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Old May 2nd, 2024, 01:56 AM
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Maybi Maybi is offline
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Sparrowsongs fur bristled in surprise as something hit her hard in her back, she shot up on her feet and spun around only to find her sister had snuck up on her while she was lost in thought. She let out a huff in surprise and indignation while smoothing out her ruffled fur, ashamed she let herself get so ruffled.

"You're sneaking skills are getting better Quailkit, I'll give you that." Sparrowsong mewed to her sister, twitching her tail to give the kit something to bat at. Yes, Quailkit could be an annoyance but also entertaining at the same time and the she cat almost let out a purr, but she would make her sister work for that kind of affection.

Sparrowsong was glad her friend showed up, giving her something else to focus on then entertaining Quailkit. "I did spend extra time grooming myself today too, I think Quailkit just ruined all my hard work!" She whined to her friend, while rolling her eyes. "You weren't choosing for mind duty either, Nightshade?" She questioned with a tilt of her head.

(Don't worry about it, my writing is usually rushed and sloppy)
(Also sorry for getting Quailkits name wrong in my first post)

@burntToast @Spookez.
All my posts are open unless noted otherwise!
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