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Old March 28th, 2024, 03:45 PM
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Default RiverClan New Character Competition - 75,000kk prize for the winner!

Hello everyone! In an effort to encourage more activity among users in RiverClan, the RC team has decided to launch a new character competition! This competition comes with a hefty prize of 75,000kk for the winner, paid to you courtesy of myself, talle, and starry!

You do not need to currently be active in RiverClan to participate! All users are welcome to submit a new character for this competition.

Here are the rules for this competition!

1) This is a competition for a new RiverClan character. That means any character submitted prior to your entry into this competition is not eligible, even if they're currently missing or dead. Make sure to make a post here indicating that you'll be participating before submitting your cat!

2) The deadline for signing up and getting your character submitted is April 11, 2024!

3) This competition will end on May 2, 2024 at 11:59 PM Eastern! Only posts made between your character's submission to the allegiances and this deadline will be considered for this competition. To be eligible to win, you need a minimum of ten posts with your character; each of these posts must be a minimum of 100 words or longer.

4) If your character goes missing at any point during this competition, they immediately become ineligible to win, even if you have them re-join prior to the deadline or use a prison break card. In addition, any user who breaks a major site rule with their entered character will become ineligible to win.

5) Only one character per user! We want to be sure this competition is fair for everyone.

So, what the heck is this competition?

We're looking for the user who can create the most compelling new character for RiverClan. We're looking for exciting, fascinating characters who stand out amongst their peers. Whether that's through an interesting personality, a complex backstory, vigorous activity within the Clan, or something else entirely, is up to you!

If you want your character to be competitive, they need to be active! We encourage you to involve them in as many RiverClan activities as possible, and to start your own events and plots with them!

After the deadline, the RC team will sit down and go through the entered characters. We'll converse about our favorites, and eventually narrow our choices down to just one! For the sake of transparency, all of the high ranks and Lionhearts will be allowed to offer their opinions on this. Currently, that list is:

poppy - Leader
occultation - Deputy
talle - Head Lionheart
starry - Lionheart
Eden - Lionheart

To keep the competition fair, these individuals are not eligible to compete.

To enter, please leave your character's name down below and tag occultation! Remember to indicate your interest and have your character submitted to the allegiances by April 11! Any rank is welcome, from kit through elder.

Fadingsun is currently RiverClan's leader. He has an open den policy. If you have any questions or concerns about RiverClan, or any plots to propose, feel free to leave me a VM or DM! Please do not take my characters' IC opinions as reflective of my own.
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