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Old February 21st, 2017, 03:22 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Liquoris View Post

Clearwing glanced about the clearing, wondering where his little apprentice was. Surely she wouldn't be far, considering he was her mentor. Why did he have to get stuck with an apprentice anyway? It's not like there aren't any other cats who actually want an apprentice, so why did he get stuck with one? That was one of the few times Clearwing cursed at himself for having intellect, as it was probably because of how well he could come up with a strategy for almost any situation. That had to be it, right? His amber eyes searched the clearing. She had to be there somewhere. The normally quiet tom then rolled his eyes, sat his furry butt down, and called out to his apprentice. "Sparrowpaw, let's start training," he said simply. He was pretty sure she could hear him, but if she couldn't, then she was too far away from camp anyway. He flicked his fluffy tail in slight annoyance, waiting for the young she-cat to emerge from where she was hiding.
Sparrowpaw turned her head at the sound of a voice. She perked her ears. "Yes sir," she said leaping after her new mentor. "You are Clearwing right?" she asked tilting her head up at him. She flicked her tail as she padded next to him. "So, what are we gonna do today?" she asked her heart beating fast with excierment.