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Old July 6th, 2024, 02:00 PM
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Morrigan Morrigan is offline
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Default Re: eternal placeholder. [battle training]

Shadowclan apprentice
Purrks: Mind reader(permanently active) and Shadow fiend(inactive)

Truth be told, Quietpaw was quite surprised when Lostspark had stolen her away for battle training...along with some other unimportant apprentice, of course. Mother usually ignored her and focused on her noisier siblings so this was an uncommon bit of attention. What did she do to deserve such smothering. How suffocating. She truly couldn't catch a break from this oh so unconditional parental love. She really needed to tell all her lovable kin to stop being so clingy with her.

Enough with the internal sarcasm. Trotting after her mother in the early hours of the morning, with a stoic composure. Sleep had been shaken off quickly, as she had learned that the best time to train was the golden hour. No idea why but was there a reason to argue about such a trivial thing? No. No there was not. The only thing she wanted from this was knowledge, nothing else.

Sparing the enforcer a brief glance as she faced them, the paw awaited the lesson to start. The wait was short, just as Lostspark had said. Cranial blow. Quietpaw listened closely and mentally noted it down. The demonstration was helpful, but, she felt a twinge of disappointment that she didn't get to see the damage it did in person. Oh, well. She'd get to try it out in the next battle.

Goodie, she was the next example. Front paw strike. Uneasiness grew in the apprentice's stomach as the grey molly gestured towards parts of her body. There was no doubt in mind that violence would actually used against her, but she didn’t like being so close to her mother. Her trust hadn't been earned yet. Resisting the urge to snap at Lostspark's paw as it brushed the hairs in her neck and chest was easier said then done. The end of the demonstration was the best part. Though the opportunity was present, she had to pass up the chance to claw her mother. She had ad enough of her at the moment.l

Biting. Wow, how advanced. Still useful, though. Disabling an opponent would definitely come in handy. Intrest piqued at Lostspark flaunting of her scar. She hid her curiosity as she peered at the bitemark with an indifferent mask. How did she earn that? Mother had lots of scars but, to be honest, Quietpaw had no idea from whom she recieved them. But she would not goggle with kit like wonder. One day she'd find out on her own.

Onto the next move: belly rake....and she wouldn't get to see this one...what a pity. Throwing back the scrutinising look that the enforcer gave her she stayed silent and watched on with mild apathy. How boring. But at least she learned how to shred someone's stomach open. Couldn't wait to try that out when she got the chance. That was not sarcasm.

Her attention was once again gained with the mention of a much more advanced move: Leap and hold. And she got to try it out on mother? With claws? How exciting. No way she'd wait now she got the chance. Talons extended, like instructed, the splotched apprentice gathered her haunches and attempted to leap onto the enforcer's back. If successful would be quite annoyed at when she had to be shaked off but, seeing as there was no other way to hang on without being crushed.

Rasping her tongue quickly over a stray tuft sticking up on her shoulder, Quietpaw perked her ears for the next part of the lesson. Play dead. How drull. But apparently useful as well. Go motionless then became alive again, surprising your opponent. Easy enough. Though, not to be used too often as the older she-cat suggested. Welll, the more you know the more prepared you'll be. That was the most important thing.

Scruff shake. Worked best on rats. Wonderful, Quiet knew many so she'd definitely try it out on them. Pull it off? At the moment, her main rival(if that insolent rat was even worth giving such a title) was quite miniscule so she was pretty sure she would be successful if she tried to chuck them over the border. Ah, wouldn't that just be lovely. If only she could rid all her nuisances.

Uptight lock. Crushing move, used to finish cats off. Risky, though. If they fought back, then there'd be a wrestling match or so mother said. It was doubtful that if she wanted to try this move then her opponent wouldn't have enough strength to put up much of a fight. * Sigh* Some cats were full of surprises, she supposed. Now to test what she'd learned. Looking at Lionpaw witn subtle challenge, she got into a defensive postion and awaited the brawl to begin. Quietpaw wouldn't take no for an answer.

@Rose @Ladiebugg

Nightgaze kit finder!

Please tap on the eggs and small dragons!^^

Last edited by Morrigan; July 29th, 2024 at 01:36 PM.
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