Thread: The Wilderness
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Old November 16th, 2016, 07:02 AM
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Default Re: The Wilderness

Originally Posted by EclipsemoonXD View Post
I didn't copy and paste, so if I miss anything, let me know please!

Name: Silvia Grey
Age: 22
Gender: female
LGBT or straight: bi
Looks: Tall, with an athletic stance and build. She has asymetrical pixie cut brown hair with a streak of red clay in it. She had wierd eyes, appearing grey at a distance, but green from very close, if you're lucky to get that close alive. Wears jeans and a flannel shirt over a t-shirt. Combat boots.
Accessories: has a black jacket that she usually wears when she has bright clothing on, or at night. Has a self made bow and a quiver full of arrows over her shoulder. There is a rather sharp dagger stuck through a belt loop. Black leather fingerless gloves.
Supplies: There is a pocket tool in... you guessed it... her pocket. XD She usually carries around flint and steel for fire. Also has some protien bars.
Personality: doesn't exactly give off the friendliest vibes. She is always suspicious at first, which is part if how she survived so long. It's difficult to earn her trust, but if you do, she'll protect you at the cost of her life.
Survival Strenths: knows a lot about plants, is agile and stealthy, and can hunt.
Survival Weaknesses: spiders. That's all I have to say.
Other: has been preparing for this apocalypse her whole life
Questions: Can she and Jasmine meet and become a couple?
(Before I read this post I had feeling your going to ask that. XD They can meet and be a couple!)