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Old December 20th, 2016, 02:47 AM
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Empress Of Evil Empress Of Evil is offline
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by enchanted prince View Post

Eeriepaw smiled weakly and dipped her head once more. "How are you this fine morning?" she said softly her eyes kept well away from the newcomer. She usually did that only because she felt that staring was rather rude so keping her gaze away was her way of saving herself from the troubles of getting yelled at. All she could do was steal a quick glance and judging by the the toms size he looked more as an apprentice then anything else. Frowning to herself she couldn't help but notice that she had little to no knowledge that this cat ever exisited until now. Well given they ideal that she in fact never paid much attention to those around her. Feeling rather guilty at that notion she began to shuffle her paws in discomfort. "I uh..... What's your name? I don't believe I've seen you until now...." she trailed off from her train of thought. How could she know? With the little amount of time being in the clan and with so much that happen recently there wasn't much time to dilly dally around.
"I'm fine thank you", Brackenpaw said, putting on a small smile and dipping his head as a sign of respect. "How are you?", Brackenpaw asked the apprentice she cat. The calico tom cat noticed that Eeriepaw appeared to not make a lot of eye contact. Is she afraid of me? Or am I just too ugly that the site of me burns her eyes? I didn't think I was that ugly, Brackenpaw thought, a small frown falling upon his face. It wasn't a frown that showed he was upset, it was a frown that somehow managed to show he was thinking, not sulking. Although he doubted that it was any of those options. "And i'm Brackenpaw", The calico tom said. His introductions were pretty simple. State his name then ask the other cat for their name, then he would let the other cat start a conversation due to the fact that he wasn't the best at starting conversations. He was good at continuing them, just not so good at starting them. Brackenpaw patiently awaited Eeriepaw's reply, he was quite the patient cat.
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Enjoy the good times <3 because something terrible is probably about to happen

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