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Old July 9th, 2024, 09:33 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Mountain Territory

Originally Posted by SeonghwaBerry View Post
(I got an extension on our patrol to give Madeline more time to respond and because I'm busy the 10th. So it's due the 13th for us but I'm going to go ahead and do this as there turn is long overdue and I've VMed them <3 )

Willowtail blinked gently at Swanberry. "Let's go catch some rabbit then! Or whatever these are...." Willowtail purred brightly. Stalking forward, Willowtail landed on a study looking and feeling rock. Her grey pelt blending in perfectly. Her long tail streched out behind her, Willowtail waited for the rabbit to get lured away from it's companion, then Willowtail made her move. Leaping forward, Willowtail gave one big push and landed squarely infront of the rabbit, grabbing it's spine in her jaws and silencing it's cry with her paw. Once the rabbit was dead, Willowtail skillfully brought it back to there now two rabbits. "Theres two left. I scared off one but it's just by those oddly tall bushes over there... The other one bounded just beyond the bushes, but sense we haven't explored I'd say get the one before the bushes." Willowtail advised. Pinning her ears and stammering. "I-if you think that's a good idea...." Willowtail mewed, she was used to hunting with her little brother Weepingpaw and giving him advice. Willowtail needed to remind herself she wasn't the only experienced warrior on this hunt.

She, Her\Queen\30 moons\Riverclan
"Venus, planet of love, was destroyed by global warming. Did its people want to much too?"

Baby Boomer - [INACTIVE]

· · ─────── ·· ─────── ·

(Thanks a ton! I really appreciate you!)
Swanberry was overly thankful for Willowtail's reassurance, it made her feel full in an oddly fulfilling way. Before she went off to catch a rabbit for herself she nuzzled Willowtail's cheek with her dark nose. "Great catch! I'll try and get one if I can manage. I doubt I'll go for the one who scrambled farther down the mountain, but I'll see where it ended up. The bush one is my main priority though." Hunting. Gee, it's been awhile. Swanberry was worried she'd almost forgotten to do it.

"Watch those for me," she gingerly pulled the blue berries from her ears and placed them at Willowtail's paws. "My mate gave them to me. Oh, and watch them rabbits as well. Thank you," She smiled tiredly before stalking off. Since her pelt was a pale strawberry blonde, it was more than easy to spot her bright pelt against dark rock. She wasn't going to let that stop her for securing some prey for her clan.

It was hard to crouch down, way harder than she would've liked. And uncomfortable. The queen unsheathed her claws and widened her eyes. The rabbit in the tall bushes stared right back at her. Hm... But it merely twitched it's nose rapidly. Without giving much thought, Swanberry lunged for the rabbit, missing them by a hair as they bolted. Swanberry hissed inwardly and scrambled to keep up with it. After a few bounds Swanberry's claws met fur and soon tore into flesh. By the time the rabbit was killed, Swanberry was panting and her tongue lay out of her maw like a dog.

"Possibly the hardest prey for me to catch," she huffed. How could Windclan do it? Hunting down these rabbits... Or whatever these were... Was a chore. The word spun around her and jade eyes looked tentatively for the familiar pelt of Willowtail. She seized the limp rabbit in her jaws and hobbled up to Willowtail, her head low and cheeks flushed. "I- think that's good? Maybe one more?" Swanberry commented breathlessly, her eyes still glued to the dark rocks beneath her paws.

@Madelaine // Jaggedpaw

❝Whatever will be, will be. Don't care what anyone else thinks.❞
-When You Grow Up, Your Heat Dies

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