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Old February 18th, 2018, 10:42 AM
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doghouse doghouse is offline
Join Date: Oct 2016
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Default City of Monsters

Do you remember when you were younger, and you always thought there were monsters under your bed, or monster in the dark, or something along those lines? I bet people told you they weren't real, and I bet that you now believe them.

Well, if I'm correct, then your are not. It's probably safer that you don't know, since your less likely to be targeted by them that way. But... where's the fun in that, eh? Of course, I could be wrong, and you might be a monster, in which case it is our job to hunt down and eliminate you.

That's right. We want to get the word out there, that monsters are real,
and that they're coming after you. Will this cause mass hysteria and panic?
Probably, but that's fine, right? Yeah.

Welcome To The City of Monsters

Here, humans and monsters live together. Of course, you'll probably never know who's a monster and who isn't, unless they aren't trying very hard to disguise themselves. Some don't even try, actually.

But there's also an organization of humans that do know all about the monsters, and they're getting the word out about them. It's their mission to liberate the world of these monsters and make it safe for humans once again. How hard can that be? Apparently pretty hard, since it can be nearly impossible to tell who's a monster and who isn't. They're called the Liberation Brigade.

name - link

Libration Brigade
name - rank - link
leader - second in command - captains - basics

takeda reijiro - basic - n/a

name - link
penumbra - n/a

Name ::
Age ::
Gender ::
Humanoid Appearance ::
Monster Appearance ::
Species (If Any) ::
Abilities ::
Personality ::
Extra ::

Name ::
Age ::
Gender ::
Liberation Brigade or Not? ::
If Yes, Rank ::
Appearance ::
Personality ::
Extra ::

Name :: Penumbra
Age :: 23
Gender :: male
Humanoid Appearance :: boop
Monster Appearance :: boop
Species (If Any) :: --
Abilities :: nightmare inducement
Personality :: tbrp'd
Extra :: --

Name :: Takeda Reijiro
Age :: 21
Gender :: Male
Liberation Brigade or Not? :: yes
If Yes, Rank :: Basic
Appearance :: short with black hair, slightly tanned skin and green eyes.
Personality :: tbrp'd
Extra :: --
Avatar by me (of my cat)

Last edited by doghouse; February 18th, 2018 at 10:43 AM.