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Old November 14th, 2020, 03:38 PM
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UpperclassFailure UpperclassFailure is offline
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Default Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining

Originally Posted by wnder View Post


"Actually," meowed the leader, stepping forward, "It's Sootstar, now. Lionstorm has stepped down from his position. You've been gone for nearly a moon, Koiripple, care to explain where you've been?"

Sootstar raised a brow, clearly eager to hear her explanation.

"S-...Sootstar? Oh by the moons I've missed a lot, haven't I?" The molly frowned sadly and let her ears turn backward. "I admit I've been in a daze for some time now....I had been wandering the territory when Silverpelt appeared in the sky again. I had found myself down near Lionsbeach and I just....well, it's hard to explain. I looked out on the waters and just sat there, i-it felt like I had forgotten about anything else, that there wasn't anything in that moment......that moment just dragged on for so long. That's never happened to me before. I don't know how long it had been until I came to, but when I did I....I-I practically forgot what I was doing. It took me a while to recall the bits and pieces, but I just began to look around the territory until I ended up back here.....I'm sorry, I just don't know what happened to me." Her frown grew and she began to shuffle a little.
Hey y'all! I'm always up for roleplaying with any and all of my characters at the momento, so just hit me up whenever you want to rp with them!

Also, here's a presentation with all my war kitties, although it's still a work in progress

Since my school's been changing my schedule, please feel free to bump me if I don't respond within 48 hours. I might not always be available from 9-2 EST on weekdays because of classes.