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Old May 26th, 2024, 02:33 AM
kittycatburmise kittycatburmise is online now
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Default Re: Helping & Healing Paws [ Healing/Herb Lessons ]


There were quite a few questions, and Springlight answered them before moving on to the next set of herbs. First was comfrey, which Springlight had mentioned before as being like elder leaves. It was a tall green plant with purple flowers which grew in every season except leaf-bare. When chewed the roots soothed burns, itchiness and wounds, and the leaves had the same use as elder leaves. Different herbs with the same purpose, like sunfuzzies, marigold and yellow bells.

Next was honey, which was found in beehives. It had a lot of uses; keeping wounds from drying out, soothing sore throats, reducing coughing, boosting energy and making herbs better tasting. Then Springlight pointed her nose upwards, and Mallowpaw's eyes followed. Surprise flickered in her chest when she saw the beehive above them that she'd never noticed. Springlight started talking about how honey was created and how to retrieve it, and Mallowpaw's eyes lingered on the beehive for a moment longer before refocusing on the medicine cat.

They were supposed to collect honey with another cat; one waiting at the bottom of the tree while the other retrieved it. Listening to the process required to attain the honey, it seemed like a lot of work for a herb, but then she remembered how many uses it had. It didn't go off either, so it did seem like it was worth it, Mallowpaw mused as she inspected the piece of honeycomb that had fallen from the hive.

The next herb was burnet, which was tall with purple blooms and looked like grass. Unlike a lot of the other herbs Springlight had taught them, it grew all year round, and worked as a travelling herb and to help queens during kittings as it boosted strength.

Then Springlight was talking about sunset roses, and Mallowpaw tilted her head at the first thing she said about it. The next herb is one that I'm not as familiar with as you are. Why? She was the medicine cat, she should know more about it than anyone. Still confused, she listened to Springlight as she told them it was a beautiful red and orange and it was used for chills, nausea, fever and to cure a mysterious illness known as snow fever. Snow fever? The medicine cat told them about it, that it started with a chill and spread quickly, and that the herb only worked in the illness's early stages. Any later and it was fatal.

Mallowpaw swallowed as Springlight moved on to the next herb, borage. It was found in sunny places from late newleaf to early leaf-fall, and it was tall and fuzzy with large leaves and pointed blue blooms. The leaves and flowers treated and reduced fevers, but it was bitter and best taken with honey. Mallowpaw wondered if a lot of the golden substance was used up making herbs taste better.

Questions. Mallowpaw had one, and she hesitated to see if anyone else would bring it up before speaking. "Has there been an outbreak of snow fever before in ThunderClan?"

Last edited by kittycatburmise; May 26th, 2024 at 06:06 AM.
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