Apprentice: Midnightpaw
Type of Training: honestly anything x3
Not an Assessment
Your Character’s Purrks: none!
Your username: @ giscoolest
Mention Me: @kira
Other: I also have a grumpy shadowclan appie if your charrie Sootstorm wants to train anyone! :3
go ahead and start a thread !! also, for sootstorm, go and submit a form in the link listed in my signature
Sootstorm is a ShadowClan Warrior. If she is needed, feel free to mention me!
Sootstorm is open to teaching apprentices ambush training! ShadowClan Apprentice Training
Sootstorm is a ShadowClan Warrior. If she is needed, feel free to mention me!
Sootstorm is open to teaching apprentices ambush training! ShadowClan Apprentice Training