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Old May 2nd, 2024, 12:35 PM
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Default Re: answering the call [lionheart search event - warriors only!]

Originally Posted by SentimentalSquid View Post

Stagheart was quiet as he listened, nodding in agreement with some points while narrowing his eyes in thought to others. When Pigeonpelt padded up and added her thoughts, Stagheart noted that everybody had contributed in some way, or just stayed quiet. He figured he should wrap it up and urge them to head out.

"C'mon... I'll tell ya my thoughts as we go down there," he called, pointing his tail towards the slope. As he started to trot off, he kept glancing his head over his shoulder to his group. "The fourth group is already workin' on dismantlin' the dam," he pointed out, "so we'd be stealin' their thunder. Can't go doin' that on a testin' day like this." There was a bit of dry humor to his low drawl of a voice, perhaps rough around the edges for anyone unfamiliar with his tones.

"Nah, they need us to distract the beavers so they can break it down without those beasts interruptin' their work," he continued thoughtfully. "Think that's why Dusk had 'em goin' separately from us. I do think we'll need to lure them out, though, unless they're just out 'n shufflin' about. Splittin' into groups for each beaver based on skill may work best... Let's go look. See what we're gettin' into before we decide too much."

He came to a stop at a comfortable distance from the dam, one where they could talk but they'd have to keep their voices lowered. He hadn't seen one of these in awhile, and it was certainly impressive — a large structure somehow standing despite the seemingly-haphazard arrangement of sticks. A frown crossed his face as he noticed the water level lowered; if it got much lower than this, their Clan could be in a heap of trouble. He turned his gaze away to sweep across the dam; just a few tail-lengths away from the dam, he could make out two figures.

"Alright... I see one biggin' 'n one lil' one out there," he whisper-meowed to his Clanmates, pointing his tail towards them. The older one was quite the large figure, while the other couldn't have been much older than an adolescent... whatever beaver lifespans were, anyway. He had no real clue, just that it looked closer to a baby than anything.

He glanced back towards his group. "...And how much ya wanna bet there's more of 'em?" He grunted disdainfully. "At least one more's gotta be in that dam... alright. Who had that idea about splittin' up again? I've gotta lotta experience to me, and I can't be thrown around real easy. So I can go for the big one down there, 'n whoever'll come with me. Reckon we'll need two or three of us? Maybe one or two for the lil one? But then again... we dunno if there's another one in the dam, 'n we don't wanna put one warrior in hot water by themself. Hm... what do y'all think?"

He knew they needed to move quick, especially if the fourth group needed to get to work in time. But now that they could see their opponents and the lay of the land, they had a better idea on what they were getting at.

[ @/SentimentalSquid - @Silverfur & Co. - @rubberRatroom - @chickadee - @IDIOTICBEAN101 - @Ladiebugg - @Blazing. ] -- dusk said that there will be two adults and one adolescent beaver, so i thought it'd be interesting to use the leading out idea for at least one of the beavers that we can't see right away. and splitting into groups for each beaver based on size/experience/strength/etc. is a good idea! i know we have limited time so i thought we could split into groups and make final plans here, and then head down to attack when the posting order comes back to me also i believe the posting order is me and then the order of tags i put here ^^ but lmk if there's any errors!! sorry for the long post LOL

Snowstripe nods agreeing with him as well. As they walked to the area they was going to. "So who's taking what one?" She asked softly. Looking at them all trying to figure out which cat should take on the other.

@SentimentalSquid - @Silverfur & Co. - @rubberRatroom - @chickadee - @IDIOTICBEAN101 - @Ladiebugg - @Blazing. ]

Snowstripe- RC Featherspirit-RC ~ ~ Lightpaw {Sunshine}- WC Leopardfire- WC

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