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Old March 27th, 2022, 12:14 AM
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RiverClan Re: Cattail Pond

Originally Posted by Riverfly View Post
Flypaw sighed, tipping her paw in the water. She could barely swim, though her she might have had one swimming lesson maybe... she couldn't really remember. She frowned, murmuring to herself, "Why can't I remember?..." She sighed again, closing her eyes and shifting away from the water. As she let her mind drift, she imagined what it would be like if she was better. If she was perfect. In her mind she could see herself swimming swiftly through the clear waters, talking with some of the apprentices as they swam. She shook her head and sat up, shaking droplets of water from the tip of her nose.
❄ Snowleap (he/them) ❄
➢ Padding into the familiar part of their clan’s territory, the dark-furred tomcat breathed in the fresh air around them. The sky was overcast (again) with those dreary gray-colored clouds and if the tall Riverclan shield wasn’t mistaken -- they looked like the kind of clouds that often brought snow with them. Dear Starclan, he hoped that wasn’t the case. Newleaf had just started and Snowleap was finally enjoying the warmer weather. Ergh. Whatever. As long as the rivers didn’t freeze over again, then they would surely be able to deal with it. Probably. Continuing on with his routine lone patrol he made around Cattail Pond, the tall shield’s icy blue-hued eyes soon landed on the unfamiliar form of another clanmate. While this place was far from off-limits to Riverclan cats, Snowleap was still rather surprised to see anyone out here. As they drew closer, the oriental longhair then noticed that it was an apprentice, one that he remembered was named Flypaw if he recalled correctly.

“Flypaw,” Snowleap meowed, his tone gentle as to avoid startling the young molly, “You’re not supposed to be out here without a warrior.” While he wasn’t completely sure if that rule was still in-tact, the young shield would continue to put it in place until a higher authority corrected him. After the tomcat spoke, it didn’t take much to realize that the apprentice seemed troubled. Given everything that Riverclan was going through these days, the sight wasn’t really a rare one, which was sad to think about, but it was the truth nonetheless. Regardless of that, Snowleap tilted his head in a curoius but questioning manner. “Are you alright?” Despite trying to remind the shecat of Riverclan rules and attempting to act more serious, the long-furred tomcat could not keep himself from offering a listening ear to concerned clanmates. Especially when it was a young apprentice.
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Old March 27th, 2022, 12:59 PM
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Default Re: Cattail Pond

Originally Posted by masquerade View Post
❄ Snowleap (he/them) ❄
➢ Padding into the familiar part of their clan’s territory, the dark-furred tomcat breathed in the fresh air around them. The sky was overcast (again) with those dreary gray-colored clouds and if the tall Riverclan shield wasn’t mistaken -- they looked like the kind of clouds that often brought snow with them. Dear Starclan, he hoped that wasn’t the case. Newleaf had just started and Snowleap was finally enjoying the warmer weather. Ergh. Whatever. As long as the rivers didn’t freeze over again, then they would surely be able to deal with it. Probably. Continuing on with his routine lone patrol he made around Cattail Pond, the tall shield’s icy blue-hued eyes soon landed on the unfamiliar form of another clanmate. While this place was far from off-limits to Riverclan cats, Snowleap was still rather surprised to see anyone out here. As they drew closer, the oriental longhair then noticed that it was an apprentice, one that he remembered was named Flypaw if he recalled correctly.

“Flypaw,” Snowleap meowed, his tone gentle as to avoid startling the young molly, “You’re not supposed to be out here without a warrior.” While he wasn’t completely sure if that rule was still in-tact, the young shield would continue to put it in place until a higher authority corrected him. After the tomcat spoke, it didn’t take much to realize that the apprentice seemed troubled. Given everything that Riverclan was going through these days, the sight wasn’t really a rare one, which was sad to think about, but it was the truth nonetheless. Regardless of that, Snowleap tilted his head in a curoius but questioning manner. “Are you alright?” Despite trying to remind the shecat of Riverclan rules and attempting to act more serious, the long-furred tomcat could not keep himself from offering a listening ear to concerned clanmates. Especially when it was a young apprentice.

Flypaw jumped up in surprise, but relaxed a bit when she saw it was only one of her clanmates. "Oh- uh... I'm sorry. I just needed to get out of camp for a little bit." She listened as he asked another question, keeping her ears perked for anybody else nearby. "Er uh, yeah, I'm fine."
Bye bye
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Old March 27th, 2022, 01:14 PM
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RiverClan Re: Cattail Pond

Originally Posted by Riverfly View Post
Flypaw jumped up in surprise, but relaxed a bit when she saw it was only one of her clanmates. "Oh- uh... I'm sorry. I just needed to get out of camp for a little bit." She listened as he asked another question, keeping her ears perked for anybody else nearby. "Er uh, yeah, I'm fine."
❄ Snowleap (he/them) ❄
➢ Once the young Riverclan apprentice explained herself, the dark-furred shield released a soft sigh, sympathizing with the molly. “I understand that, young one, I really do,” He meowed, shaking his head gently, “But I must escort you back to camp. With the recent surplus of aggressive outsiders invading our territory lately, we need to make sure young cats like you are out of harm’s way.” Honestly, Snowleap wished he could just leave Flypaw be and let her enjoy her day, but he knew he needed to do the right thing - Kestrelstar trusted him to do so, even after his abrupt passing. Hearing the Riverclan shecat claim that she was fine, the oriental longhair had a sneaking suspicion that she was lying, but it wasn’t his place to press the youth about her personal problems - such things were a sacred private matter. Snowleap would know.

“Okay then, come on. I expect you to find a warrior to supervise you next time you walk outside of camp walls. Any other shield may not be as understanding as I am.” It wasn’t that he was trying to say anything bad about the other Riverclan shields, but there was no secret that Snowleap was 'softer' than all of them. Snowleap turned towards the forest and flicked his bushy tail, gesturing to Flypaw to follow him as the two headed silently back to Riverclan's camp.
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Old March 27th, 2022, 03:50 PM
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Default Re: Cattail Pond

Originally Posted by masquerade View Post
❄ Snowleap (he/them) ❄
➢ Once the young Riverclan apprentice explained herself, the dark-furred shield released a soft sigh, sympathizing with the molly. “I understand that, young one, I really do,” He meowed, shaking his head gently, “But I must escort you back to camp. With the recent surplus of aggressive outsiders invading our territory lately, we need to make sure young cats like you are out of harm’s way.” Honestly, Snowleap wished he could just leave Flypaw be and let her enjoy her day, but he knew he needed to do the right thing - Kestrelstar trusted him to do so, even after his abrupt passing. Hearing the Riverclan shecat claim that she was fine, the oriental longhair had a sneaking suspicion that she was lying, but it wasn’t his place to press the youth about her personal problems - such things were a sacred private matter. Snowleap would know.

“Okay then, come on. I expect you to find a warrior to supervise you next time you walk outside of camp walls. Any other shield may not be as understanding as I am.” It wasn’t that he was trying to say anything bad about the other Riverclan shields, but there was no secret that Snowleap was 'softer' than all of them. Snowleap turned towards the forest and flicked his bushy tail, gesturing to Flypaw to follow him as the two headed silently back to Riverclan's camp.

Flypaw only nodded at the Shield, following him back. She didn't say any words on the way back, and she didn't look up either, keeping her eyes on her paws and following Snowleap's scent.
Bye bye
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Old April 4th, 2022, 05:06 AM
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Default Re: Cattail Pond

Originally Posted by Shade. View Post
Lizardfrost paid little attention to Junipersong's invasion of personal space. Her narrow green eyes were focused on the water as fain shapes caught her attention. She did, however, think she should reply since that's what you did when someone asked you something, as far as she knew.
"No, I do not know what a bet is. I am hunting because I have been innefficient in advising Kestrelstar as a shield and therefore need to compensate." she explained. She also wasn't an expert on taste.
"I do not differentiate between tastes well. I think it comes from the fact that I lack a sense of smell." she replied. She wasn't as insecure about it anymore since she knew it can't be changed, but it was frustrating that she wasn't as effective as she could be.
A silver shimmer caught her eye and the muscular tuxedo cat shot forward, grabbing a fish and restraining it to deliver the killing bite, halfway soaked into the pond. She dragged it out.
(This is a little bit awkward of a scene now that Kes is dead. Want to keep going with it? I can crank out a post ASAP if you do)
Idk. Insert something inspiring or edgy here so people think that im cool.

Message me if you ever want to roleplay together or set something up!

Riverclan Leader's Den. Page 132. Bottom of the page.
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Old April 4th, 2022, 06:45 AM
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Default Re: Cattail Pond

Originally Posted by Dizerel View Post

(This is a little bit awkward of a scene now that Kes is dead. Want to keep going with it? I can crank out a post ASAP if you do)
(We can pretend it happened before his death but if you wanna end it I'm OK with that)
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Old April 8th, 2022, 04:50 PM
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RiverClan Re: Cattail Pond

( Snowleap | he/them | closed for interaction, shield activity post )
The tall dark-furred oriental longhair walked around the small familiar pond, humming softly to himself as he did his routine patrol.

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Old April 13th, 2022, 02:23 AM
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Default Re: Cattail Pond

"We're here" whispered Dewpaw gleefully "Time to hunt" answered Foxpaw. they crouched down silent as a soft breeze. A wood duck swam out of the pond "Mine" whispered Dewpaw as she crept towards it. In a second it was hanging limply from her jaws. Another duck swam over. Foxpaw advanced towards it and killed it. "Let's go back, it's nearly sunhigh" Dewpaw said and they padded back to camp.
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Old April 13th, 2022, 09:48 AM
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Default Re: Cattail Pond

{ Stream'Paw }

{ Stream'Paw crouched at the pond, his claws unsheathed and attempting to find a fish. She scanned the pond, struggling. As they quickly noticed a fish, they swiped it with their paw, but it slipped away and it fell back in to the pond..!

Stream'Paw, hissed, hitting the water with his paw and turning away.

"These stupid fish.."
She said, said, stalking away. As they walked, they didn't notice another apprentice in front of them. Accidentally walking in to them, He jumped back, hackles raised.

"Oh, Bird'Paw. Hey,"
Stream'Paw said, taking a deep breath and sighing.
She sat back, grooming her spiky fur that had previously been raised from shock and anger at that bloody fish..! }






“ but i… can't let… her see… me swoon… ”
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Old April 13th, 2022, 09:55 AM
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Default Re: Cattail Pond

Birdpaw was looking for that yellow butterfly. She really, really wanted to find one, because then after that she could tell Snowy all about how she actually finally saw one. Gleefully skipping about, she let out a startled yelp as she ran into someone. Or more like they ran into her.... but she still felt bad.

"Sorry!" She squeaked instinctively. Hopping around the other apprentice, she smiled brightly after a moment. "Hi Streampaw! How are you?" She twirled her tail in a whirlwind of fluffy blue-gray-silver and white fur, berry pink nose twitching as it stood out starkly against her darker gray muzzle. The, asking a follow-up question~ "Whatcha doinggg??"

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