Thread: Surprise!
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Old April 2nd, 2024, 10:20 AM
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Default Re: Surprise!

29 moons || bug/bug’s || ShadowClan Warrior
slim tortoiseshell w/ white tuxedo markings; green eyes

Tiny teeth sink into bug's front leg as white mitted paws slam down on the hissing and snarling creature. With a hiss of bug's own, Petalrot drops bug's head, teeth sinking into brown fur and yanking the vermin free... taking a small chunk of bug's leg with it. Efficiently, bug gives the mink in bug's maw a good shake, disorienting it, and flings it into the nearest pine, where it slams its head. Bug doesn't check if it stays down - too busy concentrating on staying where the rest of the patrol is and trying not to get horribly separated.

"Damn, pack hunters," Petalrot is muttering under bug's breath just as Dawnstar yells for bug to stick close to Mistlewhisker, who was having her own problems with one of the larger minks. "On it!" Petalrot calls in the affirmative, streaking over to where the enforcer is brawling with the large mink. There's not much Petal can do to assist with that fight, but bug can cover her flank and make sure others don't take the opportunity to sink their needle sharp teeth and claws into her.

Racing toward the enforcer, Petalrot locked bug's eyes onto two minks racing toward the occupied enforcer. Yeah... ok, bug could handle two minks at once, sure... no problem at all..! Lunging for the first of the two, Petalrot slams a paw onto its back, overbalancing it snd sending it skidding sideways while bug takes another leap forward to connect teeth with the back leg of the second, halting its movement. Unfortunately... all bug managed to do was make the things mad at bug, because the one bug tossed away first is shoving claws and teeth into Petalrot's flank.

Hissing, around the mink in bug's mouth, Petal sinks bug's teeth in further until all bug can taste is the tang of blood, a claw raking down the creature's side for good measure while bug kicks out with bug's back legs to try and dislodge the uninvited guest, dropping into a brief roll to attempt to dislodge it.

[ @Undertaker - Dawnstar // @Mica - Mistlewhisker // @Dark - Darkfall // @Dolomedes - Moonmeadow ]
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