13 Moons
Vinesmoke watches for a moment, his head tilting slightly as he observes Windpaw's erratic digging. A soft chuckle escapes him, blue eyes gleaming with a mix of amusement and curiosity. He steps closer, his paws leaving light prints in the snow as he speaks with a warm, slightly amused tone, “Windpaw, are you trying to dig or just... playing in the snow?”He gives her a moment to respond, then continues with a confident smile, “If you are digging, I could help. I’m a tunneler, after all. Know how to move through the earth pretty well.” He gives a light stretch, ready to lend his expertise, but there's still a playful glint in his gaze. “Or... are you just having fun with it?”He waits, curious about whether she'll continue her chaotic digging or take him up on his offer
Sixfoot rolled her head in the snow, seeing how close she could get to looking like her sister, Wispydapple. The white flakes fell off half her head in a sheet, dropping to the ground with a soft thump. Not quite.
( Activity post / Open )
| Gnawingpaw | 5 Moons - WindClan Apprentice
Lyrebird's Lullaby - Inactive | Well Insulated - Active | Bilingual [T1] - Active
Sharp, kit like fangs glinted in the sun as the rather large apprentice yawned in boredom, exiting the apprentices' den with the intention of looking for her mentor or her littermates. She hadn't been in speaking terms with them for the most part since their ceremony, and that had been like... ages ago now? But she still felt it. That odd sense in which she no longer belonged. At first she had blamed her changed name entirely, but the more time passed the more she realized that there was more than a mere name change between them, and it frustrated her that she couldn't get a better read on the situation. The stubborn she-kit had to change that... somehow. How else could she help Ber take care of Seeds and the rockheads?
And yet even as she sought for any of their familiar pelts an odd warrior caught her eye, coaxing a head tilt of confusion from the off white apprentice. She seemed to be... rolling? Or... sticking her head in the snow? Like... why would anyone do that? Was it some sort of weird training thing? If so, she wanted in! But at the same time, she had to wonder... just what benefit would anyone get from sticking their head in snow?! Curiosity gnawed at her, and throwing caution to the wind, she approached, pale green eyes round and unblinking as she stared up at the warrior.
"Did you like... hit your head or something?" Gnawingpaw asked, the innocence in her voice mismatching the bluntness of her words as she wrinkled her nose. "If not... what are you like... doing? Cats don't go sticking their head in the snow or... whatever usually, you know?"
Lightningstorm is WindClan's current medicine cat.
She has a semi-closed den policy.
13 Moons
Vinesmoke watches for a moment, his head tilting slightly as he observes Windpaw's erratic digging. A soft chuckle escapes him, blue eyes gleaming with a mix of amusement and curiosity. He steps closer, his paws leaving light prints in the snow as he speaks with a warm, slightly amused tone, “Windpaw, are you trying to dig or just... playing in the snow?”He gives her a moment to respond, then continues with a confident smile, “If you are digging, I could help. I’m a tunneler, after all. Know how to move through the earth pretty well.” He gives a light stretch, ready to lend his expertise, but there's still a playful glint in his gaze. “Or... are you just having fun with it?”He waits, curious about whether she'll continue her chaotic digging or take him up on his offer
Windpaw snapped her head up upon hearing Vinesmoke's voice, stopping her "digging" for a moment. She hops on the snow a couple times before lifting a paw with unsheathed her claws to show that she had, in fact, been digging.
"Yeah! I'm digging! I'm trynna dig like Lil'paw!" She brightens up at the mention of Vinesmoke being a tunneler. Woah, what! She hadn't known that! That was so cool! "Wait, really! Could you really? I'd love a good helping paw or two!" She then turned to resume her digging, less chaotic, though looked more like she was kicking up snow than digging.
Sixfoot's eyes were blanketed by a fresh mound of snow when she heard a young voice ask her what she was doing. The warrior turned her head to the sound, letting the snow slowly slide off the bridge of her nose to reveal her blue eyes. Her big pupils flicked down to the apprentice and a simple smile spread across her muzzle.
"I'm alright!" She shook her black head, spraying the rest of the snow all around. "As for what I'm doing though," Sixfoot's rolled up as if to look at her thoughts, searching around before she closed her eyelids and gave a shrug after coming up thoughtless. "Messin' around I suppose! I was trying to use the snow to look like my sister Wispydapple, or my brother Wispshard, but it's hard to get it to stick on you the way you want." She noted this by looking down at the pile of snow in front of her, evidence of her many previous attempts.
"Although..." She started, before abruptly dropping her head into the snow pile and rolling it around. Once she was finished she pulled her head back up, the snow not only making her look like she had a bigger head now, but also making her look like a fully white cat (save for the black tail)."... I think it can make a good leaf-bare camouflage!" She cocked a brow at the apprentice, "I was going to try and sneak up on Blizzardnose, but I was having trouble getting it to stick to my tail. Maybe you could sneak up on him instead!"
Her older brother was the direct opposite to her, a no nonsense cat who took every moment seriously. He was the role-model Windclan warrior, but Sixfoot never felt jealous of something like that. No, she made it her job to invite herself into his day, often trying to get him to lighten up, even to his annoyance.
( @Alchemist Kitsune , @Splashcloud - mentioned Blizzard, Six might get Gnarling to jump him, if not the she will jump him anyway lol )
Yeah, that's me. Cloverspring. Nice to meet you!
Applegrove stretched as she exited the warrior den, tail wriggling restlessly. The weather was still bitingly cold in her opinion, but it was an improvement from the last couple of moons as the promise of newleaf hung in the distance.
Truly, he thought, it would be a perfect day to stay curled up in a warm nest. Unfortunately, chilly weather and sedentary behavior lent themselves to stiff muscles, an experience she avoided when she could. And so he left the comfort of shelter from windchill and mentally prepared himself for the blustery plains of the territory.
He scanned the clearing, looking for someone who wasn't particularly busy (or perhaps someone who looked like they were lazing around rather than being productive). Spotting what she deemed to be an adequate lump of fur for a hunting partner, she padded over and prodded them. "Hey, you up for a hunt?"
Vinesmoke’s blue eyes glinted with amusement as he watched Windpaw energetically dig through the snow. He padded closer, his tail flicking behind him as he came to a stop beside her. He tilted his head slightly, admiring the way she threw herself into the task. "Well, not exactly like Lil'paw," he mewed with a playful grin, his voice warm and encouraging. "But I do know my way around tunnels and burrows. Maybe I could show you a trick or two." Windpaw's excitement seemed to double at the mention of tunnels, and Vinesmoke’s tail twitched as he crouched down beside her, observing her wild attempts. She seemed to be more interested in flinging the snow around than actually digging. He suppressed a chuckle, finding her enthusiasm endearing. "First thing's first," he began, his voice gentle but firm, "you've got to focus on digging down, not just kicking the snow around. Watch closely, Windpaw."
With a fluid, graceful motion, Vinesmoke swept his paw through the snow, creating a neat trench that cut into the white ground beneath. He stepped back slightly, watching Windpaw's reaction. "You want to get a feel for the snow, understand how it shifts and settles beneath your paws. It’s not just about throwing your paws around, but being patient and deliberate." He glanced over at Windpaw, his blue eyes glimmering with warmth. "Tunneling’s a bit like hunting, really. It takes time and practice, and you have to know how to read the earth beneath your paws. It's not about strength, but technique." He gave her a small, encouraging smile before gesturing to the trench he’d made. "You try now. Start with a shallow cut, like I showed you, then dig deeper bit by bit. I'll help you if you need it." Vinesmoke straightened up, his tail swaying as he observed Windpaw, ready to step in and guide her further if needed. "Take your
time, and don’t worry about making it perfect. You’re doing great."
Stormpelt 18 moons
Stormpelt walked in to the clearing. He thout how much snow that had falles the last days. He only wanted to take it lung while he padded to his favorite stone.