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Old May 1st, 2024, 05:27 PM
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Default Eyes on Me, Me Alone!

Hey! Are You Looking?
- Rose’Kit Multi-Role Finder -

Welcome to another finder. Hope your day has been going nicely!

So, I age my cats pretty slowly. But now that Rosekit has finally reached the age of three moons, I’ve decide that I want to make him extra active in/around ThunderClan. As much as this form was made to find specific roles in Rosekit’s life, it’s also here to simply collect as many roleplays as it can. So whether you have an elder, Kit, warrior, apprentice, or any other ThunderClan cats who you’d like to toss into a roleplay with Rosekit, feel free to send an offer in this thread!

Now for the warning. At the moment, Rosekit is the definition of sass and immaturity, so don’t expect him to be the nicest during his roleplays. That is supposed to change over time as he roleplays with more good influences. His work-in-progress biography is here and has the basics of his personality, but put an emphasis on the WIP because it isn’t exactly loaded with information yet. I’ll update it eventually, probably sometime during the early summer when school isn’t eating my face. Rosekit will not be roleplaying with anybody outside of ThunderClan. He is a kit with no purpose being outside of camp- and despite his aggressive and rebellious personality, he doesn’t want to humiliate himself getting caught out and about in the forest. For now, I can tell you that Rosekit isn’t the one who you should rely on for pleasant conversations and interactions, and chances are, he will make it his top goal to gaslight and yell at you until you cry! Enjoy!

So feel free to throw your ThunderClan cats of all ages, ranks, and personalities, at me! There’s always a way for Rosekit to get on someone’s nerves- well, that or at least upset them!

Now with the role-play related information out of the way, time for the actual finder! Firstly, this finder could go for cats of any age, but when it comes to the more specific relationships Rosekit will have with these cats, the prefered age range would be very early apprentices and kits! For more information, I’d read about each one- older cats included.

The purpose of the actual finder section I have here is to help Rosekit be the meanest and most attention-absorbing guy I can until a good friend gets him out of his bad habits and guides him into a life of being a decently kind/nice character. From bullying to just showing off, he’ll do anything to make himself look, and more importantly, feel, like a god.

~ Light Victims ~

It’s always fun when the word ‘victims’ is involved, now isn’t it? At least, that’s what Rosekit believes. These will be cats from their mid-to-early apprenticeship days to kithood who Rosekit will put in crazy amounts of effort to bother and anger. In other words, they will just be bullied emotionally. Most of it will just be verbal, maybe an extra blow or two depending on how severe you want this version of bullying to be. Here, Rosekit is mostly aiming to just make them feel really bad and worthless, but not really doing any physical harm. This is why apprentices can fit into this category. If you’re looking for someone to gaslight your character into feeling like a worthless crumb of dirt, hire up Rosekit. Being mean is his specialty!

This role will not just be a one bully-session thing- Rosekit would sometimes come back to haunt them, whenever we felt like roleplaying the two.

~ Not-So-Light Victims ~

Because it is unrealistic for Rosekit, with his lack of training and skills, to physically harm somebody with actual training and battle experience, this will only apply for kits. Unlike the way Rosekit treats his light-victims, for the characters in this category, Rosekit will actually make an effort to hurt them. You will have to do the job of deciding why Rosekit wants to bully your cat specifically, but I can help with some details. If your character is a nervous wreck, he’ll pick on and hurt them to prove his superiority, maybe even try and make them look up to him. He feels that if he hurts somebody, they have no choice but to admire and respect him. If your cat is similar to Rosekit, reckless, kind of selfish, and obsessed with getting stronger/surpassing their peers, Rosekit would view them as his competitions, try and beat them to show them that he’s stronger. Notice, though, that I still call them ‘victim’, so in the end, he would probably manage to harm them more than they harm him. If your character has some other personality that isn’t anything like those two, just offer me your ideas, and we’ll talk about it! One last thing: Rosekit’s strength status will be changing like the wind as he grows, so I’ll keep a little description just below this paragraph to explain what he is at the moment/currently and update it whenever he changes!


At the moment, Rosekit isn’t anything special when it comes to strength. He looks all touch and scarred, but on the inside, he hasn’t been taught a single move. Don’t get me wrong- he’ll try awfully hard to get somebody hurt, he still had properly functioning flaws and teeth- but he’ll be better in the future. Once he lies his way into being taught the simplest of moves, he’ll take it and abuse it, leaving his victims to live in constant fear of his wrath. But yet. Currently, he’s far too pathetic.

He could leave cuts, scrapes, sore spots, all of the basic wounds- just nothing serious. He’s too weak, too unexperienced, and too unskilled. But again, this will change with time.

~ Simple Teachers ~

Basically, Rosekit will roam around begging everybody apprentice-aged and up to teach him things. He is very motivated to get himself trained, and pretty much convinced that if he starts now, he’ll easily shoot past his clanmates when it comes to talent. The moment he starts up a conversation with a warrior or apprentice, all nicely and politely, he’ll request they teach him a battle move or two, claiming that he’s just really excited for training and he can’t wait. I’m sure your character could wander up on Rosekit practicing a move he’s already been taught by somebody else, realize this has become a hobby of his, teach him another. Then his little baby-battle knowledge spreads and spreads until by apprenticeship, he’s so bright and confident he knows it all. Unfortunately, you can only teach a kit so much, and he’ll come to realize that he doesn’t know half of it all, but that’ll just motivate him more. That’s a different story. For now, if you want to have your character show Rosekit a thing or two, that’ll make him feel worth something for once. Then, naturally, nearly as much as he puts it to good personal use, he’ll go off and use it against somebody less fortunate in strength and knowledge. I must warn you- teach him once, Rosekit will come back for seconds. Then thirds. Fourths. Fifths, sixths, you get it.

We will most likely roleplay these cats multiple times, but Rosekit will get irritated with them if they suddenly show signs of not wanting to teach him more. Otherwise, he’ll respect and appreciate them for teaching him- that’s just excluding the fact that he’ll be internally judging everything they say and do. Good luck.

And lastly…

~ Nemesis ~

This must be a kit. Again, Rosekit ages pretty slowly, so it will be very awkward if they start out kits together, and then the other’s an elder by Rosekit’s apprentice ceremony. Trust me, I think something like that has happened before to me, and it wasn’t fun to sort out. So to prevent that, make sure they don’t move up a moon every ten seconds, because Rosekit certainly won’t. If you have any questions about this whole time-thing, feel free to ask! This nemesis cat will be the character who Rosekit absolutely despises. He will want to do everything in his power to ruin them and their chance of success- but more than that, he’ll want to be greater than them at everything. I would like these feelings to be mutual, so we can have too little kids happily hating each other’s guts and threatening to burn one another until we say otherwise. This cat has to somebody who has the ability to hate, because Rosekit needs somebody who he can hate like crazy and get the same feeling coming right back at him. This rivalry would have to last until at least their mid-apprenticeship, so please be active with them. Thank you.

There’s another relationship I have planned for Rosekit, but it has nothing to do with this whole bully-power-hatred system I’ve got here. It’s also much more important, so it’ll make its way into its own personal finder some other time.

No form, let the creativity flow! Any questions, throw them at me, I’ve come prepared! Thank you for reading!

Have a nice day!


I have left WCO due to recovery purposes. For more detail, consider checking my last visitor message on my profile, and if it ever gets buried beneath anything else, feel free to repost it. With that said, I wish the best for this site and everybody involved, so stay as happy and healthy as you can, everyone.

Last edited by Weekend-Wondering; May 2nd, 2024 at 05:26 AM.