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Old December 2nd, 2016, 09:14 AM
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Talon Talon is offline
Join Date: Oct 2016
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Default Re: RiverClan Streamstone

Boulderglare sneered with pleasure when Bucknight announced that they no longer followed their weak little Starclan and was actually going to start to follow the Dark Forest. It's about time, he though darkly and claws at the ground with his long sharp claws. He had been with the Dark Forest since he was able to fight, always training with them to become a great and strong warrior. Boulderglared looked around his fellow clanmates with his yellow eyes and observed to see who was a threat to their leader's rule or not. He growled when come of them spoke out against him and could tell who was weak by the ones who disagreed but didn't even have the courage to speak out. Boulderglare knew they were smart for staying silent but that didn't change the fact that they were weak and in the end would be useless. But his sneer widened when he saw his daughter's reaction to the news. Mistfall looked horrified by this and Boulderglare loved that. He and Mistfall had always hated each other since she was a young kit, even if he never cared for any of his kits, she was his least favorite. Boulderglare knew that Mistfall was just a weakling desperate to become powerful but she had turned on the Dark Forest and therefore will never be strong or great! He would enjoy watching her suffer under his beloved leader's law.

"My hobbies are guns, blowing stuff up and baseball!" -America

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