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Old May 7th, 2024, 01:09 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat's Den

Content Warning ~ mental distress, “nightmares,” blood and death, decomposing/rotting bodies

゚。 Mossfreckle (ShC)
 ゚・。・゚ they/he ~ medicine cat apprentice

❦ The world was falling apart around him, there was no other word for it, the world was falling apart as the stars seemed to cease their twinkling as they flickered out above the herbalists head… this isn’t real… something within him knew this wasn’t real, something fundamentally wrong panged within his hazed mind… this isn’t real… as oriental shaped form stood and watched as the world before them fall apart… this isn’t real… an incantation as the earth beneath his paws seemed to be uprooted, to crumble beneath his white tipped paws… this isn’t real… but part of him too that it was all too real. Angular ears perked as ocean static became a crashing, became a cacophony of noises that landed harshly on the sensitive hairs within the canals of his pressed back ears, a rumbling filled the tall pine forest and anxiety began to prickle harshly against the medicine cats silky, freckled pelt… in and out, in and out… the world that stood starkly within the confides of his starry, fogged over mind nothing more than a wave of fear streaked, rippling pelts. Gnashing teeth and pained howls became the symphony of the ending world, a sweet danse macabre as the world ended, as the world reeled and toppled over, the stars flitting above in the abysmal sky… mocking… they watched at the world fell apart around the lanky freckled feline, watched as he stood with his paws heavy against the dark marshy ground as if the tension that hung heavy in the misted air bound his feet to the ground with thick roots… a cruel irony. Pelts wove together, those that feel behind were trampled by paws of the unseeing, the unknowing forms lumbered past him… thump, thump, thump… with each beat of his heart the paw steeps struck, slowly then quicker… thump, thump, thump… all Mossfreckle could hear was the beating of his own heart.

❦ Feral heads whip with widened orbs, fear laces their movements, primal instincts flare within their minds and they run… they run as if they can outrun the world, outrun the end, as if fourtuna smiled fondly on them… it did not. Thundering pawsteps collide with the mashed ground but the thump, thump, thump slows as if the world was opening up to swallow them whole… dragging the pack into the ground… with each selfish step that the canines proceed on another is lost, the world was ending and not one stopped to consider anyone but themselves. Roots ripped from the ground and the giants that stood in towering, conifer canopies came crashing to the ground - all too familiar forms crushed beneath the thudding of fallen shadows… familiar patterns and eyes that mossy hues peered into that seems to hold the souls of his clanmates… his lackadaisical clanmates… this wasn’t real but at the root of it all he knew it was. Starry mind was reeling, well the whole world was reeling as the forest collapse and immortal tress become finite begins - as mortal begins become immortal in whatever hellscapes their bitter souls will haunt. Lupine forms lumber on, unaware of those who lay in crumpled, broken heaps beneath the uprooted trees which now loomed eerily - almost archaically - on a bed of their own fallen needles. Broken forms wither away as if time sped up, the world was coming to an end and the moons sped past… decay… flesh rots away as maggots feast and bones crack and splinter and turn to ass that only served to cloud out the stars more… a warning, a plea, a looming disappoint that raked at quickly beating heart, carving deep rivulets of crimson that seemed to extend from him in tendrils that heal the mangled bodies… but they turn away and continue once more on their hedonistic pursuit of the safety they will never find in their fear muddled state.

❦ white tipped paws began moving, Mossfreckle joined the danse macabre that had begun in a slow rhythmic ballad of pained laced howls and grew to a cacophony of panting tired breaths and the collapse of giants which had once loomed amongst their imposing reign… the world was ending or at least the world they knew… freckled oriental shaped form ran, the herbalists pelt stung as the fallen giants dead fingers grasped at his pelt, as the canine spirts gnashed their fangs at his star hewn form… no one was safe when the only one they looked out for was one. He wasn’t scared… an echoing of a realisation cut through the ocean static of his mind and cleared his fear redded mossy hues… that fundamental fact rose like a phoenix in his mind, he wasn’t scared… the herbalist stood and faced the lumbering pack of canines, he stood and allowed the world to swallow him whole. Mossy hues fixated on the towering conifer canopy that cast a sole shadow, one tall pine remained and the lanky medicine cat simply stood and watched at the roots ripped from the ground and its weight came crashing down on him… no one was safe… oriental shaped form writhed as body detached form mind and he stood face to face with his mangled form which lay strewn amongst the rotting corpses. Whispers began to fill the forest but it was not the familiar taunting tones of his own bitter fogs, requiem was sung in words he could not make out as if the forest spoke in ancient tongues… the world was over… the beat of his heart was the only sound as it ricocheted against the emptiness that had taken hold of the marshy forest and the only living being left was the long dead whispers that muffled their words and sung his requiem in words not meant for him…


❦ Mossfreckle woke as the screams filled his mind and blood began to seep from the floor of the marshes, to wither away all it touched as if washing the selfish sinners clean, mossy hues snapped open and lanky form panted in minute panic the warning laid out so starkly yet so riddling in his starry mind which seemed to return as if nothing had happened to the star streaked confines of his waking hours… no one was safe… the clan was in danger and Starclan was warning them, warning them as a hawk did a mouse with a shrike that only serves to taunt their inevitable demise.

{ @Rose // @Undertaker ~ let’s get this started !! (:< }

Mossfreckle is Shadowclan’s Medicine Cat

Mossfreckle’s Tracker // ShadowClan Healing // ShadowClan Herb Storage // Roleplay Tracker

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