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Old May 2nd, 2024, 02:55 PM
Tiabirb Tiabirb is offline
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Default Re: answering the call [lionheart search event - warriors only!]


Oh great.

The late and clueless were suddenly springing into action, and Starlingflight could feel a flash of irritation at the brashness. But she was not about to recklessly harm the raccoon's offpsring. Whom were growing aware of the situation and growing scared of the fighting sounds, ducking back into their nest for shelter as the fighting grew closer.

"Keep your claws off em!" She spat at Garlicfeather, eyeing his approach from where she was sitting above, "We don't hurt the young ones, we can carry them out through this opening," She jerked her head to gesture to the torn window behind her. "When the little ones are outside, she will go with them!" With a snort, Starlingflight slipped from the ledge and stood a few paces from the hole in the wood encased nest, chittering softly and soothingly. When a head peeked out, she waited, but her attempts to coax the kits were futile as it disappeared just as quickly. Fantastic. These battle-hungry morons were not only causing more problems by not thinking or strategizing, but they couldn't bother to stick to a plan either if it didn't involve some carnage. Her maternal instincts, something she had thought were long gone after all these moons, were fighting with her. She could see kits, cat kits, witnessing their mother fighting for her life from invading strangers.

It was this empathetic moment of clarity that led Starlingflight to peer into the nest, seeing the three small kits with wide, frightened eyes and trembling bodies that did little to stop the frightened squeaks. Then she thrust her head into the opening, a risky chance, but amidst the terrified squeals and scattering, she managed to grab the shoulder of one of the kits in her teeth and dragged it out. Pinning it with a paw, she released her hold and grabbed a proper one on the kit's scruff, and with the same easy bound that landed her on the ledge before, she set the kit down into the shiny silver basin set in the center of this ledge.
It huddled in the center of the basin, too scared to attempt an escape. She took a moment to observe outside, spying a bush a few rabbit hops from the window.
"Get the kits outside!" She snapped at anyone with a free paw. There was a way to handle this without killing a mother and her young, or traumatizing them further. "There's a bush we can drop them off in! Once they're outside, we can drive their mother out."

She narrowed her eyes at Garlicfeather, who was trying to play leader of this group. He had come up with a good plan, even with some biting remarks by herself to begin with, but if they were going to try and be smart about this, then they needed to think before leaping into battle. Nothing about attacking a mother and her little ones felt right to Starlingflight.

All she could see was three strange looking Featherkits.

With a soft chirp to the kit in the basin, Starlingflight picked up the small creature and climbed to the window's ledge, eyeing the drop between herself and the ground, and then she leaped out of sight outside of the twoleg nest. She was quick to hurry to the bush and drop the raccoon kit off, and luckily, it was smart enough not to simply take off into the unknown after being deposited by a total stranger. Starlingflight hurried back to the vine-covered entrance they had entered prior.

@Fritter @forest @lys.luvbot @LostInTheOrchids
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