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Old November 27th, 2016, 09:11 PM
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Ivy Ivy is offline
Plant of Poison
Join Date: Oct 2016
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Default Re: RiverClan Nursery

While his brother was deep in thought, Rainkit piped up answering his mother's question. "I want Cloudyfoot! He's super cool and awesome and nice and strong and well, just perfect!" Rainkit ran around in circles, eager to become a paw. "Why not me?" Fogfur inquired, sliding into the Nursery with a mawful of minnows, Snowyfur's favorite food. He deposited the freshly caught fish at the gorgeous she cat's paws, looking up at her before raising his head to look at his sons. "Rainkit seems energetic today," he commented before looking at his other son. "Arctickit, are you okay? I think you're drifting off again." The tom used his nose to nudge his kit back to his senses.

"So go on, dare me to lose, dare me to move
Dare me to run
And you can dare me to prove something to you
Is that what you want?"-Dare, Daya