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Old August 21st, 2024, 10:02 PM
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Default Re: i'd die and come back just to love you (fadingstar love finder)

note: please keep in mind that i will not be rping this cat if she is not accepted. she will only be rped if she has been accepted !!

You walk a path in the woods, where the air is thick with the scent of honeysuckles, sweet and tempting.
But beware, dear traveler, for where the blossoms grow, shadows often follow.
The vines twist and coil, both beautiful and treacherous, guiding you to a hidden heart where light and darkness intertwine.
In this place, sweetness masks the thorns, and only those who tread with care can find the truth beneath the bloom.

“Stay close, dear. The river may be fierce today, but we’ll find a way across together. No need to worry, love—I’ve got you, and we’ll keep each other safe.”


Age: 29 moons [will be aging up on the 22nd of every month]

Gender: Female, AFAB

Sexuality: Pansexual

Appearance: Honeysucklebloom is a vision of soft elegance and quiet strength, her purebred Siberian lineage evident in every detail of her appearance. Her long, plush coat, thick enough to withstand the coldest nights, is a mesmerizing blend of sunshine classic tabby markings, where warm golden and russet tones melt into deep, velvety black and rich brown stripes. These colors ripple across her fur like sunlit leaves dancing in a gentle breeze, giving her a marbled pattern that’s both striking and soothing to the eye. Her rounded face, with its gentle contours, exudes a sweetness that mirrors her kind nature, and her amber eyes, luminous and warm, seem always filled with a patient, watchful calm. Small tufts of fur crown her medium-sized ears, which tilt slightly forward, giving her a soft, alert look, while her muscular frame is balanced by the lightness of her step, each movement graceful yet unassuming. Though Honeysucklebloom’s bushy tail and dense ruff lend her a regal air, there’s an underlying warmth to her presence, a quiet, nurturing strength that speaks of her gentle heart. Yet, beneath this calm exterior lies a core of quiet resolve, a willingness to protect those she cares about when the need arises. Her beauty is not just in her appearance but in the gentle, steadfast spirit she carries within, making her a cherished and reliable presence in RiverClan.

Personality: Neutral Good / ENFJ (Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging)

+ Compassionate | Gentle | Diplomatic +
= Loyal | Optimistic | Nurturing =
- Overprotective | Naive | Conflict-Averse -

Honeysucklebloom is the embodiment of warmth and compassion, with a heart that consistently seeks to understand and alleviate the burdens of others. Her empathy is her greatest strength, allowing her to connect deeply with those around her, making them feel heard and valued. This genuine concern extends to all aspects of her life, from her interactions with Clanmates to her dedication to her duties. Whether offering comfort to a grieving friend or providing a listening ear to a troubled Clanmate, Honeysucklebloom’s compassion is unwavering. Her kindness is not superficial but rooted in a deep-seated belief that every cat deserves care and consideration, regardless of their circumstances.

Her gentle nature complements her compassion perfectly, making her a soothing presence within her Clan. Honeysucklebloom approaches every situation with a softness that puts others at ease, and her voice, whether raised in conversation or whispered in comfort, is always calm and reassuring. She is a firm believer in the power of words, often choosing them over claws to resolve conflicts and mend relationships. This gentleness is not a sign of weakness; rather, it reflects her strong moral compass and her conviction that kindness can change hearts more effectively than force ever could. Yet, her gentleness is a double-edged sword, sometimes leading others to underestimate her strength.

Honeysucklebloom’s diplomatic skills are well-honed, a product of her natural inclination to seek harmony. She is a peacekeeper, often stepping in to mediate disputes and find solutions that satisfy all parties involved. Her ability to see multiple perspectives and her calm demeanor make her an effective negotiator, and she has a knack for diffusing tense situations before they escalate. However, this same desire for peace can lead to a reluctance to address conflicts head-on, especially when they involve those she cares about. She may sometimes opt for temporary harmony over resolving deeper issues, a choice that can result in unresolved tensions simmering beneath the surface.

Despite her gentle and diplomatic nature, Honeysucklebloom’s loyalty to her Clan and loved ones is fierce and unwavering. She is a steadfast friend and a reliable warrior, always putting the needs of her Clan above her own. Her loyalty is a guiding force in her life, shaping her decisions and driving her actions. Once her trust is earned, it is given completely, and she will defend those she loves with unwavering determination. However, this loyalty can sometimes be her downfall, as it may cause her to overlook the faults of those she holds dear, making her blind to their flaws or potential betrayals.

Optimism is a defining feature of Honeysucklebloom’s character. She possesses an innate ability to see the good in every situation, no matter how dire. Her positive outlook is contagious, often lifting the spirits of her Clanmates when they are weighed down by doubt or fear. This optimism is not born of ignorance but rather a conscious choice to focus on the potential for growth and healing. However, her unwavering belief in the power of positivity can sometimes make her seem out of touch with reality, especially when faced with situations where there is no silver lining to be found. Her idealism, while inspiring, can also lead her to set unrealistic expectations for herself and others.

Honeysucklebloom’s nurturing nature is one of her most endearing qualities. She has a natural inclination to care for those around her, offering guidance and support whenever it is needed. Whether it’s tending to the sick, mentoring younger warriors, or simply providing a comforting presence, she finds great joy in helping others grow and thrive. Her nurturing instincts make her an invaluable member of her Clan, as she is often the first to notice when someone is struggling and the first to offer her assistance. However, her tendency to focus on the well-being of others often comes at the expense of her own needs, leading her to experience emotional and physical exhaustion when she fails to take care of herself.

Honeysucklebloom’s protectiveness, while born out of love, can sometimes become overbearing. Her desire to shield those she cares about from harm is so strong that it can lead her to be overly cautious and controlling. She worries constantly about the safety of her loved ones and can become anxious when she feels they are taking unnecessary risks. This protectiveness, while well-intentioned, can sometimes stifle the independence of those she cares for, causing tension in her relationships. She must learn to balance her protective instincts with the understanding that others need to face challenges on their own to grow stronger.

Naivety is perhaps Honeysucklebloom’s most vulnerable trait. Her trusting nature, combined with her optimistic outlook, can make her an easy target for those with less honorable intentions. She tends to see the best in others, often giving them the benefit of the doubt even when there are clear signs that they may not deserve it. This naivety can lead to situations where she is taken advantage of or misled, as she is slow to recognize deceit or manipulation. Her idealistic view of the world sometimes blinds her to the darker realities of life, leaving her unprepared for the harshness that can come with betrayal or disappointment.

Honeysucklebloom’s aversion to conflict further complicates her ability to navigate the challenges of Clan life. She is a peacekeeper by nature, often going to great lengths to avoid arguments or disagreements. While this makes her a calming presence, it also means she sometimes avoids addressing important issues, preferring to keep the peace rather than stir up trouble. Her reluctance to engage in conflict can allow problems to fester, causing more harm in the long run. This avoidance of confrontation is rooted in her fear of damaging relationships, but it can ultimately lead to misunderstandings and unresolved tensions that weaken the bonds she works so hard to maintain.

In sum, Honeysucklebloom is a deeply compassionate and nurturing molly, whose strengths and weaknesses are intricately intertwined. Her gentle nature and diplomatic skills can make her a beloved figure in the Clan, but her naivety and aversion to conflict can sometimes lead her into difficult situations. Her unwavering optimism and loyalty are sources of strength, yet they can also make her blind to the realities of the world around her. Despite her flaws, Honeysucklebloom’s heart is always in the right place, and her dedication to her Clan and loved ones is beyond question. She is a cat who strives to make the world a better place, one kind act at a time, even if it means sacrificing her own happiness along the way.

Mental Disorders:
• Mild Anxiety
• Mild Exhaustion (Due to overworking herself)

Honeysucklebloom as a Lover: As Fadingstar’s mate, Honeysucklebloom would be his unwavering supporter, offering comfort and care when Clan duties weigh heavily on him. Her love would manifest through quiet acts of service—ensuring he’s well-fed, rested, and emotionally supported. She’d treasure moments of physical affection, often brushing her tail against his or resting close by to reassure him of her presence. Honeysucklebloom would create private moments for them to unwind together, strengthening their bond away from the pressures of leadership. However, her overprotective nature might sometimes lead her to worry excessively about his well-being, especially when he pushes himself too hard. Nicknames would come naturally to Honeysucklebloom; she might affectionately call Fadingstar “Fade”, reflecting her deep love and admiration for him. These terms of endearment would be her way of grounding him in their shared bond, reminding him that no matter how heavy his responsibilities, he is cherished and supported.

Love Languages:
• Acts of Service {9 / 10}
• Physical Affection {8 / 10}
• Quality Time {7 / 10}
• Words of Affirmation {6 / 10}
• Receiving Gifts {5 / 10}

View on Kits: Honeysucklebloom has a deep fondness for kits, seeing them as the future of the Clan and a source of pure joy. She is naturally nurturing, and her motherly instincts make her exceptionally good with young ones. She would be a doting, attentive mother who balances gentle guidance with strong protection. However, her overprotective nature might make her a bit overbearing, as she would constantly worry about their safety. Despite this, she encourages them to explore and learn, wanting them to grow into strong and independent warriors.


Some things evident here may be changed.
Born as Clementine to a pair of purebred Siberian kittypets, Honeysucklebloom’s life began in an environment of privilege and excess. Her twolegs, wealthy collectors of rare cats, doted on her and her siblings, viewing them as valuable possessions. Her mother, Ophelia, was a regal silver tabby with an air of refinement and a strict adherence to the luxuries of their life. Ophelia was affectionate but distant, more concerned with maintaining appearances than nurturing her kits’ independence. Clementine’s father, Maximus, was a striking sunshine-gold tabby with a proud, authoritative demeanor. He was less involved in Clementine’s upbringing, often away for shows, leaving her with a longing for a deeper connection.

As a kit, Clementine enjoyed every comfort imaginable, from silk-lined beds to the finest food. However, she also grew up under the strict expectations of her twolegs, who intended to exhibit her in cat shows and later use her for breeding more high-profit Siberians. This life of pampering felt hollow to Clementine, who, even as a young kit, sensed there was more to life than being paraded around for her beauty. She was naturally curious and adventurous, often getting into trouble for sneaking out into the garden to chase butterflies or trying to climb the trees that lined the estate. These moments of rebellion were her first taste of freedom, and they left her yearning for a world beyond the fences.

Ophelia and Maximus raised Clementine to be poised and graceful, instilling in her the manners expected of a prized kittypet. Yet, Clementine often felt out of place. Her parents, while loving in their way, never understood her restless spirit. Ophelia, in particular, disapproved of Clementine’s dreams of exploring the world outside their luxurious home, believing that such desires were beneath a cat of their status. Maximus, though proud of Clementine’s beauty, was indifferent to her inner turmoil. He was focused on his role as a show cat, a path he fully expected his daughter to follow.

As Clementine grew older, her dissatisfaction deepened. Her twolegs began planning her future, arranging for her to be bred with another high-pedigree cat. The idea of being used to produce more kits for profit horrified her, and the thought of her life being dictated in this way filled her with a growing sense of dread. She began to feel suffocated by the expectations placed upon her, the luxurious cage that her life had become.

The final push came when her twolegs brought in a suitor, a handsome but aloof Siberian tom named Dimitri. While Dimitri was everything her twolegs could have hoped for in a mate for Clementine, she found him cold and distant, just as trapped in his role as she was. This arrangement felt like the final shackle on her freedom, and Clementine realized she could not bear to live out her days as a breeding queen in captivity.

One night, as a summer storm raged outside, Clementine found the back door left slightly ajar by the housekeeper. It was an opportunity too good to pass up. With a mix of fear and excitement, she slipped through the door and dashed into the storm, leaving behind her pampered life. The storm was fierce, and the world beyond the estate was harsh and unforgiving, but for Clementine, it was the taste of freedom she had longed for. She ran until she could no longer hear the thunder, her fur soaked and her paws muddy, but her heart was light.

For days, Clementine wandered through unfamiliar territory, learning to hunt and survive on her own. It was a far cry from the comfort she was used to, but she relished the challenge. She stumbled upon the river that marked RiverClan’s territory, drawn to its promise of fish and freshwater. Hungry and exhausted, she was found by a RiverClan patrol and was taken in by her admitting her interest towards the clan life. At first, the Clan cats were most likely suspicious of the well-groomed kittypet living the harsh life of a Clan life, but Clementine’s determination to prove herself was evident.

Clementine, now given the name Honeysucklepaw, trained relentlessly under her mentor. She struggled at first—her soft paws and lack of wilderness skills made her a possible target of mockery among some of the apprentices. However, she pushed through the ridicule, driven by the desire to earn her place in RiverClan. Over time, she grew stronger, her once pristine fur now marked with the signs of a warrior’s life. Her transformation was remarkable, and when she finally earned her warrior name, Honeysucklebloom, It symbolized her journey from a delicate flower to a resilient warrior.

Though Honeysucklebloom has fully embraced her Clan life, she is still haunted by her past. The memories of her kittypet days linger, particularly the knowledge that her twolegs might still be searching for her. This fear pushes her to work even harder, determined to prove that she belongs in RiverClan and that she has left her old life behind for good. Her past has made her especially empathetic to outsiders, understanding the struggle to find a true home. Honeysucklebloom is a complex mix of grace and strength, shaped by her journey from a life of privilege to one of purpose.

From Honeysucklebloom’s perspective, her bond with Fadingstar would be grounded in her unwavering patience and deep compassion. She sees the shadows that linger around him, though he rarely speaks of them, and instinctively knows that he needs someone who can offer him quiet strength. Rather than confronting him directly about his troubles, she would choose to create a peaceful atmosphere, providing stability and comfort with her gentle presence. Her calm nature allows her to sense when he needs support without pressing him for details, offering understanding and care without demanding anything in return.

As they grow closer, Honeysucklebloom would increasingly recognize Fadingstar's need for solace and reassurance. She would become his confidante, though their conversations might be more about unspoken emotions than direct exchanges of words. She understands that he often feels burdened by his responsibilities and haunted by inner demons, and so she makes it her mission to lighten his load in whatever small ways she can. Whether through quiet companionship or a reassuring touch, she’ll show him that she is always there for him, grounding him in moments when he feels lost. Her actions are subtle yet profound, each one a deliberate effort to make him feel less alone.

In their private moments, Honeysucklebloom would lean on affectionate gestures to bridge the gaps between Fadingstar’s emotional walls. She would cherish their time together, prioritizing quiet moments over grand declarations. Her love for him is deeply nurturing, filled with soft smiles and gentle touches that speak volumes more than words ever could. She would find joy in the simple things—spending an evening together away from the Clan’s eyes, sharing warmth during cold nights, or exchanging brief glances that only they understand. Through these shared experiences, she slowly becomes the safe haven he never knew he needed, providing him with the security to let his guard down.

Honeysucklebloom’s nurturing side would shine in her subtle care for Fadingstar’s well-being. She would observe his needs with an attentive eye, noticing when he is tense or weary, and quietly stepping in to offer relief. Whether by sharing a quiet meal, organizing a moment of peace, or simply sitting with him in silence, she ensures he never feels alone in his struggles. Over time, this unspoken understanding between them would grow, allowing him to rely on her in ways he might never have thought possible. Her dedication is unwavering, driven by a love that is as deep as it is patient.

Affection would be expressed through small, meaningful acts—delicate touches, soothing words, and affectionate nicknames. Honeysucklebloom would have a special fondness for calling him "Fade," a soft, intimate moniker that reflects her tender feelings toward him. The single pet name would be kept between them, whispered in moments of closeness as a reminder of the bond they share—a bond she would never take for granted. The only time she would say it publically would be if he were comfortable with it, other than that, she respects him entirely and would say it to him in moments where they are alone.

Her nurturing nature also extends to helping Fadingstar navigate the complexities of leadership. She knows that he struggles with self-doubt, and while she would never overstep her bounds, she would always be ready to lend a listening ear or offer gentle advice when he seeks it. Her calm and even-tempered personality acts as a counterbalance to his impulsive nature, guiding him through difficult decisions with quiet wisdom. Honeysucklebloom would be the one who helps him find clarity amid chaos, offering perspectives that ease his internal conflicts. Though she might not lead with him, she would certainly walk beside him, offering subtle guidance whenever it’s needed.

As a mate, Honeysucklebloom would thrive in her role as a source of comfort and understanding. Her love is expressed through her unwavering support, never faltering even when Fadingstar withdraws into himself. She knows when to give him space and when to draw close, always attuned to his needs. In this way, she becomes more than just a companion; she becomes his anchor, the steady presence that potentially keeps him grounded. Her love languages—acts of service, physical affection, and quality time—blend seamlessly into their relationship, allowing her to express her feelings in ways that resonate deeply with him.

Honeysucklebloom would also respect the distance Fadingstar maintains with others regarding their relationship, understanding that he prefers to keep their bond private. She doesn’t need public displays of affection to feel secure in their relationship. Instead, she cherishes the quiet, intimate moments they share away from prying eyes. Their relationship is their own, a private world where they can be themselves without the weight of expectations or judgments. For Honeysucklebloom, these private moments are where their love truly flourishes, growing stronger with each passing day.

Ultimately, Honeysucklebloom’s dynamic with Fadingstar would be one of deep mutual respect and understanding. She sees him for who he is, including the parts of himself he fears, and loves him all the more for it. Her role as his mate is to offer him the peace and stability he craves, creating a sanctuary where he can find solace from the demands of leadership. Through her quiet strength, patient love, and unwavering support, Honeysucklebloom would help Fadingstar face his inner darkness, not by fighting it for him but by standing beside him as he does.

[none of these are in chronological order whatsoever, and a couple of them are in fact date ideas, so do what you will with that knowledge]
1. The Silent Confession
Honeysucklebloom has always been more comfortable expressing her emotions through actions rather than words. For moons, she has admired Fadingstar’s strength, wisdom, and unwavering commitment to RiverClan, but her feelings have gone unspoken. Instead of verbalizing her love, Honeysucklebloom pours her affection into quiet gestures—bringing him carefully chosen prey, offering her support in stressful moments, and sharing moments of tranquility by his side. One evening, as the sun sets over the river, Honeysucklebloom finds herself alone with Fadingstar. With a heart full of unspoken words, she gathers a collection of wildflowers and decorates the leader’s den. When Fadingstar potentially comments on her kindness, Honeysucklebloom finally blurts out the truth: she doesn’t want to just be his loyal Clanmate—she wants to be his partner in all things.

2. Beyond Words
Communication has always been a challenge for Honeysucklebloom. While she’s gentle and sweet, putting her emotions into words feels like an impossible task. Over time, she’s noticed that Fadingstar possibibly sharing her struggles, albeit in a different way. They find themselves often sitting in comfortable silence, finding solace in each other’s presence rather than through conversation. Honeysucklebloom begins to realize that they don’t need words to understand each other. She starts to show him simple gestures of affection—leaving him small tokens like feathers or shells that she finds, joining him on quiet patrols, and learning to anticipate his needs. It’s during one of these peaceful moments, while walking beside him along the riverbank, that Honeysucklebloom realizes that love doesn’t need words—it’s in every shared glance and every gentle touch.

3. A Difficult Conversation
Honeysucklebloom has always had a desire for family, but she’s hesitant to bring up the topic with Fadingstar. Not because she doubts his feelings, but because she knows how complicated the conversation could be. Honeysucklebloom is a purebred Siberian, and her lineage is something that she takes pride in, but it also comes with expectations. Discussing the idea of having kits is difficult for her, as it means confronting her fears and vulnerabilities, especially with a leader who has so many responsibilities. One evening, under the stars, Honeysucklebloom carefully broaches the subject with Fadingstar. Though it’s awkward and filled with pauses, she ultimately expresses her longing for a family, and her hope that they can overcome the obstacles together. In Fadingstar, she finds a partner who listens with patience, understanding that her desire comes from a place of deep love and trust. Knowing Fadingstar’s similar desire for a family would help ease this trouble, thus making this confession less stressful for Honeysucklebloom.

4. A Soothing Presence
Honeysucklebloom has always admired Fadingstar’s resilience, but she knows that even the strongest warriors have moments of doubt. As the leader of RiverClan, she feels like Fadingstar often takes on more than he should, shouldering burdens that would break a lesser cat. Honeysucklebloom notices the strain he’s under—how the weight of leadership sometimes leaves him isolated. Rather than pushing him to open up, she decides to offer her comfort in subtler ways. She often waits for him after long Clan meetings, leading him to a quiet spot by the river where they can unwind together. Honeysucklebloom brings fresh-caught fish, and they share a meal in companionable silence. Over time, perhaps Fadingstar begins to rely on these moments, finding peace in Honeysucklebloom’s steady presence. It’s through these acts of quiet support that Honeysucklebloom helps him find his strength again, reminding him that he’s not alone in leading RiverClan.

5. A Symbol of Love
One day, Honeysucklebloom notices Fadingstar possibly struggling with a particularly tough decision. She knows better than to press him for details, understanding that his role as leader requires him to keep some matters close to his chest. Instead, she decides to create something special to lift his spirits. She spends hours gathering flowers from the territory, careful to select ones that reflect the rich colors of RiverClan—the deep blues of the river, the vibrant greens of the reeds, and the soft whites of the clouds above. That evening, she surprises Fadingstar by placing the carefully woven flower crown in his den. When he—if in character for this—asks her why she did it, Honeysucklebloom simply smiles and tells him that she wanted to remind him of the beauty that surrounds him, even in the darkest times. It’s her way of saying that, no matter what challenges they face, she’ll always be by his side, grounding him in the love they share.

6. Unspoken Commitment
For Honeysucklebloom, loyalty isn’t just a duty—it’s a promise. She’s always felt a deep connection to RiverClan, but her bond with Fadingstar runs even deeper. As their relationship grows, she finds herself thinking more and more about the future. Honeysucklebloom knows that Fadingstar has many responsibilities, but she’s willing to wait patiently for the right time to discuss their shared dreams. One evening, after a particularly successful hunt, she gently broaches the subject. They talk about their hopes and fears, and as they speak, Honeysucklebloom realizes that she’s never felt more secure in a relationship. The conversation ends with a simple promise: no matter what happens, they’ll face the future together, bound by love and trust. Honeysucklebloom knows that this promise will be the foundation of their life together, as unshakeable as the rivers that flows through their territory.

7. Unveiling Shadows
After a time of trust and affection, Honeysucklebloom will open up to Fadingstar about a dark chapter from her past. Her old Twolegs, captivated by her rarity as a purebred Siberian, had sinister plans for her, seeing her as a means to breed more “valuable” cats. This revelation is difficult for her to share, as it’s tied to deep feelings of fear and worthlessness. However, Fadingstar’s possible unwavering support and gentle encouragement can create a safe space for Honeysucklebloom to express these hidden scars. In this moment of vulnerability, they both find solace in knowing they are no longer alone in their pain. This plot explores the depth of their connection, highlighting how trust and love can heal even the most profound wounds.

8. Sunlit Stroll and Sweet Berries
On a rare day off, Honeysucklebloom and Fadingstar find themselves basking in the warmth of a summer afternoon. The breeze carries the scent of fresh foliage, and the world feels alive with vibrant colors. Deciding to make the most of their time together, Honeysucklebloom leads Fadingstar to a secluded spot where wild berries grow in abundance. As they spend the day collecting blackberries, huckleberries, and blueberries, the atmosphere is light and filled with playful banter. The simple act of gathering berries becomes a bonding experience, where they share laughter, steal a few sweet bites, and enjoy the tranquil beauty of the moment. This plot is a peaceful interlude that strengthens their connection through shared joy and simplicity, providing a serene escape from the burdens of leadership and duty. Thankfully, these berries are in no way toxic and are completely healthy for cats, making this plot all the more enjoyable.

9. “I’ll Stay, No Matter What”
In a moment of quiet intimacy, perhaps under a starlit sky or during a hushed dawn, perhaps Honeysucklebloom and Fadingstar share a conversation that cements their bond. Fadingstar, probably struggling with the weight of his responsibilities and past, possibly expresses his fears of being abandoned or failing those he cares for. In response, Honeysucklebloom, with heartfelt sincerity, reassures him that she’s here to stay—that no matter what trials lie ahead, she’ll stand by his side. This exchange of promises possibly becomes a pivotal point in their relationship, where the walls they’ve both built slowly begin to crumble. The plot is an affirmation of their deepening trust and the unspoken commitment they share. It’s not just a promise to stay but a vow to face life’s challenges together, hand in hand, or rather, paw in paw.











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“Despite everything, it’s still you.”

⊱ future carrd ◦ future roleplay tracker ◦ future character bio ⊰
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Last edited by iliri; August 23rd, 2024 at 08:05 PM.
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