight harm that could be done, the constant debate as to whether or not somebody as insignificant as himself should even visit Fadingstar whatsoever. Beachkit expected RiverClan’s leader to be awfully busy most of the time, and chances were, today would be no exception. Even still, somewhere along the line, Beachkit had managed to locate the courage to ask for an explanation, despite the possibility that he would only leave the leader bothered and frustrated with his visit.

The idea that he was just coughing up his own anxieties and traumas onto some random dude that he barely knew the face of (or trusted, for the matter) was still at the front of Beachkit’s mind as he padded slowly and quietly to the leader’s den entrance, sending his heart whizzing around in his chest. Surely it couldn’t be too much of a disaster if they just exchanged a few words? And who knew, if Fadingstar was anything like Owltalon, maybe he would even make an effort to be kind to Beachkit. In return, Beachkit promised himself that he would stay as serious and… well, not nervous (good luck, kid) as he possibly could during their interaction. Less stuttering, less stammering, less shivering, and most importantly, no freaking tears, and maybe he would be just fine. He had already managed to almost cry in front of several cats already, just in the brief amount of time he had been with RiverClan so far- Seabreeze (of course), Sorrel/Sorrelkit, Dusklion, Owltalon, and chances were, so,embody else had caught sight of him tearing up at some point or another. The waterworks came to Beachkit naturally, but during this tiny conversation, he swore to himself that they wouldn’t come running down his face. Not even a drop, He added to himself, a bit hesitantly. N-not. A. Single. Drop.

Upon reaching the entrance to Fadingstar’s den, Beachkit came to a halt, heart rate picking up all over again. The overthinking came back to bite him, and eventually, Beachkit found himself considering giving up and leaving this be all together. But he was truly, terribly, awfully desperate for some answers- no, not even answers, just… a messenger, maybe? Some advice would be nice, but the gray and sandy patched tom-kit had absolutely no interest in prying his new leader for information, especially information that might not even be useful to either of them, ever. But it was all worth a try. Worst comes to worst, Fadingstar gets annoyed with Beachkit’s existence and kicks him out of his den. But Beachkit had enough common sense to see the lack of realism in that sort of situation. So when he called out to the leader, accidentally leaving his voice as frail and trembly as it always was, he stayed hopeful. “H-Hey, um… sir, hi… can I come in?” When Beachkit stepped in, heart continuing to beat like mad and paws shaking nervously, he stared down at the ground, avoiding eye contact. “Th-this shouldn’t t-take long… so uh… it’s about my brother, he’s a L-Lionheart, so… you might know… a thing… or two…?

Beachkit grunted and cleared his voice, tail swishing to hide between his legs, ears staying flat. Of course he was nervous. But what was the point in dwelling on it? He had some chatting- well, talking- to do. “Th-this outta be q-quick. I… don’t wanna waste your time.Watch me as I waste his time- This intrusive thought crossed Beachkit’s mind, but he shooed it off before he could hesitate any longer. He picked back up as quickly as he could. “S-so… Seabreeze, uh… I kinda sorta c-came to this clan partially for h-him… um… I mean, don’t get me wrong, I l-love it here without him, but… without him. That’s the th-thing. You know the guy b-better than m-me, so… I thought I’d ask if y-you have any… advice…?” He drew out that last word, and then cringed at the sound of it. “I just wanna know about his personality, that’s all. Just… for some… clarity. Th-this is… um… this is selfish, I’m s-sorry… I don’t blame Seabreeze, I’m sure he’s a r-really good, really l-loyal Lionheart… but… I just want to know if you have any idea about h-how he acts, h-how he… is…” Beachkit took a small breath, and added, “I want to know if he hates me. There.” Then he finished it off with the slight curl of his lip, mumbling just loud enough to be heard, “B-because if he does, he’s m-making it r-really obvious. He isn’t hiding it very well.


~ @occultation (Fadingstar) ~

As Fadingstar was lying in his nest contemplating things, Beachkit appeared. The leader didn't have time to get a greeting in before the young scrap started rambling off why he was there. Something about Seabreeze, and wanting to know more about him... and thinking the Lionheart hated him?

Fadingstar rose to a sitting position, trying to cast as soft of a gaze as he could on the kit. Him and his littermate had only recently joined RiverClan; all of this chaos and danger had to be quite stressful for them. It was relatively recent news that they were Seabreeze's littermates; the news had to be even more shocking to the Lionheart than it was to the leader.

"Seabreeze? Well, first thing, I can say with pretty much absolute certainty that he doesn't hate you. He's probably just stressed right now with everything that's happened. It's hard being a Lionheart, especially right now. A lot is expected of the Lionheart team. So if he's been short with you or distant, don't take it personally. He's a hard-working, dedicated cat, if a little self-doubting and sensitive at times. I've never regretted my decision to have him on the Lionheart team."

Originally Posted by Blazimations View Post

♤ Goldfish ♤
♤The Ace of Spades♤
Go With The Flow | Agatha Kitty | Primal Instincts [Climbing]


Goldfish winced slightly as Fadingsun's hackles rose for a brief moment. A reaction to be expected, but she didn't appreciate it either way. She didn't want this conversation to be nasty.the Ace of Spades bit her lip before hesitantly beginning. "I can't help but feel responsible for her actions. It was cruel, brutal, and downright treasonous what she's done to you. To this Clan. ...to me." Her voice grew quiet at the last part, and her eyes Scorched with too many emotions to handle as she fought to stay relaxed. "And there's nothing in this whole damn world that could cause me to rebuild what I had with her previously. She's hit me hard and cut me deeper than anycat I've ever known. And I want you to know I'm trying so damn hard to show this world I never cared, to show this Clan I'm loyal. To show this Clan how far I'll go to prove what I can do." Her voice cracked, but she covered it with frustration.

To prove that she is nothing to me. That I'm loyal, that I'm capable. I'm ambitious. I won't hide it. I want to be something more one day. And I'll keep working toward it till I drop dead. I just want you to know that i'd slaughter her again and again if given the order." She dipped her head, unsure of what else to say. And unsure if shed actually slaughter Minks. But she was so desperate to prove her loyalty she didn't care. "I just wanted you to know that. She means nothing to me anymore. Whatever we had in the past is gone. She's not who she used to be." The Ace of Spades' eyes were like golden fire, scorching with honest desire. "I guess I just needed to say that... whether you already think I'm loyal or not. I'll do anything and everything to prove my loyalty to you... this Clan. And to prove my disloyalty to that fleabag." Her internal war hated calling Minks that, but her loyalty shouldered that into the deepest void in her mind. Minks was gone. She had to accept it. She did accept it. It would just take time for her to adjust to it.

Fadingstar was on edge initially as Goldfish began speaking of Rookpaw. He wasn't exactly sure what angle she was going to take; the two of them had been close while she'd still been in RiverClan, so was she going to try to chastise him for beating her up?

Thankfully, that wasn't the case. Instead, rather surprisingly, she let loose a fierce condemnation of the ShadowClan apprentice, and a pledge to always put her loyalty to RiverClan above her past with Rookpaw.

He blinked a couple times as she finished her speech, initially unsure on how he should respond. Should he try to comfort her? What could he possibly say? "Oh, I'm sorry your friend turned into a monster?

Anything potentially calming he could say was either awkward or pointless. So, he decided to go for the more honest, practical route.

"You don't need to pledge your loyalty to me. You haven't done anything to warrant my suspicion. The fact that you're standing here condemning Rookpaw instead of trying to soften her actions is proof that your head - and heart - are in the right place. Rookpaw lost her way somehow; whether she always had a black heart inside or ShadowClan made her that way, I'm unsure. It doesn't matter, really. She's chosen her path, and a child is dead because of it."

He paused for a moment to swallow back the angry bile rising in his throat. "As much as I couldn't care less about what happens to Rookpaw, I understand that you might find it hard to fight her, or kill her as you promise you will. Even if you don't think so, killing someone you once called a friend... it isn't as easy as killing a random enemy. That being said, you might have to fight her one day to protect your Clan. I trust that you'll do the right thing."
Fadingstar is currently RiverClan's leader. He has an open den policy; his den can be found here. If you have any questions or concerns about RiverClan, or any plots to propose, feel free to leave me a VM or DM! Please do not take my characters' IC opinions as reflective of my own.
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Old June 26th, 2024, 01:30 PM
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Default Re: Fadingstar's Den (Only open to RiverClan cats)

24 moons || she/her || RiverClan Warrior || Kitty Softpaws, Mind Reader, Beefed Up T2
scarred, scrawny dilute tortoiseshell; green eyes

Breathe in, breathe out, close your eyes for one... two... three... when you open them again, recenter yourself - focus on something in front of you, this will be your anchor. Scorchedhollow had taught this to her moons ago, when she found herself nervous at the prospect of an impending battle. The advice helped, but it's only now that Larkwing remembers it for some reason. If she'd remembered sooner... no, don't dwell on it. The past is the past and there's nothing to be done to change that. Her only present task is to share her story - as pathetic as it might be.

Brows set in determination, the small tortoiseshell pushes her way into Fadingstar's new den. At least there are no memories attached to this den, it's as unfamiliar to her as the faces around camp, as strange to her as her own reflection. That's one upside. Green eyes find green eyes for a breath before Lark looks away again, nodding in greeting to her leader.

"I won't waste time with pleasantries," she says, because she thinks it's what Fading would want to hear, "so I'll just start - thank you for hearing me out.

"I want to preface by saying I didn't run away, not at first, at least. I was having... a bad night,"
she closes her eyes, squeezing them shut to try and block out the countless staring eyes that suddenly blink into her view. Closing her eyes doesn't help, though, as much as she wants it to, just thinking of that night, the moons leading up to it or the moons following is enough to cause the return of the ceaselessly watching eyes. She clears her throat and opens her eyes once again, gaze focused on the ground beneath her paws because maybe, just maybe, that way it will be easier.

"I wanted to take a walk, maybe go swim in the river even though it was the dead of Leaf-Bare. I wasn't- I wasn't in the right state of mind, I probably shouldn't have left camp, at least not alone. Then there was the eyes, stars, the eyes,"

With difficulty, Lark raises her gaze once more, but she doesn't make eye contact with Fadingstar, rather she is focused on a point just beside his head, and her eyes are unfocused, seeing things that aren't really there yet unable to convince her mind of it. "I think I panicked," she continues unsteadily, "I just ran and didn't stop, they were chasing me, they're always chasing me, they still chase me. I slipped, fell into the river before I even realized it was in front of me. I think I hit my head. I don't- I don't remember pulling myself ashore, but when I did I wasn't in RiverClan territory.

"There was... a badger, I think I was in its territory. It gave me this,"
she gestures halfheartedly to the slash on her flank, "I gave it something to remember me by as well. And then I ran." She pauses. There's more to the story, of course, but she needs a minute to breathe, to figure out how exactly Fadingstar was taking the story, so she watches his expression, his body language, before finishing.

"I got lucky there was no infection, I might be dead if there was. But a loner found me - a barn cat who called himself Humphrey. He took care of me. I didn't mean to stay away so long, I had every intention of returning right away, but with my injury I couldn't make the trek back, and the longer I was away... the harder it was to come back." She trails off, voice growing quiet at the end. It's a poor excuse, one riddled in self doubt and unnecessary anxiety.

"I figured, towards the beginning, that maybe things would be better if I stayed away." Obviously, things had not gotten better, she sees that now, but she'd thought maybe... no. No, she really hadn't been thinking at all, the only thing on her mind had been preserving her own sorry pelt.

"Feel free to think what you will but that- that's what happened." Finally finished, a weight seems to have lifted itself off of the tortie's shoulders. All that's left now was Fadingstar's verdict. 'A deserter,' her traitorous mind hisses at her, 'he would be right to cast you out.' She doesn't want to listen to it, doesn't want to believe it, but part of her does.

[ @occultation - fading ]
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Old June 26th, 2024, 02:06 PM
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Default Re: Fadingstar's Den (Only open to RiverClan cats)

He/Him - 18 Moons - RiverClan Warrior [Formerly ThC]
Purrks: Ultimate Predator
A large russet tom with green eyes

Once his leader started talking, Russethowl remained perfectly silent. A small grin displayed on his maw as Fadingsun spoke about the large tom's willingness to prove his loyalty. And the leader also spoke of his decision to save them and the kit - Dovekit as they were named. Since Bumblestar rounded up the patrols for the battle, something felt off. It was just cruel to drive a clan out of their home. The large tom's anger still stood - what went through the leaders minds that night? What made all three leaders think that a clan could be driven out of their home. And from the stories the young warrior have heard, this wasn't the first time that RiverClan was driven out.

His whiskers twitched slightly once Fadingsun said that Russethowl wouldn't have to be given the rank of 'apprentice,' some part of him was relieved that he wouldn't have to be given the name of 'paw, but another part of him was frustrated. That probably alone could have allowed for cats to trust Russethowl. Nevertheless, the large russet cat stayed silent as Fadingsun spoke. The tom became more relieved once the leader said that Russethowl wouldn't need to learn how to fish or swim until they could find a place where the river didn't rage as intensely as the one the clan settled by. The last thing the leader said was about his offer on ThunderClan information.

Once Fadingsun finished speaking, Russethowl opened his maw to respond. "Thank you, Fadingsun. I want to prove my loyalty is more then I have for my birth clan - RiverClan is my home now. And when the battle was called, something was wrong, I could feel it. And it was cruel to watch a leader who couldn't see and a kit die to the claws of a fox, no cat deserves to die like that. Except for those who reside in the place of no stars. It was nothing, really. And I am extremely grateful for you taking me in. It means a lot. And I am glad I do not have to take on the name of Russetpaw, though some part of me wants it for whatever reason, Thank you. Believe me when I say I will be doing every task possible. Not only to prove my loyalty, but the clan just fought against three others and got driven out, rest is needed. So, It can also take care of the tasks that those who are unable to do so do not have to worry. I will also work on training some apprentices, I am skilled in hunting as well as fighting, and land hunting could be good knowledge with some prey. I will put out there that if you feel you trust me enough, I would like an apprentice or two of my own to train, as I have never had one either. Also, You can pull me aside whenever to talk about ThunderClan. My loyalty to those rats are gone, I don't care about any starsdamned thing that they wanted to keep away from the other clans. Should have thought about that before doing this," he stated, A snarl building up in his throat at the last part. "I do not have anything else to say on behalf of my part, is there anything else you wish to discuss with me?" he inquired. He didn't want to leave the leader if they had any questions or extra things to say.

[ @occultation ]
x ghostie is haunting this signature
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you see crude graffiti... it spells "velli wuz here"
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Old June 29th, 2024, 12:29 PM
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Default Re: Fadingstar's Den (Only open to RiverClan cats)

she/her | riverclan deputy | 29 moons
The harsh order barked from her brother's mouth made Dusklion flinch. Half because she hadn't been expecting it and half because she had told her mind it was okay to cry now that she was leaving. So when Dusklion turned back to face her brother there were fresh tears in her eyes. Her ears were flat back against her head and a scowl was on her face because she wanted to snap at him. Her instinct was to lash out so that no one, not even he, would see how hurt she was.

...But then her whiskers trembled and her tough-as-claws demeanor cracked, leaving the deputy deflating as her tail dropped to the ground. Her eyes found her paws as she tried to figure out the words that she could use to explain. It was important - to her at least. Although she wanted nothing more than for her brother to think it was important too, she was still stuck on the sigh. "...You know Wisteriawren, yeah?" Stupid question because of course he did. Still she didn't look up as her paws scuffed the ground and she took in a soft sigh, her tears falling and making the dusty ground damp below her. "I thought... we always would get along, 'n she gave me a wildflower before the journey, 'n she's always just so happy to see me. I got to show her the territory back home, 'n tell her stories about Lions that she loved. She would hug me, 'n say she enjoyed spendin' time with me, so I thought..." Swallowing the lump in her throat the deputy finally lifted her gaze to her brother's, their depths showing just how much her heart was breaking. "...I thought she liked me... y'know, like that, how I like her, so I asked her to go stargazin' 'n... 'n she told me she likes someone else..."

With it out now, Dusklion couldn't do anything to fight the way her body forced her to sit down, shoulders slumping. She shook her head and drew in a shaky breath, searching her brother's gaze as if searching for an anchor to keep her mind from floating off. "...I really liked her, Fades. Really... I thought maybe I could even... love her, but... but I'm just not good enough for her, apparently. There's... there's someone else..." Her voice was squeaky with emotion as the deputy lifted a paw to rub the back of her eyes. Stars she hated crying, scowling as she examined her now damp paw. "I really thought she liked me..."

[ Fadingstar - @occultation ]

dusklion is riverclan's deputy; if you need her, mention me!
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Last edited by taillow; June 29th, 2024 at 12:29 PM.
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Old June 29th, 2024, 12:55 PM
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Default Re: Fadingstar's Den (Only open to RiverClan cats)

she/her | riverclan deputy | 29 moons
Slowly but surely, despite the fresh pain of heartbreak, Dusklion was doing... okay. She had put her mind to training and had followed Skydust's scent out of camp - only to find his corpse. It had been shortly after that, and upon returning to camp, that she had come across Rosehawk returning. Both of these situations warranted a visit to her brother's den. With a huff she padded into it, an annoyed and tired expression already written across her face. "Got some stuff to report," she started, but instead of standing like she normally did the dark tabby sat down in a heap and shook her head, jaws parting in a yawn. Stars above, she was tired.

"First up Rosehawk is back. Seemes she got knocked out again. Sent her to Mists, but I wanna keep an eye on her. Can't imagine a cat can get knocked in the head that many times 'n not have anythin' wrong. But that's Mists domain, 'n Berries. So just figured we could both keep an eye on her in case." First report done, now onto the next as Dusklion rolled her shoulders back. "Also, Skydust's dead. Found him outside camp, tossed his body further down the mountain so it wouldn't attract predators." ...She wondered if this would piss her brother off or not, considering Skydust hadn't even been in the Clan a half-moon. Still though she stood and waited to see if there was anything he had to say about it.

[ Fadingstar - @occultation - apologies for the double post ]

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Old June 29th, 2024, 01:01 PM
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Default Re: Fadingstar's Den (Only open to RiverClan cats)


Duckpaw walked into the leader's den. She wanted to visit Mr fadingstar! she
liked him because he is nice -in her eyes- so she is coming to say hi and maybe
be told a story, if she doesn't get told a story, she will just talk to the leader!
She walked up to Mr fadingstar, head held up high confidently.
"Hi Mr. fadingstar! How are you? And do you have any stories to tell?
because I love stories! And I feel like you would have the best ones since
your leader!"
the sit said as she sat Infront of fadingstar.
-duckpaw just wanted to come in for no reason help-

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Old June 30th, 2024, 07:54 AM
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Default Re: Fadingstar's Den (Only open to RiverClan cats)

•| Aspenkit |•
he/him |5 moons | Riverclan kit
If you want to be strong, learn how to fight alone
{Silver tongue || inactive ||}
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Sleeping was difficult, it felt strange to be in a nest by himself. The cold breeze that somehow managed to blow into the den constantly reminded him of the absence of his mother's warmth. The relief that came with not hearing Shorecrest's name called amongst the other dead cats at the meeting had now vanished. Now he wished it were, it was better knowing she was dead instead of being unsure. Now this pesty thing called hope kept tugging at his heart and telling him she might still be alive, maybe she had survived the attack and just hadn't made it to the abandoned twoleg den in time and missed them or- she might have just died of her sounds on the way.

Giving up on the idea of sleep, aspenkit pushed himself out of his nest and crept out the nursery. He had been meaning to go and speak with his leader though he didn't have much to say and hadn't wanted to bother Fadingstar. However! Now he had nothing better to do and the initial reluctance fell away. He crossed the dark clearing making a beeline for the leaders den. If he had stopped to think first then maybe he would have realised that visiting Fadingstar's den so early in the morning would be more of a inconvenience then anything good to he leader. Peering into the den, he squinted trying to make out the shadow figure inside. "uh, hello?" he called. it was only after he had spoken that regret claw at his pelt. "sorry if I'm disturbing you" he added quickly. Not like it would help in anyway.

- Fadingstar ( @occultation )
═════════════ ⋆★⋆ ═════════════
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she has an open den policy || CotC den
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Last edited by burntToast; July 2nd, 2024 at 07:16 AM.
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Old July 2nd, 2024, 10:21 AM
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Default Re: Fadingstar's Den (Only open to RiverClan cats)

Mousekit quietly padded up to the big den entrance.
"Fadingstar," he meowed politely. "I have come to remind you that you are an amazing cat and if ever you need someone to listen to i am always available." He continued in the most wholesome way. "Also, I turn six moons in approximately 3 days. I will be on my best behaviour and try not to get into trouble. By the way, Mr. Crowglow is being a good guy and helping Skyfall with being a mentor- i think. Is guiding on what steps to take a good thing..?" The cat thought to himself for a few seconds. @occultation

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