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Old May 12th, 2024, 04:29 PM
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Default Re: Tales of Ghosts and Gremlins

The entirety of this post contains the frequent mentioning of gore, violence, mental complications, and other topics similar to this! If this makes you uncomfortable, please do not proceed!


Male / 6 Moons / Rouge/Outskirts / Pansexual
White, Black and Gray tabby tom with very dark markings, bright and round blue eyes, prickly fur, and a large scar across his clouded left eye

Nah, ‘course I didn’t murder a guy! Get your facts right, man- I killed three, not one!


When Kamiko’s mouth closed, marking the end of his introduction, silence arose. It clung to the air and rung in the young tom’s ears, adding extra gloom to the general environment. Kamiko let his eyelids fall just slightly, resting his eyes as much as he could while still keeping them open and aware. The rouge was not frightened in the least, his surroundings felt to… not familiar, but something near it. Comforting? Pleasant? But it clearly wasn’t pleasant, with its eerie appearance and ancient walls and floors. Rarely did Kamiko come across a cat who told him that they loved hearing the sounds of noisy pops and high-pitched screeches whenever they placed their paw on the ground, or that they enjoyed the feeling of ghostly cold air slipping through their fur, burning their skin. It was just Kamiko, so it seemed. Though, not that I mind, Kamiko reminded himself, blue gaze dancing around what all he could make out in the darkness of the home, like it’s glittering cobwebs, the moonlight filtering trough the gaps and holes in the walls, and the slight highlight of his drying blood on the wood beneath him. In fact, it would be nice to take a lil’ stay here, once I’m finished bleeding myself to death. Hm!

The silence held the air, only broken by the occasional pick up of the breeze. Kamiko couldn’t help but realize that it was actually pretty nice, dying out in a possibly haunted old farmhouse found randomly by the trees, listening to the wind laugh and mock him for nearly losing his life to a psychotic relative. I could d this more often! He suggested to himself. It couldn’t be that complicated. The quiet kept holding up for a few moments, leaving the peace to stay, and Kamiko was almost sure that he had been speaking to the air itself. All this quiet, he had to be alone. There was no explanation. So naturally, he prepared to give up on waiting for a response, opening his mouth to announce his decision, but he was interrupted.

A voice crashed Kamiko’s train of thought and stole his attention. Immediately, the multi-shaded eyelids flew back up, eyes widening. The stranger had what sounded like a slow, drawn, and disembodied voice, starting with a single syllable: ‘Kah.’ Kamiko raised an eyebrow, then both once the ‘mee’ left the odd stranger’s mouth. His gaze darted back and forth through the shadows quickly, scanning the darkness for an any possible source of the voice. What in the name of… what was going on? He couldn’t see anybody. The only thing his eyes managed to catch were, again, the cobwebs, the shadows, and himself. Kamiko had thought it was impossible for the place to get more ominous, but apparently not. The final syllable sounded across the home, and Kamiko realized that it had been his own name coming from the unfamiliar creature. Of course, he had introduced himself with his name, but goodness, it was still quite strange of the unknown thing to use his name like that.

And yet, somehow, Kamiko still didn’t feel frightened. The second the stranger finished saying his name, the smile flew right back onto Kamiko’s face. Things seemed to be getting interesting. His attention had abandoned the cobwebs and blood completely by now, because the young tom’s focus was now centered on- and only on- locating the mysterious creature who had spoken his name. They had him intrigued, and chances were, Kamiko had already offered his fair share of amusing behavior as well. As the smiling tom proceeded to look back and forth around the home, his heart began to beat quicker and quicker with anticipation. This ought to be interesting, He thought to himself. Interesting enough to make bleeding to death worth it? Hey, just maybe! We’ll see, shall we?

The stranger’s voice materialized again, now sharp and threatening. At the sound of it, Kamiko couldn’t help but shudder. It was just the general feel of this place, and now that the stranger’s unusual tone of voice added the cherry on top, he had to give in to the urge to shiver. The stranger began to tell him about what sounded like impatience, mentioning the long wait he had suffered while Kamiko bled out on the wooden floor, leaving it stained and covered in the strong scent of bitter blood. When the stranger mentioned the blood, Kamiko turned his head to look at the drying puddle. He couldn’t blame his mysterious company for feeling irritated with him, it was quite nasty. But it wasn’t his fault Toni had decided to jump him, now was it? When the silence returned, Kamiko let his head loll back into place. He kept his ears turned up, awaiting the sound of the stranger’s once again. Once the ghostly cat continued speaking, he mentioned some sort of ‘caterwauling’, and Kamiko wasn’t sure what he meant at first. But after a second or two of thought, he remembered his singing. That probably had something to do with it; He had never been a professional musician, being the feline he was, of course, especially when torn up and beaten. Then, of course, he had made use of the stranger’s floor, ‘promptly using it as his personal gravesite.’ Kamiko’s smile widened. Yes, I did that! He thought. It certainly made an interesting grave!

Then suddenly, Kamiko heard a new sound. Claws, scraping. The tom’s eyes widened even more, once again flashing around the darkness in search for the stranger. He was nearing. His claws were scraping across as he moved, wood creaking louder and louder as he got closer. Kamiko tried to follow the sound, locking his eyes on its general location. He had no words yet. This was uncomfortably incredible.

When the stranger spoke again, Kamiko’s interest was as peaked as it would ever get. He listened to this stranger as he spoke about this home that Kamiko had wandered up on and collapsed in, and how he kept everything under his control, organized and in place. He went on about how the place was crafted for his personal comfort and use, questioning Kamiko about his decision to invade the home and ruin the floor. Kamiko had a brief flashback of dragging his way through the forest, across the garden, and into the home, leaving his lovely river of blood streaming behind him as he moved. Kamiko felt strangely proud of the river- it was his, and he had created it. In his immoral mindset, it felt similar to a mother’s love for her child. He had brought the thing into the world, and now it was bothering somebody. He thought the analogy was pretty accurate. The stranger snapped at him about how he brainlessly fell in love with the home, before oh-so-kindly letting him know that he could have effortlessly harmed him instead of patching him up and helping him heal. And naturally, he mentioned Kamiko’s weakness. Kamiko was still listening intently once the stranger got to talking about some form of ‘punishment’ for interrupting the gloomy peace of this place, bleeding away all over the floor, and just being impolite in general. He told Kamiko that death just wasn’t good enough. Kamiko had to agree, he knew for a fact that there were many things far worse than personal death. So what was the stranger going on about now? What point was he trying to make? Was he asking Kamiko to be grateful that he was still alive, or was he trying to make him wish he wasn’t by advertising this said, ‘punishment’? Or… somehow, maybe both?

The stranger had gotten closer by the time he asked Kamiko if he knew what he did with ‘cats like him.’ Kamiko had no answer, so he merely raised his eyebrows, still smiling. He had no idea what the stranger claimed to do, but he was sure it wouldn’t be a particularly fun experience for him. He waited for an explanation, leaving the speaking-job to the stranger. Kamiko had come to discover that to freaky cats speak was rather entertaining. So as he waited, there was no fear, only joy and excitement. See, this was once of the coolest things that had ever happened to him since the moment he took his first breath. It’s truly unusual, and truly amazing, He told himself. That was when he caught sight of a singular white, ghastly-pale paw appeared, emerging from the surface of the shadows. The length of his smile reached its maximum, and his eyes shimmering, Kamiko watched in patience as the moonlight hit the paw. Then finally, a ghostly figure broke free from the shadows, stepping out from the darkness. Kamiko’s heart beat picked up again, running laps in his chest. Now things were getting real.

This was obviously once of the weirdest cats that Kamiko had ever set sights on. The ghostly tom had a menacing demeanor, fur basking in the moonlight, proving himself to be quite different from the darkness of the haunting surroundings in color. The strange cat was awfully pale, and Kamiko was surprised that he hadn’t seen him already, glowing like a white sun in the shadows. Cobwebs rested on his pelt, falling from his fur and hanging from there, dressing him in their glittering string. The dark mark that traced his eyes made his stare glow, and as he stared down at Kamiko with those threatening eyes, Kamiko went back to pondering. How long did it take to get those cobwebs so lovely and organized? Dazzling! This was his first question. The fact that someone this intimidating had decided to prevent him from dying from blood loss was also a fun thought. Kamiko found his gaze, and with his own bright blue, stared into that of the stranger’s without trouble. Anything to stare- this guy was beautiful. From the cobwebs to the dark, threatening stare, in Kamiko’s eyes, he was gorgeousness on wheels. This was something Kamiko planned on bringing up in the future, just to show his respect for the tom’s appearance.

The older tom’s next words were the first that made Kamiko genuinely confused, even mildly concerned. The stranger claimed to have to ability to take other cats’… souls? Huh? Kamiko asked himself. His eyebrows fell and furrowed, eyes falling into slits. Wow- and he called ME delirious… huh. Guy’s gotta be insane. But quickly, his eyebrows hopped back up, eyes returning to their usual shape and size. But I love it, so that’s alright. Nothing wrong with some insanity and craziness, is there? Then even funnier, he began to rant on about how he offered these souls to the home, and the home kept him safe and healthy thanks to the offering… or something along those lines, Kamiko wasn’t entirely sure what he was hearing. Apparently the house was literally conscious now- at least, according to the possible-delirious-stranger Kamiko was still listening to. Kamiko watched as the stranger’s paw, claws extended, came his way, pausing in front of him. He slammed it down to the ground, and Kamiko winced when he heard the loud thud erupt in his ears. Of course, the guy HAD to cause the world to shake right next to my ear… such respect for the weak. The stranger dragged his claws back to himself, and Kamiko’s whiskers twitched. He had recovered from the loud sound, but he had already begun to question the realism here. Something was up- soul-collecting? Aware houses? Blood-eating wood?

Despite the strangeness of it all, Kamiko kept on listening. The stranger faced him with a chilly stare, empty of empathy, and his voice came back. He sounded breathless. He told Kamiko that he was now a part of this whole soul-keeping system, one with the show. Then came his final question. When the tom rose up from his crouch and started to circle Kamiko, Kamiko just watched in silent confusion. Kamiko heard out the stranger’s queries over whether he should be gutted like a mouse or accept… Kamiko’s offer? Wasn’t that the corpse thing, with the decorations? Kamiko blinked a time or two. Was the stranger actually considering it? Kamiko’s confusion vanished, replaced yet again by excitement. It was impossible for his excitement to stay behind bars for too long- it always found ways to come running back, and this pale stranger had just given it the perfect chance to come tumbling back.

It seemed that the stranger was finished speaking. Kamiko had one thought at the front of his mind, overpowering the rest. To laugh.

He didn’t hesitate to speak up about his thoughts. The moment he could use the long silence to confirm that the stranger was done speaking to and threatening him, he exploded into a rant, tone edged with laughter. “I’m sorry, sir, souls?! Call me delusional, back when you said something about how I loved your home with no reasoning… boy! Hey, don’t get me wrong- man, I admire the confidence, but like- damn. Think you’ve got some spiritual connection to some old twoleg crap? Honestly, call me crazy, but I think [I]you’re/I] the delusional one,” Kamiko lifted his head as much as he could without the cuts along his neck breaking open all over again, weak and barely able to hold up the weight of his head without having it plummet back down painfully onto the bloody wood. He laughed, and spoke again. “But hey, that’s alright, we’re all silly-brained sometimes, maybe you’re just… worse. Don’t kill me for not believing ya’ it’s just… a little unrealistic, eh?

But that wasn’t all. Kamiko had done all that listening, and now he had his own things to say to the ghostly tom. He added, “I mean, go ahead and take my soul. Seriously. I’d love to spend the rest of eternity here, this is a wonderland to me. But you-” He smiled merrily at the stranger, starry eyed all over again. “-You, good sir, haven’t even told me your name! What happened to manners? But that’s alright,” Before giving him a chance to properly introduce himself even if he had wanted to, Kamiko got back to talking. “But back to that offer. It was real, Y’know.” Kamiko let his head fall back onto the wood, tired of forcing himself to keep it lifted.

I’ll gladly learn to rip and tear cats apart for you. Crazy or not, nothing’s make me happier than getting a good share of blood in my teeth. It’s all I want, really, to get my claws in somebody’s pelt, rake them right through. But you see, I just can’t. I’m too unexperienced, too weak, and too empty of training. So unless you still plan on letting your uh… soul-sucking home chomp up my soul, ha- sorry- you’d have to teach me something, now woudln’t you?

Kamiko scanned the tom again, eyes stopping on the cobwebs, the intimidating expression, and the menacing demeanor, taking in whatever he could make use of ip with his words. Once he was finished, he explained, “I mean, just look at you. So handsome! With all those cobwebs all nice and pretty, don’t know how you do it! I bet you’d look absolutely angelic if I used you to learn how to tear and slice, eh? Some scars rarely ever hurt anyone, so-anyway, you can’t be too lost in your little ghostly-fantasy, you look worthy of a good fight or kill. You’ve managed to get those cobwebs all nice and pretty, so I’d be surprised if you couldn’t at least kill one guy, right?

Kamiko finished this off, voice growing a little quieter. “So… the offer? Once I learned how to get somebody shredded- oh, what a truly lovely idea- yes, I could help tear up anybody else who dares step foot in this home! And don’t call me a hypocrite, remember that I was in the process of dying when I arrived, merely desperately searching for a place to fall and rest! But wouldn’t it be wonderful? Having both a double defense and… what to call it… slaughter assistant? MURDER BUDDY! I find em’, I slice em, you uh… eat em’, take their soul, whatever you do… and hey, we live, we make cats bleed, we taste the blood!” He let his smile shine, eyes narrowing again to put an emphasis on his final request. “…It’s that simple… just a teaching, and I’d be ready to go?

All said, Kamiko felt a boost of motivation. He lifted his head again, even slipping a paw underneath his shoulder to prop up the upper half of his body. It hurt so, so terribly badly- but he stayed shut up. He had to look decently stable for this to work- and who knew, maybe this freak was actually some sort of soul-collecting demon-phantom, Kamiko want the one to judge. But either way, at the end of the day, he probably wasn’t leaving this home. Either he stayed and learned to rip and shred some other cats apart, or he died right here, drowning in a pool of his own blood.


// No worries, life happens. Also, if you ever wanted them, I am giving you all power-play permissions (excluding death, of course-), so do what you will with that. Have a nice day! \\

~ @Dust ~


I have left WCO due to recovery purposes. For more detail, consider checking my last visitor message on my profile, and if it ever gets buried beneath anything else, feel free to repost it. With that said, I wish the best for this site and everybody involved, so stay as happy and healthy as you can, everyone.

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