Thread: Willow's Rise
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Old April 8th, 2021, 05:46 PM
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Default Re: The Weeping Tree

[ @Panda1440 ]
Watching her move through her own mind quietly was interesting. The she-cat definitely seemed rather shy, something the warrior felt she would grow out of most likely. She would need a voice and a backbone of her own as time went on, after all. She'd never make it if she were to grow into this meek and unsure thing.
Despite his reservations on her self-confidence, Rainywhisker offers Iciclepaw an encouraging nod. "I am."

As the two of them stand there, the sun sinks deeper down the painted sky. As it crawls down behind the forest, shadows are cast in a masterful array around their paws. Where there was not shadow, there was beautiful gold that streaked over the terrain like liquid sunlight. Rainywhisker stands there quietly, looking around and just about getting lost in the moment while taking in the beauty he called home.
But it isn't a heartbeat sooner that he begins to notice something strange about the way that the sun fell over the clearing. Although there were many trees, the shadows and streaks of sunlight still seemed to line the forest floor unnaturally. Instead of the delicate branches lining the ground in shadow, the grass appeared to be striped, almost perfectly resembling a tabby-esque pelt.
The tom blinks to clear his eyes, but the vision doesn't go away. As he looks over to Iciclepaw, the warrior gets the overwhelming sense that he shouldn't make a sound.

While Iciclepaw takes in the scene as well- Likely also able to discern the strangeness of the sun-striped ground around them, she begins to feel a strange sensation in her head and down the back of her spine, like a Spidey Sense of sorts.
And then, she appears.
From the sunlight, the faintest ripple can be spotted and something emerges from thin air- A cat with star-laced features! Rainywhisker seems to take no notice, but to Iciclepaw, they are there clear as the sun around them.
This figure doesn't approach, nor are they any easier to make out when Iciclepaw hears a very real, very powerful ringing meow in her head.

"The sun rises with morning's ice, a howling cry to new light."

A heartbeat passes, and the figure fades away. Iciclepaw's odd feeling also resides, and soon all is as it was before.
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