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Old July 7th, 2024, 08:55 PM
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Default Re: Trade secrets [p]

He/him | WC Apprentice Tunneler | Moons: 9 | Purrks: Dreamwalker | Part Manx cat

Rabbitpaw looked up from his paws as his mentor approached him in the clearing. The apprentice had been looking over his wounds from the attack and before and while he was no medicine cat he was getting better. His paws were completely healed over with some callous and his ear seemed to have mostly scabbed over and started to heal skin of his tears. His nose was set and his legs were still a bit sore but nothing like it was after his adrenaline crash under Miss Lightningstorm’s care. Oh training! Of course! Especially tunneling! The apprentice got to his paws and shook out his fur. “Of course, Crowtooth, do you even have to ask? The apprentice teased.

Though he didn’t think he was that close to an assessment. Surely he wasn’t. Cats get their warrior name around 12 moons right? He was 9 moons. Maybe Crowtooth wasn’t kidding when he said that Rabbitpaw was speeding through his apprenticeship. Oops. Well the older tom didn’t seem to actually be that upset with him so that was good at least. Anyways, tunneling. “Well there’s all sorts I want to learn still and practice, you can never have too much practice, can you? Well anyways isn’t there fighting moves for underground stuff? I haven’t been taught that? Also like general upkeep for the tunnels and building more tunnels. Do you do that? Make new tunnels?” The apprentice rambled through his thoughts as he turned to his mentor. Maybe that was a lot for one outing but Rabbitpaw would mind staying in the tunnels all day if he could. He liked it down there as much as he liked running on the moor! Different loves but love all the same!

Green eyes blinked at Crowtooth’s final words. A special skill passed to no one? He thinks Rabbitpaw is special enough to learn it? That he’d be good at it?! The blonde smiled wide and wagged his tail as he barely contained hopping around in delight at this new information. “I would be honored to be taught this special skill! Thank you Crowtooth!” Really. Thank you. Rabbitpaw doesn’t say that enough.
[ @Rani - Crowtooth ]

Rabbitpaw gif made by ramen!

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