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Old May 6th, 2024, 03:29 AM
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Default Re: "An Intermission" RabbitCrow

Windclan Tunneler/Fury | He/him | 51 Moons
Power Card: Cold Gust

That was.... A lot of words, wow.

For the most part Rabbitpaw seemed content to get all the information out there without encouragement so Crowtooth stayed quiet and let him just vent, the older tom taking the occasional bite of the mink as he listened.

The situation was more complex then the tunneler had expected out of Rabbitpaw, not that he thought his apprentice was dumb or shallow or anything, just that this kind of intricacy wasnt common amount cats his age. Even after the young cat finished the fury took a moment to think, brow furrowing as he turned this over in his head and paw tapping as he did.

"Well....." The rasp wasnt as confident and firm as a Crowtooths usual speak but he continued nontheless. "First o' all I cant read yer friends mind an' dont know 'em, so ya got a better idea o' their personality then me. But from what I can tell this may be an issue o' maturity an' a couple o' conflictin' views on the part o' yer friend."
The tom leaned back, staring at the sky as he tried to explain, gesturing to the mink for Rabbitpaw to eat in the meantime.

"So first o' all I think yer friend is genuinely worried fer ya, and was upset when ya didnt address the thing they were worried about but talked about somethin' they had their.... own opinions about. In yer defense kid ya didnt address it 'cuz it aint a trouble fer ya like they thought it was but they might nota understood that.

Ya see, yer kinda rushin' through yer apprenticeship at a concernin' rate? It aint a bad thing, really yer doin' great but it aint common and some cats worry yer doin' it 'cuz ya feel ya have ta an' that yer missin' out on your young life fer it. Which I get, I feel the same at times. Apprenticeship is supposed ta be learnin' ta be a warrior but also a time fer ya ta grow and have fun and yanno, be a kid an' at the rate yer goin' you'll miss out on that entirely. An' that you'll burn yerself out in doin' so.

Those that care fer ya dont want that, so yer friend was worried and may 'ave thought ya werent 'bein' honest wit' yerself' or not being honest wit' him."

But in the end that was only part of the problem so even as the tom let that sink in to Rabbitpaw it was clear he was going to keep going. Honestly he was kinda glad this'd come up? The tom was worried at this rate his apprentice would be a warrior at like 8 moons old, an issue for multiple reasons. First of all size, warriors fought warriors and while size wasnt everything it was a lot and Crowtooth was terrified that it'd kill Rabbitpaw. Also there was the experience and maturity that only time could bring.
Moving on.

"The theres the Fallownose side o' thin's... Now Im gonna be frank wit' ya kiddo yer friend was bein' an idiot.

Ya got the right o' it on Fallownose. Maybe he wouldnt 'ave mourned ya like ya are mournin' him, maybe ya didnt know him 'well enough' fer what yer feelin' (not that I believe such a thing exists). But sorrow an' grief is a confusin' creature that often makes little sense, and Fallownose was a deputy besides. Yer not only mournin' a cat, but the life he brought. Fallownose brought safety an' stability an' even if it wasnt peace totally as hardship existed it may 'ave felt like that, especially as a kit sheltered from it all, ya lost that abruptly younger then ya shouldve had ta an' at a special moment too. Part o' yer mournin' might be that too an' yer friend doesnt understand that, which is understandable yer both young.

But also, I think yer not understandin' yer friend too. Listen I dont know yer friend but I know you, yer a good judge o' character an' if hes yer friend I believe he means well. So I dont think he's askin' ya to forget Fallownose, I think he meant kinder but couldnt find the right words. He might just be worried about ya an' that yer hurtin' and meant ta try and make ya feel better, ta like, encourage ya to move on if he thinks yer dwellin' and hurtin' yerself by it.

However like I said, I think yer friend was bein' an idiot an' royally messed his words up."

The mentor could be wrong really and Lightningpaw could have meant his words more cruely but Crowtooth wanted to have faith in Rabbitpaws friend choosing skills and that this was a misunderstanding and not a real issue. Misunderstandings could be solved after all.

"But ya also screwed up kiddo if this is true. By yer own admission ya hurt him by accusin' him o' forgettin' so even if its not accepted an' he doesnt do the same ya should apologize fer it."
This was accompanied by a stern but not upset or mean look for a moment before Crowtooth wrapped up, keen on having his apprentice at least take the high road, even if things turned south.

"Again I dont know him but I dont think he wanted ta hurt ya, Lightningpaw was prolly just upset wit' ya an' that this was a misunderstanding on both o' yer parts ya just need ta talk out wit' eachother.
He didnt understand why yer drivin' yerself so hard an' that yer not harmin' yerself wit' yer grief through it an' ya didnt understand he was worried about ya an' just expressin' it poorly.

But again, I aint a mind reader an' ya know more details then me so what're yer thoughts on my read o' the situation?"
Stars he needed water after all this, and a nap, Crowtooth wasnt used to thinking this hard.

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