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Old April 13th, 2017, 12:27 PM
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monfang monfang is offline
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Cool Re: Different Adventures {Private}

{mystical follows}
Castiel's ears heated as she question his shyness. He gave a faint soft smile and looked at his brother. Talladega sat and smiled at the molly, his eyes gleaming. "Alright, sweetheart. Me and Cas have places to be things to see." he said, and turned to his brother who nodded in response and smiled more brightly at him. Talladega nodded and smiled back before they stood up and Castiel tackled his brother down. Talladega laughed and pawed and pushed him off, and then they rose up and bolted off, and they laughed and ran around the clearing before disappearing into the tree line.

Now they were on the chase. Muscles strained and eyes beamed, they both caught the scent at the same time, and they looked at each other. The calico pressed on, trying to out do the tortie, and the tortie did the same. The sounds of thuds from paws hitting thr ground with force echoed through the clan, and they neared their target. As the jumped into the clearing the rabbit barely had time to jump and run. They followed, unsheathed claws catching clumps of grass and dirt as it ripped into the ground giving them traction.

The rabbit tried helplessly to escape the two toms but it was no good. The rabbit was doomed from the start. The toms looked at each other again and the Calico advanced past the tortie and the rabbit then turned and skidded to a halt, catching the rabbit off guard. As the rabbit was about to bolt the other direction, the tortie had already lunged, and after only a short time, the rabbit was dead in the maw of the tortie. He looked up and smiled.

"We did it!" Talladega cooed through rabbit fur, and Castiel smiled brightly. The toms then layed the rabbit down and layed, resting, panting from the amount of running they did. Castiel, after a few pants, gave a playful snark.

"I wish prey was easier to catch." he said softly.
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