A young 12-year-old named Whitney has a family that moves around a lot. She collects dolls from each place. Funny enough, they look so.. real.
Whitney is a brown boy-haired girl. She is average height with pale skin and pale light blue eyes. She often talks like an adult and uses old-fashioned terms like "oh goody!" and so on.
Nobody exactly knows where she's from, however...
Whitney collects dolls everywhere she moves, and.. She makes friends there, eagerly has sleepovers at only her home. She plays a "game" called forever candy where you choose one candy to eat for the rest of your life. she uses her "friend"ls answers and, she turns them into dolls at the second sleepover they have, just recently after telling them she has to move again. Then she "feeds" the dolls the candy they chose.
The dolls always try to warn Whitney's victims with telepathy, but they don't always listen..
For the new book-based plot, this takes place after the original book's epilogue. This is after Whitney turns Shelly to a doll in London, England. Now, she's traveling to: (for you to decide).
But the problem is.. This girl is more powerful then she thought. She has.. abilities like Whitney's, but different. (ideas: turn people into animals, speak to animals, element control, mind reading, mind control)
These abilities will not be over the top, however. No OP, too-high powers.
Whitney's New Friend Form:
age(11-13 only):
power to overcome whitney:
area where they live and whitney comes:
mention: @braveleopard.
Doll Form:
original age:
doll appearance:
favorite candy:
personality stuff:
place of origin:
mention: @braveleopard.