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Old May 3rd, 2024, 08:41 PM
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Default Re: Tales of Ghosts and Gremlins

The entirety of this post contains the frequent mentioning of gore, violence, mental complications, and other topics similar to this! If this makes you uncomfortable, please do not proceed!


Male / 6 Moons / Rouge/Outskirts / Pansexual
White, Black and Gray tabby tom with very dark markings, bright and round blue eyes, prickly fur, and a large scar across his clouded left eye

Nah, ‘course I didn’t murder a guy! Get your facts right, man- I killed three, not one!


Kamiko had already been long gone in pain and exhaustion by the time Spooks had reached him. He had slept on through the other tom’s unique grooming style, busy loosing himself to the blood and wounds. Too knocked out into deep sleep, he hadn’t even felt the cobwebs being placed overtop his sliced and swollen eye, let alone all of his scraped and cuts. As the bleeding began to become blocked off by the unexpected web-visit, some of the thoughts, slowly but surely, returned to Kamiko’s head. Eventually, a little later in the night, thanks to the help of this new brain power, he was now able to properly dream. And what dreams they were- all wonderfully graphic.

The dream that Kamiko would find himself remembering once he awoke began with a dark, cool, and marshy forest environment. His vision cleared, just as complete and clear as it had been before his injuries, and he could see better than ever. There was no sound- only the slight hum of the air around him and sound of his own breaths. It was unusual for the woods to be so dead-silent. Normally Kamiko could at least hear the sounds of the branches swaying and their leaves brushing against one another in the breeze, if not the birds and occasional frog. But it didn’t make him uncomfortable, not in the least. The difference was interesting to him, and something was demanding he explore as much of it as he could. After all, he thought, raising a paw. Only one way to find out if the noise-thing is all that’s new, right? So he stepped one paw forward, into the damp marsh. Then another, and so on until all four had moved.

Unfortunately, he was unable to get very far before the silence was shattered. There was what Kamiko was pretty sure was supposed to be a laugh, though it sounded much more like the screech of an elderly bird, followed by the thunder of paw steps splashing against the ground. Startled and puzzled, Kamiko turned his head around to see who was coming at him, but they didn’t give him the chance. In seconds, the unidentified figure’s claws were tearing through his pelt, their teeth deep across his face, and Kamiko found himself on the unstable ground, getting buried in the marsh. The burning sensation from his reality’s wounds and cuts erupted back into existence, and he couldn’t help but yelp. Was he back? The somewhat-stranger of a brother who had clawed and ripped him out of his skin earlier? Back to ruin him all over again?

Oh- NAH, nah- Kamiko’s head was screaming, and for good reason. He wasn’t very intrigued but the idea of getting torn up all over again. He unsheathed his claws, bared his teeth, and snapped his attention into defense, retaliation. He wrestled and fought with the tom for a few moments, each aiming and landing blow upon blow until they were beginning to both loose both their sense of direction and true focus. Kamiko managed to get his face free, finding an empty patch of grass to land his paw, sore and mildly blood-stained.

There, he realized something new. Yes! I can get him back- he’s here! I can get him back, now’s the perfect chance! His mindset made a swift transition to one of defense to attack, and he waited for the right moment. His brother, a thin and fragile tom whose vision had never been the greatest, wouldn’t be too hard to just kick off into the marsh if Kamiko made himself wait a little longer for the right chance to land a blow. If Kamiko could only take a few extra hits, he could get in his own… because in any second, any second…

Aha- yes… YES!” He exclaimed when an unprotected patch of his fellow tom’s underbelly showed itself. His eyes shined at the sight, and without hesitation, his back paw shoot forward, ramming straight into the target. As intended, his bother went flying backward into the marsh, with the line of blood Kamiko had managed to leave his face flying back along with him. Kamiko hurried back into play, mumbling, “Goodness, goodness, you’re going to die you’re finally going to die…” and darting back over to his opponent. In this dream-world where Kamiko was somehow properly trained, he pinned him before he could hop back onto his paws and defend himself, making sure to give him no chance to get back up. Then with the most physically complicated part out of the way, Kamiko happily began to aim slice after slice and hit after hit, smile wide across his face.

Want breathing room, Toni? Huh? Want some space to cry?” He jeered, adding in his sibling’s name to increase the sound of mockery in his voice. He was going to make this as self-satisfactory as he could, and that could be done simply by causing his brother as much pain, emotional and physical combined as possible. He kept on grazing his claws across Toni’s face, back and forth, watching the thick crimson drops and splatters following the path of his paws. He returned to shouting, “Maybe if you’d given me some space, I’d give some more to you! Yeah? Regret anything yet, do you? Any remorse, Toni?!” He braced his claws, raised high above his victim’s waiting left eye. The smile grew. “Do you? Well, cry, that’s alright- runs in the family. Enjoy!” He swung his paw downward, letting his claws dig down into his brother’s eye, just as he’d felt it to the other way around earlier on. No wonder he hurt me so badly, Kamiko told himself, returning to the usual slicing and tearing. It felt wonderful. He leaned forward, and to Toni, added, “Maybe we could have done this together, be allies- friends, even! Maybe we could love to rip and tear together, couldn’t we? Maybe! Maybe if you gave a damn… what a shame, oh, what a shame! All the maybe’s, right?

It all feels so good…

Then without warning, ruining his progress of ripping and tearing, his vision began to falter. It darkened, and the pain of his own eye stung like all of the pain felt by every organism in the entire universe had just materialized into it, and he gasped a little. But the gasp was interrupted- as of he’d already been making some sound before it had left him. Already speaking? No… that wasn’t right, he was dreaming. But then again, Kamiko had never been normal, so maybe he did sleep talk. But as he began to actually re-enter the waking world, he started to understand what the actual source of the gasp’s interruption had been. It, shaky and shallow, was his own laughter. Who knew he could get any weirder than dreaming and singing about brutally slaughtering somebody who he barely knew.

His good eye fluttered open, the swollen one remaining shut and sticky while it did. He blinked the open eye a few times, sleep clearing away from the depths blue, letting the House of Horrors reappear and pop back into his head. He was still twitching with laughter while adjusting to being awake, and it only died down once he was fully aware of what was going on. Back to reality. The house was still the same old ugly thing, all shaggy and broken down, with wood that had clearly been through all sorts of hell before Kamiko had arrived and had his wounds leak all over it/worsen what was already abd enough in the beginning. Beautiful place, isn’t it? He thought to himself, smile falling a little but staying visible. Must have been nice when someone actually lived here- quiet, haunting. I’d like a home like this one day. He laughed a final laugh, quieter than the rest, before a light lit in his head. He was thinking.

Well dead cats didn’t do much of that, now did they? He was alive and kicking! He may be doing so in the worst possible amount of pain as possible, but he was still there, wasn’t he?

It was a good thought, that he hadn’t been torn up so badly his soul met the afterlife early. With the new motivation to live out his story, Kamiko decided he was going to try at getting out of here, maybe come back every once and a while to stay for the nights, have some shelter when it rains and pours. And all alone, what a wonderful life-

Cobwebs. Everywhere, cobwebs.

Kamiko had merely shifted over onto his back, and that was the last bit of moving he could do without the mixture of pain, some dry blood, and cobwebs. Kamiko, wide eyed and confused, glanced at each and every bunch of cobweb, eyeing the wads with his functioning-eye. He for one knew that the likely hood that he got up in his sleep, ignored his injuries, and latched himself up, were as close to zero as odds could get. There’s only one other explanation, isn’t there? His confusion was overcome by surprise, and Kamiko’s smile crept back onto his face. I’m not… alone? Strange. Who’s here?

He turned his head back and forth, but with the dizziness of pain and darkness, his vision was limited. The young tom was unable to see very far at all- so instead, he considered taking matters into his own hands. If the anonymous cat here had been willing to patch him up, take care of his wounds, they couldn’t be too hostile… could they?

It wasn’t exactly normal for cats to choose to live in seemingly haunted homes, was Kamiko himself had considered it, had he not? Maybe they weren’t so different after all. He took another look at his fur, to find the old blood faint and textured oddly, as if it had been messed with. By none other than a tongue. Well, lucky him, he had been groomed! Somebody had suffered through getting rid of quite a bit of the blood that had previously been coating his pelt. So if they’re such a gentle person, why not? Of course I should take matters into my own paws. Kamiko didn’t see anything against it. It wasn’t like this stranger could ignore him forever- especially if this was their house Kamiko had been bleeding and dying all over.

Kamiko cleared his throat, a grunt that showed him just how raw his throat truly was, (unlike the version he’d had in the wonder-dream of his) and spoke as loudly as he could. “…ah, hey… hey! Hey?” His words were weak and brittle, but they were there. Kind of like him. At least they were there at all, even if they were completely pathetic compared to their usual state. He continued, raspy but overjoyed at the idea of having the mystery of unknown company. “I know… know you’re there, bud! And the cobwebs… that was you, wasn’t it, with the cobwebs… thanks.” Kamiko paused, thought, and added, “And… even bothered to clean… yeah? How’s the… blood tasting?Couldn’ta been too bad, Toni liked it enough to… to…” Of course his words decided to die off during the middle of his oh-so-necessary comment. Kamiko’s eyes looked back for a moment, but right after, he was back into focus and stupidly blinking the temporary silence away.

…Anyway, so…” He glanced around briefly again, then got to the point and finished his question. “Name’s uh… think Kamiko, that sounds ‘bout right. And you? Little phantom, who’re you? Wanna show your face for me, huh…? Get to… gent’s know each other? Cause’ If I… uh… if I’m talking to the wind, that’s no fun… yeah?” He made sure to finish by showing some extra personality. “I like this place… love it. How ‘bout I go collect some certain cats fun lil’ corpses, ring ‘em all over here, add some decoration? Their pelts look really nice… even nicer… bloody…?” Then he obeyed the urge to stop wasting away his ability to speak and shut up, give the maybe-present stranger a chance to respond to his ranting. Wait. It was fun- the anticipation, wondering whether or not anybody would even show up to admit to cleaning him up and patching his wounds for him.

And if they weren’t here, that was just no fun. It was just past the middle of the night- he wanted to have an enjoyable conversation in the pitch black darkness with a complete stranger, and if he couldn’t get one, this whole incident was wasn’t worth it. He wanted to meet somebody- get started on his social life.

Then once that social life developed and thrived, it opened doors for new experiences. New chances. The more new faces, the more new tastes, Kamiko convinced himself. He let his head fall back, putting the effort he had left into the smile. Tastes of personality, whatever- but blood! Maybe theirs’ll be different from everything I’ve seen so far.

Maybe they’d all be easier to tear up than Kamiko’s biggest disaster, Toni the One and Only. That’ll certainly give me something real to live up to, Of course- a real icon. That’s what it was. To become somebody who can tear anybody and everybody- feel nothing, but know everything. A lovely lifestyle… a wonder-world.


~ @Dust ~

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