December 6th, 2024, 11:44 PM
pfp with @/Marigoldwhisper
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Re: Firefly Cove
Posts: 24 | Female | 6 Moons
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Cindersky used to be ThunderClan's leader…huh, fun! Truthfully, the young apprentice saw super-cool Aunty Bumble as the forever-leader of ThunderClan. She just did suchhh a good job! Of course that’d be expected of a leader but she seemed damn good and on top of things. Her and SpiderDad, that is. As the leader shared they were close, FireflyPaws gaze softened slightly. “I’m-…sorry.” simple, not too emotional but not emotionless either. Death and depression stuff made her uncomfy. It was a subject she never understood or had a grasp on so…yeah. It was touchy for some though, she knew to tread lightly.
Ah- back to training! Yay! FireflyPaw nodded eagerly to the leader, her paws dancing under her. “Yes please!” she grinned.
”And there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch by night”
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